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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 468 KB, 1000x953, IMG_3595-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12431028 No.12431028 [Reply] [Original]

Other one's almost dead.

Are the Made in England Docs any against rain and snow?

>> No.12431036
File: 466 KB, 1280x720, 20170428_223347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep the keychain thing on or no?

>> No.12431037


>> No.12431050

Put your boat key on it you idiot

>> No.12431237

a few day ago somebody posted a shop where one could buy realise swimsuits.

I'm looking for that particular shop.
anybody saved the link ?

>> No.12431238
File: 1.35 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ these are favorite sneakers. How do I optimality cuff pants? Is this fine?

thanks lads

>> No.12431328

go to warosu and lurk

>> No.12431397
File: 67 KB, 890x600, 6767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them dry and rotate a few pairs of shoes during the week. Nothing worse than leather soaking up water, salt, gravel and other shit without any break or time to dry.

Wipe and brush them clean after a day of wear, and if they get wet then let them dry naturally.

Also, remember caring for leather, leather-oil and shoe-palc (former for waterproofing and taking care of the leather and latter for shining). Google more info if you need.

>> No.12431408

Made in England are infamous for cracking around the toes but how much of that is dummies not caring for them properly I don't know.

>> No.12431811
File: 52 KB, 599x519, ngbbs4cc47f74821fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone post the /skincare/ general pasta? i've been an idiot this whole time not realizing the only way to truly have any style or beauty is to have miraculous skin

>> No.12432090

One of the guys in one of my lectures has these really ridiculous looking shoes. They have soles sort of like brothel creepers except that they bulge out around the sides by about an inch in all directions like tugboat fenders. Anyone know what they are so we can laugh at him?

>> No.12432112

no. they do not keep your feet very warm at all and the soles are very slippery.

>> No.12432650

is it worth paying $150 to rent a tuxedo for senior prom? i feel like I should just buy it at this point. can you buy a decent tux at that price point?

>> No.12432658

what size are you. i can hook you up with one. pm me and we can make a good deal.

>> No.12433158

No. Just wear a dark suit (or buy one if you don't have one yet). There's no value in actually wearing black tie to prom.

>> No.12433798

When you first get them coat them in vaseline, helps soften and water proof them, then just keep them polished. Dubbin is also good for water proofing boots but ive never had any problems just using regular cherry polish. Brush them down at the end of each day of wear, its the little bits of sand and mud that get into the cracks and wear them away causing splits and tears.

>> No.12433893

Hey guys, I need a new shower gel and I want your opinion. Which of these do you think it's the best: Dior- Farenheit, Hermes- Terre D'Hermes, Versace- Eros Invigorating or Jean Paul Gaultier- Ultra Male.

>> No.12434095

Newfag here. What is copping?

>> No.12434100
File: 55 KB, 734x760, 1493554276829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C jacket? what kind of jacket is that even

>> No.12434104

It's an Engineered Garments jacket, it tells you if click the pic on Fredrik's insta

>> No.12434110


>> No.12434241

Love this, but its wayy to pricey my dude when you can get the exact same style for £10 unbranded surplus

>> No.12434526
File: 35 KB, 640x926, kult_model_Reuben_Ramacher_100446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he fa just because he is unique looking?

>> No.12434533

It's an EG Workaday Utility Jacket.


>> No.12434534

I have pretty sandnigger skin tone and nothing seems to work

What are good colors for contrast?

Also, I fucking hate wearing pants because it's só damn hot where I live but I realize that as comfy as shorts are sometimes I just look stupid. How do I fix that, or should I just suck It up and endure the heat?

>> No.12434541
File: 152 KB, 793x526, IMG_4044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this fuccboi material?

>> No.12435141

what can i wear with light jeans without being palewave?

>> No.12435144

How does /fa/ feel about breast pockets? As in, those sown in on shirts

>> No.12435150

to add, the style is called a chore coat
lined coats with a similar style are called barn coats

>> No.12435151

anything, dude...
palewave is a meme started on /fa/ and means nothing to people in the real world
just avoid pastel hats

>> No.12435165

google is your friend

for heat get some linen pants or cropped trousers
whether to wear shorts often depends on where you live
some cultures, even where it's hot, just don't wear shorts so if you live in one of those places and feel awkward in shorts then just avoid them

imo you're always gonna look stupid in baggy cargo shorts or athletic shorts if you're not doing an athletic activity so if you decide to go for some shorts try and find some that are just a nice classic cut not too long and in a simple pattern or material

>> No.12435245

looks like dbz cosplay

>> No.12435299
File: 34 KB, 600x600, Solovair-8-Eye-Derby-Boot-Black-Haircell_02-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Made in England DMs comparable to Solovairs or are they miles apart in terms of quality?

>> No.12435304

Soon it's going to be shorts time and I hate shorts time.

You guys got any good recommendations for shorts?

>> No.12435312

I don't have experience with either but I'd reckon the Solovairs are gonna be better because they've used the same process and machinery forever, which they bought from DM after DM moved production overseas. DM on the other hand probably had to buy new machinery and train a new workforce to restart the made in england line. I expect that as a huge corporation they've tried to cut corners as much as possible even with the made in englands.

>> No.12435529

New to /fa/.

I'm seeing a lot of short-cut or rolled up pants so ankle is showing above shoes. Are you guys wearing those super short socks inside the shoes or just no-socking it?

Any time I've tried to wear shoes without socks, they get super uncomfortable, but I'm not seeing many socks in these pictures.

>> No.12435533

Uniqlo no shows are nice IMO

>> No.12435534
File: 279 KB, 441x398, fs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does fuccboi just mean an ugly person wearing good-looking clothes?

Also, is the term "fuccboi" inherently racist and transphobic?

>> No.12435538

Fuck off lmao

>> No.12435630

Those look smart. Thanks!

>> No.12436529

Looks really nice.

>> No.12436539

alexander mcqueen

>> No.12436543

It's neither racist nor transphobic

t. guy from the bay area

>> No.12436555

>actual good advice
holy shit

>> No.12437012

should i try to get into modeling if i look very similar to reuben?

>> No.12437734
File: 1.53 MB, 2988x5312, IdontknowwhatImdoingpleasehelpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this:
Which jeans fits me best?
Are there jeans that look similar that I should try aswell?
Any other jeans ideas that would fit to the jacket Im wearing in this picture aswell as white nike internationalists?

>> No.12437741 [DELETED] 
File: 3.12 MB, 5312x2988, clueless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one:
Is that yellow sweater acceptable?
If so, which jeans should I wear to it?
I thought black might look good.
I know the pictures are shitty, I will take somebody with me to take them next time I actually move my ass to try some clothes on.

>> No.12437749
File: 599 KB, 2962x4737, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one:
Is that yellow sweater acceptable?
If so, which jeans should I wear to it?
I thought black might look good.
I know the pictures are shitty, I will take somebody with me to take them next time I actually move my ass to try some clothes on.

>> No.12437757

Why are you so obsessed with low end boots? Just buy something $500+ since you care about quality

>> No.12437758

Lol don't tuck anything in

>> No.12437759

i like the 'mac' ones slightly more...desu theyre very similar.

>> No.12437760

Thx m8

And nice trips

>> No.12437761

Prada creeprrs

>> No.12437766

Yeah, I know, theyre all candidates for the same purpose. Thanks for your opinion!
I dont get the tuck hate.
Just because its in and overused right now its not necessarily bad, IMO
That said, the tuck in my picture doesnt look good thats right, but I didnt ask about that anyways.

>> No.12437768


Source: gay eye... old tale says that gays sense style

>> No.12437771

personally I like the levis, they look comfy, also your jacket is fire

>> No.12437774

post face, we can't judge just from that half assed comment

>> No.12437780
File: 221 KB, 900x1200, ^5031E749A19C8F3FA78621956EE9484BA07BDEE7AD146CA950^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best pic i have but its from a couple years ago. way before i was even remotely into fashion

>> No.12437795
File: 54 KB, 800x1036, ERNST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c hemmingway turtleneck?

>> No.12437811
File: 65 KB, 550x550, ebbetsoakcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best/most versatile ebbets field cap?

>> No.12437962
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, acneproflannel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a pair of acne pro flannel.

I'm tall with pretty muscular legs. The size they had was 34 in length (but it's a long cut so it fits me at 36 inseam) However my waist is 35-36 athletic fit in vs 34 "relaxed" which was the only one in stock. I got the pants and they fit well they fit tighter than the image so they end up looking more tight fit rather than relaxed. But the waist is too small and it's a bit tight on my thighs.

Can I have the pants taken out? would that work? When I wear the pants unbuttoned they fit fine, I can sit stand all like any other tight fitting trouser.

>> No.12438032

Ok, so I've come to the conclusion that I'm fucked. Trousers do not fit and me and look good. For some fucking reason trousers for anyone over 6'3" are just short people trousers stretched out. I just need trouser that are scaled up and a bit relaxed but it look like I'm better off just buying these monstrosities http://www.levi.com/US/en_US/category/men/fitnumber/541-athletic

So /fa/ tell me, can I never into fashion, or do I go bespoke? Can bespoke duplicate the quality and the cut of higher end brands? Or am I just trapped in the world of dad pants

>> No.12438212

Tailoring jeans, yay or nay?

>> No.12438243

What is the sizing for common projects? Some sights they say true to size, but everyone I've seen writing about them say they run big. Do you size down .5 - 1? Any help is appreciated.

>> No.12438255
File: 23 KB, 253x190, IMG_4077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found these at the thrift store in really good condition for 6 bucks. I think they're cute but wtf do I wear them with?

>> No.12438256

36 waist can never look good in acne bro

>> No.12438260

How tall are you?

>> No.12438861

6 foot and ive always weighed 125 - 130 lb without really watching or considering what i eat.

>> No.12438870

Size down .5-1

>> No.12438871

high tops with a cuff will make you appear shorter than you already are.

>> No.12439066

just wear jeans or some shit

>> No.12439291

Yeah that looks fine
DESU I think big breaks in pants just look bad. If his jeans aren't the right length he should cuff rather than have them stack up at the shoe and look like any other guy who can't dress himself

>> No.12439332

Yo are GATs the new meme shoe? I just saw a post on the front page of MFA about it, I bought some MMM's a year ago but haven't got the chance to wear it cuz I've been in Europe and I don't wanna wear a meme

>> No.12439362

Pretty sure gats have always been a meme shoe. But that doesn't mean they're not good

>> No.12439369
File: 2.51 MB, 1333x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on this?


>> No.12439656
File: 46 KB, 647x960, nymized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever date a model girl before? i'm going to meet this girl tomorrow. used to model for elite models (it's a model agency). met her at a low key release for the new collection of a bag brand. thing is i think she is satanist or something. her facebook profile is her smiling and showing off vampire teeth. also pic related is her with lots of skulls. look satanic?

have i met some high fashion elite succubus?
what do?

>> No.12439682

pack garlic and a stick

>> No.12439685

Where can i get this in the US? Looks nice

>> No.12439814

Who makes good belts?

>> No.12439914

with those duck feet

>> No.12440021

based gaahlposter

>> No.12440024

post pic

>> No.12440028

i mean why not, try some agencies worst case they won't take you

>> No.12440593

Reposting, didnt see FUCCBOI thread. My bad.

>very little fashion knowledge
>have gotten by by almost only wearing simple or plain darkish colour t-shirts with blue or black jeans, casual af stuff
Now that I've build a sense of self-worth and identity, I want to start looking into fashion. For casualwear, the idea of customising or ordering custom designs is very appealing, since I want to put a bit of myself into my fashion and I highly doubt I could buy that in a store. Official merch shirts for things I enjoy lack taste and subtlety, and just look either generic or autistic.

Long blogpost made short: Is it a good idea to get custom designed clothes for casualwear and how easy is it to get good quality?

>> No.12440936

Can I wear Tan brogue boots with a darker Navy suit for an interview, or should I stick with black Oxfords? Also, what shirt and tie colour should I go with?

>> No.12441061

How to pull off scumwave/terrorwave in hot weather?

>> No.12441085
File: 36 KB, 736x1004, 3dc4c3e0770f40985ce078bbf50db900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I wear these as man? What kind of pants should I wear with them?

>> No.12441143

What goes on in a black person mall?

>> No.12441177

where can i buy realatively cheap dark blue denim jackets in EUROPE HELP

>> No.12441560

In fact, since it's so hot, I was thinking Tan brogues, navy chinos, and light blue patterned shirt (probably vertical stripes).

Any input?

>> No.12441603

just suck it up and drink water by the gallon to ward off heatstroke
t. floridafag

>> No.12442402
File: 13 KB, 570x570, 100921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag to /fa/, what's the general opinion of flatcaps? Didn't see a mention of them in the sticky. Nothing gaudy, just plain black. I feel like that's the only type of hat I can wear and not look like a massive faggot.

>> No.12442430

Sightly better jeans than Levis? Mall tier jeans (zara, h&m, etc...) get loose and shitty in like 6 months or les, I have 3 pairs of levis and they're way better but I don't really like their inconsistent cuts (shitty quality control)... so is there something sightly better than levis at a reasonable price?

>> No.12442607

You will look like a literal faggot

>> No.12442609

trousers usually have 2-inches of play in the fabric, you just have to take it to a tailor

>> No.12442615

>I feel like that's the only type of hat I can wear and not look like a massive faggot.
i feel like youre wrong. post pic

>> No.12442711

i know a skater who wears these, basically chinos or work pants.

>> No.12442739
File: 286 KB, 731x473, 1466114365677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a pair of these a while back, since I really don't like branding on my shoes. good buy or not?

>> No.12442745

completely atrocious

>> No.12442779


This is basically saying I jack off to figurines, want to look like a paper boy perma virgin furry webcomic writing dungeons and dragons playing fucking faggot

Get taste. Study art and design and /fa/ will start making sense.

>> No.12442885
File: 912 KB, 770x1155, Michèle-Lamy-Rick-Owens-by-STYLEDUMONDE_MG_4667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Mother's Day is coming up and I want to get my mom some nice ass slippers.

Which of these look the most /fa/ mom-core to you guys? Also taking other brand suggestions, thanks.

>> No.12442888

shit here's the link , my bad


Personally I like the Kysen Joell or Gintra Adira Moccasin

>> No.12442937

its acceptable but yellow doesnt fit your skincolour too well, i would try some other colours and see what suits you best.

>> No.12443238


this desu

>> No.12443243

getting custom casualwear seems really autistic to me. Unless you want to be a full on designer I would think its better to not do this.

You need to look around everywhere. Stores u find weird or boring, internet, thrifting. Finding good clothes to wear is hard

>> No.12443305 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can i burn this shit guys?

>> No.12443433
File: 316 KB, 1440x1723, IMG_20170504_111205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told by people that I pull it off, obviously not with what I'm currently wearing, and my girlfriend thinks it's cute, but getting opinions from people who don't know me can't hurt. I never liked sports caps, and beanies work for me in the winter, but I like this for the fall and spring.
Well, yeah, you're pretty on the dot there.

>> No.12443456

are these the same hat? is that a wedding ring or a cosplay elven ring?`

>> No.12443478
File: 2.34 MB, 2952x3354, IMG_20170504_114519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that was just an example. The ring is a Celtic knot and a gift from my girlfriend, and the material in the background of pic related is the hat.

>> No.12443795

Different anon, but what's the opinion on cowboy hats? I'm looking at getting a felt one to wear in the winter instead of a toque.

>> No.12443912

What's the best way to clean white leather sneakers?

>> No.12443975

tts or down one on austrian meme boots?

>> No.12443980

I use Refreshed Shoe Cleaner. It works really well.

>> No.12443987

shave the beard or grow it out
that length looks bad on you
also drink more water

>> No.12444177

My cousin's cousins all look like this and they are ugly and annoying and I used to hate going on vacation with them because I felt excluded, so no he's not effay at all

>> No.12444183

very 2002, look like they should be worn with bootcut jeans and an outgrown crewcut

>> No.12444187

I have maroon gazelles. They were a meme here like a month ago but I don't know how many people actually bought them. They look good and they're trendy because Adidas but not overplayed like superstars and stans (to a lesser extent)

>> No.12444195

horrible. sorry man

>> No.12444253

I've heard meme boots are true to size but like to hear other opinions

>> No.12445112
File: 77 KB, 688x1171, a bit like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got wide feet (side 12) which brand of shoes would you guys recommend that is fashionable with street clothing? pic related, I kinda dress like this but shoes are too tight and im looking for a substitute

>> No.12445154

i find that AF1s are somewhat wide, at least not as narrow as converse, although they're not a specifically wide shoe

>> No.12445195

/fa/ discord server?

>> No.12445212
File: 230 KB, 1964x1200, dd6481292fe654c8aa6f83e04fdc205e_h200w1964_width.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cop to resell? Will I make a profit on this drop? Wood Wood x ASICS

>> No.12445217

wearing burgundy ones right now

>> No.12445219

new balance, nike

try airmaxs or af1s

>> No.12445621

hes one of the worlds top 50 male models tho

>> No.12445623

Risky. If you can't see yourself wearing them I would do it.

>> No.12446399


>> No.12446811
File: 84 KB, 1000x1000, 0000324_alpha-industries-slim-fit-n-3b-parka-deep-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I work with ultra-bulky jackets? Ordered pic a while ago without realizing that it may be a bit too big, pulled it out this afternoon and I realized that it makes me look like a very brown spaceman (hangs past mid-thigh, sleeves go to knuckles).

>inb4 lunarcore