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/fa/ - Fashion

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12402473 No.12402473 [Reply] [Original]

What have you done recently to make your life more /fa/?

>recently joined a gym, got some books to get myself into reading

>> No.12402475

Stopped eating junk food, started running again after a long break of being a lazy shit.

>> No.12402495

>reading books
>more /fa/
you read books to enjoy and expand your intellect. it's not supposed to be /fa/
This thread makes no fucking sense. how is things that makes you a better human being /fa/. You should be doing shit like that without feeling proud about doing it.

>> No.12402541

>quit smoking weed because I developed depersonalization/derealization
>trying to read more
>working out and playing basketball consistently
>trying to get into web design

this probably isn't very /fa/ but neither is spending all your free time on 4chan

>> No.12402543

really random interjection but its cool to see someone else on here whos dealt with denationalization/derealization

>> No.12402553

>stopped eating junk food everyday
>cut down calories to 1,500 to 2,000 a day like a normal human
>dont drink juices or sodas, only water, tea, coffee
>Only candies or treat i have now is a nice chocolate croissant or kouign amann in the morning.

>> No.12402560

in my opinion, "/fa/" in an adjective sense is a subjective concept of one's own personal ideal. their lifestyle, dress, appearance, etc.

i just made this to help inspire those looking for examples

pls no bully

>> No.12402570

poster replying.
to me it just sounds like "what do you guys do to make yourself more appealing"

Honestly the best advice to this is do what you think is good for you, grow in your interest and taste, save money and purchase only things you need but also want, and pick up hobbies/meet people/goto events/

then again i'm under the assumption people already tries to achieve this unless you're really far away from that idea i have

>> No.12402585

idk. to me from being here a while (i stopped coming here because i think its mostly shit) and from meeting these people in real life, i've gotten the feeling that a lot of them are self-destructive, stemming from a lack of confidence, inability to fit in, and so on

i was like this too, sometimes still am. sure a lot of narcissists could construe this to saying "what makes you more appealing" (not saying you are), but there are a lot of people i know that want to actually feel better about themselves and be productive, but don't know how.

just trying to create a positive thread, because most of them on here definitely are not. i see where ur coming from tho, and appreciate the input

>> No.12402596

thanks for the transparency and clearing it up

>> No.12402606

I have too, shit felt like I was going crazy> Only for a few months because i wasn't getting high more than once a month.

>> No.12402634 [DELETED] 

>run every other day
>counting calories in my head
>cooking more
>watching more challenging arthouse and avant-garde film
>socialising more
>taking vit D

Feeling good

>> No.12402643
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Accutane and cigarettes

>> No.12402647

I hate it when people pick up hobbies to try and be a part of the in crowd. Just do what you love. I have however quit coke and cigs lately, and started playing music. Idk if that applies

>> No.12402658

Tried talking to girls

>> No.12402705

I tried weed only a couple of times, but last time I felt so horrible, had severe derealization that lasted two days and felt like I couldn't breathe. (Usually my derealization is on and off and rarely lasts more than a day)

>> No.12402730

Sounds like you're on your way to becoming a well rounded citizen.

>> No.12402755

thats the hope

>> No.12402758

that definitely applies. i didn't make this so people could discuss "how to be more cool", i wanted this so people could feel supported and encouraged towards being self actualized, or kicking bad habits

>> No.12402767

I stopped taking my seroquel and fluphenazine. Started having hallucinations when I try to go to the gym but I've been trying to get exercise within the comfort of my home. Still smoking a lot, started rolling my own a little while ago. I eat mostly whole foods though, no processed junk. I play guitar most of my time, its the second thing I do in the morning and the third to last thing I do at night. I play for 3 to 4 hours on a slack off day. Been fleshing out songs but I can't concentrate too well so I just have to start something you know

>> No.12402776

restricting calories, purchased an slp suit that'll fit perfectly at my gw. going out more too

>> No.12402821

how do you stop eating junk food? i can go for about a week then i binge.

>> No.12402828

Just don't buy it

>> No.12402853

None of this shit has anything to do with fashion.

Some of these posts probably do, but I didn't read any of those.

Good luck anyway OP.

>> No.12403302

I don't do drugs, but I seem to deal with a similar issue. I wish I knew what to do to fix it, because I feel too detached from myself. When I'm walking around outside for example, it feels like nothing around me is real, and I can't "acknowledge" myself. I also get way more emotional about things happening to other people rather than myself, like when I see something happen to another person and I wish it would happen to me, if it does I just feel nothing.

>> No.12404195


>> No.12404246

Why is self improvement actually so difficult

I promised myself after my girlfriend broke up with me a month ago that I would read more, smoke less, go to the gym more, and write in my journal every day. I now have opened my book twice, get high every day, haven't gone to the gym in 3 weeks, and write in my journal maybe once a week, because I don't like writing while high.

What's wrong with me?

>> No.12404249

This board is for fashion accessories, style and beauty products.

>> No.12404262

Holy Fuck i hate this feeling man... I feel like I'm not living in my environment but I'm just living my whole life in my head. Shit be going down around me and I'm just a vegetable

>> No.12404383

You're weak willed and lazy. Self improvement is not that difficult if you genuinely want to improve. You like the idea of improving yourself but you don't like the idea of working hard to achieve improvment. Please stop complaining about how difficult you think everything is and just get over yourself.

>> No.12404387

I jerked off into my own mouth

>> No.12404388
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>quitting weed (same as other anons, it was leading to derealization and anhedonia)
>working out
>trying to go out more and desperately trying to fix my (actual) fear of the sun
>reading more, getting into the western canon and philosophy
>trying (failing so far but still trying) to create a schedule for myself

>> No.12404402

Same here. What's the medical name for this

>> No.12404441

What I need to hear desu. Thank you. I'm not sure "getting over myself' is what I need to do- I guess I don't really believe that improvement is so difficult, it's just that somehow I haven't forced myself to do it. Pretty much pure laziness I think. I've been like this for so long now though that I don't even know where to start to fix it. I think I'm going to make a schedule for myself each week as a start and include the activities I want myself to do, that should be motivational. If anyone has any other tips/ideas pls share

>> No.12404455

My gf and I like to starve ourselves and fuck the hunger out of each other

>> No.12404485

>how do you stop eating junk food? i can go for about a week then i binge.

Not to whomst you're replying but for me avoiding eating shitty food is not so much a matter of will power but of low-time preference. If I plan out everything I'm going to eat well in advance it basically becomes easier to follow the plan than to impulse buy shit.

>> No.12404728

100% this
try and have a weekly shop and dont buy in between other than absolute necessities

>> No.12404781

Running on the gym and mewing.

>> No.12404921

trying to attain ottermode
im good for cardio so diet is my main issue and i just keep fucking it up
ill have a large breakfast (scrambled egg and avocado) decent lunch (usually soup) but around 3/4 i get super super hungry, i'll try and have some fruit but i have a really savoury appetite, i'll usually have a sandwich on granary bread and then it goes to shit and i'm eating super bad stuff.
any tips?

>> No.12404956

>any tips
stop eating at the fruit. if you can't keep yourself from eating food between lunch and supper, you don't deserve to complain. Just stop eating

>> No.12404990
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>self improvement
honestly with the year I've had I've decided I may have to get me a girlfriend up in this bitch. No amount of effort I put on myself actually brings me any long lasting joy, I know that happiness is a choice and I'll only get anywhere significant if I get my hands dirty but fucking hell I'm depressed.
It's becoming clear that living for myself doesn't encourage me to do more, it only makes me want to die

>> No.12405024

lol i wouldn't be able to move if i didn't find motivation in others. i hate myself too much to find satisfaction in self-improvement itself. falling in love w a qt out of your league will give u the strength tho

>> No.12405033

Started to dress like I expect people to take me seriously, mostly because of my new job that involves being taken seriously.

>> No.12405139
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>started dieting and exercising. I got really far the last 4 weeks. Got another 11 to go.
>found a face wash/mask that actually works. or else it's just the dieting that helps. zits seem to dry out the second they appear. they're like "hey! goodbye!"
>also found a book that I actually want to read. Infinite Jest: about being endlessly cool but also down to earth and not 3cool5school. it's allegedly also a book that everyone says they've read, but haven't. It's good, because I haven't read fiction in 4ever.
>Am saving up money. They're transferred automatically each week.
>Bought effay clothes and made a list of items I want to invest in.

These things take time, but I suppose it's also about the journey~

>> No.12405334
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>Working harder on my uni studies and less time on 4chan
>More gym, less crap diet
>10kg to go
>Change in medication has made sleep, binge cravings and mood much better
>Trying to figure out what style I like and what fits are best for my body type

It's an ongoing process

>> No.12406733

>baby thinks he's going to enjoy infinite jest like any old fiction
truly, an infinite jest

>> No.12406767

I have been going to the gym a lot more lately and am doing more productive workouts lately
Started listening to NPR's morning podcast while I work out to try to stay informed
When this semester of university is over I'm going to try to get back into reading more

>> No.12407147

Got a haircut, new jacket and boots, bought new skincare products
Flowery prose can be very effay to be honest, but that's not a reason to pursue literary prowess, I'd agree.

>> No.12407373

Set yourself some small realistic goals early on. It is much easier to get motivated when you can get results, and it will eventually build itself into your routine as you keep going.

>> No.12407375

Learned how to tie a noose.

>> No.12407411
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>can't bring myself to begin studying and my exams are in under 1 month's time
>spend 50% of my waking time at school and the other 50% sat at my computer being unproductive
>realizing i don't like any of my peers and i have completely different interests and attitudes to them
>realizing I in fact have no interests or goals in the slightest meaning i have no career goals which means i'll end up working a dead end job i'll hate
>eat nothing but junk food and garbage
>gf broke up with me after less than 2 months because the relationship "isn't 100% what she wants" but there's "nothing either of us can do to work something out because that's just how she feels and if 2 people in a relationship don't click automatically and have no problems whatsoever then the relationship isn't worth continuing"
>wtf mane
>gf was the only thing motivating me to do anything worthwhile with my time
>now i'm back stuck in this cycle of self pity where i'm just accepting that nothing will ever work out for me
o well it was nice while it lasted
actually i stopped drinking caffeine energy drinks and I've managed to pretty much only drink water, which is something I guess

>> No.12407428

Broke up with my girlfriend, I'm now motivated again to go to the gym, eat good and sleep more. (I've also got more time to self develop) rather than eat out all the time.

I found out it was being smitten that made me gain a little weight, not the antidepressants.

>> No.12407486

Same here anon, got 26 days until my first exam and it's about 15 minutes until it'll be 25 days.

I have around 15 exams and I have barely started studying, I sat up panicking on Friday but I had family over until today so I couldn't start.

I'm planning on putting everything on hold to go fucking crazy with the studying for the next 4 weeks.

God help me anons, I can get B's if my willpower holds out. Anyone got tips for studying and shit?

>> No.12407586


>> No.12407596

the prospect of a qt is the only thing keeping me going anymore

one day right?

>> No.12407645
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>women as a goal


>> No.12407677
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>be me
>drowning in social anxiety
>started meditating and getting spiritual in an attempt to get rid of it
>read a lot of ekhart tole, alan watts
>social anxiety slowly fading away
>go deeper
>start daily mindfulness
>watch the mind 24/7
>go deeper
>finally understand everything i was reading
>self is an illusion, you aren't your thoughts, i am everybody and they are me, etc...
>develop fear of existence because my whole life was a lie
>dark night of the soul
>can't let go of self
>feel like im going crazy
>stop meditating

all i wanted was to talk to people

>> No.12407710

buy adderall

>> No.12407739

>"All I wanted was to talk to people" lol this hit too close to home. The two of us should go experience something. And then talk about it and think about it and repeat. Diggy diggy diggy boop

>> No.12407751

>meet people/goto events/

Not him. But of all the things in this thread, this is probably the only ones i won't/can't do. How fucked am i ?

>> No.12407762

Watch frank yang. You've already gone too deep and there's no going back. You have to dissolve your ego until you experience enlightenment and go monk mode

>> No.12407774

i know, but i am taking a break because i feel like im moving too quickly, need to regain my balance

have you went through this?

>> No.12407779
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>> No.12407810

I'm not looking for a whore, just someone significant to me

>> No.12408051


Sorry for harsh truths but dude who replied to you is correct.

Being a better person is not a snap decision or snap mental change. It is built up. You didn't learn the English language in a day and you won't become a better person in one either.

I was a wreck for about a month after my ex left me for some rich mom+pop mommy fuccboi too. Allow yourself the room to grieve if you need to.

Then get back on the horse my friend. Start slowly, you won't react well to try-harding off the bat.

Read more, especially classical literature (count of monte cristo, frankenstein, jekyll and hyde). You don't need to blast the fucking book, read 10-15 pages a day.

Start working out. Please look up starting strength, watch Omar Isuf and Buff Dudes on youtube. Remember there is a lot of bullshit science out there. Stick to 2-3 days a week, 5x5 on the golden lifts (squat, bench, deadlift, ohp and pullup). Pick 2 and do them one day, 2 the next, last one on the third. I like Wendlers 5/3/1 program too, but 5x5 is by far the easiest.

Eat properly. This doesn't mean broccoli, chicken and rice 3 meals a day. It means stop drinking full fat fucking soda, stop eating bullshit crisps and biscuits. Why the fuck are you giving money to companies to slowly kill you? Are you fucking insane? Eat well; pesto pasta with chicken and bacon, spaghetti bolognese, a home-made Thai curry.

You get the picture.

A schedule will likely be too much and I have never stuck to one, I just try to be responsible with my time.

I'm working out tonight after work? Okay I'll play a lil games, study a bit and play some guitar before work (I work late).

Also protip: Don't allocate a whole day for one activity. It is much better in the long-term to break things into smaller chunks over many days. Don't bullshit yourself with 'I'll leave Sunday for studying alllll day!," you're a grown ass adult, do 15-20 minutes a day and you'll get better results.

>> No.12408063


Replying again from long post, look up motivational quotes, find one that resonates with you, remember it, repeat it to yourself in your darkest hours.

Mine has always been 'the busiest people have the most time'.

I was a lazy cunt kid who thought I never had time for anything.

You can make time whenever you need to if you can get over your own bullshit.

>> No.12408085

Different guy, but I am currently. I've been a little lustful and that seems to help me regain a sense of self.

>> No.12408099
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someone tell me how to stop drinking coffee & other caffeinated drinks. i can go a day without them sometimes, but i always end up driving to some coffee shop and fucking myself up

>> No.12408294

>not stealing it in bulk from your autistic brother

>> No.12408337

I haven't really done anything for my life in like three weeks. I'm going down the fucking drain and wasting my days away browsing this place.

I'm starting a skin treatment on Monday, so I'll try to get my shit together then. Pray for me boys.

>> No.12408342

>having parents who don't understand disability and allow a doctor to prescribe their child a fucking amphetamine to "control" neuroses that aren't understood by modern science so that this child can perform like a fucking race horse in standardized exams in order for your parents to not feel humiliated by the idea that their child won't be everything society expects

>> No.12408441

save your biggest meal for the end of the day

>> No.12408627

Not what I'm doubg but what i want to do

Stop eating junk food
Stop drinking coffee
Stop smoking cigs
Stop drinking alcohol
More sleep
Drinking nothing but water
Looking for a better job

Nothing fits my awkward as body well and wont until I cut all the bad shit and start working out

>> No.12408638

Not a lot. I'm not /fa/ at all because I'm too self conscious.

I've got a wedding to go to pretty soon but I keep putting off going to look for a suit. I wish I could stop giving a shit.

>> No.12408639

Yeah good luck

>> No.12408640

When I lived in the city I used to walk around all night hoping something, anything, would happen to me. I went to the worst areas and nothing happened. I'm still not sure I exist.

>> No.12408646

>realizing I in fact have no interests or goals in the slightest meaning i have no career goals which means i'll end up working a dead end job i'll hate
Do something about this. I don't know what the solution is other than to just keep doing things, force yourself to stick at things and keep trying new stuff.

Don't end up like me feeling like you've wasted years of your life, it's completely unforgivable.

>> No.12408675

Mates, I have had this feeling aswell. What helped me was starting to meditate. It might help you or not, but just look up the basics for it and start doing it for a week and see if affects you

>> No.12408772


instead of eating what you think is healthy and "god for you" use my fitness pal to track your calories.
your probably eating way to less most of the day and then go insane from low bloodsugar

dont half ass shit. googles you're friend

>> No.12408795

Bought white sneakers

>> No.12409273
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i'm trying but nothing is sticking
like i could happily play video games, listen to music and design clothes in photoshop that i'll never actually make all day but that's not gonna turn into a career
after my exams i'm hopefully gonna take textile design at A-level, hopefully that'll stick and i'll be good enough at it/enjoy it enough to stick around for the whole 2 years of the course and then go from there, trying to land a career in fashion design or styling or buying or fashion journalism or something in that area, that might be my only career goal and it's over something i've never even tried before
to make things easier for myself i should buy a sowing machine now and try and teach myself to sow nd shit but once again i'm lazy and can't bring myself to spend money on things that aren't clothes
and i guess if it doesn't stick i'm fucked

>> No.12409276

in the exact same boat man, hopefully i can convince myself to start studying before its too late
i could easily get all B's and maybe a few A's but I am gonna need to revise and I'm scared I won't be able to

>> No.12409293

Lost ten pounds. Copped some summer pieces. Gave up video games and been accomplishing personal work in my free time.

>> No.12409534

is that Ecco2k?

>> No.12409557
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Just bought myself some pomade

>> No.12409570
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>> No.12409621

Why am I laughing at this post?

>> No.12409626

>started going to the gym
>started studying more
>plastic surgery
>drinking more water
>walking with a better posture
I can't complain

>> No.12409631
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>> No.12409846

Thank you for the long post anon, this actually motivated and helped me a lot. I'll be going to the gym today :)

>> No.12409849

I stopped drinking for a while. Soon is our national celebration day, and I dont know if I can resist the peer pressure, but so far it really improved my fitness and productivity

>> No.12409853

Hey dude being mad isnt effay

>> No.12409867


It sounds you promised too much at once. Motivation/willpower is ephemeral and unreliable. Self-discipline is really about habit. But that has to be developed, and development takes time. (see >>12407373)

Each habit has to be built up to the point where you feel weird without it. Example: if I fall asleep without brushing my teeth, I'll usually wake up at like 2 AM because it just feels so filthy, even in a state of low-consciousness. Hopefully there's something like this you can relate to, even a bad thing like compulsive masturbation or whatever.

Now gradually build up that same feeling for something else (and something good). Just read ten pages in the morning, do a simple workout, whatever. Then repeat, progressing it like in weight training.

also for reading I recommend Meditations

>> No.12409874

There's nothing wrong with you. You're not afflicted with some bullshit that keeps you from reaching your goals. You're just being lazy. You can't just make a list of changes you want to make and then expect it to come your way.

Actually commit to these things and push yourself. If you have trouble with feeling motivated, then seek out what made you want to make those changes in the first place and really utilize and explore that stuff.

>> No.12409881

Thank you guys too, this is all the stuff I need to hear. Pushing my self for real this time. Thank you.

>> No.12409887

those should be long term goals, make small easily attainable goals, then work from there

>> No.12409902

stopped eating
drinking 8 litres of water daily
stopped shampooing
started washing face more and using skin care products
started using a few hair care products too

>> No.12409920

>realizing i don't like any of my peers and i have completely different interests and attitudes to them

This so much. All my friends in class are so pessimistic about things. Yes, everyone like to complain but one in particular just goes on and on about failure. Then we don't have any movie/TV/hobbies in common because they're such normies. They always bring up New Girl and How I Met Your Mother while I'm over here dying to talk about weeb shit. Oh well. That's what 4chan is for anyway, right?

>> No.12409934

Does anyone else feel like they are "acting". like someday i act like a "artsy" white kid, or maybe a "quirky" "nerdy" kid or a "cool" kid. I don't know who i actually am guys please help

>> No.12409941


>realizing i don't like any of my peers and i have completely different interests and attitudes to them

remember someone out there is thinking this about you, everyone is a piece of shit, if you find someone you find somewhat bearable dont let go of them, its honestly better to be surrounded by them than alone

>> No.12409960
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>I'll be going to the gym today :)
I've being this. I personally prefer it over Starting Strength or Stronglifts

>> No.12410027


>> No.12411817


>> No.12411924

Oh most definitely. I'd rather have familiar faces to sit and study with than be completely alone.

>> No.12412737

'i know that happiness is a choice' that sounds like some grade A tony robbins shite. happiness is a combination of your predisposition, upbringing and life circumstances, not in any normal sense a choice

>> No.12412926

yea, first you gotta define ur goal qt more clearly. have a person u know irl in mind and work towards becoming something they could stand to look at so you can finally mean something to them. Ssomeday

>> No.12412959



>> No.12413051

>stopped being self-conscious, only feel comfiness
>fasting and lifting
>drinking fuckton of water

trying to be comfycore in florida is difficult

>> No.12413835

>Lowered my carb and sodium intake massively
>Going to the gym more, getting stronger and looking leaner
>Been making an effort to talk to girls and put myself out there, got laid a few times last month

Pretty happy

>> No.12413842

Been losing weight and buying less clothing. Or at least make smarter purchases. And trying to work towards opening my own business.

>> No.12414156

is this based on any facts at all?

>> No.12414565

I am so glad that I'm not the only one who has this. Since I was 13, the first time lasted for 3 months straight, then it was kinda cool till 17 yo when it started to come back. Now 19, dealing with this shit every other week. It's weak tho, but more physical

>> No.12414762

Depersonalization is basically a disconnect between the mind and the body, so activities that make you focus on one specific thing are very helpful. I find that foam rolling/stretching helps me a lot because I can just focus on a specific muscle that I'm rolling (like my back for example) and when I sit up it feels like my body is being pieced together and I feel present again. It's really weird and almost impossible to describe, I just hope it goes away because I feel like I'm going crazy