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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 451 KB, 1198x895, 1482413105153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12369213 No.12369213 [Reply] [Original]

Have most people just completely given up on fashion or trying to look decent

>> No.12369219

Their parents were never taught, and so they never were either. The internet is what's changing things.

>> No.12369220

Most people never tried

>> No.12369223
File: 7 KB, 221x228, 62a3266ca0cdaab4436c08be1d685873b3938edce565c6f6e59c00ce367e1d88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12369226

those are not people, but fucking zombies living in their phones

>> No.12369245

All of the above

>> No.12369263

I, too, am highly offended that kids don't dress up for going to the food court.

>> No.12369267
File: 149 KB, 350x246, sharpedges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12369408

this a pic of the UT student thing?

>> No.12369454

Just Americans.

There is quite a big difference between the USA and Europe.
>tfw no orange shoe gf

>> No.12369481

Not everyone can aspire to such lifestyle heights as shitposting on /fa/.

>> No.12369507

Pajeet on the right looks great

>> No.12369508
File: 1.58 MB, 4272x2848, zeta_tau_alpha_wants_YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have most people just completely given up on fashion or trying to look decent

in america: yes, definitely. i don't say that because it's different elsewhere, it's just that i wouldn't know because i haven't left the country. there's a sense that you're a tryhard if you take any care at all in how you dress.

girls basically have zero expectations here when it comes to fashion. if you're good looking and fit you can wear anything as long as it isn't offensive or bizarre to them. so there's zero incentive for a guy to dress fashionably unless he happens to have an interest in it

>> No.12369513

>there's a sense that you're a tryhard if you take any care at all in how you dress.
yeah, this is really obnoxious. Wearing a collared shirt or a nice sweater shouldn't be grounds for "bro what are you all dressed up for???"

>> No.12369514

>that pic
so sad

>> No.12369519

>Wearing a collared shirt or a nice sweater shouldn't be grounds for "bro what are you all dressed up for???"

i have an awkward friend who is trying to get into fashion and he seems to get hit with that whenever there is a party. it's an obnoxious thing to say to someone

>> No.12369540

Most people, throughout time, haven't given a shit about fashion.

>> No.12369548

But they dressed better.
Look at the crowd at 1960 football matches for example.

Or watch boardwalk empire :^)

>> No.12369549
File: 73 KB, 583x509, 1487229013963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are 10/10s in Burgerland

>> No.12369553

fuck i love gals who wear boots, muh dick

>> No.12369555


>> No.12369577

because they must be solving the issue of Middle East on their phones

we spend 1/3rd of our lives in bed sleeping, which is already bad enough and today's people choose to spend a good portion of the other 2/3rd looking at a 5 inch screen doing redundant things

not talking about the fact, that it looks autistic as fuck from the outside

if there's such a thing that backwards evolution, this surely qualifies

>> No.12369592

back to kc, impersonator

>> No.12369610
File: 32 KB, 471x356, 1435376950156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're the next step in human evolution
>only need 2 hours of sleep per day
>natural thinspo, rarely need to waste time eating
>5 inch screen is for manlets
>already found the solution for Middle East
>have all the time to shitpost on /fa/

>> No.12369620

All of those people look clean and relaxed, so who cares?

>> No.12369643

i like it too but different boots

>> No.12369650
File: 902 KB, 624x601, 1479930688125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all so plain looking and gross. Not just the clothing but their facial structure. What is wrong with burger genes

>> No.12369652

And Oh,
>Im twelve.

>> No.12369660

0, 1, 5, 9, 10
with authoriteh

>> No.12369667

None of them are more than 6/10 at best.

>> No.12369668

what kind of demented weirdo starts counting at 0? although you are correct about 1 being the cutest. the rest not as much

>> No.12369761

where do numbers start

>> No.12369765


>> No.12369769
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 1481019005877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In programming you start at 0 you imbecile

>> No.12369779


also you could consider a DNF as 0
on a number line you can have 0 and then +1/-1, +2/-2 etc.

stop thinking competitively, thing spacial relativity

>> No.12369826

jfc the autism is just palpable. i'm upset that you're forcing me to explain this

we're talking about numbering people in a picture from left to right. it is infinitely more natural to start at 1 in that context (1 being the leftmost person). that's why you will almost universally see it done that way

i know you're mightily proud of having a basic understanding of math and programming but you sound like an idiot

>> No.12369831

caring about fashion is considered explicitly gay in America, it's absolute baffling.

>> No.12369837

Wtf the fuck people do so much in their phones like
Im not a normie so i guess they just talk with sluts and stuff

>> No.12369896

maybe in burgerland..people here tend to care about how they look and how they dress

>> No.12369907

>Wtf the fuck

>> No.12369931

those boots are ugly as fuck whats wrong with you

>> No.12369933
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1471485448302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit... normie holocaust WHEN!?

>> No.12369938

maybe they weren't on the fore fronts of fashion but generally people in history at least tried to look good rather than wearing basketball shorts everyday

>> No.12369949

Top shit lmao

>> No.12369968

I'd argue that the view of fashion troughout history might be skewed for it's greatest part for the fact that only the rich could afford to get portraited/photographed and they could also afford to dress better than the average.

If we were to compare how an average person dressed before and how they dress today, we should only compare inside some 150 years time span during which photography is common.

>> No.12369980

fuck you
put your trip back on so i can filter faggot

>> No.12370020
File: 102 KB, 500x308, Cleveland_in_the_Great_Depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. There are hundreds of hundreds of photos of middle-class people in the early-mid 1900s that shows they're not inept when it comes to fashion. The ugly ass suburban slobs who are 'too good' to care about fashion only really started to emerge in the late 1990s to today.

>> No.12370042

>in the early-mid 1900s
And that was my point. You original post made it sound like you wanted to cover earlier periods where such coverage of the masses was rarely available, or would show they did not dress well.

>> No.12370070

op in the UT SAC

>> No.12370078

OK, so instead of looking down at their phones, they can stare at the wall straight ahead.

>> No.12370120


>> No.12370123
File: 212 KB, 800x1047, 800px-Marie-Antoinette,_1775_-_Musée_Antoine_Lécuyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Go to a Chick Fil A in what appears to be a college food court
>take a pic of a bunch of kids with no money and no time
>Complain about their fashion

Marie Antoinette, is that you?

>> No.12370135

This is UT and Austin is a terrible city for fashion unless yr really into the slacker-punk thing

>> No.12370136

Thinking the upper crust of society that can afford to go to college has "no money and no time"

This is especially heinous since we are talking about UT which is directly in Austin not some bumble fuck college in Nebraska or some shit. They have culture n stuff. No excuse.

>> No.12370140

>>terrible for fashion save for the objectively patrician slacker-punk aesthetic

>> No.12370181

Fucking this. I don't even know how I'm gonna start transitioning my wardrobe when everyone has just seen me wear t-shirts for years.

>> No.12370193

Or actually socialize like human beings

>> No.12370212


There really is something to this. From Asia and am studying in a Southern state and I seriously feel well dressed if I leave the house moderately groomed with track pants and a plain shirt.

I went to vacation to the UK over spring break and had to get a haircut and start wearing my nicer clothes after walking around feeling like a complete slob next to do well dressed Brits.

>> No.12370214
File: 66 KB, 800x551, 197o1okyuiv27jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you socialize in line waiting for your food before class with a stranger? Not everyone likes to talk with strangers. This isn't some sort of new phenomenon.

>> No.12370217

The funny thing is that most fashion trends come from american metropolitan cities like ny, chicago, la, sf etc.
It's considered explicitly gay by redneck fags of overflying states in the middle of nowwhere, most of them are plebs by definition, they were flannel shirts, regular jeans, cowboy hats, smell rancid sweat and listen solely country.
Just a bunch of usless low-class white trashes.

>> No.12370221

>given up on

When did they try? In comparison to when?

>> No.12370229

>Tfw this is actually ur uni and an accurate representation of the basic bitches there

>> No.12370233
File: 3 KB, 284x115, logo-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In programming

>> No.12370254
File: 18 KB, 480x360, whitenigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts complaint thread about general public style
>doesn't post own "fashin"

Really depends on where you live OP, obviously, the majority of people will not know much about styling etc. and will just wear what they find comfy or what they think looks right and what they think looks right will I guarantee you just be the current fashion trend. Most fashion trends people follow imo are just lazy attempts at pursuing style.

bad example in pic

>> No.12370264

I, for one, hate it when random chucklefucks try to engage me.

Maybe they do too.

>> No.12370281

he can't put his trip on because he's serving a ban for being a useless fucking cunt of a poster

>> No.12371298
File: 174 KB, 1275x1040, menschenrassen1rp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breeding out racial characteristics makes for mediocrity.

>> No.12371431

Only mediterranid looks /fa and patrician here.

>> No.12371509

Osteuropid and Dälofisch are the most /fa/. Mediterranid looks like a faggot.

>> No.12371514


>> No.12371532

This list doesn't even contain any of the races that make up the average white American (mostly Celtic and Anglo races)

>> No.12371541

>in programming

>> No.12371624

>have small talk
>"ok, bye!"
>leave forever
what does this accomplish

>> No.12372577

>most fashion trends come from american metropolitan cities like ny, chicago, la, sf etc.
like what?

>> No.12372583

Fucking subhuman Ameritards every time

>> No.12372922

Desu the only """fashion""" that comes from America is slacker punk, grunge, and other juvenile bullshit like that. Fashion, like everything else, is turned into cheap commodified trash in burgerland.

Now don't get me wrong, we do have our fair share of genuinely /fa/ people in America, but the trends usually start elsewhere.

>> No.12373221


>> No.12373228

stop trying to make an excuse for your retardation. If you have 5 items in front of you are you gonna count off 4 items since you started at 0.

>> No.12373233

I can assure you we have never exported anything of worth, trend-wise

>> No.12373234

thats what im trying to say! such a small chance you will ever build a relationship of any kind with some random person you met once and will almost never meet again. Its different if you see the person everyday.

>> No.12373280



>> No.12373300

>flowers in hair for white girls
>North Face jackets
There's two.

>> No.12373303

>what does this accomplish
Sam thing what you accomplish in a day, Nothing.
Yet humans are social animals you fucking retard, you scumfuck degenerate.
It doesn't have to accomplish anything, its fucking small talk.
Do you only talk to people when you need something, you literal definition of autism?
No wonder your on 4chan you fucking retard, people like talking, you build friendships that way, of course you would have no need for this.
fuck you.

>> No.12373308

Dude chill, go to the cafe literally like 2 buildings north and look at the moderately fashionable tech fetishists of this bugs you so much. This is a fucking chickfila.

>> No.12373352

As bad as this is, the second week of college is when the girls stopped giving any shits and lived in pajamas full time.

>> No.12374028

>sent from my iPhone

>> No.12374216


>> No.12374241

it's true tho
she's at the 0th index
>all these mad normies
normies btfo

>> No.12374243
File: 10 KB, 193x262, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.12374260
File: 45 KB, 546x366, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw flip-flop and yoga pants season is just around the corner

>> No.12374264

Jews made them like that tbqh

>> No.12374272

holy shit i go to the uni where the pic was taken
fucking awful for fashion: a lot of frat fucks and people like in op's pic

>> No.12374491
File: 28 KB, 525x633, 1491436586269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-are they laughing at me?

>> No.12374501

The average non-Hispanic white American doesn't have any sub-Saharan African admixture. Numerous genetic surveys have shown this.

>> No.12374505

The average non Hispanic white American doesn't have Swedish, Dalofälisch, Alpine, Osteuropid, or Dinarid admixture either.

>> No.12374512

This post is dumb even by /pol/ standards.

>> No.12374637

White Americans are mostly Irish and English you fucking moron

>> No.12374645

Wow you really are dumb. Did you sleep all through history class? Or are you just not from America

>> No.12374650



>> No.12374658

10 > 12 > 3 > 9 > 1 > 12 > 6 > > > > > > > 2 , 4, 5, 7, 8

>> No.12374787

>12 > 3 > 9 > 1 > 12
great job

>> No.12374845
File: 307 KB, 600x530, 1464003969823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admits there's no point in having small talk
>continues rambling for some reason
it sometimes pays to think before typing things out, anon. keep that in mind

>> No.12374851

meant 1 > 11

>> No.12375219

>admits there's no point in having small talk
>Pays to think things out before typing
how the fuck do you think it accomplishing nothing means theres no point to something?

Fuck you buddy

>> No.12375293

Don't forget Italian for people in Northeast cities.

>> No.12375339

hey OP, post what you're wearing today

>> No.12375376

Money they might have spent on clothes now goes to electronics.

>> No.12375380

hey vengeful normie

>> No.12375924

Northern California is thoroughly Italian as well.

>> No.12375927

call me what you want I guess
the fact of it is, it's up to the person who complains to offer an alternative
if OP thinks most people have given up on both fashion and "looking decent," I'd love to see what they're wearing today
just to see if they're fashionable and decent-looking
so if OP can't do that
maybe they could just stop being a judgy cunt

>> No.12375941
File: 118 KB, 758x985, IMG_0765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12375944

pretty sure germanic/mainland mutt is more common then proper anglo genes and has been for a while

>> No.12375960

is that a jojo reference??

>> No.12375970

It depends on the region. The midwest and New England are pretty German. The southern states are stilly mostly Anglo and Scots Irish.

>> No.12375991
File: 29 KB, 598x399, IMG_0123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12376000

do we imagine that she's pointing at our penis?

>> No.12376024

They obviously cared about fashion in tge 1960's

Also the overall sentiment is false because fashion and athestic opposed to purely functional clothing have always existed as a sign of class or leader ship

>> No.12376114

>zero indexing for natural things

>> No.12376125

This is very true. I'm from Europe and studied in the US for half a year. If always get dressed if I went out, even if it was just to take out the trash. My roommate was really weirded out by this, didn't get it when I explained that this is more or less normal for people at home.

>> No.12376519

most people dont have the same level of autism as your typical 4chan user

>> No.12376911

most people don't try without a reason
if they're not going out to work or dinner what's the point in not just dressing however
also those all look like children so why the judgement

>> No.12377256
File: 43 KB, 600x757, 88501c7a76fde7cb7753e22fbde45f87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I can tell. Even this board has given up.

It's like a time capsule.

>> No.12377271
File: 21 KB, 200x133, 1490432676320s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop mentioning it anon.
I want them to stay this way so I look good by comparison when I go to UT

>> No.12377276

>Implying you look good.

Goddamn, back to being a /fa/ dick in minutes, & I haven't even found my style.

>> No.12377278
File: 79 KB, 543x694, ijmoi9j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for once that kind of image does look a bit odd

if people were like that everywhere id be a bit perturbed

>> No.12377471

>mfw its almost sundress season

i am so fucking ready guys.

>> No.12377528

why dont we settle this right here in the ring if you think youre so tough

>> No.12377832

kek @ millenials

>> No.12377863

woah dude
>hits bong