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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 256 KB, 584x514, 7-people-who-will-be-at-your-high-school-reunion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12373500 No.12373500 [Reply] [Original]

Help me /fa/ I'm desperate. My 10 year high school reunion is next month, and I have no clue what to wear. I'm female, 4'10", 100lbs. I was a complete loser in highschool and I got bullied a lot. Ten years later I have a great job, a wonderful fiancé, and I haven't gotten fat or pregnant. I'm confident and happy and although I have nothing to prove to anyone, I want to walk into this reunion looking and feeling great. I know that every other girl there will be wearing an off the shoulder white lace dress with coral pink wedge sandals, as that's the local semi-formal uniform, and that is definitely not my style, but your average little black dress seems boring. What can I wear to look and feel like a million bucks while surrounded by people who made my teen years a nightmare?

>> No.12373505


>> No.12373525


>> No.12373538

If you were really successful and happy would you really be putting this much thought into this HS Reunion?

>> No.12373553

Not into womens fashion, but let us know how it goes. I wanna know if you spilled your father's fettuccine or if you put the Stacys/Chads in their place.

>> No.12373557

The way I see it, this has nothing to do with impressing a bunch of virtual strangers I haven't seen in ten years. This is about me feeling confident enough to go to the party and accept that I belong there, among my peers, which isn't something I was allowed to feel in highschool. It's about knowing that despite everything I ended up with a good life and I don't have to feel inadequate or awkward around these people any more. Maybe it's silly, I dunno, but I just want to go and have a good time.

>> No.12373570

Makes sense, I wasn't trying to come off as a dick btw -- I was genuinely asking.
Stunt on them

>> No.12373584

Maybe youre just more humble, but honestly associating with those people that bullied you seems counter intuitive. Kind of giving off the "Im finally one of you vibe." Then again Im just another drunk shitposter on an Indonesian uranium quarry with little life experience.

>> No.12373604

Semi formal dress, no patterns, solid light color
Blazer, preferably short, dark color (navy blue/black) TAILOR THAT SHIT. Make it so even when unbuttoned it looks great.
Any short kind of jacket works as well, as long as they fit the look and yourself.
No high heels
No trashy jewelry

The way you look can only do so much though. The only way to look confident is being confident, or so they say.

>> No.12373612
File: 48 KB, 407x610, reunionoutfit_steamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't honestly know if if'd be a good thing to go. Yeah, the possibility is that your classmates have grown up, but really what is there to talk about?

If you have specific friends you're planning on seeing there, then yeah, go and look your best-- plan for a good time. I don't think I ever want to relive my high school years, so there's that.

The best outfit you can do is one that looks put together and smart. If it's in the summer get a classy bodycon dress that isn't super tight, something that's a symmetrical. Get a blazer to throw over it, and match it with a low pump/flats and a small, matched purse.

>> No.12373615


yeezy oversize tee
yeezy jeans or hba or balldmain
margehellas hightops or the cropped hightops or the "shorts" i think they're cold

for less formal go

ysl bomber with ysl t-shirt with ysl pants and ysl shoes thanks.

>> No.12373633

I get where you're coming from, I really do. I have a couple of good friends I want to see, and everyone else can go hang. I really just want an excuse to dress up and have a good time, and if I get to do that in front of people who thought I'd always be the ugly duckling, well that's just gravy.

I like all the suggestions so far. Glad we all seem to be on the same page re: no high heels.

>> No.12373643
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>> No.12373648
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>> No.12373661

>Help me /fa/ I'm desperate. My 10 year high school reunion is next month, and I have no clue what to wear. I'm female, 4'10", 100lbs
aaaand this is why I hate women

>> No.12373666

Walrus or go home

>> No.12373674

>This is about me feeling confident enough to go to the party and accept that I belong there, among my peers
>I don't have to feel inadequate or awkward around these people any more
>>stressing a month in advance about what you're gonna wear
If you really felt confident and that you belonged, you could wear whatever you want and it wouldn't be a big deal

>> No.12373679

Who in the right mind would wear that Celine skirt

>> No.12373682

You hate an entire gender group because an individual member of said gender group is nervous about dressing appropriately for a social function?

>> No.12373685

Ohh this is nice. I think I'm too short for this style of pants tho.


>> No.12373687

>tips fedora

>> No.12373690

Much better than the "is this effay?" threads you litter this place with

>> No.12373710

back to r/incels with you. hya!

>> No.12373719

kill yourself then

>> No.12373857

The mental gymnastics in this post are astounding

>> No.12374039

Whose style or what style do you like OP? That'll give us a better idea of what to suggest to you.

>> No.12375103

My personal style is all over the place. I wear a lot of weird stuff, by which I mean people /think/ I dress weird because I don't do the basic jeans and tshirt thing everyone around here wears. So I'm kinda at a loss when it comes to dressing "normally", especially for this type of occasion.

I like chic, minimalist looks, but I don't think they look very good on me. I'm short and babyfaced, so I don't have the ethereal alien figure to pull it off.

>> No.12375122

Naked seems good, post fit btw, I like petites

>> No.12375328

How about skin? Certain colors don't work with certain tones

>> No.12375341
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>> No.12375356

>bash religion
>hahah atheist tips fedora
>defend religion
>hahah butthurt theist tips fedora
>bash women
>hahah neckbeard tips fedora
>defend women
>hahah white knight tips fedora
>make quality post
>hahah white knight tips fedora
>make shitpost
>hahah le funney memes tips fedora

>> No.12375361

pls take this salt somewhere else, salty boi :^)

>> No.12375535

>tips fedora

>> No.12375573

1. Wear tight black leather cat suit
2. Then spread your arse cheeks, squat and unload a steamy shit at HS reunion party
3.Depart shortly after w/o saying a word

>> No.12375579

replace each "tips fedora" in my post with "salty boi :^)" and then hang yourself

>> No.12376106

literally just dont go???

>> No.12376123

Please OP I beg you

>> No.12376639

why would you even want to go to a highschool reunion if you used to get bullied by those shits

>> No.12376985

this desu

>> No.12377870

the slick rick trick

>> No.12378669

either dont go, or go wearing whatever you fancy as you now consider yourself a success

>> No.12378687


>> No.12378712

This is mental masturbation and is completely illogical.

>> No.12378762

>10 year high school reunion
>or pregnant

You're still a loser. You're near-on 30 and you are still buying the meme that career > children, for women. Take your paxils and buy another fur baby, lel.
Everyone likes a puppy and you can show pics to your old classmates and they will pity you behind your back and giggle about how you're trying so hard while to your face they will tell you "good job" and how you have got your shit together.

>> No.12378893
File: 63 KB, 476x750, 1475303936617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some charts for you to consider.

>> No.12378899
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>> No.12378903
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>> No.12378906
File: 57 KB, 383x750, 1475304029997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all I have I think you'd need.

>> No.12378976
File: 230 KB, 1229x2048, IMG_3834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tricky Ricky or don't go

>> No.12378987
File: 971 KB, 500x500, 1446095460766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old /fa/ would have told this person that she is pathetic for wanting to impress people that bullied her
>/fa/ now gives horrid female fashion advice

Trying to impress people is self-defeating in itself. Doing what feels natural to you and excelling to the point that people are impressed is how you really create a good image.

>> No.12379423
File: 32 KB, 356x306, almendra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ has been dead for awhile now

>> No.12379425


>> No.12379462

that skirt's cool what are you talking about

>> No.12379577
File: 132 KB, 640x841, 82eeb96ed9a4e4cd93e6200a505347ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress conservatively and feminine. They will see that you're about to get married and it will make people go, "Oh shit, she's really matured... and she got a guy..."

I might be wrong, but there's a very real possibility that the girls who gave you shit aren't married yet, or are even in a stable enough relationship.

Show them up and send the signal that you've grown up and matured in spite of what they did. They'll probably get jealous and not even know why.