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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 195 KB, 1080x1440, large_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12353076 No.12353076 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become Chad?

>> No.12353077

Why do you want to be Chad. Chad is dumb. You can get girls without being Chad.

>> No.12353079

>be attractive
>be 6'4+
That's it.

>> No.12353095

Just b urself brah ;)

>> No.12353099

actually chad has above average intelligence

>> No.12353135

born white
born taller than 6 ft
born with thick slay bone structure
born with cheekbones
born with defined jawline
born with hunter eyes
born with charisma
born with good voice
born with talents

>> No.12353149
File: 127 KB, 736x568, Badman Vegeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to ask, you have no chance.

>> No.12353175
File: 1.95 MB, 1475x1837, 1490139703540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find out where you at at this chart, then procede to make your way to your goal.

>> No.12353180

so are slayers smarter chads?
what jobs do slayers need to have?

>> No.12353240


>need to have

It's a chart based on physical appearance... You can't jump categories because you have money

>> No.12353242

snap got them all

>> No.12353257

the problem with meme is that slayer and chad usually end up in LTR because they knock up one o their GF's by mistake. Because they arent degenerate they stay with them to fit into social norms.

>cliffs most chads and slayers are in LTR

>> No.12353274

What if ur not a 5'10" minimum but have a 10/10 face?

>> No.12353278

>10/10 face
are you sean O'pry?

>> No.12353322
File: 1.87 MB, 1366x768, james norton2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you spelled James Norton wrong

>> No.12353332
File: 35 KB, 387x433, IMG_5647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly hair
ugly everywhere

>> No.12353360

>tfw 6'4" but with a totally average face

sucks being a meme senpai but at least got a good bod

>> No.12353428
File: 149 KB, 612x977, 20170328_120048 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I normie or incel tier ?
If normie, can I get to low tier Chad if I get muscular given that I have the height

>> No.12353433

I also need to fix my lazy eye

>> No.12353451

lifting does wonders

>> No.12353466

Wtf am I reading. Chads not degenerate ? Women don't abort? Where is this magical land?

>> No.12353471

I heard it can also make your face more attractive by raising test lvls

>> No.12353473

its good all around, lowers bf% and gives muscle if done right

>> No.12353482

hit the gym

>> No.12353483


>born taller than 6 ft


>> No.12353507

>tfw I could easily ascend to slayer if I lifted

Feels real good.

>> No.12353514

your mum lied to you
you are ugly

>> No.12353517
File: 33 KB, 405x480, youshouldkys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off yourselves /fa/ggots

>> No.12353522

Be raised by outstanding, perfect, family oriented white family where the mom hasn't divorced, go to private schooling whole life, be taught by father how to "be a man" & everything they need to know about women, have supportive, comforting mother who cheers for you, go to expensive, top tier Ivy League college, date perfect, slender looking black hipster American Apparel model going to college who lives in apartment near campus, get fancy degree in electrical engineering, never smoke weed (deal breaker for me) & only drink mixed stiff liquor drinks like Henessey, Vodka w OJ, Rum w Coca Cola, etc, be viewed as outstanding white American male citizen, get hired by defense contractor, live cozy, suburban life making 200k a year, marry model wife, & have beautiful mixed children who go on to succeed in life.

>> No.12353531
File: 635 KB, 1000x1000, jamesnorton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly hair
>ugly everywhere

ummmmmm no???????

>> No.12353533

this dude doesn't even look real

>> No.12353611

meme hair
eyes are low tier
nose is ugly
light eyebrows

saved by jaw&chin

>> No.12353665

imagine looking like that? it honestly just must be weird as fuck

>> No.12353686

Jaw and chin are all that really matters

>> No.12353710
File: 204 KB, 1398x1494, F6E4A2B9-B5E2-47BD-BE6D-0E8B67316CE1-36105-00003FBB95F1EBBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you trade your soul to pic related nigress if you could live with his face

>> No.12353731

No, I don't like how round it looks

>> No.12353736

I laughed far harder than I should've

>> No.12353748

round what

>> No.12353769
File: 107 KB, 404x480, 20170328_121527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like pointier faces like David Bowie.

>> No.12353774

sounds fucking boring

>> No.12353778

"Slayers" look like Hitler's youth, yuck.

"Chad-tier" belong in a head-injury awareness or anti-steroid PSA, disgusting.

The "Normie" and "Incell" dudes are actually attractive.

The "Genetic-trash-tier" dudes are pretty unfortunate, but could be interesting if they had compelling interests and weren't assholes.

I seriously wonder if these sorts of charts are made by repressed gay men.

>> No.12353783

>he likes feminine looking men
>says that gay men like masculine looking men

Walking a razors edge aren't we.

>> No.12353793

*S*he likes men who look like they have interests beyond working out.

>> No.12353806

Spoken like a true hambeast

>> No.12353808

why is mr.cheekbones so thin

>> No.12353816

It must be so tough being white.

>> No.12353821

Nope, sorry. BMI ~19.5

>> No.12353826
File: 21 KB, 706x480, 1490491141552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking pride in what you could be but arent

>> No.12353837

By the time you can ask this question it is probably too late.
Chad is, of course, a product of good genes. But he is also the product good, healthy living encouraged by good parenting.
For instance: what would have happened to these guys if they habitually breathed through their mouth as kids?
Their faces would have suffered greatly.

Guys in 4chan meet-up pictures often have a similar look about them.
It's not all that because they were untermensch they became 4chan guys: a big part is that is how you grow to look when you live a particular kind of lifestyle.

>> No.12353850

nice blogpost.

>> No.12353880
File: 30 KB, 442x332, chxZtBa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negative canthal tilt is ruining what otherwise may have been a solid 8/10 face

pic related

>> No.12353951

Funny one senpai

>> No.12354193
File: 150 KB, 512x384, IMG_3309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like the sex offender that got mistaken for Dennis

>> No.12354268


>> No.12354323

This chart is complete bullshit. Do you really think the ability to get a woman revolves solely around how you look? If you're attractive you'll have plenty of girls to sleep with but good luck keeping a long-term commitment with a shitty personality, especially if she's in the same league of attractiveness as you, she'll just find someone else who won't bore her or treat her like shit and all the good looks in the world won't stop that. There are uglier people that are happier in relationships together than some of the best looking people will ever be. Shallow and fucking retarded, written by a true virgin or someone who's never had a long-term relationship of any kind.

>> No.12354382

Why are you people so fucking insecure

why are you people so obsessed with "chads" "incels" or "normies". Just go outside, work-out, dress well, then, unless you're genetic trash you can get a girlfriend

fucking hell you people are fucking miserable

>> No.12354399

100% This ^^^

>> No.12354439

6'2"-6'4", above that is lanklet shit tier and too tall to be chad/model quite frankly

>> No.12354446

>The "Normie" and "Incell" dudes are actually attractive.
If you like weak handshakes, nerd references and 5.5 inch cocks, yes.

>> No.12354458

>tfw stuck in the gap between normie and chad

>> No.12354481

>Just go outside, work-out, dress well

This is 4chan

>> No.12354505

t. normie incapable of empathy

Not everyone is capable of achieving these feats at the same pace/with the same ease as you, Anon.

>he fell for le 4chan meme

Not everyone on 4chan is an unambitious, lowlife NEET with no aspirations you know.

>> No.12354515
File: 150 KB, 899x663, jamesnorton4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jaw, chin, and cheekbones are pretty much all that matter tbH

>> No.12354522
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x692, james norton.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo things like a big nose or negative canthal tilt are just more of a "quirk" when you have such good cheekbones, jaw, and chin

>> No.12354530
File: 1.42 MB, 320x173, cage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad is dumb. You can get girls without being Chad.
fucking lmao

The only intelligence that really matters is verbal
If you're quick with words, eloquent without being pretentious, witty and funnily sarcastic ( without being a clown) you legitimately increase your chances.

I'm a pure mathcel myself and most STEMcels are undeniably high IQ but can't string a sentence together to save their lives, yet they cling to their "IQ" like some badge of honour. Just lol

Meanwhile lawyers who need to be verbally fast are the biggest slayers, yet most have the abstract reasoning skills of a five year old

Most STEMcels also lack initiative and will end up being dominated by an alpha finance student who coasted through uni slaying and partying every weekend, while they do all the work and get paid a fraction of his salary

Just lol @ everyone who boasts about his IQ or intelligence, there exists no faster way to say that you're an insecure incel

>> No.12354536
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, sam hyde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not have empathy, I am not a "normie", I just dislike the weak and whiny, the dwellers of this thread.

>> No.12354566

Chads are born, not made.

>> No.12354977

You're still buying into the frame though, it looks like.
Good-looking people are smarter than ugly people.
Being good-looking is an indicator of good health while being ugly is an indicator of bad health. Healthy people are smarter.
Yes there will be dumb, pretty people and smart ugly people.
The myth people want to believe is we all got the same amount of "stat points" but they distribute differently so we are different but equal.
The truth is that some people just get more stat points than others. They are superior while others are inferior.

>> No.12354990

I think it's kinda both.
Like... The people with good genes will also do smart things like get good prenatal care, not smoke or drink while pregnant, not do shit which brings on premature birth, breastfeed their kids, avoid inflicting early childhood traumas etc.

You could take untermensch people and force all of that upon them and the babies they'd make would be higher quality people than if you just left them to their own devices.
Maybe not Chad, but closer.

>> No.12355044

Yeah and he just looks "quirky" instead of a 10/10 god

canthal tilt is easily up there with any other individual feature for attractiveness.

>> No.12355192
File: 56 KB, 560x602, 1456117150934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're arguing the same point

good genes come in packages

Pic related, the greensboro chad image everyone here is probably familiar with. Some autists tracked the guy down a few years ago. It turns out he ended up becoming a successful businessman worth millions of dollars.

>> No.12355242

Completely retarded chart.
Who says people who are ugly can't be alpha males?

>> No.12355247

Never noticed he had tattoos.

>> No.12355414

If chads are so dominant, why are people still ugly? Wouldn't they have dominated the impregnation game for centuries now? There is more to life and success than photogenic features. You've also to be jewish.

>> No.12355495

6'-6'4 is ideal and I'm not even 6'.

>> No.12355501

>implying any of the chads' bodies cant be done natty
lmao I bet youre the kind of person who says that they "just can't lose weight"

>> No.12355502

Do you not know how to read? That chart puts personality into account

>> No.12355529

i am an incel to you, but i am happy, like really happy.

iq doesnt matter if you lost thr power of will. implying you can run a bare minimum conversation.

>> No.12355533

show yor tats or gtfo. and you have a shitty personality to point that out in case.

>> No.12355535

The important thing Is money. money money.

how we would be after 10 years

>> No.12355554
File: 49 KB, 500x667, doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all about FACE, HEIGHT and FRAME

Its not what you /fa/ incel manlets betas have though

top kek

>> No.12355567

>dating down

fucking lol. and the idea that you wouldn't date this guy if he has smoked weed has me laughing all the way to the dank.

>> No.12355590
File: 31 KB, 250x251, 1489978512904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to trigger manlets and skinny lanklets who think them being /fa/ is going to save their shit genetics ?


>> No.12355593
File: 40 KB, 634x650, c0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking chadwave seriously

>> No.12356993

what if you have a 10/10 face and 5'7 and a smal-ish frame

>> No.12357086

>How do I become Chad?

Dress sportscore (sports team memorabilia), work on getting lean muscle, especially on your arms and never act reserved but make them initiate the conversation and sexually be "down to do anything, no gay shit though".

>> No.12357089

You're pretty retarded if you think that his NTC is a major detriment to his facial aesthetics.

James Norton looks insane in motion.
>implying women will care about some flaw that autists from lookism can pinpoint
Off you go.

>> No.12357098

You'd be normie if it weren't for that godawful eye
You're stuck in incel until that's fixed

>> No.12357120
File: 1.25 MB, 832x468, james norton buzz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Norton looks insane in motion.

this anon knows what's up

he's so fucking good looking you don't even notice his eyes. and if you're looking at his eyes then you're most likely looking at his beautiful blue eyes rather than his NTC

>> No.12357137

His eyes neutrally titled anyhow, his surrounding soft tissue gives an impression of negative cathal tilt, but that is nearly damn impossible considering how well developed rest of his facial structure is.

>> No.12357145
File: 999 KB, 1280x690, james norton prince andrei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well in any case, i want to have his face. here's another webm just because

>> No.12357151

Kill yourself and hope you get reincarnated as a Chad.

>> No.12357154

fucking kek

>> No.12357159

Yeah, he looks better in motion than in pictures, IMO that's the only important thing unless you want to do editorials as a model.

>> No.12357162

What if I don't live my life striving for a genetic ideal that doesn't even appeal to me?

>> No.12357386

Virgin spotted

>> No.12357452

Tfw attractive 5'6

>> No.12357521
File: 62 KB, 540x960, swimcmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chad reporting

>> No.12357528
File: 427 KB, 2000x1290, 1465090401980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to stop giving a fuck

>> No.12357529

how do I become better with words?

English is my second language but I speak it better than my mother tongue now so I'm basically garbage at all languages.

>> No.12357665


I'm all of this, even 6'4 however I just started lifting now so I'm still skelly, I'm also awkward and socially anxious as fuck

>> No.12357868
File: 36 KB, 391x376, IMG_1113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born with also a high intelligence and had good grades and was amazed by teachers

You just described Jim Morrison

>> No.12357886

I'm 1.75m, I play basketball, I swim and ride, I had a chilesed jaw but I wanted to bulk up and left my strict diet of no sugar and soda drinks/alcohol. Now I've gained a little fat on my cheeks, feelsbadman. I never felt (not I think) that I'm a Chad, also I have no interest in women thought, but at least I had opportunities where I could be with one easily.

>> No.12357891

You have a long face, like Ryan Gosling, just start lifting and work on your confidence, most of these charts are made by thirsty gay men. Women (unlike men) don't focuse purely on physical attractiveness (like men do).

>> No.12357894

I agree but
>born with charisma
>born with talents

>> No.12358026

>Wouldn't they have dominated the impregnation game for centuries now?

Not really because for centuries we haven't had tournament mating. We set up civilization so that the labor potential of betamales was unlocked via having a wife and children. (usually his children)
It's only since women's "liberation" that we have set up women to be Chad's harem again.

The unfortunate thing is his superior seed will not actually impregnate that many women. The women aren't having Chad's kids they are just occasionally getting fucked by him and trying to capture him in marriage until their ovaries wither away, like raisins.
The women become Alpha Widow cat ladies and don't even have a beta's children like they were supposed to.
Chad marries a 21 year old when he's 38 and only has three children.

>> No.12358079

The only thing that applies to me is being white. Reeee

>> No.12358248

Everyone in this thread needs to remember they're on 4chan lmao

>> No.12358358

How do you know they didn't? Maybe people were fuck ugly 10000 years ago.

>> No.12358381
File: 139 KB, 990x660, deb28fcbb74c33c391943f8369da03c2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's charisma

Unless you look like a horror movie villain you can look totally ordinary and still be a Chad, see pic

>> No.12358502

>be born into one of the richest and most influential families in new york

kek gtf to >>>/pol/ drumpf loving kid

>> No.12358504
File: 602 KB, 1000x783, 1484689578224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of these guys is you?

>> No.12358506
File: 38 KB, 960x745, 1488672582856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm only 6'

>> No.12358527

So how many women does a regular Chad fuck during lifetime?

>> No.12358552

if you have to ask /fa/? genetic trash.

>> No.12358555

pinocchio lookin motherfucker

>> No.12358556
File: 2.40 MB, 3100x2400, IMG_2280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is you?

>> No.12358558

>tfw only have cheekbones

>> No.12358561

Roll out

>> No.12358569
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1490573306077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, I'll do my best

>> No.12358571


tfw I just started lifting and feel bad for all the dudes at the gym because my face is 9/10 and most gym rats are 4/10 on a good day. Can't wait to reap my chad rewards in a couple months

>> No.12358628

Well, this thread is retarded.

>> No.12358641

Wow man, great comeback

>> No.12358717
File: 11 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTQzMjkwNTQ2OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTQ4MTQ4MTE@._V1_UY317_CR18,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well someone mentioned I have the same face shape as goose and I noticed he seem to have the same thing as me going on with his eye. So...

>> No.12358731
File: 611 KB, 2048x1536, Michael_de_la_Parra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should've added

>> No.12358773

I'm warning you guys, if you keep replying to /r9k/ threads you will lose whatever grip you have left on this boards culture

>> No.12358776

Did you just describe your bf to us?

>> No.12358783

That's 95% of males doomed

Life is cruel af

>> No.12358791

who is that?

>> No.12359127

what is hunter eyes?

>> No.12359137

me on the right

>> No.12359199


yeah i guess that explains why donald trump, who has slain more top-shelf pussy than you ever will, has boasted about his IQ

>> No.12359635
File: 35 KB, 780x438, 160927210830-tk-ah0927-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if I look like a normie but have some chad characteristics?

t. normie who gets laid

>> No.12359655

I guess you're just a regular guy that hasn't had his life impacted by a meme chart on a bhutanian frog picture trading image board.
Godd for you.

>> No.12359684

This thread forgets that ugly men can always just find ugly women

>> No.12359689

right is cute as fuck. wonder if he likes tomboys

>> No.12359743

Just looking at them I can feel their limp handshakes.

>> No.12359749

Not with that attitude, become femme identifying-polygendered and he will go for you

>> No.12359774

Chads often look like they have down syndrome lets be real

>> No.12359780

Incels also look that way and often fall on "the spectrum"

>> No.12359924
File: 66 KB, 800x533, market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has little to do with height. It's all about marketing. Do you look good enough that it makes guys believe that they could achieve that level of physique? Do you have a non-cringy passion that also drives the way you act and look at a level which projects to others that you are geniune and not a tool? If not, then just work on what you can to get this level. Drop your loser friends, and replace them with Chads. Regardless of what you think, many guys who are "chad-like" like to hang out with someone many view as being an ugly loser, and they'll sometimes bring them under their wing by inviting them to the gym and shit. Work on putting yourself in the situations where you can befriend one.

Find a non-cringeworthy hobby, get good at it, and let it drive the way you dress. This will give you something to talk about at casual parties that your Chad friends will eventually invite you to.

For me, I like to maintain and repair my cars (keep it looking stock). I drive a Euro classic, and it works for me because I look like the complete opposite of the normal obese, monster energy hat wearing autismos who drive trash riced out cars missing the bumper and sounding like shit. I'll wear shit that makes me look like pic related, and gives the impression that I fit a certain demographic that pertains my hobbies. (BTW, the pic-related scene from Mad Men also clearly illustrates the point I make above).

Find different avenues for making money outside of work. Not only will these investments allow you to eventually make a good amount of money outside of your job, it will also give people shit to talk about when bringing you up It'll probably be something along the lines of how you work harder to make more money than most of the other people they know. Pretty much indicating to others that you're well off or showing dedication to become rich.

Fucking read books. Not self-help books either. Find one that's stimulating.

>> No.12359978
File: 60 KB, 627x527, Ahnad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12359985


What is with this autistic fucking post. All I meant was that you can get pussy without being a dopey pong playing bro who watches ESPN.

>> No.12360013

Well anyone who takes this chad shit seriously have sub-par iq. Most chads don't really amount much in life anyways so they take whatever quality they have like height/eye color/the smell of your vomit and exaggerate it a shit ton.

>> No.12360372

feels good

>> No.12360713
File: 78 KB, 636x382, money and status gets you this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahh, "money". The end game for coping incels.

I just don't understand how someone can be so stupid. Money doesn't mean SHIT in terms of SEXUAL attraction. It ONLY counts for being a beta provider.

In terms of raw, sexual LUST?
It's literally all looks. Money doesn't mean SHIT here. It makes them want to DATE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. You think girls touch themselves at night thinking of Bill Gates and George Soros? If you don't have GENETICALLY GIVEN LOOKS (meaning HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME) then you are FUCKED.

Face it. While you slave away for your wife, she'll be dreaming about (and probably visiting) Chad.

>> No.12360831

Literally what? As a joke I threw a wad of 1s at a girl I was fucking and she almost fucking came. Tons of girls are sexually attracted to money.

>> No.12360851

Maybe you threw it so hard you actually cause some pain. That's a more likely cause of orgasm than a bunch of dirty pocket money.

They look like a happy couple, what's your point? He could be bathing in money digger pussy if he wanted to. Anyone with money could be bathing in prostitute pussy.

>> No.12360858

>Every woman is nothing more than a brainless meat sack who will never, and can never, form a sexual attraction to someone which isn't based solely off of height, face, and build.

You don't know what you're talking about, anon. Sure physical appearance plays a big part, but you're fucking stupid in believing that sexual desire only deals with looks. Fuck, there's even a woman who is sexually attracted to a roller coaster. So why do you think it's that cut and dry? Some women find taller men with nice builds and faces attractive because it stems from a primal selective mating urge that centers around protection and security.

Some women are sexually attracted to men who have more money than others, because it plays off of the same urges.

Then there are some women who find all of these traits repulsive.

There are 3.94 billion women in this world. It's not that cut and dry.

>> No.12361092

Bottom left guy looks like white Jim Thorpe

>> No.12362054

thnx for the lols everyone

>> No.12362692
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1461547474908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12363273
File: 24 KB, 300x300, uwotmang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strong cope

>> No.12364416
File: 64 KB, 1080x1920, 1490998147489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a chad

>> No.12364481

t. mentally ill lady
if any chad/slayer actually gave you their time of the day your panties would make Noah build another ark

>> No.12364493

Being Chad/slayer and being 'alpha' are two different things, sperg

>> No.12364508
File: 20 KB, 432x330, main-qimg-3dc73190fd782f91bb04f6d3afebf85e[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and can never, form a sexual attraction to someone which isn't based solely off of height, face, and build.
That makes sense since sexual attraction is based on physical traits, you fucking retard.

>> No.12364670

This image is retarded

Where does Zac Effron, cruise, bieber, fucking pitt go?

>> No.12364679

>this image is retarded since it doesn't account for the 0.0001% of human beings that deviate from the norm

>> No.12364683

Not on 4chan.

>> No.12364686

No, manlets with good looks aren't rare

>> No.12364687

Well just about as rare as any other good-looking person

>> No.12364692

You didn't mention manlets with good looks, you mentioned manlets with extremely good looks and top tier status, ie. 0.0001% of the population

>> No.12364696


anyways i'm a legit 5'8 - you probably guessed it. Everytime i post an image i get 8s/9s, manlet isnt ugly desu

>> No.12364703

I still don't understand what's your point
If you do are a manlet with an extremely attractive face I would fit you as some weird subset between Chad and a normie
The Hollywood stars and Bieber are playing a whole different game and are able to outslay the slayers

>> No.12364712

Manlet is a meme - that's the point. I'm 5'8 and get laid more than any chad based on my face alone Exactly how any of those celebs would minus the money.
Ps some guy found my image online and started a slayer thread about me

>> No.12364731

Post pic.

>> No.12364733

>I'm 5'8 and get laid more than any chad
wew lad

>> No.12364746
File: 329 KB, 480x782, Capture+_2017-04-02-16-15-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Took thus past nute

>> No.12365495

lmao yeah, if they're looking at a fucking picture you fucking retard. You can look like Johnny fuckin Depp, but act like a fucking autistic low iq fuck in person and be shunned by all.

>> No.12365556

you have a really good face man, but tbH if i saw you irl i wouldn't feel like i'd be competing with you whatsoever if you're only 5'8. idk where you're from but 5'7-5'9 is pretty common height for a lot of girls in the UK (at least the girls I meet)

>> No.12365864

Literally just be confident, that's it, women are blind by confidence.

>> No.12365952

Don't underestimate manlets

>> No.12365954

Tfw tallest in my family at 5'8

>> No.12365964

Tbh that height is basically low average - just on the cutoff

Height Is only a part of attraction anyways