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/fa/ - Fashion

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12381501 No.12381501 [Reply] [Original]

anybody else having a hard fucking time picking what kind of aesthetic you want to have

>> No.12381506
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yea desu

>> No.12381509

how about be counter-cultural and unironically just bee yourself, without having to force any aesthetic

>> No.12381558

>only going for one aestetic

>> No.12381562

>his aesthetic isn't palewave all year round


>> No.12381568

>forcing an aesthetic instead of just wearing what you like

>> No.12381571


>> No.12381675
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>> No.12381869


>> No.12381872
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you're looking at it wrong.
how about you stop trying to fake a personality, and just go with the aesthetic that naturally appeals to you through your interests.
that is, unless you actually somehow don't have a personality...

>> No.12381881

i wonder, do guys even care much about fashion when it comes to girls? because my fashion sense is shit and i don't look particularly good either, and random guys still try to hit on me. so when i browse this, i keep wondeing, is it just that you guys want to get your own fits on point and improve?

>> No.12381894 [DELETED] 

No, it is a hobby, altthough some see it the way you're describing, which, I think, is very sad, as girls ultimately don't care about men's fashion when it comes to attraction.

>> No.12381901

some do, most don't. moral of the story is to not invest in fashion for other people, do it for yourself.

>> No.12381902

For me I feel as if I am torn between two aesthetics, a comfy-core sort of look, and minimalist monochrome look, both of which I feel are representative of who I am, but of which I cannot both embrace, as I feel it would be inconsistent.

>> No.12381904

I care. If I see a girl dressing well or interestingly she immediately seems much more attractive and cool to be around. But a lot of dudes won't give a shit if all you wear is sweatpants running shoes and athletic tops or some other lazy shit if you're hot enough. A lot of people on here I think do look for advice to dress well in order to attract women, but I think most who regularly visit just enjoy the creativity of fashion

>> No.12381911

i guess i just don't personally feel like consistency matters very much

>> No.12381926

A girl who cares about it is a huge bonus. Pretty much every girl at my school just lives in yoga pants, paired with various hoodies, quarter zips, and fleeces. If you actually put effort in, or come off like you do, it's a great way to stand out.

>> No.12381928
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>not being /fit/ and having a simple aesthetic

>> No.12381934

It just wouldn't feel right to me; having my wardrobe divided like that.

>> No.12381943

I'm working on this. It works best if you are lean and tan. I was bear mode and pale and that doesn't work as well.

>> No.12381958

>not invest in fashion for other people, do it for yourself.

This never happened in real life.

>> No.12381964

well, it is actually really good to hear that there are guys out there who actually care, and also just knowing intrinsic motivation and goals are still part of it for some people.

i personally do care much about aesthetics myself, but it took me too long to stop constantly worrying about the opinions of others, so i still have a long way to go. but i am now starting to dress myself the way i want to, however that might be, and it feels good man. if i were to post a fit on here right now, people would probably shit all over me, but even then i would never allow others to completely change these things about me again. i just keep coming back here because i really love to discover and gather inspiration and insights. sometimes fashion feels so intriguing.

>> No.12381970

I want to dress preppy but i work in a blue collar industry and already look gay, life is so hard

>> No.12381979

>tfw want electric dylan aesthetic but also enjoy wearing sweats everyday and looking like a slob

>> No.12381983

>went into raw denim meme
>went into jcrew meme
>went into cavempt/acronym/tech meme
>went into OL/Acne meme

>finally just bumming around in a hoodie and pantagonia pullover

3 ACRONYM jackets, 2 CE Icon pullovers, every dumb hype internet piece later I've been wearing just cheap shit from uniqlo and vans

give up

>> No.12381988
File: 425 KB, 494x456, 2017-04-07 04_30_34-(1) iamSSunny - Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a rough idea of what my aesthetic is. Mostly white skater-core and some comfy pieces here and there.

Used to be into the whole techwear scene but I just felt like I was cosplaying and none of my friends understood it.

I have been making comments here and there about my girlfriend's aesthetic, trying to get her to experiment with some different types of fits, but she's pretty run of the mill normie when it comes to fashion.

Pic related is kinda what my gf looks like, choker, hime cut, bomber and ripped jeans. She's cute but I want her to be a little more unique

I will state that even though all black is a semi tryhard faux passe meme, I love it so much and its something I'll never give up

>> No.12382057


>> No.12382128

mine is poor scum drug addict, heroin chic and slp type clothes. It's basic but true to who i am.

>> No.12382293

Get out of here Cx

>> No.12382595

It doesn't have to be divided, just buy pieces you like instead of going for a full look and you'll be golden my man.

>> No.12382625

No, I at least have a semblance of authenticity

>> No.12382677

Black skinny chic what the fuck else is there

>> No.12382680

>size 8 shoes
>wondering why he is giving up

>> No.12382689

All the fits I see over here which I really like are boy's fits goddamn.

>> No.12382711

Wow, this thread has actually persuaded me into choosing what I like, not going for the memes. Thanks, I guess?

Still kinda wondering though, comfy/snowboard-tier hoodies, slim jeans and black-on-white canvas shoes, - how gay is this?

>> No.12382750


>> No.12382765
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>tfw just 2 poor for multiple aesthetic styles and forms

>> No.12382768

gonna need some example pics

>> No.12382796
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Here you go.

>> No.12382813

seems pretty normie to me. You'll probably get shit for it here but looks fine for normies.

>> No.12382865

What is considered /fa/ then? What would you change to make it /fa/? Not that I would follow the opinion of some obscure indonesian seamstress forum, just wondering.

>> No.12382874


>> No.12382887

What? What is 'rick'?
Sorry for newfagging and being annoying. I have never really visited this board before, but it seems to be fairly useful.

>> No.12382900
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>not going for multiple aesthetics that are attractive to you, combining parts of those aesthetics, and using that to create a style of your own

>> No.12382901

Rick Owens

I suggest you read sticky post, it's crucial.
Also will give you basic knowledge.

>> No.12382919

Nice autismo, subhuman manlet

>> No.12383068

the fuccbois wear what they can

the /A V A N T - G A R D E/ wear what they must


Q:[I conduct the orchestra of the Sun]

>> No.12383102


>faux passe

Speaking broken French is the epitome of tactless blunder.

>> No.12383111

Appreciat the one shoe look, anon.

>> No.12383143

honored. for more filter applications, please see:


>> No.12383187
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>> No.12383305
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>> No.12383369

>have to dress smart casual for work
>just wear mix of minimal and punksih clothes at the free time
Our Legacy and Acne for basics, Undercover and Luker for interesting tops since I like post-ounk quite a lot.

>> No.12383378

I wear normcore one day and go full techninja the next and wear a bape hoodie, jordans, biker denim and a designer belt the next

>> No.12383385

I'm a guy who cares about fashion and designer shit and I follow the industry but i care more about a girls body than fashion sense

>> No.12383393
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1. It's waste of money. Unless you are rich in daddy's money it's better to fully invest in one quality expensive style that suits your lifestyle and interests mosts.

2. It's a disaster on actual "style"-level since it's extremely inconsistent and makes you look like trendhopper. That's something a niggerish hypebeast may wear. Some tech-stuff one day, Raf he saw in ASAP's video on second and SLP on third.

>> No.12383672

>t. fags

>> No.12383737

girls wont like you based on your fashion sense. not for longer than five minutes at least. You have to do it for yourself.

>> No.12383740

sorry i just glanced at that post and thought it was about getting girls. mb

>> No.12383873
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Is it bad that i just buy clothes/pieces i like the look of and then worry about incorporating it into an outfit/aesthetic later?

If im unable to do it i just sell them on.

>> No.12383887


>> No.12383900

You guys sound like a bunch of middle or high schoolers.
Hurr durr should I be a skater boy or a metal fag idk.

>> No.12383986

Well, this is 4chan. Everyone is contrarian on here.

Right now it's normie/mainstream to give a shit about aesthetics, so if you don't then you're basically a hipster.

>> No.12384060

I've been basically dressed by /fa/ through the years; menswear, americana, military, preppy, minimalist, comfy.

Didn't jump on the tech, pale wave, Rick, or SLP.
I just mix and match or do a specific outfit whenever. Feels ok man.

>> No.12384082
File: 74 KB, 720x1022, OF GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wear clothes you like, you cuck. carve your own aesthetic

>> No.12384086

No that's what a well-adjusted person does. It's just clothes. Buy pieces you love and wear them however you want.
Don't obsess over it.

>> No.12384102

aesthetic is, or at least should be, a physical extension of your personality.

if you're having trouble, that means you literally have no personality.

>> No.12384104

don't "pick" an aesthetic
do what comes naturally

>> No.12384116
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unrelated but whats stopping me from getting the spending 40$ free shipping at h&m/pacsun to buy a certain product under 40$ and returning the shit I bought extra and therefore capitalizing on free shipping for the one product?

>> No.12384158

I like prep and /fa/core.

How would I combine these? Literally impossible. Weird as hell to switch between them from day to day.

>> No.12384165

Aesthetic (or style) happens when there's no distinction between your personality and your body

>> No.12384168

they refund the item minus shipping, scoobs. think scoobs.

no wonder you're having such a tough time. /fa/core doesn't exist.

>> No.12384199

I'm trying to create some new aesthetic, called "modern vintage" but its really hard. The point is to look like you are from the past, but wearing modern brands/mateials/types of clothes, never existed earlier.

>> No.12384301

if being consistent with a certain aesthetic is what someone wants but is having a hard time due to favoring more than one aesthetic than he is literally being himself

>literally have no personality.

what kind of retarded statement is this lmao

>> No.12384900

Are you me?

So essentially mall core. You dress mall core.

You'll move out of your Nan's one day!

>> No.12386629


>> No.12386640

I have a different aesthetic for every season.

>> No.12387863

honestly just like sticking with colour coordination. anyone wanna see my shit fashion sense?

>> No.12387940

This post right here says it all
Nice dubs also

>> No.12387950
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My wardrobe is evenly divided between gothninja and techninja, and never the twain shall meet.
On the left it's all Yohji, Craig Green and CDGH+, and on the right it's all ACG, Y3, Stone Island Shadow Project and Acronym.
I guess the techwear is my day-to-day and the gothninja shit is my business-casual, but boy does it feel schizophrenic sometimes

>> No.12387967
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Depends on the girl. The Stacies think I dress weird but I'm a brit living in America with a nice,clean accent, and I'm in good shape so they are willing to look past that for the most part. Girls who actually follow fashion compliment me the most since I wear easily identifiable pieces or stuff that is too extravagant to be mainstream fast fashion.
The truth is I dress for me. I see fashion as a high-order form of communication where each fit is a cartouche of subtleties to be tweaked.
It's also a balancing act between wanting to convey a message about yourself while not over-communicating and keeping a weather eye on traditional conventions of attraction.
tl;dr be in shape, think about what you are trying to say about yourself, and have fun with it. Ultimately it's all about maximizing your happiness utility function.

>> No.12388035

Not everything is about you my man

>> No.12388097

Nothing has resonated so hard with me before

>> No.12388106

To him, it should be, other then when friends and family are involved. No one should be forced to dress fpr someone else.