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/fa/ - Fashion

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12357462 No.12357462 [Reply] [Original]

>best friends for 3 years
>friend becoming increasingly contrarian to whatever I say
>becoming one of those "adidas only good brand" dudes
>tell him EQT ADV and NMDXR1 look ugly
>tells me I don't deserve an opinion worth listening to because I wear some thrifted onitsuka tigers

pic related, my shoes

is fashion worth being a dick to ur friends over?
also, feels thread

>> No.12357862

Onitsukas are shit tier but adidas is worse

>> No.12357881

Your friend sounds like a dick head

>> No.12357908

you can hardly call onisuka or adidas fashion

>> No.12357928
File: 89 KB, 500x949, Before and after fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the only person in my friends group who awoke to /fa/
>normie friends kind of understand
>/v/irgin weeb friends say "man, are you going to be autistic about shoes and clothes now? it was bad enough when you were talking shit about my taste in anime" and "why do you care about clothes so much? it's not like anyone else cares"

In all facets of life, I must always be autistic.

>> No.12358060

Has /mu/ gotten to you yet?

>> No.12358066

Get your friend really drunk and then pull down his tracksuit pants and suck his cock.
If he starts being contrarian just laugh and say:
>lol, remember that time I sucked your dick and you LOVED it?
>I didn't know you were a gayboi until then.

>> No.12358196

Those shoes are horrifically ugly and I doubt they go with anything. I know that sounds rude, but nobody in the thread has said it yet.

>> No.12358211

Those shoes are fire your friend is plen

>> No.12358254

/mu/ is a strange place
I feel music is very subjective, but many of them treat it like something objective, while at the same time liking really fringe music, e.g. death grips, but not having any arguments for why they're good

pretty good place for finding relatively unknown music, though

>> No.12358267
File: 100 KB, 682x1024, IMG_20170221_025556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i think it's just a compulsion to try and "fit in" somewhere...but i'm always moving on to the next thing or group, never satisfied. because what i actually want/need is not someone else's acceptance, but my own...

(and ofc, weak people confuse popularity with being bully)

>> No.12358493

i told my friend the same exact thing when he bought foamposites 2 years ago.

and yea i was being a cunt and your friend is being a massive dick

>> No.12358498

Part of being human is having different taste from other people. If your friend liked to eat fish and you hated fish, would you stop being friends? Or would you just get over it?

>> No.12358516

like the other anon said, alot of clothes are subjective but u and ur friend are both acting like there's only one option or something. i also feel like ur using the shoe's worth in money or rarity to make ur claims that it's a good shoe or something. dont do that.

>> No.12358664

>tfw more intelligent than anyone I know so I end up getting bored quickly or my friends force me to talk about (((intellectual))) stuff like philsophy or politics
Worst feel. I'm not even overly intelligent, I bet my IQ is like 120 at the absolute best

>> No.12358874

/mu/ is the one of the worst board on this fucking site, right along with /r9k/ and /fit/ probably

>> No.12358876

He's a retard. But your shoes do look like shit.

>> No.12358958
File: 473 KB, 771x787, 1489281783973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's rough. pic explains all regarding 4chan

>death grips, but not having any arguments for why they're good

well death grips are good but i don't know what kind of argument you would want. it's not easy because as you said, it's a subjective matter

i would merely refer the person to the albums i think are best as opposed to the ones that are inferior and less accessible. exmilitary especially but also jenny death are the best death grips albums i think

what kind of music are you into? /mu/ has strong feelings about which genres are good and which are irredeemable

there are just too many awful boards that can give them competition though. i've only used like 7 boards altogether and a few of them were way worse than /mu/

>> No.12359213


> /fit/
> bad


>> No.12359215

>taking fashion serious

>> No.12359357
File: 766 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_5048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find out oneitis has a bf
>he's taller and more effay than me
Maybe if I had bought that Phillip Lim 3.1 hand rolled big pocket tee while it was fresh, I wouldn't be in this mess

>> No.12359917

I got cheated on once and it was really devastating for me. Now I just cheat on everybody so if a girl cheats again I can just tell her about how I've been fucking bitches the whole time and how she didn't mean anything to me. I don't care how many good girls I hurt, I actually like hurting them desu. It's autistic AF but I feel satisfied when I get caught and she's genuinely hurt by it. One time a girl found out about cheating (I know because I saw her on my phone) and she didn't confront me for a week. We slept together and when I didn't fall asleep I heard her quietly crying next to me and I was smiling the whole goddamn time. Like I felt her back trembling when I tried to cuddle with her. And I didn't feel any remorse.
Is this normal?

>> No.12359963

all this money i spend on clothes is a fuckin waste my face is still assymetrical misshapen and greasy and i look like a serial killer or worse in every pic no matter what facial expression i pull

what's the point of dressing well if i hate attention to begin with i feel like i'm one panic attack away from turning into one of the permavirgins on lookism

>> No.12359969

what the fuck is the point

>> No.12359977

nothings worth being a dick, never harm anyone even if they harm you...

>> No.12360014

it doesn't matter if it's normal (it isnt)

what matters is that you're not the cold sociopath lothario you think you are. you're a small, edgy coward

>> No.12360038

You're shoes are shit tier. not effay
Adidas shoes can be effay and boost is comfy

>> No.12360067

I'm actually not trying to be edgy

>> No.12360077

Maybe you shouldn't be such a pretentious faggot and then you can get more friends with your taste in "fashion"

>> No.12360081

Shut the fuck up you autist

>> No.12360272


>> No.12360279

And now you are trying even harder

>> No.12360286

depending on the age it becomes for severe, it's an attack on personal image and self and interest. And no, losing friends over fashion is pretty dumb.and my opinion on your onitsuka is i would never wear something that yellow. i couldnt rock it

>> No.12360330

We are chasing the approval of the people we detest the most

You want validation from them because you deep down inside, you admire them, the people who dress this way, good looking people, people with money... you hate them but you want them to accept you as one of them... which means only one thing... you hate yourself.

I am the exact same way. It's a validation imperative I think I developed from being a bullied fat kid. I always go the other way - never on purpose either. I always want the nice thing, the tasteful thing, the first for this or what not, so the people I always felt had it as a child, could look at me with emvy as an adult, and that's just pathetic really.

You can never be fulfilled because you'll never be 'it'. Once you get to 'it', they'll have changed it on you.

The only way to move through life is to live for yourself.

>> No.12360623

A year ago my best friend left me out of nowhere, it absolutely broke me. I still use that as a crutch to excuse my aversion to keeping in touch, why waste time on someone if they can just leave you at any time, y'know? I've been getting better but I'm still not the same person I was.

>> No.12360687


you guys are overthinking.
If you enjoy fashion live with that hobby. other people play videogames, do sports - most people got SOMETHING.

Trust me if you dress /fa/ and don't look like a tryhard but just a guy who likes to take time in the way he dresses people WILL notice.

Most people won't say anything but its a big plus and your most likely going to be that guy who
>Can wear anything

When in reality you might be a completely average guy who simply knows HOW to wear his stuff.

i don't think it's "trying to fit in" just cause you like fashion.

>> No.12360696

pretty much this >>12360014

You are simply no man and you are not putting any rules on yoursellf but you rather go for whatever makes YOU happy..despite the pain you put amongst others
Not even gonna write down the whole hole in your heart thing you know that yourself.

Honestly if you wanna fuck bitches do it. But don't hurt nice girls.
Just tell them that you are not looking for a relationship and just want to be friends with benefits.

You might get less girls but at least your
guilty conscience won't bring you to an online mongolian shadowpuppet board to search for noobish psychological help.

>> No.12360710

I want to fall in love again, I just want her to love me back tho

>> No.12360750

ask me how i know you're dyel.

>> No.12360781



>> No.12360788


>> No.12360812

I think you can be a dick about fashion without losing out offending your friends in the process.

Based on what you wrote it sounds like you criticize your friends a lot. People don't like being criticized and start acting bitchy if it happens a lot. Just improve your attitude towards them, be grateful and appreciative of them and show them that you add something to their life.

This is true for being negative and complaining a lot as well. If you've ever had a friend just up and leave you, think about how you acted around them and ask yourself if you ever added anything positive.

Being none and a faggot is better than being a dick and lonely.

>> No.12360886

if she doesn't love you back she ain't worth it brother.
Be a man.
Know that you are too good for her.
Realise that your life is your life and you shouldn't put anyone who doesn't love you in a position to rule your emotions and actions.

Shit is hard but once you realise how unnecessary it is to have a girlfriend that isn't absolutely perfect for you, your qualities in life will increase and other people will notice that.

>> No.12361206

They fact that the one girl that cheated on you fucked you up THAT bad is so iconic of her and hilarious.

>> No.12361209

This is why I dress nice but boring

Doesn't attract much attention but people can see I put effort into what I wear. I get almost all my pants tailored to fit me perfectly, good color coordination and Im more than satisfied with my shoe rotation right now.

>> No.12361362

faggot kys

>> No.12361367

Yeah I hope I can get one of these broads as bad as she got me desu senpai

>> No.12361489

Thanks, I've realized that but moving forward I just seem lost. I'll keep your words in mind