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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 34 KB, 370x699, 1489882998250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12342958 No.12342958 [Reply] [Original]

>good jawline but no cheekbones

What do anons

Why are my genes so cruel

>> No.12342998
File: 52 KB, 640x640, photo_2017-03-23_14-25-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw good cheekbones but jawline is pretty much flat


>> No.12343005

>good jawline, good cheekbones
>chubby cheeks
>not even a fatshit

>> No.12343605

kek i love that anon

do you have pics of boipussy

>> No.12343658


>> No.12343665
File: 5 KB, 200x184, 1469676496455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet i probably still get more pussy than you

>> No.12343827

>tfw bad jawline and no cheekbones
Fuck you, cunt. At least you got something good going for you.

>> No.12343862
File: 90 KB, 526x701, 1482713140572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw severely recessed maxilla

My face from a profile view looks flat. It doesn't project forward. The bones just sort of sag downwards.

It makes my eyes look really tired and sad all the time and my face sort of looks like it's melting or something.

What can I do anons

>> No.12343941

"I probably still get more pussy than you"

- Anonymous, 4chan

>> No.12344103


>> No.12344134
File: 431 KB, 379x437, IMG_3045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix the maxilla and you fix everything.
>what do
Maxillary impaction + Lefort 3 from a reputable maxillofacial surgeon

>> No.12344148

What if I can't afford that >>12343862

>> No.12344161
File: 21 KB, 367x258, BE610D25-800F-4968-9343-84F69CAABCDF-5306-0000042DD295BFD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12344165

Then just the maxillary impaction and or rot in inceldom.

>> No.12344187
File: 17 KB, 353x332, 1484925207964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my jaw look strong from the front but weak from the side

I don't understand how this happens.

>> No.12344194
File: 67 KB, 800x422, IMG_2742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12344202

dick owens

>> No.12344222

reduce your body fat, use the correct oral posture if u don't already and chew some autism like mastic or falim

>> No.12344240

I don't think that answers my question

>> No.12344252
File: 4 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good jawline and high cheekbones but receding chin

>> No.12344317

Same. I look pretty good from the front and retarded from the side.

>> No.12344329

Oh shit im sorry

>> No.12344332

We out here boys, although my chin ain't too bad

>> No.12344344

>good jawline, but fat neck
>very skinny, but just have a thick neck for some reason

i'm probably the only one that notices

>> No.12344369

Same. Is it good to have a naturally thick neck? I see a lot of anons complaining about having a pencil neck and trying to make it bigger.

It's funny. I tend to wear a coat and baggy loose clothes that don't reveal my figure. So people only see my face and neck and they think I'm a big stronk guy. Then I take my jacket off and they realize I'm a lanklet with twig arms.

>> No.12344375
File: 135 KB, 800x1043, 1432852814008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good high cheek bones
>bad jawline due to slight overbite


>> No.12344386
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x2500, OfficialPortrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face sort of looks like it's melting or something.

>> No.12344425

But I'm not fat like he is. I'm kind of lanky but since my bone structure is recessed my face looks kind of shapeless and flattened.

I wish my parents had told me to stop mouth breathing when I was a kid.

>> No.12344447


why focus on ur face mate, it breeds insecurity n ppl can tell that, my cheekbones and jaw look phenomanional from only 1 very distinct angle. otherwise its just like looking at a brick wall, i use to look at that angle all the time and think i was handsome, i aint, just beeeee urselfl and be happy broo... works for me... hehe

>> No.12344501


Get it right, faggots

>> No.12344605

>Good jawline
>Good cheekbones
>Strong and pretty thick neck
>Schnozz is fucking massive

>> No.12344613

fucking huge forehead. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.12344695
File: 73 KB, 531x683, 1959365039576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here senpai

>> No.12344700

>8/10 looks in real life
>8/10 in close up-mid range photos
>3/10 in full body shots (face looks really small and weird)

Anyone else have problems with the last one? It's annoying because the majority of candid shots you find of yourself are like that so every photo of yourself has to be staged to be closer in. Anything I'm tagged in I look so weird and my face looks really small on my head.

>> No.12344858
File: 13 KB, 414x415, 1477491274495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mouth is disproportionately small for my face, looks like a tiny rabbit mouth
>head is abnormally large and bulbous, people have called me lightbulb head
>SEVERELY receding hairline which makes my fivehead look even worse
>nice looking Grecian nose, but if I smile even a little bit it hooks down and looks like a Jew nose

Just fuck my shit up

>> No.12344879

>wide jaw
>defined jawline
>decent cheekbones
>weird nose and feminine chin

>> No.12345209

What kind of a weird nose

>> No.12345253
File: 87 KB, 520x701, WIN_20170129_14_07_19_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my facial profile

>> No.12345707
File: 21 KB, 720x622, 1481396514162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wide womanly hips

>> No.12345807

I have a slight overbite and I have a sick hae, surgery to get rid of that overbite won't save you lol

>> No.12345828

long tops, high rise, n no one really cares

>> No.12345868
File: 111 KB, 834x1000, TFW15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the most realistic/accurate lighting? In some lights I think I look ok, my cheeks even look quite hollow even though I don't have the model tier extremely prominent cheekbones or great jawline.

Then, in other lighting (overhead and behind me in an otherwise dark-ish room), my face literally looks like a fucking wax figure. Like I have the worst fucking nasolabial folds, no cheekbones whatsoever and my jawline disappears entirely. My face just sags like fuck.

Which lighting do I trust??? It's driving me fucking insane

>> No.12345880
File: 40 KB, 564x846, 89abd469fc07ebd6031735556ebc4209[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8/10 looks in real life
>8/10 in close up-mid range photos
>3/10 in full body shots (face looks really small and weird)

I don't know about the first two, but fucking definitely the last one for me as well. I look like fucking pinhead and it drives me insane.

Multiple people have told me I look like pic related. It's like saying "wanna know how small your head is compared to the rest of your body? really fucking small"

>> No.12346056

shave bald and get ripped

>> No.12346097

I have the opposite problem. My head is enormous.

>> No.12346168

>Long Neck
>Small head
>God tier jaw


>> No.12346171
File: 445 KB, 400x555, 986377c6cea932023158ae07d5b8c6a00a0f221b_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur cute dont worry about nothin

>> No.12346277
File: 941 KB, 1919x2822, Alfred_Enoch_2014_NAACP_Image_Awards_(cropped)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big head is manly and alpha as fuck. Small headed guys like me look permanently like a child (unless balding).

Alfred Enoch has the face of a little boy, despite being 28 years old

>> No.12346308
File: 25 KB, 610x458, stuck-in-traffic-my-as-well-get-comfy-51982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong jaw
>good chin

>receding hairline/thinning
>slightly crooked roman nose, from one side looks great, from the other looks hooked
>bushy eyebrows
>awkward beard growth
It's honestly a pretty mixed bag.

>> No.12346367

thanks anon

>> No.12346643

jfc you're beautiful

>> No.12346647

i know this fucking feel anon it's horrible

>> No.12346676

email this pic to Rick you fucking won't

>> No.12347056
File: 21 KB, 480x356, 1484385350128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My arms are seriously like twigs. Women have bigger wrists than me.

>> No.12347375

what the fuck do i do if one side of my face is like A but the other is like B or C

>> No.12347381
File: 25 KB, 650x699, AssassiBatman-font-b-Two-b-font-font-b-face-b-font-man-font-b-suit-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in twofacecore

>> No.12347384

Posts pics of face if you're so confident.

>> No.12347691

>nice eyes but jawline is fucked
considering just growing a beard but i dunno how it'd look on me

>> No.12347764

I have a similar problem because of TMJ

>> No.12347775

>never give much thought about my jaw
>read thread
>check teeth
>overbite somehow getting worse
>chin receding in profile
>face looks puffy and fatter than before despite losing 20lbs recently
thanks guys i almost had self esteem there for a minute

>> No.12347979


go visit lookism and sluthate if you really want to depress yourself

>> No.12348040
File: 13 KB, 600x434, 1482265730962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always thought I had a big head
>read this thread
>look at a picture of myself taken from far away
>realize I have a tiny fucking pinhead and a long neck

It just keeps getting worse and worse.

Just when I think I can't possibly get any more things to be insecure about, you guys give me another one.

I'm ready to just fucking give up at this point. I'm so tired as hard as I can just to look not even half way presentable.

Why do parents with shit tier genes think they should reproduce

>> No.12348063

i dont think im that far gone yet. i honestly dont mind how i look from the front but i really need to see a dentist/ortho

>> No.12348131
File: 14 KB, 480x567, 1488202526426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning about facial aesthetics is fucking brutal. I used to think I was at least a solid 7/10.

After finding these sites, discovering what my profile looks like, and going bald I'm probably a 3 AT BEST, and that was before I went bald.

>> No.12348207

same, and it's very curvy

>> No.12348211

same here

>> No.12348987
File: 46 KB, 499x700, Francisco-3-francisco-lachowski-29630621-499-700[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take solace in the fact that 99% of normalfags don't know about facial aesthetics. Plus, sites like lookism and sluthate are almost exclusively used by guys. Girls will of course be attracted to handsome guys with forward grown faces but they won't know exactly why, and there's definitely a chance for those of us who aren't in the 1% of guys with perfect facial aesthetics.

But yeah, it is pretty fucking brutal coming to terms with the fact that you're not as good looking as you thought you were. Hard pill to swallow.

FWIW, I can almost guarantee you that you're definitely more than a 3. I would honestly rate myself a 4 or a 5, and yet practically every time I go out or go to a party at least 1 girl seems to be interested in me, just based on my looks. We're never going to be complete slayers at the level of Francisco Lachowski, or any other supermodel. But there's no point trying to compete with them.

>> No.12348997

>I would honestly rate myself a 4 or a 5, and yet practically every time I go out or go to a party at least 1 girl seems to be interested in me

Well then you're doing better than I am because I don't think any girl has ever shown interest in me.

I think I look like there is something wrong with me.

>> No.12349020
File: 25 KB, 480x424, Happy_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for making me feel better about my big head

>> No.12349025

>Take solace in the fact that 99% of normalfags don't know about facial aesthetics

They might not KNOW about it per se, as in they don't know the details like forward maxilla growth, recessed chin, etc.

But everybody is aware of facial aesthetics on an innate, subconscious level. We can spot people who are attractive and healthy and differentiate them from the ones who aren't. We evolved to know this.

>> No.12349041
File: 17 KB, 633x772, 1476398737611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you also have a horrible wake up call when you saw the profile of your face for the first time

My profile looks completely different from how I pictured it. Like I'm not even the same person that I imagined I was in my head.

>> No.12349058
File: 54 KB, 750x1334, gerb6kk6azmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW facial hair won't connect so I have mutton chops + moustache

>TFW nose is naturally crooked too

Life is not worth living.

>> No.12349152
File: 650 KB, 720x830, tHX5Osl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I look like there is something wrong with me.

Not that anon, but I know how you feel (I'm the small headed guy >>12345880) I look like a child, have a kind of high voice, a wonky jaw and face in general, shit tier nose, and im skinny but despite all of these even I've had girls approach me a bunch of times.

Its a meme at this point but tbH so much of it really is about how you carry yourself rather than looks. I'm an insecure, miserable, borderline autist so alcohol helps (altho now I think maybe I have a bit of a drinking problem)

But I bet girls have been interested in you. Unless your face is deformed like the elephant man or you have the worst personality in the world with no redeeming values, girls will be interested in you.

Most girls are honestly not as shallow as you would think. For example, I used to think that any guy under 5'9 or 5'10 could never get a gf, but it's just completely not true. This guy I knew was probably like 5'8 or maybe a little shorter, but he was decent looking and had a great fucking personality. And guess what, he had a really pretty long term gf

i used to think the exact same way as you (still do a lot of the time now tbH).

this especially
>Why do parents with shit tier genes think they should reproduce
was what i thought all the time. blamed my parents and resented them but tbH it's so unfair and pointless to think that way.

>I'm ready to just fucking give up at this point.

Think about it this way: you say your parents have shit tier genes, yet they found each other and presumably fell in love and are happy (or were happy, maybe they're divorced now idk). you don't have to be some genetically perfect ubermensch to be happy

and there's a good thing about having a small head at least. it makes you look taller. doesn't mean i wouldn't much rather have a "man" sized head tho lol. but fucking everyone has insecurities

>> No.12349188
File: 196 KB, 467x691, 20170104_131548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless your face is deformed like the elephant man or you have the worst personality in the world with no redeeming values

I just don't know anon.

I've posted my picture here before and I got made fun of. What do you think

>> No.12349203
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 1475284197634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good facial structure, overall
>mixed hair that attracts girls

>turbo manlet 5'6

Fuck life

>> No.12349205

>tfw bulbous wide nose

it just kills my whole face

>> No.12349213

you just look like you're in a constant bad mood
but no, not ugly

>> No.12349233

oh i've seen you post before. you have an underbite if i remember correctly, right?

apart from the incorrect bite, you have a great head shape for a buzz, pretty fucking good eyes (no homo) a chad nose (small and narrow) and potentially a really good jaw/chin (the underbite throws it off a bit tho)

literally the only bad thing i can see is what i perceive to be an underbite, or some other sort of incorrect bite.

and ofc you're gonna get made fun of on /fa/ lol. but just spend 5 minutes browsing the WAYWT threads or the face rate threads and you'll see what kind of teenagers are making fun of you lol...

honestly man if i was in your situation i would think seriously about braces and corrective jaw surgery.

funnily enough, i'm actually the opposite of you. my bite is mostly correct (a tiny bit of an overbite but not bad enough for any of the dentists or orthos i've seen to put me in braces) but i have a weak chin. so i'm currently in the process of finally saving up for a sliding genioplasty (after like 3-4 years of thinking about it)

>> No.12349236


I have this

and it's crooked


>> No.12349272

>you have an underbite if i remember correctly, right?

No I have an overbite I think. I have the one where the bottom row of teeth don't come forward far enough and the chin is recessed. Whichever one that one is called. And my top teeth are really crooked.

>> No.12349317

oh. weird, your chin doesn't look recessed from that photo. honestly looks like you have a strong jaw/chin overall, just based on that picture

if your teeth are really crooked get braces tbH. how old are you, like mid 20s? you have another 60 years left, probably even more. braces take like 2 years at the most i think. if not for just the aesthetic reasons, then for the health reasons (crooked teeth are more difficult to brush, infections can happen easier)

>> No.12349324 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 2048x1152, 20170121_212129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your chin doesn't look recessed from that photo

It looks very recessed from the side. And this is actually the most flattering profile shot I could get. I think I don't look quite right.

>get braces
I can't afford braces right now but maybe if I have money in the future I will think about that.

>> No.12349326
File: 408 KB, 728x995, 20170326_232117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your chin doesn't look recessed from that photo

It looks very recessed from the side. And this is actually the most flattering profile shot I could get. I think I don't look quite right.

>get braces
I can't afford braces right now but maybe if I have money in the future I will think about that.

>> No.12349443

Your chin isn't bad at all, your mouth is the only feature that is making your face look weird.

>> No.12349468
File: 42 KB, 401x401, 3JIoOfgu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly, anon, you shouldn't worry about your face. Fashion is art, and art is about expressing your individuality. What it is not about is judging yourself off of the shallow view of beauty that is perpetuated by pop culture. Ya gotta understand that the people that post facial aesthetics threads here are the same narrow minded people who see fashion as just another outlet of consumerism. Do you really want to be like those people? Do ya really want to hold yourself to their standards? Can you accept that your own unique face is part of what makes you who you are?

>> No.12349853


>> No.12350199


>> No.12350236
File: 35 KB, 584x686, 2je1hdy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but I think everyone kinda has that. And profile doesn't matter unless you're a model. When was the last time you saw a qt girl and thought to yourself "hmm, let's see what her profile looks like before i make a decision..."

so many attractive people have terrible profiles, take brad pitt for example. 10/10 from the front, but he has a shit profile

>> No.12350283

That's still way better than average. Even if his profile isn't exactly model tier it still has a strong masculine appearance and it's a big step up from your average chinless, downgrown maxilla normie.

>> No.12350373

Thanks for your analysis anons but I should add that that profile shot is with me with my mouth closed and mewing. If I let my tongue down or if I open my mouth it looks a lot worse.

And I understand what you're saying about expressing your individuality with the face you have, but what if I don't like the way it looks? It's not how I picture myself in my head. It just doesn't look right in my opinion. I think I look weird and gross.

>> No.12350415

>complete slayers at the level of Francisco Lachowski
That guy looks like a boipucci twink.

>> No.12350426
File: 517 KB, 827x1280, 1490445559355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But everybody is aware of facial aesthetics on an innate, subconscious level
This. Attractiveness is not a "social construct". I don't know shit about math, but that doesn't mean the rules don't exist.

Also, I would be the first one to laugh in your face if you would imply personality is more important than looks, but what most PSL member don't realize, is that personality does have an effect on your perceived looks and status.

What you wear and how you groom yourself sends a clear signal about who you are. A low inhibition bad boy wears clothes that such a person would wear, while a timid nerd will wear the attire of a timid nerd.

Chico with the personality of a timid high inhibition nerd would have never become a top male model. Even if he has the height and bones, he would have never been discovered if he wore baggy smelly clothes and had a shitty haircut done by his mom.

In university I often see attractive, tall, white men, who just don't have the right personality to slay. They wear ugly clothes, speak funny and overall seem like boring individuals. No doubt they still get their fair share of attention from 4s and 5s, but with a low inhibition bad boy personality they would be banging 7s and 8s daily.

Just be average, with the right personality theory. Too bad Im a true incel and below average in every aspect lol.

>> No.12350436
File: 31 KB, 487x750, 09096bc315b35f5102650858bf084322[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are lying to yourself if you think he isn't what all women between the ages of 18-30 want. just read all the comments on any video about him


>> No.12350439
File: 274 KB, 807x1071, HBg96Z4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should get jaw surgery if you don't like your face. It's the only thing that'll help you and braces alone won't do shit. Don't let them extract any teeth.


>> No.12350442
File: 207 KB, 800x1001, pJ8ZCdI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12350445

No, I'm not saying he isn't attractive. He just looks so young and he's pretty like a girl.

>> No.12350458

>don't let them extract any teeth
I had my wisdom teeth extracted a couple years ago. Is that bad?

Also how would you rate me

>> No.12350463

At least you don't have thick cheeks.

>> No.12350535

>good jawline
>good cheekbones
>pronounced supraorbital ridge

>> No.12350539

>pronounced supraorbital ridge

That's a good thing. It's a masculine trait. A small brow ridge makes you look like an effeminate faggot.

>> No.12350548

should've been *too* pronounced then I guess. makes me look like a simpleton desu

>> No.12350562

plus a good scowl is an eyecatching feature.

>> No.12350594

I look like I scowl ALL THE TIME. I've got kinda light sensitive eyes, so all throughout my 22 years, I've been furrowing my brows because of all the light everywhere, so, even though I'm young I've got quite pronounced frown lines

>> No.12350623

This is me
Just own it, a big nose in an otherwise attractive guy isn't that bad.
A few days ago my fice year old cousin told me I look like a wizard. So what?

>> No.12350714

I have a permanent scowl whenever I'm outside, trust me it's an attractive trait. scientifically proven that women are more attracted to scowls.

>> No.12350759
File: 78 KB, 362x664, jamesnorton3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with a big nose if your cheekbones and jaw are strong

see pic related

>> No.12350803

same, or well rather my hairline being very high up and looking like a 40 year old mans receded hairline despite me having this hairline since birth.
makes me wanna fucking die, never been able to get a good haircut cause of it.

>> No.12351497
File: 11 KB, 350x263, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12351796

Are you a Slav

>> No.12352626

This happens to me when I take pictures. I think I look way more attractive in my head than I see in pictures, but even my vision in the mirror looks pretty good to me 90% of the time. I've come to wonder if perhaps we have a subconscious idea of what we were supposed to look like if we developed properly the way we were supposed to (sufficient maxilla growth, peak fitness) and when we don't see that, we suffer from shock and cognitive dissonance with our own selves that levels in a depression, not unlike what trans feel when they aren't the gender they perceive themselves to be. That's why extremely attractive people are so confident, because they fulfilled their genetic blueprint the way it was meant to and don't feel like they should look anyway else.

>> No.12352732


Parents genetics are not even a good indicator. My fiances parents are 2/10s even in photos from their youth, and the rest of his family range from that to maximum of 6/10. But he is easily 8/10, would be a 9/10 if he worked out a bit.
I swear there's plenty of examples of famous models having average or ugly parents and families.
I think great looks, especially the perfect specimens, are just luck. If you have attractive families it increases your chance of not looking hideous but is no increase in chance of being a 9 or 10/10.
Not letting ugly people breed would be a huge mistake.

>> No.12352750

I know they say that for proper posture you are supposed to bring your head back and tuck your chin into your neck but how are you supposed to go?

If I tuck my chin all the way into my neck, like as far as I physically can, I look like a chinless retard. Is that normal

>> No.12352752

*how far are you supposed to go

>> No.12352812
File: 88 KB, 720x960, tlCgOuP340o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently losing weight and treating acne.
Will it get better when im down good 80 lbs ?
Can i make it or am i fucked ?

>> No.12352827

Does it matter? You'll look better thin anyway.

>> No.12352872 [DELETED] 

there is no excuse for being fat if you are a young able bodied man. even if you are too insecure to go to a gym, just run on the spot, do jumping jacks, squats etc. at home

>> No.12354172

Lose weight you fat pig

You've got some quality Anglo genes and you would probably look fine if you got in shape.

>> No.12354211


>> No.12354260

I want you inside of me

>> No.12354737

women and queers should not be allowed on this board

>> No.12354814

seen you on r9k you look like wojack

>> No.12355788

But what would you rate me anon

>> No.12357321

you could, you know, fucking work out, or succumb to the bitch boy aesthetic and find pride in your small wrists

>> No.12357340

How is working going to change how big your bones are? I think your bone structure is set in stone by the time you're an adult.

>> No.12357347

Also, you can't pull off the cuteboi aesthetic when you're 6'2" and FUCKING BALD.

You're doomed to a lifetime of being an awkward weirdo.

>> No.12357362

Wrists are nothing but bone and ligaments you fucking idiot

>> No.12357677
