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12390683 No.12390683 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 19 and you can see my scalp when my hair is wet. I'm definitely receding and probably going to be bald on top before I'm even 30.

Fellow balding people, how do I attempt to deal with this? I'm getting on fin but I don't think it'll be enough. How do you try to look good while being prematurely bald?

>> No.12390691

if this is you at 19, you'll be fully bald by 25. Buzzcut it already, my man.

t. bald at 19

>> No.12390706

It's not noticeable when my hair's dry yet. Gonna try to get a few more years out of it with drugs. Thanks though. How do you deal with just looking so much older than everyone else?

>> No.12390725

I had the same when i was 17. I still havent gone bold now that im 23 or lost any hair at all. I doesn´t really say much.

>> No.12390738

That's relieving to hear, but I've been losing hair pretty steadily it feels like, not sure it'll be stopping any time soon.

>> No.12390739

Dude, srs question, how many times do you masturbate a day

#2. Do you workout?

#3. Do you play sports?

#4. Do you eat alot of Soy/GMOS?

>> No.12390747

No working out or sports
Probably eat a fair amount of both

>> No.12390749

You have thin light hair, which looks even thinnier when wet. I think you're not balding yet.

>> No.12390751

I was so bald at 18 that I had to shave my head
accept it and move on. the worst thing you can do is try to hang onto it

>> No.12390752
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Receding at the sides too, def balding.
Pic related, can't see it normally yet. Soon as you can I'm buzzing.

>> No.12390798


>> No.12390803

you're gonna have to go fit skinhead mode. i don't like the idea of it but it may be your only chance

>> No.12391005

whats the connection between fapping and balding?

>> No.12391022

It's a myth created by the good Christians of the United States of America to quell sin and self rape.

>> No.12391025
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Why haven't you looked up shampoos or supplements yet? You might be too late even, since they usually need to be used right away to prevent further loss. Look it up though.

>> No.12391046

I believe high testosterone makes you lose hair. I.e. the more you fap, the more hair you have. That said, it should be common sense to not try to regulate your hair amount via masturbation.

>> No.12391057

try washing hair with really cold water. Do sports. Eat healthy and plenty. It wont stop baldness but it will slow it down for few years/

>> No.12391095

If we went bald by fapping the whole male population would be bald.

>> No.12391113

A lot of males are bald. What are you trying to say?

>> No.12391353


There isn't one.

>> No.12391359

saw some minor recession on my head. tried fin, side effects were not wirth it IMO. i just use rogaine and have seen a big difference. figure i can do this until im old enough to accept going bald. i buzzed my head and that made it completely unnoticeable at the time of the thinning, so i would recommend you do the same.

>> No.12391395

cum hoc ergo propter hoc

only those who are genetically predisposed for mpb.

>> No.12391457

>It's not noticeable when my hair's dry

get on fin and minoxidil as fast as you can

>> No.12391494

Terrible picture, but it doesn't look bad yet. Get on fin ASAP if you want to keep your hair.

>> No.12391751

How long did it take for the minox to work? And did you have a big increase in hair fall when you started it? That's a side effect of minox that freaks me out a little even though supposedly that means it's working. I'm 28, suddenly started receding in the past 18-24 months. But it's still not "bad" or really that noticeable to anybody but me (I've asked people who know me if they can tell). Wondering if I should hold off, or get on minox now.

>> No.12391762

i buzzed my head when i started to a 1.5 and i was never shedding a lot. so no, i did not notice a big shed. it was just happening slowly (relative to other cases ive seen here) for me. probably took a few months to see the affect. but why wait? even if that is a side effect for you the stuff works i wouldnt let it get worse. i mean its 15 bucks a month. and no one IRL is as picky as /fa/ about hairlines so who cares if it worsens for a few months.

>> No.12391781

my hair is thick everywhere except the hair line which is receding and i'm only 18. what i do it dermaroll and use natural oils and it stopped falling out for a few months now. also use nizoral. i would jump on fin until there's a better alternative out but i think i'll wait until i'm at least over 21 because ur still not fully done developing at 18 or 19.

i'm sorry bro we gotta go through this. just look up natural methods to try to keep it for a year and then hop on fin for a year or two after and pray something better comes along. also moneymax and save up for transplant

>> No.12391786

from my experience, more hair falls out when I used to fap 3x a day. Now I don't shed at all anymore and fap maybe once every two to three days. I also workout and build muscle fairly easily so I think my testosterone is on the high side of average. I am also horny a lot though and don't need to watch the hardcore, weird fetish porn I used to when I fapped a lot, I can probably bust a big nut to the most soft core shit there is. no fap is legit for the mind and body.

>> No.12391792

if ur getting bald just buzzcut where is the problem ?

>> No.12391803

if you use even close to 1ml of minox even once a day, you will get dark circles or the dark under eye bags. Look it up, it's a fairly common symptom. It also makes you look way older because it literally gives you wrinkles. it's poison if you want to hold on that little youthful glow that you might have.

>> No.12393095

Min without fin is pointless because it doesn't stop hair loss.

>> No.12393173

brush your head with a boar bristle brush to stimulate follicles and then apply coconut oil to your scalp and hair, and leave for 30 mins and your hair loss will slow down. If you aren't losing hair due to genetics but rather poor health, hygeine and diet, your hair will appear shinier, thicker, and not break or drop as easily.

I use coconut oil for about 7 different purposes- it is god-send if you're a smoker too. can explain in greater detail if anyone is interested

>> No.12393176

>can explain in greater detail if anyone is interested

Nope, your pseudo-science is not needed but as long as you're happy that's cool :)

>> No.12393178

Quit being a pussy and buzz it.

Guys who try to salvage their obviously terrible hair loss are pathetic and look weak as shit. There is no medical cure except for some snake oil which Shlomo will be happy to sell to you.

Time to man up and buzz that shit right off.

>> No.12393197

>Time to man up and buzz that shit right off.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.

People who aren't losing their hair talk so much shit about how if they were losing their hair they would just shave it and rock it. Well, guess what? It's not that easy. The first time you see yourself with a totally shaved head, you might very well scream. Plus, the notion that you won't have hair again can be maddening. It's like having your youth stolen from you while you're young. So, you shave it, wear a hat sometimes, grow it out again because you tell yourself "I won't give a fuck, I'll just rock the scraps" or try to "salvage" it as you say, then break down and shave it again, rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

Balding is not fucking fun, and even though as a bald person I admit that other guys can look fucking badass with shaved heads, I can't seem to muster the same opinion of myself-- that's with others telling me I look good with a shaved head and such. It's hair envy.

>> No.12393209
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I've never seen a bald man and thought 'man his haircut looks like shit', nor have I heard anyone share a similar thought. It's all in your head anon.

For you anon I will buzz my mop tomorrow. I've been wanting to for a while now anyways.

>> No.12393217

Ha, I wish I could show you what a really fucked hairline looks like.

A really fucked hairline is 404: hair not found.

I wouldn't worry too much about yours. But maybe I would have to see the bangs pulled back and a pic of the top while dry in order to truly judge.

>> No.12393253
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Should i go dark blonde or just brown with this? helpplox

>> No.12393516

What about laser hair loss treatments? Anyone familiar with them?

>> No.12393526

Embrace it. Its cheaper and you'll grow as a person as a result

>> No.12393556

watch these series and change your diet according to that
it may be that you just have shit genes but it also may be that you're doing everything wrong
other things you could do:
not have stress
head massage and scalp exercises everyday
wash your hair with cold water - the colder the better
I heard people sayaing that the wim hoff method helps, there should be torrent somewhere, it raises the levels of the oxygen in your blood and promotes blood flow both important for fighting balding
except putting a lot of your time and energy into this, you can't except any results half-assing it
I can't guarantee you anything you gotta trust the research behind it
or jsut fuck it and go buzz
>t. been half-assing it for few months now but the short hairs at the edge of my hairline started growing again

>> No.12393922

I shaved my head throughout university just to see if I could rock it

not balding, just because it was cheap and I could do it myself.

>> No.12393927

>this video does not exist

>> No.12394099
File: 82 KB, 800x534, 13252_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wim hof method to fight balding
>pic related
Yeah, no.

>> No.12394429

Soy is high in estrogens... if anything it would make his hair recede less.

>> No.12394472

fugg :DDDDD
sorry, here it is
blood flow is not the only factor
diet and being stress free is also important
also dude's going to be sixty
IIRC estrogen causes balding in men as well
I believe it's explained in the series above

>> No.12394495
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>> No.12394643

what does rogaine do
and how come you're the only one here recommending it

>> No.12394660
File: 108 KB, 282x366, bathroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dermatologist hooked me up with some weird ultrasound sauna combined with rogaine & enzyme peeling over 3 months.
I've also got some hair follicle tests booked to see if I should take min & fin or just buzz and save up for a transplant.
Godspeed, JUSTnons, wish me luck too.

not him, but I've heard quite a few times that min, fin and rogaine are the only ones that work; everything else is snake oil

>> No.12394677

Rogaine is min. Maybe you men Ketoconazole

>> No.12394693

alright, well my hair isn't thinning, but i definitely have a receding hairline
it started slowly creeping back a year ago, and I've got the shit where it disappears from the temple area
so all in all it's not that drastic yet, but if it's going to keep progressing I should stop it in it's tracks right?
Is there any reason I shouldn't be taking this min and fin thing now?

>> No.12394694

I'm 21 btw

>> No.12394695

ah, fuck. my bad
meant to write niz (nizoral) instead of min

how old are you? might just be a maturing hairline
if it worries you just book a dermatologist (if you know someone/it isn't too expensive); they can tell what's going on

>> No.12394701

minoxidil can promote regrowth but does not stop hairfall afaik
finasteride suppresses the testosterone metabolic pathway which causes balding and thus can have some p serious side effects, although usually only temporarily

do some research and decide for yourself, but if you're worried, a doctor is always a good idea

>> No.12394708

i'm 21 bro
and what difference does it make lol
If I can stop a maturing hairline in it's tracks that's good too

>> No.12394729

ok i'll check it out.
meanwhile, if anyone is reading this feel free to post your testomonies so we can all get a better idea of do's/don'ts/risks/rewards/etc.
united we can make our hair great again

>> No.12394739

Yeah ofc you can but keep in mind that fin is normally taken daily and might have negligible results - might not be worth it.
I've only decided to get it cause I lost a good 2cm of hairline in a few months, getting on daily medication is quite a decision.
Also, in some countries you need to get it prescribed, so check that

>> No.12394756

another question bro, when do you stop taking it?

>> No.12394769

when you're ready to buzz, kek
it has no permanent effect
its function is just to hold onto the state of your hair until you either:
>don't care anymore
>get a transplant
>a permanent solution (Tsuji 2020) is discovered.

>> No.12394774

thanks for the information brother
appreciate it
hairgods bless

>> No.12394852

u can see 99% of ppls scalps right out of the shower/maybe with a little bit of effort to see it right out of the shower

U have nothing to worry about take ur anxiety problems to thinspo frend

>> No.12394865

Stuff like this makes me wary.

>> No.12394889
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Dude you're 19. Shave it off and hit the gym.
I lost mine right after I grew it out after conscription so it was no biggie for me maybe.

Also no one will look twice at you for having a buzzed head nowadays.

>> No.12395024

can i grow a beard by putting min on my face

>> No.12395054

your balls produced too much dihydrotestosterone during puberty. you're balding because of your balls. the hair follicles on top of your head are genetically sensitive to dihydrotestosterone causing them to fall out and create the classic dr phil horse shoe look.

there is nothing you can do to stop it unless you start blocking dihydrotestosterone early with drugs. if you take drugs you have to always get your hormones checked to see if stopping your balls from producing dihydrotestosterone is causing an imbalance with other hormones like estrogen and testosterone.

Some people just take the drugs and don't get their hormones checked regularly so they experience imbalance and side effects like girly emotions, dead penis, and female fat redistribution to their new man boobies and butts. Basically, they have started to transition into stacy.

If you're already noticeably balding, then you should just accept it. There is nothing you can do about it right now other than transplants, but you will have to take the drugs anyway so the non-transplanted hair doesn't fall out eventually. You can also just castrate yourself and hope for the best.

>> No.12395237

This is like those pathetic losers who are paranoid about balding every day of their life. They literally have threads of people more depressed than them that tell you that these fucking points you have listed hear have no bearing on recession unless you're fucking injecting steroids into your bloodstream while you're doing them.

This is like "wow if I eat turkey I get sleepy :)" No, you fucking idiot. Is there a small truth to that? Yes, but you'd be responsible for a turkey genocide to get that kind of tired and by then you'd have a bigger problem.

>> No.12395240

What the fuck am I looking at? Are you intentionally taking these pics like some sequel to the Blair Witch Project done on camera phones from 2006? Stop being paranoid, it's doing you no good.

>> No.12395267

i never thought i'd want a nordic knuckle ride but dayyum who is this

>> No.12395275
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23 year old with thinning hair here. past 4 months or so i have noticed significant scalp tenderness and itchiness and it feels really warm to the touch. is this normal for those balding becuase of genetics? is this what it feels like when the follicles die or is this something else that i might be able to do something about. i dont have a rash or any discoloration on the skin. sometimes its like i can 'feel' the hair dying, literally. help?

>> No.12395302

if it's only the top of your head then it's probably mpb. you can get nizoral shampoo to help with the itch and for it's anti-dht properties.

if it's aggressive mpb nothing is really going to help. you can maybe slow it down a little with nizoral+rogaine, but that won't cure you. nothing will.

go to an endocrinologist or dermatologist and get your hormones checked, confirm it's male pattern baldness and maybe get prescribed a dht blocker.

>> No.12395305

it's on the sides as well though not as severe as the crown

>> No.12395342

shit thats bad. im 20 and balding a bit, started propecia and rogaine 3 months ago and it got worse initially but i think its getting better now :)

unfrotuantely man i think youre too far gone. i think you should buzzcut and save up for a hair transplant

>> No.12395360

I'm sure it's been said a couple times in the thread already, but try not to worry about it.

What this guy >>12393197 said is true though. Not worrying about it and embracing it is way easier said than done. Mine's been thinning for a while, and then I got cancer a few years ago and when the chemo made my hair fall out, I fucking hated it. I realized how pointy my head is, and I noticed two moles I have on my scalp. I hate the moles more than anything. If I can get them removed without having huge scars, then I think I'll keep my hair pretty short and finally stop wearing a hat all the time.

>> No.12395420
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>> No.12395423
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>> No.12395531


>> No.12395582

You guys that think hormone drugs are the only way, try googling low laser therapy. I'm looking into getting it myself and I can't find any accounts of side effects or drawbacks to it besides the cost.

Slightly put off my the fact I wasn't told about it by my dermatologist, but it's not one of the more well known treatments.

>> No.12395700

Both of these are inconclusive and the statistical significance is quite low.
Still - fucking around with metabolism is bound to have consequences.
Fin has only been on the market for what, 20 years?
Long-term effects are pretty much a mystery.
Taking it entails a certain risk, although the chance of something serious happening is probably lower than that of dying in a car crash.

>> No.12395710

>low laser therapy
there are numerous studies saying it has no effects or the effects are tentative and prone to bias

>> No.12395756

Shit. Would you be able to link any of these?

>> No.12395931

gotchu senpai

>> No.12395942

I am not balding but decided to get a buzzcut after having hair down to my shoulders and am loving it. If I was balding I would've done it even sooner

>> No.12395956

I have the biggest balls and my hair are thicc as fuck. It's just genetics famalam

>> No.12396245

But doesn't the first one conclude that the FDA approved methods are both safe and effective?

>> No.12396478

You're still going to have to take fin even if you get a transplant. Results will be better if you don't let it get too bad. There's no coming back from a NW7.

>> No.12396645

>whats the connection between fapping and balding?

Medfag here. None whatsoever. The guy even asks about GMOs in the same question.

>> No.12396657

my cousin grew some facial hair when he started balding at 22, he looked like a cartoon bandito (were Mexican) for a few months, but after continuous product and sculpting he looks pretty good

>> No.12396684

wat the hell is sculpting

>> No.12396690

the effort to salvage ur shitty hair for a few years may be better spent into improving ur wardrobe and physique. unless u got shit facial aesthetics and/or cant grow a beard just buzz that shit and worry about the things you can reasonably change. my hairline started receding at 18ish, it fucked my self esteem for a good 2 years until i buzzed it off. felt fucking liberating. yeah for 99% of dudes hair probably looks better, but you can look good anyway and the constant worry and self-consciousness aint worth it.

>> No.12396939

>have a big head and high forehead
>paranoid about hairline and self-percieved thinning
My hair has not even changed two years after getting off finasteride and one side of my family has good hair genes, but fucking hell losing hair young is a sexual death sentence for most guys (probably me). Especially in this day and age where girls our age and attractiveness level have hundreds of full haired males available to fuck at a moments notice. Let's just hope that hair cloning or stem cell regeneration starts to work soon so no man will ever need to suffer the pointless blow to aesthetics that is balding ever again.

>> No.12397136

i started losing a lot of hair when i was stressed everyday because of exams a few years ago me thinking that i was going bald every damn second didnt help too, then life got good and five years later it doesnt seem im going bald any time soon

>> No.12397445

Your gonads don't produce DHT. DHT is synthesized locally.

>> No.12397630

Balding here too, but I have VERY blonde hair. Anyone have an example of someone with light blonde hair getting a buzzcut?

>> No.12397762

I'm probably going to go get a buzz tomorrow and I'll post if I do.

I have very thin blonde hair and a sad hairline

>> No.12397887

I kinda look like him...please tell me he also has a shit hairline so I can have a hope

>> No.12398118

Unless you have a unhealthy lifestyle, hair loss is mostly genetic. I suggest you try to come to terms with it and not worry. drugs will only fuck you up worse.
Try changing your lifestyle. eat a healthy diet( completely devoid of all sugar ), exercise everyday, go outside more often, and Meditate to reduce stress.