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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 388x640, NEW AD CAMPAIGN – EDI SLIMANE For YVES SAINT LAURENT Humor Chic by aleXsandro Palombo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12427487 No.12427487 [Reply] [Original]

I've owned pretty much every single one of my grails. Items I thought I would never own. I feel like I'm finally done with fashion, and have begun shrinking my wardrobe to a few essentials. Gonna use my friend's buyer discount on some SLP, and I'm out for good. Do you guys think you'll ever finish with fashion?

>> No.12427496

I think most people who live in a major city flirt with fashion, some dive deeper than others, and eventually they age out of it. It's weird for a dad, for example, to be wearing cutting edge clothes and if you aren't moving forward fashion dies out.

I'm 28 now and I've stopped allowing myself to buy most things. I maintain a pretty constant and simple earthy wardrobe without any high fashion pieces, and on the weekends I'm usually wearing my 90s throwback grails that I could never bring myself to sell. I have mint ralph lauren/tommy/etc. grail jackets and shirts I spent thousands and thousands of dollars on that would be hell to sell anyway so I've just allowed those to become my out of the norm pieces.

>> No.12427497
File: 113 KB, 580x580, Instagram-cdgtenpomap-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.12427502

That's a good way to approach things. I'm 21 and I've spent and subsequently sold for a profit tens of thousands on dollars worth of Grails. Now that I owned at one point or another everything I wanted, I'm focusing my attention and money on traveling instead.

>> No.12427503

>I've owned pretty much every single one of my grails. Items I thought I would never own. I feel like I'm finally done with fashion, and have begun shrinking my wardrobe to a few essentials.
That's the goal, congrats m8
Though I'm kinda aiming towards smallish wardrobe to begin with.
I'm getting there, the good thing is I'm really only missing few jackets and shoes.

>> No.12427504
File: 59 KB, 846x1024, 1492115737301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm done with it.
I wore every style possible and right now I just don't have the courage to buy more clothes because I think I am never going to be as good as I once was. But I think I won't stop being jealous of somebody if their outfit is 10/10 which makes it even harder for me

>> No.12427507

Jackets and shoes are the priciest though.

>> No.12427509

fashion should be a hobby and a lifestyle
you don't have to be "done", you've just found your niche and are sticking to it. it may change in a few years.

>> No.12427511

Yeah but when I'm aiming towards small wardrobe to begin with, I'm basically missing 5 items or so, which isn't too bad all things considered.

>> No.12427517

You have a point, but for me I think I'm honestly done. The only items that remotely interest me are archival pieces mostly from Helmut Lang and Raf Simons. Nothing new captivates me and everything that would possibly interest me has been made.

>> No.12427587

>hamburger money
>not using a 500€ note

>> No.12427590

I've pretty much completed my basics, now I'm looking to get some real grails. A wallet and some kind of winter coat or jacket and maybe a nice rain jacket is all I need.

>> No.12428213

me stopped 2 drop a nu fit on a weekly basis.
still figuring out a few styles.
became 2 fat plus spended way 2 much money.
try 2 turn the tide.
thinkin i just take a break.
still 2 proud of my hi-fashion pret a porte wardrobe, 2 downgrade.
think i am shopping addicted some how.
shit wont stop.
mo money mo problems.
still own no suit, that is fine.
the thing is i guess that i am far over average but of course can not beat the caked up celebs and stuff.
it slowed down.
the rocket 2 the moon has landed.

>> No.12428232

me didn't understand what u were tryin 2 convey
be deez de lyrics 2 a rap song?
why there b so many 2s?

>> No.12428233

I mean unless you're selling your wardrobe and buying XXL tees from walmart you're still participating. Just wearing the outfits you have etc. Researching and discovering and branching out aren't the only aspects of fashion, you can just wear what you have and you're still participating.

>> No.12428257

it is actually nice lyrics init? m8 my swag is mean!

>> No.12428263

the point is, that i was going 2 the m00n. from rags 2 riches, but now that i am established,in a game i can't win, it just slowed down.

>> No.12428281

fashion is my drug 2 compense everything i missed out. it is an expensive drug, but when i would quit fashion it is like i would quit my life!

>> No.12428289

Show some pics anon.I want to see a cool slp collection

>> No.12428371

SHARE GOD DAMMIT. That is a god-level grail.

>> No.12428388

>buy leather jacket

paint meme frase on the back

it's not rocket science, punks do it all the fucking time

>> No.12429518

ha nice pic op i once smoked a saint laurent paris joint

>> No.12429523
File: 40 KB, 249x348, IMG_2829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a general image that i want to convey

i sometimes tweak it

i sometimes enter thrift stores and browse

i will never be done with fashion

im a poorfag so i wont own more than 1/2 designer pieces.

fashion for me is something you live with your entire life

like a very light hobby

i might not even call it fashion, more like a slightly increased interest in my image

>> No.12429533
File: 97 KB, 400x563, Ian Curtis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>using paint


>not just using electrical tape to write angry words on the back of your jacket Ian Curtis style

>> No.12429553

ian curtis never did that, the film Control is largely fiction, my dad was in a band around the same region, same time, played in the same venues, said that joy division were never even close to the glamour that people think they were, the places they used to play were generally shit, empty, dirty as fuck

>> No.12429555
File: 3 KB, 130x160, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the dealio with the two logos looking so alike? Who aped whom?

When I was a kid, before the internets of yours, I always confused these two.

>> No.12429563

if you think either YSL or LV invented the monogram you're fucking stupid, they've been around as long as second names have

>> No.12429575
File: 94 KB, 496x273, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a retard? Does the YSL and LV logo look like any generic monogram to you, dumbfuck.

>> No.12429578

I was well into it when I was 18 - 21 but fast forward a couple years and now i'm really not as into it as I used to be. I still aim to look good but i'd never spend as much as I used to spend when I was really into fashion.

The last expensive item I bought was an astro moto parka and I think subconsciously, that was my way of saying goodbye to fashion. Going out with a Lang, so to speak.

>> No.12429583

you tell me you've never written your initials before? or nobody has ever written their initials before the late 19th century? you're dumb as fuck mate

and yeah, it does look like any generic monogram

>> No.12429587
File: 133 KB, 960x738, lwigpnp801gdip2nhvha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these monograms was obviously ripped off of the other. I am guessing Saint Laurent was "inspired by" the LV logo.

>> No.12429594

well the YSL logo wasn't designed by Yves, so he didn't really care, in my opinion the YSL logo is better than the LV one, though louis vuitton definitely didn't play on his initials as much as the brand does now

>> No.12429595

>I bought an astro moto parka

I bought a lambo.

Post PROOFS or stop talking shit, you disgusting niggers.

>> No.12429602

astro parka runs for like a grand
how much of a poorfag do you need to be to find someone owning one unbelievable

>> No.12429605

i worked for ysl for 3 years, stopped being interested in fashion in that time

>> No.12429687

Funny, because I haven't been on /fa/ for a year or so, and just came here by accident. I was on here for 5 years, spent nearly 30k€ on wardrobe, wore all sorts of different styles, never really had any grails.

I have to say, I've all but lost my appetite for the beautiful things in life. If you live in Europe you know how bad it really is, we are flooded with muslims and niggers, we are losing our sovereign rights by the day, and every elected politician says he/she will only make things much worse. I won't go into details here, but our Western culture (including fashion) will be destroyed, as will most of our population. I donate my money to far-right organisations, talk to friends, and pray to God that we can make Europe white again, but I fear it will not suffice. If we somehow still make it, I will come back and tell you if it has restored my appetite for fashion.

>> No.12429694

that's effay as fuck
also don't worry, the right seems to be on the rise worldwide

>> No.12429750
File: 1.24 MB, 2448x3264, EtVq8qV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you honestly think I made that entire post up just so I could post some shit wordplay?

>> No.12429788


made me cringe. why are you fucking typing like that?

>> No.12429928

>finally have all the clothes i want
>have a shit load of stuff I never wear anymore
>want to get rid of it
>consider selling it on grailed or ebay, but the clothes arent quite good enough to make it worth the effort
>the stuff is way too god to donate. and i dont want to see someone walking around wearing my shit for free.
>seriously considering taking it all out to field and burning it, or paying to have it all incinerated

anyone else ever get like this?

>> No.12429937

Does your dad work at Nintendo now?

>> No.12429950

Yes, but I threw the garments in the trash instead of burning. What is wrong with us.

>> No.12429990

>mfw I'm on the upswing and branching into archival Lang pieces

I'm looking forward to my inevitable downfall, lads.

>> No.12430013

im afriad if i throw clothing in the trash it will get picked out , and donated to a thrift store. i cant risk that

>> No.12430025

>Do you guys think you'll ever finish with fashion?
no, because i'm pretty much constantly changing how i dress, even if ever so slightly, i don't think i'll ever reach a aesthetic that i'll be complacent with for a month or 2 max

>> No.12430057
File: 51 KB, 1004x677, Warsaw in 1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't seen Control

my source on that was Peter Hook



given Warsaw/Joy Division's questionable early fashion sense it wouldn't surpise me