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File: 14 KB, 250x250, Electric-Shaver-vs-Manual-Razor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12411353 No.12411353 [Reply] [Original]

Which one, /fa/?

>> No.12411366

Double-edge razor. Cheap, close shave, and I don't cut myself at all because I know what to do.

No shaving brushes or anything like that. Just massaging in some shaving foam.

>> No.12411409

t. edgelord

>> No.12411445

this this this. i always suffered horrible ingrowns and the infections that come with it, tried everything under the sun including antibiotics and steroidal creams...a DE razor cured it.

>> No.12411453

not op but its not edgy its just a closer shave and after you get the hang of it you barely ever cut yourself. it's also so so much cheaper

>> No.12411466

was that pun intentional?

anyways, there's nothing edgy or tryhard about using a simple double-edge razor.

>> No.12411476

It was just a pun

>> No.12411481


>> No.12411491
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>> No.12411504

this but with shaving brush

>> No.12411505
File: 106 KB, 1500x1500, rotary-electric-shaver[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rotary electrics

>> No.12411520

don't be a reddit double edge razor neckbeard

>> No.12411530

What is it specifically that triggers you about other men using double-edge razors?

>> No.12411542

youre on 4chan, everyone here is a waddling encyclopedia of mental and emotional illness.

>> No.12411550

i knew a guy at my gym who used to buy one of these every month for about $100, he'd just give them away, if you replace the blades theyre like new

>> No.12411560

well said

>> No.12411566
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>> No.12411605

Yeah disposable is the way to go, just make sure to switch razor after a couple weeks or so.
It's more comfortable, closer shave and basically no irritation if done well.

>> No.12411608

>he fell for the safety razor meme
enjoy having a close shave while saving money faggot

>> No.12411695
File: 18 KB, 300x300, images.duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>Be Hairy
>shaves alot
>started from a young age to use double edge safety razor meme because it looked good and shaved pretty good, i somehow still managed to cut myself due handling not too much
>saved me money, felt bretty good
>started working, got more money
>bought shit ton of shaving foam and multi blade razors,
face has never felt better since that. never did i manege to cut myself, go buy a good razors it may be more expensive but i prefer that,
if you don't shave much it's even smarter
pic semi related

>> No.12411701

you're using green text wrong, its not clear what your saying at all.

>> No.12411723
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>> No.12411797

Is the DE razor really that good or is just a meme?

>> No.12411819

ads are getting smarter

>> No.12412122

It's pretty great and dirt cheap long term

>> No.12412147

I use a disposable razor up to 10 shaves and throw it out. I guess you're only supposed to use it once.

>> No.12413280

depends, if u need to shave ur hair off daily then get safety razor but if u just want to trim/good enough shave then electric could be fine

in terms of price i think DE is hella cheap, as in mayb 50ish for the razor, 10 for soap, 10 for a big ass supply of razor blads (cheapest part of DE), then 10-20 for alum block/witchhazel and aftershave
around 50-120 for a nice non shitty electric

also in the morning u cant be lazy with DE, so no music and budget around 10 or so min for prep/lather/shave/second pass/cleanup/post shave

>> No.12413302

that stuff is optional; barbasol + DE is just as easy as cartridge

>> No.12413310
File: 168 KB, 2048x1282, front-profile-razor_2048x@2x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

electric for days you need to touch up before work.
safety razor for everything else.

fight me.

>> No.12413320



>> No.12413500

what's the best DE razor to cop and what else do i need to go with it

>> No.12413519

Where do I buy these double edged ones?

>> No.12413521


>> No.12413524

I don't want to bother my mum for this. Where can I buy it in person?

>> No.12413527


>> No.12413567
File: 35 KB, 417x397, 16908819_409787052707103_3459503183770943488_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna be a fedora-wearing faggot but if you want a close shave then go for a DE razor. Electric razors are good if you want to keep a stubble and the only reason anyone uses cartridge razors on their face is because it's quicker than having to lather up and shave yourself with a safety razor.
I have insanely sensitive skin and shaving with a cartridge razor always gave me razor burn and skin bumps, even though I shaved only twice a week. Now I shave almost everyday with a cheap DE razor and I have no razor burn whatsoever.

>> No.12413669
File: 61 KB, 800x536, r41_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a R41? I used a different de razor before so I'm not new to them but I can't seem to shave my chin with it. it just doesn't shave anything in that region at all but it's great everywhere else. my old razor head didn't have that problem at the chin

>> No.12413756

Left for me. Not as close a shave, but it made me more likely to shave daily instead of 2-3 times/week

>> No.12413766

>weak beard
Should try that on a thick beard

>> No.12414376

DE if you're shaving often.
If you don't shave every day or every other day, shavette. It works better on long hair.

>> No.12414597

Why do people think shaving with a safety razor is edgy? It's just an old method coming back because of all of those shit multi blade cartridge razors. In terms of saving money and health I'd go with the machine.

>> No.12414640
File: 82 KB, 598x600, razorock hawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use a single-edge safety razor
nice and sharp

>> No.12414821
File: 44 KB, 300x450, laser-hair-removal-beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck beards.

>> No.12415248

only about pricing really. cartridges, no matter what anyone says to me, are superior in every way, but there so fucking expensive.

i shave with derby extra double edge blades, costed me about 12 cents CAD per blade. use new blade every shave and get about 95% of the shave i could get from a gillette fusion.

that and whatever shit they put into canned foam irritates my skin, so theres that aspect too.

The saftey razor movement is kind of in this weird place right now, kind of like people who are vegans or people who do crossfit. They kind of have this annyoing smugeness to them
>omg how can you shave with cartidges there so lame!!!
>bruh im shaving like my grandfather like a real man your a fucking pussy use a safety
but as people (via internet of course) "open there eyes" per say to the idea of using a safety razor, it's becoming more popular.

i've seriously been thinking about this. I don't like having 2 sides to my razor kind of fucks with me. always telling mysel to switch sides. Besides single edge razors are almost exactly half the price of double edges, so even better.

>> No.12415478

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12415905

>only about pricing really. cartridges, no matter what anyone says to me, are superior in every way, but there so fucking expensive.

I dunno, man. I used cartridges up until about 20, then switched to DE razors. At the time it was just because I was having a thing and started collecting them obsessively.

I've given up on the meme but i still use them to shave. Then I got a free sample from Harry's, and figured I'd go back to carts. It really isn't as comfortable as DE.

Carts, for me at least, always feel like they're tugging the hairs out. Even if they're new. DE just feels like it's cutting.

>> No.12415913

this, im saving for laser the fuck out my facial hair, its anoying af.

>> No.12416545
File: 261 KB, 1440x960, Merkur-180-Long-Handled-Safety-Razor-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I use. Cheap as fuck, use some tube-soap, brush, and some nice organic aftershave balm.

The shave is great, I smell great, and there's no burns or ingrown hairs.

>> No.12416553

You're very new my friend

>> No.12416561

I use the one on my top, feels pretty good

>> No.12416665

Getting an IPL laser treatment is the most effay way to get rid of hair anywhere desired

>> No.12416926

is that a Mach 4?

>> No.12416935

they're adapting, senpai
these reactions are not from real people
it's all from a program run on a system of computers


>> No.12417408

I like how you didn't use the word walking but instead waddling

>> No.12417810

You should also save up for breast implants and dick removal and go full trap.

>> No.12417839
File: 19 KB, 400x357, disposable_razor04110068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fools falling for various shaving memes

>> No.12417954


How the fuck can you get a close shave with these. I always have stubble.

>> No.12418362
File: 291 KB, 677x604, 1488640445709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But traps keep their dicks you donkey

>> No.12418415

This only works if you have incredible skin and don't get ingrown hairs/irritation.
Also, you must either be incredibly stupid or bought a cheapo safity razor if you cut yourself.

>> No.12418539

i had the same issue with electric. you have to experiment to find the electric that works for you, and stick with it for at least a month. some people's face/hair works better with a rotary, others with a foil.

>> No.12418548

This, all you need is one (or maybe two) fucking blades, makes for a cleaner shave.

I used the BIC two bladed blue disposables WITHOUT THAT FUCKING GEL STRIP


>> No.12418634

does anyone here think about the environmental impact of disposable and cartridge systems?



>> No.12418667
File: 22 KB, 236x360, 43e18eeaf21aab16153638344057ba42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Prefer electrical (Remington) Takes little to no effort and my skin is clean af,(protip) especially after a hot shower since the hair pushes outwards when it gets warm

>> No.12418678
File: 91 KB, 1500x816, reddit recommended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to wet shave with the cartridge razor, then move onto a safety

I hated shaving before and thought of it as a chore, now it's something I can tolerate. It takes a while when you're learning, but it's more comfortable and beneficial
> exfoliates
> closer shave
> cheaper
> better skin treatment
Sure you can come up with plenty more reasons

Moving up from cartridge and shitty foam was a great decision

For those interested, the Badger and Blade forums helped me out quite a bit, along with mantic59's videos on Youtube

> double edge razor
> neckbeard
wew lad

>> No.12418770

>Literally called a safety razor
>Cuts himself to the point that he feels the need to switch
You're probably just as bad at shaving as you are writing.

>> No.12418812
File: 61 KB, 598x597, razorock emperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you use a soap and a brush
or just some stuff from a can?

>> No.12418822

DE razor is the worst meme. I've tried various razors, blades, soaps and shaving techniques and I still can't shave without ripping my face apart and it takes half an hour to shave. The hair on my chin is just too dense and coarse for a single blade. Wet shaving is good enough if you have baby pubes for facial hair.

>> No.12419932 [DELETED] 

objectively the best setup:
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89LBL, improvement on the Murkur 34C which is comparable/better to $100+ razors - $31 on Amazon
Blades: 5 decent DE blades come with the DE89LBL, once you wear through those you can move on to feathers if you feel comfortable or whatever you prefer (you can get sample kits if you're autistic enough) - $0 for now
Brush: Maggard 24mm Marble Synthetic brush off ebay - 14$ FS
Soap: Proraso soap on Amazon - $9-$10
Aftershave: Thayer's rose petal witch hazel - $8

Amazon stuff together gets you FS, coming out to ~50$ in cart depending on tax + 14$ for the brush is about 65$ in grand total, with soap that will last you a few years and a brush and razor that will likely last you your whole life. Only thing you need to sustain are the blades which are significantly cheaper in the long run compared to disposables.

>> No.12419934
File: 126 KB, 1600x827, lbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

objectively the best setup:
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89LBL, improvement on the Murkur 34C which is comparable/better to $100+ razors - $31 on Amazon
Blades: 5 decent DE blades come with the DE89LBL, once you wear through those you can move on to feathers if you feel comfortable or whatever you prefer (you can get sample kits if you're autistic enough) - $0 for now
Brush: Maggard 24mm Marble Synthetic brush off ebay - 14$ FS
Soap: Proraso soap on Amazon - $9-$10
Aftershave: Thayer's rose petal witch hazel - $8

Amazon stuff together gets you FS, coming out to ~50$ in cart depending on tax + 14$ for the brush is about 65$ in grand total, with soap that will last you a few years and a brush and razor that will likely last you your whole life. Only thing you need to sustain are the blades which are significantly cheaper in the long run compared to disposables.

>> No.12419996

you can also get slightly more autistic about soaps by replacing the proraso with a barrister and mann for 13$

>> No.12420378

A lot of the people who use one are very hipster-y about it.

>> No.12420455

Both. You use the electric to knock off most of it and then clean up with the standard razor.

>> No.12420458

you tried but it's time to go back

>> No.12420480

are the risks of cutting yourself higher with a DE razor when shaving your ball sack and gooch

>> No.12420808

Trimmer for tidying up.
Safety razor for when I want an actual smooth shave.

>> No.12420934
File: 35 KB, 600x328, Get-To-Know-The-Best-Merkur-Safety-Razor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoothest shave
>doesn't irritate the skin
>won't cut your face
>blades are dirt cheap and last a long time
>looks like a grown-up utensil for grown-ups

>> No.12420957

>buying proraso
that shit sucks, I hope at least you're using the one that comes in a white box and not the green one

>> No.12421095

see >>12419996
proraso is p divisive but its a decent cheap soap

>> No.12421805

I cant for the life of me get a close shave even with 3 passes with a safety razor using fancy cream. Do people like me just have permanent stubble?

>> No.12422007
File: 22 KB, 600x600, astra-superior-platinum-blades-5-pcs_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422295

You're not doing it right.

>> No.12422297

I've never tried anything but feather
Is there a noticeable difference? How are they?

>> No.12422385
File: 425 KB, 1000x500, shave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I doing it wrong?