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File: 2.18 MB, 1824x1368, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12382367 No.12382367 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see some pocket autism.

>> No.12382376

>putting the smallest bill on the outside

>> No.12382381

It's all tens. No idea why but the last pay envelop only had tens in it.

>> No.12382382

wtf you don't get direct deposit
get a better job, f.am I'm worried about you

>> No.12382392
File: 76 KB, 600x900, neutral-futurama-propaganda-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being paid in any other way than unmarked envelops full of cash
>using a bank account

>> No.12382752

Why does everyone oon 4chan carry a knife? Should i be carrying a knife? Do normies do this?

>> No.12382782
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>> No.12382791

I'll be honest with you and give you a non-edgelord answer: it's because it looks cool. My knife fits my aesthetic, it completes an image. Occasionally I will use it to open a package, but other than that it just stays in my pocket. Pretty dumb right? But hey, that's just how it is. To be honest that's also why most people have pistols in their EDC, it looks cool and "tactical" and makes them feel like an operator. Most people posting here live in some safe-ass middle class suburb and will never be in a situation that requires the use of a firearm.

TLDR, it's because it looks cool.

>> No.12382829

The day you end up in a situation where your knife saves your ass, you'll keep one on you forever

>> No.12382830
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>> No.12382832

How do i justify carrying a knife when i live in a canadian suburb?

>> No.12382839

I had something fall of my car and drag on the wheel
I had to cut it off, otherwise I don't know if I would've been able to get home
Now I keep a knife in my car at all times

>> No.12382840
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Here baby
Add a milsurp survival guide and replace the Iliad with Hobbes' Leviathan

>> No.12382842
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>> No.12382845

>Why does everyone on 4chan carry a knife?
90% of them are neckbeards who fantasize about fending off a criminal to save a damsel in distress

>> No.12382849
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If people are posting phone cases too, here's mine

One of the best I've seen
Good knife taste ;)
Bad sunglasses
Really not a fan of that watch but I like every thing else is neat

>> No.12382892
File: 1.71 MB, 3011x2675, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never actually posted one of these its weird to see what I carry around all day laid out makes me want a card holder and money clip

>> No.12382895

oh shit I had that polo when I was 15 or so
wore it to disneyland with my guy fieri hair

>> No.12382905

Wow I've wanted that card holder for a while but could never find a suitable money clip but that cartier one is perfect where did you get it?

>> No.12382909

Was a gift from my girlfriend, but she just got it from Cartier.
I love the card holder but the Saint Laurent embossing is starting to fade

>> No.12382914

what knife?

>> No.12382930

Id on headphone.

>> No.12382939

No you don't need to be carrying a knife.
Almost nobody does unless you're in certain professions that require the use of them.

>> No.12382940

It's a useful tool. I actually have a blackened out leatherman i take with me everywhere, but I mostly wear acg, stone island and y-3 so a blackened out leatherman doesn't clash with my fits.

>> No.12382943

>a deck of cards
>Every. Day. Carry.
>a deck of cards
Are you a Gambit larper or something?

>> No.12382944
File: 183 KB, 1000x1000, slp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a Comme Des Garcon wallet for a long time and the patent leather has started to wear and lose its shine. It took a long time to happen but it seems like leather that slides in and out of your pocket is going to do this. I was considering this one also.

>> No.12382952

My dad always carried a pocket knife and if you're even remotely handy or do anything active then you'll probably use the knife once a week. I use my pocket knife everyday at work though.

>> No.12382962
File: 253 KB, 765x781, 1490576539492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing headphones in public with that wire
>2 lighters
>a deck of cards

>> No.12383024
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>> No.12383037

solid. how are you liking the GR?

>> No.12383039

I need one for work.
Why thank you. Can't leave the house with a shortwave radio and some fisherman's friends.
Is that music box a Fiio? If so how do you like it? I just lost my x3 or whatever the first one was called and am thinking about getting the latest one.

>> No.12383045

Is that ricoh 35mm? I have a gr IV that has been mistreated and am looking for a new digi compacted. I am a loser and use an LCA for 35mm

>> No.12383049

Lionsteel opera with olive wood handle. It's D2 steel which is tough to sharpen but very hard. Mine get's used daily so suit me.

>> No.12383058

sony mdr 7506 or v6

>> No.12383064
File: 168 KB, 1200x900, DSC_0069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's a digital one. The newer GR, not a GRD. The naming system is pretty stupid. I kind of want a film GR1 also but they're too expensive for a film compact and pretty fragile and unrepairable these days.

I love it, I preordered it right when it was announced so I've had it for like 4 years now and it's gone everywhere with me and it's the perfect pocket camera as far as I'm concerned. It's had some drops and bumps and rainstorms in that time and I've had to open it up to clean the sensor once, but it's been super durable.

>> No.12383069

>le knife is only for self-defense
this is such a bad meme

>> No.12383078

>not knowing the ol' lighter-in-the-fist trick

>> No.12383079

Homers illiad, Nice!

I know it might not be totally related to the thread but does anyone know a site for velcro patches that arent necessarily army related

>> No.12383092

Yeah their naming system has always thrown me a bit. A really solid, but pricey, 35mm compact is the Contax t2 or 3. They are really awesome with fantastic glass. I had one for a while but sold it on as I love the lameness of the LCA.

>> No.12383099


>> No.12383104

When I've got my backpack on me I don't mind the extra two ounce. It's come in handy plenty of times, nothing like a good game of Egyptian Rat Fuck with the boys
Absolutely no one cares if you're wearing headphones on the train, my guy. I'm not going to stick Apple earpods in my head and enjoy the soothing tones of foil being bent just because it's low profile. The two lighters are goofy, I'll give you that
Yep! It's a Fiio. Best MP3 player I've ever owned
Sony MDR-7506, best price to quality ratio you can get

>> No.12383115
File: 25 KB, 450x300, lionsteel-LI-M4-WN-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love their knives so much, the use great steel and their designs appeal to me much more than most other knife makers. Plus their fixed blades come with beautiful leather sheaths. Pic related, their M4. My next purchase.
Ace. You may have convinced me. Once I have my CIEMs I'll spunk some money at whatever is their latest player is.

>> No.12383152


the reason i carry a knife is because i live in a canadian suburb, where you from

>> No.12383192

Because when I see a spergy autist like you trying to cut open a package with keys I laugh.

>> No.12383195


>> No.12383242


>> No.12383259

what kinds of packages are you trying to open when you're not at home that necessitate a knife?

>> No.12383278

Liquid autism

>> No.12383295
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>> No.12383304

thats a funny name for a suburb, what province?

>> No.12383381
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>> No.12383397
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Nah, just a bosnaboo

>> No.12383427


bože sačuvaj

that's even worse, what's wrong with you? It's the most meme country after Kosovo.

>> No.12383430

what's the point of the radio?

>> No.12383436
File: 52 KB, 620x387, PonchoCape-Header_3435650b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C Buffalo Hanky?

>> No.12383462

I just really like it, what can I say. I like all of ex-yu but BiH stirs the soul the most.

>> No.12383489

Can you tell me the brand of the watch? I always wanted a flieger-style watch but all the decent looking ones are too expensive for me

>> No.12383602
File: 1.56 MB, 2381x3003, IMG_3070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iPhone 6 not pictured. Also removed the the second clip on the holster because it's more comfortable.

>> No.12383605

> no one carries a pocket fountain pen

What's wrong with you people?

>> No.12383613

To listen to...

>> No.12383665

Bexar Goods
Maratac Large Central Second

>> No.12383896

>owning a gun
For what? For when you're being robbed?

Are you gonna be able to quick draw over a drawn attacker?

I don't get it. What's its purpose?

>> No.12383909

>be anon
>walking down street
>man with a knife steps from around corner and barks at you to get on the ground and get out your wallet
>"Boy, I sure am glad I have a knife and/or my bare hands on me to defend myself instead of a gun! It'd be quite unfair if I had a gun and this gentleman only had his knife!"

>> No.12383912

Maybe you aren't being mugged at gunpoint point blank
Maybe your attacker has a "lesser" weapon
Maybe your attacker has made his intentions clear but there's still some distance between you
Maybe you can get behind cover before drawing
Maybe someone else is being attacked

>> No.12383928

wtf why r u so dumb

>> No.12383940

Um try again honey, my favorite celebrities have all said guns are bad and shouldn't be owned sooo...

>> No.12383941

Why don't you just give him your wallet, or are you holding more cash than what a glocks worth?

Also, who the fuck robs people with just a knife? Is that common in America?

>> No.12383942

the only person who MIGHT be effay in this thread is:


the rest of you should be embarrassed.

>> No.12383946

>why would someone in a position where they've either chosen or been forced to rob someone make poorly educated and thought-out decisions?
Well hell, you've got me there, anon

>> No.12383948

t. that guy

>> No.12383963

I'm 30 and live in a large American city. Have never been mugged/robbed. The only time I've witnessed a robbery was at a sporting goods store when three guys came in with guns and stole a bunch more guns. I was buying a fishing license. Most of these people live in a fantasy world. I'd consider owning a gun is if I lived somewhere remote in the mountains or country though.

>> No.12383966

"durrr what is a hobby??" whats the point in dressing nicely why not just wear whats cheapest and most comfortable?

>> No.12383972

I live in SF
Last year my coworker was robbed on her way home from cashing a check
A little bit after that my friend was brutally attacked and robbed at a bus stop and had to have his jaw wires shut for three weeks
A few months after that another friend was robbed at knifepoint

I'm happy you live in a safe place but especially in a place like SF/Oakland where robbers know most people aren't carrying, it happens a lot

>> No.12383976

*wired shut

>> No.12384011

You live in Florida?

>> No.12384030

how do you like your xm-18?
ive been thinking about geting one for edc, curentlly have a strider smf, but ive kind of grown to like flippers

>> No.12384047

>you guys don't understand, i need to carry a gun everyday, it's not safe around here, people get robbed all the time
>wears $2000+ watch

i don't have a problem with gun ownership. but either your everyday carry pics are embarrassing bullshit posturing, or you lack the tiniest bit of common sense.

>> No.12384076
File: 1.86 MB, 3024x3022, IMG_1370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swedish citizen living in London

>> No.12384115

So would you rather he wear an expensive watch without protection or... are you against expensive clothing items in general...?

>> No.12384121


>> No.12384125

Where I live if anyone gets robbed at knife point it makes national news

If shooting weapons is ur hobby ur a psychopath

>> No.12384136

fuck,i cant believe people like u exist.. i just want to die...

>> No.12384148

Why the hell do you carry a facial peel

>> No.12384163

>Where I live if anyone gets robbed at knife point it makes national news
Wow! Good for you dude! Unfortunately that's not the case where I live :( sad face
Maybe there are some lessons to be learned here. First, you don't know the conditions other people are living in so you should stop dictating to others that they should live as if they had the same living conditions as you, and secondly: I should stop having conversations with completely braindead fucks that can't use their fucking heads for more than three seconds

>> No.12384172

Seriously, call your parents right own and apologize for being who you are. Thank them for raising you when I'm sure every day they each had their fair share of muderous and suicidal thoughts, in turn.

>> No.12384193

Damn guys triggered hard

I'm still not seeing a reason to carry a weapon on your hip all day every day. You guys must be more afraid of your environment than a afghan farmer in a dust valley

>> No.12384197

Only good one ITT

>> No.12384213

Oh christ, I'm stopping here. I'm pulling the hook out of my mouth and swimming away

Well meme'd, friend

>> No.12384233


Great knife especially since you can find them online now for their normal retail. No other knife I've held feels as good in my hand as the XM.

>forcing youself to dress like a pleb so you don't get robbed

>> No.12384234

Its just useful to have. I started carrying one for defense when I was a teenager but now I carry one because it is just so useful. I use my knife at least once a day. Plus it is nice to have peace of mind that you can defend yourself if you need it although you will probably never have to.

An OK knife is not expensive so you might as well carry one.

And some normies do, some don't.

>> No.12384245

Most americans don't enjoy having their boipucci violated by a pack of feral sand niggers.

>> No.12384280
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Other than my Black One Plus 3 I'm using atm, this is it

>> No.12384283

Well, not when I have shit to do anyways

>> No.12384304
File: 778 KB, 2406x1606, Screen Shot 2017-03-24 at 8.08.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>When you were having premarital sex, I mastered

Fucking kek. Nocoinfags BTFO

>> No.12384312

>forcing youself to dress like a pleb so you don't get robbed
you're wearing expensive jewelry in areas you're too scared to travel without a firearm, and he's the cuck?

>> No.12384325

Do you even know what cuck means

You are literally saying he should roll over and let the """economically disadvantaged""" take away his right to wear certain items by force

Does that not ring a bell?

>> No.12384331

is carrying around a backpack effay? It seems kinda poserish to me.

>> No.12384338

It's a fucking backpack

Christ almighty, just how damaging is this site to young minds

>> No.12384346

>being this cucked

>> No.12384350

>is carrying around a backpack effay?
Unless you're in school, no.

Calm down, junior.

>> No.12384372
File: 99 KB, 1024x899, 1478032081253m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12384388


>> No.12384512

I live in Seattle and while I would consider it a pretty damned safe city I've definitely known some shit to go down even in the nicer part of town where I live. A year or so ago there was a rash of gunpoint muggings and some dude got jumped by like four people on his walk home from work and severely beaten.

I'm not gonna go out and get a gun because I know those are isolated incidents and carrying a gun around on you at all times is retarded but don't be an idiot and assume that you're always safe.

>> No.12384536

Does the printing on the cover come off on your hands? I bought one of those editions and I don't think it was particularly warm nor humid and it would come off every time I held it.

>> No.12384562

This anon has it right. I don't carry a gun because NYC's "may issue" stance on carry permits is actually "won't issue", but damn do I wish I COULD. I can't even say for sure that I would because it would suck having to buy a whole new wardrobe of pants a size larger, and I could see the weight getting annoying but if you're allowed to carry and it isn't uncomfortable then I don't see why not. Just because there's a low chance you'll need it doesn't mean it can't happen.

>> No.12384575

nice watch

>> No.12384732

I live in an extremely safe place. I enjoy carrying a gun. I like guns. I own a lot of guns. I am a "gun nut". I carry a G17 even though I could carry something smaller but the 17 fits my hand so well. I carry 147 grain 9mm hollows because if I shoot someone I want to cause grievous bodily harm. I don't want them to be able to have an open casket funeral. I do wear a $2000+ watch. I also have a fierce believe in the 2nd amendment. So run up on me be you a junkie or whatever. I'll mozambique drill you so fast you'll be dead before your brain matter hits the cement. Funny story I was leaving work and the junkies that hang out near our parking garage sometimes pull knives on people and 3 of the starting walking toward me all I did was pull up my jacket and put my hand on my grip and they immediately turned tailed.

>> No.12384735 [DELETED] 

No? Never noticed anything like that. I quite like those not editions

>> No.12384739 [DELETED] 

that "not" shouldn't be there

>> No.12384741


Are you me? Love the speedy pro by the way I that was my first watch. I have been loving the Seamaster 300 Pro Electric Blue lately though.

>> No.12384747

Are you jealous of the watch or the freedom? This is the mindset of a cuck isn't it? You sound like one of those He will not divide us fags.

>> No.12384748

I call bullshit
no way anon has ever parked in a garage before
or left his parents' basement

>> No.12384753

W2C bag? Looks like a great size for a manlet like me

>> No.12384764

This is how 99% of defensive gun uses occur. Economically disadvantaged person sees a mark. Approach that person in an aggressive manner. Responsible gun owner reveals he is carrying a firearm by putting his hand on the grip while it's still holstered. This lets the nigger I mean economically disadvantaged person know I am not an easy mark so back the fuck off. If the nigger is sane they will walk away if they're out of their minds or being testy they come closer and the responsible citizen draws the gun. After drawing one of two things happens the gun owner gives a verbal warning to not come any closer if that verbal warning is violated then the idiot is going to be shot. If it's obeyed they will run away. Almost all defensive gun uses end up stopping before the gun is even drawn.

>> No.12384767

Look at the picture more closely, fuccboi

>> No.12384769

I moved out when I was 20. My parents live in a different time zone. I am 27 and I have a full time job with a shitty 45+ minute commute. I park in our buildings garage because why the fuck wouldn't I it's free parking?

>> No.12384771

To avoid the homelesses

>> No.12384796

lol are you for real

>> No.12384801

>Are you jealous of the watch or the freedom?
who talks like this?

>> No.12384816

to fend niggers off. shouldn't this be obvious?

>> No.12384853

Nah I was trying to troll that anti-gun cuck. I realized how over the top and silly it got though. I really don't care what people think about guns. I just don't like the idea of infringing upon the individual's right to defend life, family, and property.

>> No.12384857
File: 39 KB, 389x361, 1488645104943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If shooting weapons is ur hobby ur a psychopath

you've obviously never touched a gun before and have an invalid opinion

>> No.12384858

I carry 147 grainers because they punch through light cover better than 115s and 124s.

>> No.12385008

I've touched a gun and and have the same opinion.

I don't get why people have such hard ons for guns. My first impression is that you have some kind of unhealthy obsession with something that was made to inflict deadly damage.

>> No.12385113

Never expected to see a shortwave radio, I've got a Tecsun PL-880 myself.

>> No.12385140

Lol, just read the thread. No one was infringing anything, just questioning the need to carry a gun daily in a first world country. The need was never really justified, just kept coming back to "muh rights", black boogeymen, and cuck calling. All in all, dumb thread, would not read again.

>> No.12385150

>just questioning the need to carry a gun daily in a first world country

is there a reason to not carry one?

>> No.12385153

Not him but in my country, guns are very prohibited. We have restrictive gun policies. Hunting and sporting licenses are issued, but any firearm used in these circumstances must be stored at a local police station. Even air rifles have to be stored at police station armories now, which practically means that there is no more private firearm ownership anymore.
Violation of firearms law can result in a $(US)18,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. Even possessing a toy gun without an orange tip is strictly prohibited.

>> No.12385159


Not who you're responding too but

>bulky and cumbersome
>potentially intimidating to others (relevant not because of any sjw reasons, but because can subtly change the way people interact with you for the worse)
>if you're a minority it invites trouble with the police
>invites accidental legal trouble (eg you accidentally bring it somewhere illegal like across a state border)

Weighed up against the rewards of:
>muh 2nd amendment
>potential self defence

Depending on the laws and crime rate where you live the rewards positives might outweigh the negatives, but there definitely are negatives

>> No.12385176

Next you're going to say you don't get why people like fast cars.

>> No.12385184
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For you friend

>> No.12385185
File: 20 KB, 412x352, 1489977601391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there definitely are negatives

which don't outweigh the potential for a gun to save your life.

compared to what? a large smartphone, huge wallet, a knife, and other items. look at the stuff in this thread.

>intimidating and danger for minorities
Conceal carry. And I'm not sure why you'd be in trouble with the police unless you're waving the gun around like an idiot.

>going across borders
a gun is a daily carry. you're rarely going to be crossing borders if at all. and you know you can do research on state laws, right?

>muh 2nd amendment and self defense
those two points alone blow your argument out of the water

>> No.12385266

>compared to what? a large smartphone, huge wallet, a knife, and other items. look at the stuff in this thread.

Yes. Compared to a reasonable modern smartphone and a reasonable wallet, a gun is bulky. No one wears a seperate leather holster for their phones or wallet like they would for a gun. Even in this thread, any photo with a gun has the gun as the bulkiest item in the photo,

>Conceal carry. And I'm not sure why you'd be in trouble with the police unless you're waving the gun around like an idiot.

There have been instances of people concealed carrying but having the police called on them because random people get scared anyway. Even if no charges are pressed, this isn't a good thing.

>a gun is a daily carry. you're rarely going to be crossing borders if at all. and you know you can do research on state laws, right?

A state border was just an example of an area that potentially prohibits guns. Depending on the state there could be plenty more including a post office, school, alcohol licensed restaurant or street event, taxi, or any business that expressly prohibits it. Even if you do your research, your daily carry can still potentially restrict your day-to-day activities.

Whether or not it outweighs the potential to save your life, depends on the laws of your state, your lifestyle and your area's crime rate. For some people it will, others it wont.
No need to act like there's no negatives.

>> No.12385270

>people shouldn't cc because it might scare sheltered liberals

>> No.12385273

What phone is that.

>> No.12385277


>> No.12385286


>> No.12385292

Pantech im-100

>> No.12385299

there's no good reason not to carry a bad dragon dildo everywhere you go either, but it doesn't mean you should carry one
your argument is shit

>> No.12385300

Great but RX100 would've been a better pick

>> No.12385312

By the same token people need to have the mentality of not presenting their gun unless they are mentally prepared to shoot someone.

>> No.12385364

W2c knife

>> No.12385385
File: 14 KB, 294x315, 17424839_1492452277441156_6124411277897332472_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12385492

are you black?

>> No.12385573

Cant find that same style of bag anywhere, anyone know w2c?

>> No.12385686

not them but i have one and im fine

>> No.12385700

Except yes there are some good reasons not to carry a bad dragon dildo around you thick fuck. Are you actually this bad at making a point?

Why don't you go watch some John Oliver or talk with your parents and come back when you've memorized some better rhetoric

>> No.12385705
File: 1.61 MB, 4640x3480, IMG_20170410_153910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this plus oneplus 3

>> No.12385718

RX100 is worse than the GR in pretty much every way except it has a zoom lens, but I don't own any zoom lenses anyway. I like a lot of Sony products, but their cameras are the most overhyped clunky pieces of shit ever, they just seem good on paper.

>> No.12385725

Cocoon, I forget the model name

>> No.12385840
File: 176 KB, 689x857, IMG_20170410_175053_1491839482811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not into expensive stuff, i'm kind of forgetful and i'd be afraid to lose something. The tin box is for mints. Obvs the phone is missing

>> No.12385859

Do you clean you ears on the bus?

>> No.12385870

One day i will be walking home from work through a dark alley where i will see a qt3.14 getting robbed by a dindunuffin and i will fend him off with my knife (robbers don't have guns here) and she will be super grateful and become my gf and introduces me to her qt3.14 friends

>> No.12385892

it's called a magazine faggot

>> No.12385901

what's the sunglasses and second watch? both very nice

>> No.12385914

urban survivalist gear is the cringiest shit of all time, nice flashlight faggot

>> No.12385933
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this picture a while ago for another board, but it's still mostly valid, repostan here

>> No.12385938
File: 37 KB, 324x309, goomba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you dumbfucks really carrying around books?

>> No.12385943
File: 9 KB, 417x405, FB_IMG_1489069620078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those loose, unprotected ear swabs

>> No.12385951

Some cheap glasses I know almost nothing about. The watches are the classical Casio F91W and a Swatch LaughTime (2010)

>> No.12385995

they're for my camera you grebs, as are the little pouches above them

>> No.12386108

Do you actually carry a gasmask around on a daily basis?

>> No.12386176

>t. stalker

>> No.12386258

No shit. I'm talking about the iwb belt clips on the holster.

>> No.12386318

Bump, that knife is beautiful, pls w2c?

>> No.12386392

Aww, Kia ora my mokapuna

>> No.12386510

keys do work

>> No.12386535


Carrying firecrackers but no lighter?
For what purpose?

>> No.12386538

When putin, or kim jong un, or trump or whatever decides to gas your ass, do you really think he will politely wait for you to go grab a gas mask at the nearest army base before dropping the gas?
It's also great if you get trapped in a burning building which has lots of chemicals and shit in it which would do not so nice things to your lungs if you breathe them in.
And lastly, guess who will regret not bringing is g mask with him onto a packed elevator where the fat guy just farted? Not this guy.

>> No.12386560


Really want an H&K P7M13. It's like the most effay carry gun.

>> No.12386615
File: 1.47 MB, 1094x725, jbjf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as contrived and pretentious as this place is, the EDC threads always take the cake
>deck of cards

clearly bait but made me laugh

only functional human being itt

pic related is mine. get a fucking grip already /fa/

>> No.12386620

made me laugh, my edc (orangey coloured one) was just today, reading the book currently, and i take photos p much everyday. Is EDC meant to be like an average of every day ever? feel like that'd just be a wallet/phone/keys thread

>> No.12386624
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>> No.12386632
File: 126 KB, 900x1200, 1491803956140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There have been instances of people concealed carrying but having the police called on them because random people get scared anyway
lmao. do you live in a daycare center? give me a source showing how often this happens

>going into an area that prohibits it
leave it in the car

>might not be worth it
that's like saying a high end home security system is not worth it if you live in a decent neighborhood. there's no need to look at percentages if it comes to your life or property

>no negatives
never said there weren't. I'm saying they don't outweigh the potential benefits

>> No.12386639
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, 1490960197337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing a gun to a dildo

are you mentally disabled?

>> No.12386641

bizarro drug dealer who recently moved to peckham
the short wave is for listening to "pirate radio" which you insist is better than just listening to normal music

>> No.12386652

Hai dimenticato la tessera del pd

>> No.12386739

>just give them your money man, no need to defend your property
you make me sick

>> No.12386756

>potential for a gun to save your life
not carrying a gun is literally the single least dangerous thing i do every day. youre probably more likely to die from choking, but i dont see you carrying one of those dumb lifevac things around

>bulky compared to what
not having 3 pounds of dangerous ass metal hanging off your belt?

>intimidating and dangerous
i guess this doesnt matter if you dont interact with other humans anyway

>i never cross borders
we dont all live in some fuckhuge flyover state

>i should carry a gun because i can carry a gun
why not walk around with a full tool belt at all times

>> No.12386796

>using a lifevac on myself while choking
lmao. why not just learn the heimlich or ask for help? no tool needed

>3 pounds
wow. really heavy

>don't interact with humans
yeah, the people i interact with don't have see-through vision and are not able to know who carries a gun.

>i never cross borders
do you cross borders everyday?

>tool belt
because it's a lot bulkier compared to a multi tool

are you dum?

>> No.12386831

Bosnia used to be cool in the 70s and maybe 80s. Now it's just a non-functioning state filled with a few old dudes not being sure if they care for a new round of the ol' "let's kill each other" game. Shit tier country just like your color coordination.

>> No.12386837

w2c a fucking poncho

>> No.12386838

Yes? Some people carry bags with them when they're out, most women carry a purse and many men carry backpacks. They don't really take up that much space and don't add much weight. Hell, some coats and pants have pockets big enough to carry a paperback or a journal in. If you have a moment of free time while out and about you can spend it reading a book rather than looking at 4chan on your phone screen.

>> No.12386860

Proprio non c'è pericolo, no.
Nothings pretentious about carrying a book, if you use public transport and have spare time during the day.
>complains bc something is pretentious
>on /fa/
Male up your mind

>> No.12387003

Eh guess you're right but they are great for video.

>> No.12387026
File: 2.06 MB, 3264x2448, 20170410_161111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus a potato phone used to take the photo

>> No.12387383

what the fuck are you carrying a rubix cube around for

why dont you use normal headphones

>> No.12387389
File: 80 KB, 1079x976, IMG_7032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>competition-grade speed-solving rubix cube
Best in thread so far. I'm laughing myself spare, picturing some skinny spaz furiously avoiding eye contact with Stacies and Chads while practicing on one of these

>> No.12387409
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 1489026044480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one wears a seperate leather holster for their phones

>> No.12387412

>Edcing fire crackers

pocket autism is fuckin' right

>> No.12387440
File: 217 KB, 1000x656, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

media player is zune hd

imagine it with a digital camera instead

>> No.12387572

iPhone 5?

>> No.12387585

ya, 5s

>> No.12387598


>> No.12387705

love those unipins

>> No.12387711
File: 245 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not *too* normie, I hope.

>> No.12387714

What's the most /fa/ pocket knife I can get on Amazon? I like space grey & black colours.

>> No.12387715

Pls use the XA more

>> No.12387721
File: 244 KB, 342x342, 1471784151806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a knife for fashion

>> No.12387745
File: 435 KB, 929x1400, 98500036 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its got ektar innit rn

>> No.12387766

>there's no good reason not to carry a bad dragon dildo everywhere you go

>> No.12387774

Are you niggers wearing JNCO jeans or something? I carry a phone, keys and a wallet. Wallet in the back, phone in the right, keys in the left.

Where the fuck am I putting the knife, pen, notebook, gun, mints, paracord, lighter, playing cards, dildo, paper towels and box of thin mints?

>> No.12387795
File: 1.88 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20161130_195754206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12387831


name of headphones

>> No.12387836

I was always curious about this pic. If this dude spent all this time working on marital arts, shouldn't he be totally fukkin' razzed he has a chance to go use it? Ordinarily, he'd remain forever a dweeb, but now he has the opportunity to gain recognition from his peers.

>> No.12387837

>>wearing headphones in public with that wire
is anyone autistic enough to care?
>>2 lighters
>not having 2 lighters
what's it like being unprepped af
>>a deck of cards
eh, better off with an ereader or a book or something more worthwhile your time

>> No.12387851

we know who you are, turn your trip on fag.

>> No.12387854
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, greater than sign not having hyper autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having hyper autism
Missing are cigarettes, phone, lighter, and knife because I don't want a gorillian >why do you carry that

>> No.12387858

>Lets faggots who rob decide your life choices.
May as well give up now.

>> No.12387868

i love that none of you will ever concede a point. it's almost like you invite confrontation.

>> No.12387877

bowers and wilins p3, got them ages ago and theyre great, price has also now halved

>> No.12387891

wilkins* soz

>> No.12387896

>it's almost like you invite confrontation.
that's the whole point of this site at this point

it's like an even more autistic version of self crit, which in of itself is already severely autistic

>> No.12387903

Do you live in Syria

>> No.12387913

>what's it like being unprepped af

unprepared for? being lost in the woods everyday and needing to start fires?

considering it's extremely long and coiled, not exactly good for public use

>> No.12387922

nah I'm just a smoker t.b.h.

>> No.12387943

These faggots carry around thom browne or cdg man-purses they got for Christmas from their nans.
That's where the mints, chloroform, dildos, knives, quick lye and lawn darts go.

>> No.12387971

>$10 quartz movement in a $300 watch

>> No.12387981

yeah but it looks nice

>> No.12388089

lmao I'm a suburban white guy with a law degree

>> No.12388090
File: 206 KB, 1024x681, 6158969357_4c1c89c92e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there a reason to not carry one?

I'm euro but can still understand why people like guns. It's a nicely machined heavy chunk of metal, who doesn't love that.

But I would never haul one on me. It's just too heavy and cumbersome.

As for protection against robbery or whatever and again I'm only speaking for myself there's no fucking way I would escalate robbery by pulling the gun, you never know if other party has one and getting killed over $100-200 just doesn't compute for me. Hell I would also prefer not to kill robber over something like that. Even if you don't have any ethical problems with it think of all the paperwork if you shoot someone and all that for some small amount of money, phone or watch.

This being said I'll never understand american taste, with all the nice looking guns people here mostly own the ugliest guns you can possibly get, blocks of cheap plastics with no aesthetic value at all. Are proper guns too expensive or what?

>> No.12388096

Yeah that'll do it.

I considered that wallet when I bought mine, bought I think the black leather is a lot nicer in person.

>> No.12388123
File: 103 KB, 1184x667, 17091379_1419904611386792_2122440574_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knife is for opening boxes at work.

why do you carry 2 watches?

>> No.12388129

I thought the point of a card holder was that you don't carry cash

>> No.12388134

got my shit in a backpack or my jacket.

>> No.12388151

Ikr? Kek

>> No.12388153

You're literally saying that you dress high class but frequent low class areas and don't see anything wrong with that

>> No.12388169
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>> No.12388306
File: 3.96 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170411_165740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont judge me based on that sticker

>> No.12388316

>case for earpods
literally why

>> No.12388329
File: 2.05 MB, 3024x4032, Datei 11.04.17, 16 12 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to add some small knife that looks good with my stuff. any recommendations?
also r8

>> No.12388338

plus a pen, forgot to put it there

>> No.12388399

>le graffitti pens
>supreme branded bullet

get a load of this doucher lmao

>> No.12388454

Staying safe from those Americans, I hope?

>> No.12388459

You are smart boyo

>> No.12388467
File: 2.10 MB, 4318x2861, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12388471
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12388484

w33d is gay throw that shit out

>> No.12388526

Fuck u

>> No.12388536

>2017 and he still calls names trips
reddit begone

>> No.12388815

Actually I don't. Either one or the other

>> No.12388929

So I can ask people to borrow their lighter then let off a cracker. It amuses me.
You sound like you're no fun.

>> No.12388964

>in America
I live in a European capital and was robbed twice last year, with some more attempts I avoided by luck.

>> No.12388986

'Proper guns' as you call them are usually not very reliable, not very convenient to carry, or are expensive as balls. For the most part a compact S&W or glock, which are both the awful ugly plastic blocks you describe, happen to be reliable, comfortable, and cheap which is why you see more people carrying them.

>> No.12389029

Sunglasses gotta go

>> No.12389280

>cheap watch
>butterfly knife
>mr. perfect

I hope for your sake you're not older than 16

>> No.12389283

Nice and clean.
Would invest in a nicer watch though

>> No.12389346


>> No.12389351

nice bag, w2c?

>> No.12389383

>pirate radio
Nah mate, it's all about Radio Romania/Ukraine and the Quran being sung over and over again.
I love my little Tecsun. I'm often stuck places without any internet so being able to listen to the radio is super handy.
Wait, what? EDC threads are actually about showing anons what you keep in your pockets? I thought you just gathered funny combinations of items in your room and arrange them autisticly.

>> No.12389430

Where do i get a nice coat, that will fit everything inside?

>> No.12389437
File: 248 KB, 525x491, polizei parka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker has so many pockets you could probably just use it in place of a backpack. Super comfy too

>> No.12389477

Well, i want to use it on daily bases
So, clear milsurp wont be an option
Unclear milsurp however might be

>> No.12389481

It's not even really milsurp, it's a police jacket. And it doesn't even really look like one at that.

I wear mine very often and get compliments left and right

>> No.12389491

Does it come with a hood?

>> No.12389501

Yep, concealed in the cute puffy collar

If you're going to buy, find a size that ends with 0. They were made to conceal bullet proof vests and whatnot, so if you aren't very fat or barrel chested, that should fit you. I'd also get the version with the false pocket, it comes in hand a lot

>> No.12389515

Wow, sounds nice

>> No.12389881

M8, you will get mighty fucked when the popo find out you're carrying a lethal weapon in britbongistan.

>> No.12389899

Which Shures are theses?
I got 215s and am mad chuffed with them.

>> No.12389922

Best so far. Fuck these threads make me laugh

>> No.12389933

What's the deal with that book? You read moonrunes or is it just kanji branding on a journal

>> No.12389939
File: 3.77 MB, 5344x3006, IMG_20170411_190906360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus other stuff

>> No.12389950

good edc, nice cam too

>> No.12389954

if anything, this thread confirms to me that cargo pants will be the next big /fa/ meme.

>> No.12389993

>Getting paid in fiat currency
>not getting paid in precious metals like gold or silver
>not having a vault filled with looney tunes sized gold bars underneath a rug in your basement.

>> No.12390001

RAT I or II for a knife

>> No.12390042


>> No.12390095

>Cheap watch
It's a Movado, look it up
>Mr. Perfect
Alright I accept that, but it's actually a gift

>> No.12390143

How the fuck am I supposed to get my money and keep tabs on my bitches?

>> No.12390146
File: 1.71 MB, 270x138, 1491874876510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a Movado

>> No.12390214

I cut cheese more often than you'd think. It's weird but somehow it always ends up happening. I also whittle and like to make stuff, like wooden utensils or just fun little trinkets.

This is what everyone uses their knives for I think, food and fun

>> No.12390222

>Liquidator patch
You ignorant disrespectful little cunt. Please remove it, please

>> No.12390226

America is a third world shit show and deserves what is coming to it within the following years.

Buckle up, fatties

>> No.12390235

lmaooo you fucking fag, I recognize those Bergeron tables

>> No.12390275


>> No.12390316

Look how shit the clasp is. Don't care what it costs that's a cheap fuckin watch

>> No.12390440

>It's a Movado, look it up
So you paid $200-600 for it.
The price you paid for it doesn't change that it looks like a cheap quartz watch with a horrible strap.
You can actually get much nicer looking automatic watches for cheaper with brands like orient or seiko.

>> No.12390502

were they muslim

>> No.12390545

Wrong. There are loads of cases where you are allowed to carry an """"illegal"""" knife. People have such a messed up understanding of British law. The real secret is not to be a black teenager carrying a mall ninja knife in the center of London.

>> No.12390573

Id on the noif

>> No.12390735

wtf lol

>> No.12390809

>My first impression

And THATS when I stop listening to dense cucks like you

>> No.12390811

What book/notebook is that? Anyone know?

>> No.12390820


It sucks not to live in Canada or Denmark. Yeehaw!

>> No.12390869


>> No.12390876

>Being such a cuck that you justify the unjust laws that the bull imposed on you because he left some loopholes

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.12390885

Stay mad kid. I own all the guns and knives I need. Plus no one every shot up my school.

>> No.12391042

Yeah, they look good, I like them. Thanks dude

>> No.12391078

My father has the same watch. And btw what is this knife called? It is beautiful.

>> No.12391138
File: 105 KB, 1080x1302, 2c0a72c4-fdbb-44c9-8a03-1627a46202af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to know about the knife too

>> No.12391147

where are those frames from? i love them

>> No.12391209

Buck 110, an American classic

>> No.12391535
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12391657


what kind of currency is that

>> No.12391659
File: 118 KB, 648x1152, 14274275_1048860491887495_837726475_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, why not...

sorry for the bad pic, but phone broke and i only have this old one on my computer.

>> No.12391679

Your parents money or yours?

>> No.12391769
File: 142 KB, 960x960, 17888164_1908103596102771_208265068_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i apologise for the bad pic it is nighttime here and i have bad lighting

>> No.12391799
File: 387 KB, 1280x848, tumblr_nie9chMZZq1qzf5l2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12391817

Cuz it's cool and I do what I want! No memeing either. Its a second set of genitals, you want to touch it all the time and you can't whip it out in public.

It's an affirmation of masculinity and power, and contrary to popular belief you don't even need to feel emasculated to want to feel powerful.

>> No.12391822


>> No.12391835
File: 616 KB, 875x594, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont carry a knife cause im not Eric Harris

>> No.12391876

Imagine if your wish were fulfilled by a gun toting psycho!

>> No.12391926


i do think the card holder was a xmas gift, the rest was bought with my money though.

>> No.12391932

>That phone
Oh God I have that phone, I feel sorry for you man.

>> No.12391938

why passport?

>> No.12391959

What's the brush for ?

>> No.12391981

>Having only one phone
What are you doing with your life? I have a different phone for each day of the week.

>> No.12392404

We call them quarters because theyre worth one quarter of a us dollar.

>> No.12392406
File: 1.79 MB, 4190x2358, IMG_20170412_201418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get a nicer wallet, but here's what I've got.

>> No.12392412

weird its not some slav coin huh?

>> No.12392428


looked like BRL to me, never seen it before.

>> No.12392569

>mugger holds knife in front of you and asks for money
>you pull out your gun
>then you pull out your magazine
>get knifed before the first round is even chambered
Looks good, looks like freedom.

>> No.12392576


>> No.12392594

>not Mike Love

>> No.12392603

keep a hammer taped to your leg too

>> No.12393114

I use it as ID

>> No.12393312

They're shure 215se

>> No.12393319

It's <강의> by 신영복

>> No.12393597
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 4a42b5f605d54558b0a481908487c914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck outta here
Hella fake, trying to steal Maxo Kreams album cover

>> No.12393638

id on knife

>> No.12393700

primo commento italiano su /fa/ che mi abbia fatto ridere, grazie

>> No.12393729
File: 117 KB, 716x960, cdVsIpXWhYQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i boring

>> No.12393744

2 ipods? why?