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/fa/ - Fashion

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12380924 No.12380924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most effay drug and why is it weed?

>> No.12380929

Weed isn't a drug, it's a plant

>> No.12380932

>he is a weed-smoking kid
Adderall and modafinil are effay, weed is for dumb wiggers

>> No.12380935

you cant be effay if you smoke weed

>> No.12380938


I smoke weed and people say im effay


>> No.12381070

Desomorphine, you faggot, learn to use real drugs, mens's drugs

>> No.12381077

they lie

>> No.12381080

noun: drug; plural noun: drugs

a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

fucking idiot.

>> No.12381083

Being a fucking retard definitely isn't /fa/

>> No.12381085

Stimulants are more /fa/ than depressants

>> No.12381088

The only ways to enjoy weed that won't eliminate your effayness are edibles and cartridge pens. You can smoke if you want but it isn't effay

Gravity bongs are still cool as hell even if they aren't effay though

>> No.12381089

LSD is the most /fa/ drug, psychedelics boost creativity for fits and new styles.

>> No.12381093

cocaine is the obvious answer. weed is only fashionable for pre teens

>> No.12381101

>calls weed only fashionable for teenagers
>suggests coke instead
Hahahaha that's a knee slapper

>> No.12381109

the people who post on this board prove otherwise

>> No.12381145

I have seen friends permanently damaged by heavy use of 'weed' during their high school years. It is a nasty drug which young people wickedly and selfishly use for instant pleasure—it is a short cut for the lazy and the irresponsible, and it forms habits of reckless self-gratifying which will eventually lead you to other dangerous drugs.

Perhaps this will impress some of the less imaginative of your peers. It will not impress anybody with any sense—what is so 'effay' about being a short-sighted, selfish lout?

I do not know what is supposed to be dignified about taking happy pills. It looks, to me, pathetic and weak—a last desperate grasp at happiness for those who cannot and will not try to make any real improvement in their life.

>> No.12381157

Effay Drugs
Everything else makes you a dumb faggot

>> No.12381161

fedoras arent effay faggot

>> No.12381166

being effay isnt just about looking good, its a lifestyle. smoking weed is incompatible with the effay lifestyle choice.

alcohol, scrips, lean, and opiates on the other hand...

>> No.12381242
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>> No.12381269

it's only effay if it photographs well
smoking weed always looks dumb as hell compared to a regular cig, which can be romanticized
This is part of why vapes are not effay, for example

>> No.12381270

Coke and amphetamines really fit my style, being skinny and tall all while running for days with no sleep.

>> No.12381271

seperate anon than the one you replied to here

im just sipped an oz of red drank and took two roxys

dark circles under the eyes are /fa/ bonuses

>> No.12381333


>> No.12381359

>literally the drug popularized only by rappers

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12381386 [DELETED] 

brilliant and highly creative response. inspired by marijuana?

>> No.12381389

brilliant and highly creative response. inspired by marijuana?

>> No.12381401
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here anon try this

>> No.12381402

Confirming opiates are /fa

>> No.12381552

prescriptions you white person wow

>> No.12381688


This may be bait but I agree with you anyway

>> No.12381698

weed is a meme, what are you 15?

4-acho-dmt is the most /fa/ drug

>> No.12381700


>> No.12381701
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>he doesn't create fits that compliment his drug-of-choice
>almost perfected mushroom-fit
>cant find a decent robe
Kill me

>> No.12381707

I've smoked weed for 22 years and I can't stand people wearing ganja leaf pattern clothes or those fucking STUPID "Addicted" t-shirts, or anything that advertises that you smoke weed.
The people that wear those are the people who literally do nothing but talk about weed constantly and how high they were this one time.

>> No.12381723

>I've smoked weed for 22 years
planning on growing up anytime soon?

>> No.12381739
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This. People who base their entire identity around weed are fucking lame and terrible to be around.

>> No.12381744

This, weed is totally fine as long as
a) you NEVER talk about it unless there's weed in the room
b) you're still a productive and motivated human being

>> No.12381746
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>> No.12381867

Habitually drinking cough syrup isn't a good idea

>> No.12381917

The most effay drug is heroin.
Runner ups are opiates like codeine and psychedelic drugs like LSD.

Drugs like cocaine used to be fa but they are more in a normie-tier now and weed has always been bottom tier anyways.

>> No.12381921

t. addicted incel

>> No.12381997
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>you NEVER talk about it unless there's weed in the room

Not quite

You have to talk about weed in service of getting it. When you're at a dispensary you ought to be knowledgeable and articulate in order to get what you want.

Once you have weed and it's time to smoke, you should think or talk about anything that isn't weed related. The effay reason to smoke weed is to arouse insights you wouldn't normally have. Profound insights such as, "Woah dude, this is some dank bud!" are non-effay.

Furthermore, talking about pot while smoking expresses amateurity and a lack of confidence, which are also non-effay.

>> No.12382008

exactly, there is a reason why the ''weed-smoker'' stereotype is a selfish, childish slob who never gets shit done. It's based in reality.

>> No.12382499

>they say
they probably dress like tyler the creator