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File: 45 KB, 736x1069, e0c05360c2315e3805ae9db44270f49d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12339270 No.12339270 [Reply] [Original]

I really like the look of people who have dark circles under their eyes while the rest of the face is clean and nice.
I have a little dark circles but i want them to be more noticeable.
I am kinda pale and i have blonde, nordic hair and face.

>What kind of clothes and colors should i wear to make my dark circles more noticeable?

Also sorry but i dont have the normal OP, someone post it pls

>> No.12339417

Lol i know that guy, he was at my former agency

>> No.12339817
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My Shits fucked. I starter with proactive, didnt work. Tried different face washes also. Went to doktor, got perscribed epiduo and some other stuff, only made me dry as shit. Lastly i was on isotretinoin for maybe 2-3 months but didnt really work and double dosage wouldve turned me into the chocolate granny from spongebob. Is there anything to at least help the redness?

>> No.12339821

did you check the catalog?

>> No.12339941
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Get oxytetracylcine you faggot. Also get gels that dry out the acne during the night.
Work out and get some of the goood test.
Eat like a normie human being.


>> No.12339968

Isoretinoin takes more than that you cuck, shoulda done the entire treatment

>> No.12340121

Have you tried softer skin cleansers? I used every god damn acne wash I could get my hands on and cetaphil has done more for me than 4 months of any other acne medicine. You might also want to try something like african black soap + witch hazel toner? Just an idea

>> No.12340156

I'm on doxycycline hyclate and use cetaphil 3 times a day + vitamin c serum once a day and drink a ton of water. I now rarely get any new breakouts and if I do they're quite shallow and
are easily taken care of - not a really deep scarring pimple like I used to get a ton of. Hope this helps someone.

>> No.12340183

How do I dry out my skin? Im so fucking oily and I hate it

>> No.12340185
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Ok, I'm on the 5th month of isoretinoin (40mg daily) and I'm pretty much clean everywhere except the area in pic related.
I had some cysts there for my entire teenage-hood iirc, they're shrunken and dry now but the area is red and I can still feel bumps under my skin while they show no sign of going away.
Is there something I can do to speed up the process of getting rid of them or should I just continue with the treatment and wait?
Is there a chance that they stay there after the treatment?

>> No.12340208

Clay mask twice a week and read the sticky.

>> No.12340316

any of you use the clarisonic?

does it actually work? or is it just a meme?

i already do the cleansing, moisturizing, exfoliating thing. just wondering it adding physical exfoliator would help.

>> No.12340372

a c c u t a n e

>> No.12340383

exactly same, was on longest dosage of isotretonin, still red there and can feel bumps under...

>> No.12340426


>> No.12341179


>> No.12341775

I will be coming on to my 5th month this April and the first two months I was on 40mg and my Dermatologist then recommended me to bump up the dosage to 60mg and I have been taking that for two months, nearly three. So speak to your Dermatologist and ask to bump the dosage up, it might help.

>> No.12343234

how the hell can you like dark circles? i came here to ask for advice on products that can help remove dark circles

>> No.12343534
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Did I fuck up? Should I get a dif cleanser or toner
Pic related. One on the right made my face so so dry. So I bought the one on the left

>> No.12343538
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Here is the toner

>> No.12343563

I seriously recommend this to all anons here, I bought it off amazon and it's been clearing up my face like crazy. I don't use a moisturizer afterwards since it moisturizes on it's own. Wash your face morning and night with lukewarm water, and use this rose toner on a cottonball on your face afterwards. Rub it on your face for like 10 minutes until the cotton ball is pretty dry.
Like, nothing worked for me until now.

>> No.12343568
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oops, dropped pic. Thayers witch hazel toner

>> No.12343575

I was told not to get a toner with hazel though. There was one at Coles but I didn't get it.

Was called witch hazel toner

>> No.12343590

Oh, how come? Are you allergic?
If it's because witch hazel dries it out, the aloe vera in it moisturizes.

>> No.12343661

How the FUCK do you get rid of redmarks? I'm on my 4th month of Accutane and although most of my actual acne is gone, my face is still littered with red marks from all the previous breakouts and I'm at a loss on how to clear them. Any advice, should I stick with masks and exfoliators now that the acne is gone or what?

>> No.12343677

Change your pillowcase everyay and use honey on your face. it did wonders on me.

>> No.12343721

Moisturize, not joking, I had acne that looked similar to yours and nothing fucking worked. I was about to use accutane but decided not to from the results a few friends of mine had. I stopped everything and started moisturizing after every shower and it cleared up within a month.

>> No.12343753

>only taking isotretinoin for 2-3 months
you literally asked for this outcome

>> No.12344040

Just used this stuff on my face and I don't see the point of it?

Do I do cleanser > toner > moisturiser
I did that but my face dried out. It never dries out after the moisturiser

>> No.12344072

Is there anyone here who stopped the fapping and get better skin?

don't sleep
wear black clothes

>> No.12344562

i couldnt use it any longer since my skin was getting way too dry and it was flaking really hard and mousturizing wasnt helping.
springs coming up so it feels a bit too late to start again.

>> No.12344577

i already moisturize, have been for quite some time.

>> No.12344592

Exfoliate and get stuff with vitamin c or niacinamide.

>> No.12344608

It works well but there's knockoffs you can get for cheaper that work just as well

>> No.12344625

Remember people, eat your vegs. And exercise. Magic solution like tret would only be temporary if you don't fix your life.

>> No.12344659
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Can acne this bad be treated and managed using a strict skincare regimen? I can't really use anything prescription due to military obligations.

>> No.12344678

We don't know. If you don't have money for derm,
I would suggest try the usual recommendations first:
- cheap non-offensive skincare like Cetaphil, Cerave, or Hada Labo.
- avoid milk
- eat more vegs, like much more
- don't touch your face
- change pillow case everyday, even your towels if you have the dough

They might help.

>> No.12344682

This stuffs the best

>> No.12344837

Are you supposed to use face wash + moisturizer both in the morning and at night? Before or after shaving? What about aftershave itself, where does that come in?

>> No.12345028

What to do with one of those big fat dry spots other than wait it out?

>> No.12345053

If you checked /r/skincareaddiction or /r/asianbeauty, there are quite bit of people, me included, that don't use facial wash in the morning. Just water. It works for some people. Then the usual skin cares and moisturizer.

I usually shaved after shower. So my order is Shower+shampoo -> facial massage with mineral oil -> shaving soap -> shave -> rinse -> wash the oil and foam with facial wash -> alum -> wash the alum ->skin care including moisturizer.
I don't use aftershave.

>> No.12345061

Like chapped skin? Lanolin. Aquaphor. Vaseline.

Lanolin is magic.

>> No.12345105
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>tfw Olay changed their bar soap formulas

New formula been leaving my face dry as fuck and scent is unbearable. They were the best soap I used on my face. Cleared up break outs, faded them, etc. What do I switch to now? And please don't just say Dove.

>> No.12345117

Get a Kojic soap. They lighten your skin but they get rid of red marks pretty well.

>> No.12345128

Any recommendations for facial moles? I have, I shit you not at least 20 moles on my face and they had made me self conscious my entire life. I know that visiting a dermatologist to cut them off is an option, but idk if the scaring would be bad because I've had them most of my life.

>> No.12345132

Time heals all.

>> No.12345138

Hada labo. Cow brand. Cetaphil.

>> No.12345144

why the fuck are you using bar soap on your face?

>> No.12345148


>> No.12345206

They're gentle enough to be used on your face and they keep my face from breaking out.

>> No.12345232

You expect too much from a facial wash. Skin conscious people like to use mild wash with no BS ingredients. If you switch to this type of wash, it will not prevent break out alone.

>> No.12345265

I was thinking about putting neosporin on a scabby type mark thing on my face. would this work? It works for normal cuts on hands.

>> No.12345267

Aquaphor is probably better.

>> No.12345278
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Daily reminder that cerave is the god tier drugstore cleanser for people who don't have acne prone skin, and their moisturizer is good for all types of skin.

If you're buying expensive shit from (((sephora))), then you're being ripped off.

>> No.12345294

Why do american have all the good stuff?
Europe only have overrated French skincare. The rest are meh. Importing asian skincare cost shit ton because of customs.

>> No.12345301

They're okay. Nothing special.

>> No.12345305

Any rec for the special stuff?

>> No.12345313

thanks, I'll pick some up next time im at the store.

>> No.12345314

Thats the whole point. "Special" is bullshit. Scents are irritating and bad for your skin and random oils are placebo and also bad for your skin depending on what they are. Nobody should pay $50 for a tiny bottle of placebo from a department store.

>> No.12345320

>Scents are irritating and bad for your skin and random oils are placebo
Oh look, skincare version of broscience.

>> No.12345331

Simple Hydrating Cleansing Oil and Biore Baking Soda Pore Cleanser, if you want drug store.

>> No.12345337

That product is mediocre at best. Not saying to spend your shit on something expensive but there are better products for about the same price.

>> No.12345339

>there are better products for about the same price
Any rec?

>> No.12345347


>> No.12345496


>> No.12345520
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can anyone recommend a good facial lotion. i've been using aveeno forever, but i've heard that this is not good for the face and neck area.

>> No.12345522

Because you're not really suppose to use Nivea. Except the European version of the cream, soft cream, and the Japanese version of Nivea sunscreen. The toner is probably not that well-formulated, with ingredients that dry the skin.

>> No.12345530

I think everyone's skin are different. By that assumption, just try all the affordable popular products one-by-one. Cerave, cetaphil, hada labo, rosette ceramide gel.

>> No.12345869

Please reply if anyone has advice. It haunts me

>> No.12345888

How old are you? If youre young enough and go to a decent dermatologist (that uses lasers), you won't have to worry about scarring at all. It will be a lot worse when youre 30 and decide that you want to do it.

>> No.12345975

I'm 20. It wouldn't be covered under insurance unless they are have the potential to be skin cancer, right? Thanks for the reply

>> No.12346018

I've found if I squeeze around them, I can get a nodule to pop out and decrease their appearance. It's also very satisfying taking them out.

>> No.12346080


holy fuck dont squeeze them you tard! get a bha or an aha.

>> No.12346211

I dyed my hair black from a naturally light brown and noticed my skin looked a lot paler but my dark circles also stand out more (can hide easily with the frame shape of my glasses though)
Hope this helped

>> No.12346915

You're not supposed to do that. That hurts your skin and enlarges the pores. Not a good idea.
Do chemical exfoliation; BHA, AHA, Azelaic, Mandelic, etc.
Or physical exfoliation: pore brush, clarisonic, face shaving, etc.
Oil massage with mineral oil should also help. Just let the oil stay for ~30 mins before starting the massage.
Niacinamide also suppose to help reduce their appearance.
In theory, derma roller may help, but it hurts.

>> No.12348308

do you have a routine and most of all do you use a cleanser? if yes then stop cleansing and only wash with water once a day. dont try to dry it out as that will only make your face produce more oil.

>> No.12349418

Gonna drink tomato juice everyday and see if that helps my complexion.

>> No.12349504

Not sure if it's just me, but spearmint tea has been clearing my acne since age 14. Also been using aloe vera instead of lotion, stayed away from acne products since sensitive skin and all.

>> No.12349580

What do i do after i cut myself from shaving?

I used tea tree oil to dry it out and stop the bleeding. But now the spots are dry? Is that okaY/

>> No.12349823

It will.

I read spearmint tea really only works for females.

You know. Wash and press. Obviously some people use alum, but it stings.
Dry spots can be solved with vaseline, aquaphor, or lanolin. You really shouldn't apply tea tree oil on your face undiluted.

>> No.12350122 [DELETED] 

How are paula choice products?? should i buy all cleanser,moisturier,toner from them? buying cerave or cetaphil is hassel here in Europe..Please help

>> No.12350177

Thought itd be better to post here.

Basically, my sleeping schedule has been fucked up for a couple of years now and it's only getting worse, I find it extremely hard to sleep at night and have eye bags every single day.

Just wanted to ask, what's the best way to get rid of eye bags.

>bonus: how to sleep earlier anf fix schedule pls

>> No.12350301

Expensive. Cosrx has cheaper AHA and BHA option. Other stuffs have alternative Japanese or Korean alternatives. You may even try The Ordinary. Local European brands like La-Roche Posay are also cheaper than Paula's.

I thought, eye bags stay forever?

>> No.12350305

Fasting and then having an early breakfast suppose to fix sleeping schedule.

>> No.12350314

can't afford any actual acne treatments but i want to clear up the scars on my cheeks

what's a cheap alternative (also how many times a week should i be washing my face)?

>> No.12350322

Avoid eating oily food.

>> No.12350328

Dermaroller. Plus copper peptide serum. Or vitamin c serum. But it has risks.

You also need to make sure you've passed your acne phase. Only the scars left.

Alternatively, glycolic peeling and other chemical peels can help for shallower scars. Start at lower concentration. Like 20% glycolic. Work up until 70% glycolic. Take years.

Wash as needed. Some people find success by washing with only water in the morning. Use gentle cleanser, like cetaphil, hada labo, or cow brand.

>> No.12350329

apply diluted apple cider vinegar to your face at night and wash it off with cold water in the morning. 1:1 is diluted enough and should help a lot over time

>> No.12350334

Great for chemical burning. Remember kids, don't follow every stupid advice you read on the internet.

>> No.12350340

idk buddy, it's cheap and it worked well for me

>> No.12350342

Good for you.

>> No.12350345

ACV will give you chemical burns. That's a fact. Diluting it is a gamble with questionable reward. Also keep in mind most household vinegar container is not air-tight. The water evaporates creating a much stronger acid.

Don't be an idiot.

>> No.12350391

noo pls no

I'll try this.

>> No.12351054

>ACV will give you chemical burns. That's a fact.

Nope. That depends on
a) concentration
b) amount
c) duration of the exposure
d) exposure location

>Diluting it is a gamble with questionable reward

A 1:1 ratio will lower the acidity by 50% per definition. That's not questionable.

>The water evaporates creating a much stronger acid.

Tell me, what does ACV smell like?

Oh, that's right - it smells partly of acetic acid. That's because the acetic acid is being evaporated into the air, escaping the container. It's not like you can create concentrated acetic acid by letting the container stand open.

(Don't be an idiot!)

>> No.12351072

Wow, seriously? You're telling people to use ACV, an unproven skin solution that can burn your skin off?

That's just messed up, dude.

>> No.12351085

This post: >>12351054
was my first post in this thread.

I haven't advised anyone to do anything. I am merely pointing out scientific inaccuracies.

>> No.12351089
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/fa/ I'm ugly as hell. Is it even worth trying?

Pic unrelated

>> No.12351091

Also, ACV is not "unproven". It exists.

>an unproven skin solution that can burn your skin off

That depends on a) concentration, b) amount, c) duration of the exposure, d) exposure location.

But relax. It's not concentrated nitric acid.

>> No.12351096

Fine let's do it.

>Nope. That depends on
>a) concentration
>b) amount
>c) duration of the exposure
>d) exposure location
And what are they? Do you know the safety practices of applying ACV to your face?
If even a smart scientific person such as you don't know it, how about the average acne-ridden anons?

>A 1:1 ratio will lower the acidity by 50% per definition. That's not questionable.
Really? Can you guarantee your mix is exactly 50-50. What happen if you put a bit too much ACV? This is a gamble for questionable reward. There is no proven benefit of applying ACV to your skin, unless you're relying to crazy bloggers.

>Tell me, what does ACV smell like?
>Oh, that's right - it smells partly of acetic acid. That's because the acetic acid is being evaporated into the air, escaping the container. It's not like you can create concentrated acetic acid by letting the container stand open.
This is just wrong. Old vinegar often evaporates some of their water, becomes more aciding, and melt some of the plastic container.

>> No.12351103

Remember kids, don't just follow any random advice you read on the internet, especially on 4chan.

Don't be an idiot.

>> No.12351114

And how can you be sure diluting household ACV in water 50-50 doesn't burn your skin? As far as I can tell, it's just some anon's testimonial. We know straight 5% ACV sold in supermarkets burns your skin. Do you want to experiment at which concentration ACV burns your skin with your face?

>> No.12351186

>And what are they?

I don't need to specify that. I was just objecting to how the statement "ACV will give you chemical burns. That's a fact." was too categorical, as it completely disregarded all the different relevant factors. You always need to take dosage into account, just like with witch hazel extracts. :^)

>Do you know the safety practices of applying ACV to your face?


>how about the average acne-ridden anons

They shouldn't do that without reading up. But then again, I haven't advised anyone to use it.

>Can you guarantee your mix is exactly 50-50

"My mix"? No. But a 1:1 ratio will lower the acidity by 50% per definition. That's how chemistry works.

>What happen if you put a bit too much ACV?

Then it's bit too acidic, which is probably fine. It's a diluted weak acid.

>There is no proven benefit of applying ACV to your skin, unless you're relying to crazy bloggers.

I don't think that is correct, but I haven't argued this.

>This is just wrong. Old vinegar often evaporates some of their water, becomes more aciding, and melt some of the plastic container.

I don't think so. The mixture is azeotropic. Also, the acetic acid is hygroscopic. Acetic acid decomposes over time, so the concentration should decrease. Do you have any sources for your claims?

>> No.12351193

>And how can you be sure diluting household ACV in water 50-50 doesn't burn your skin?

I haven't claimed it doesn't. I've claimed it doesn't do that categorically. I could go and pour ACV on my hand right now, and I wouldn't get a chemical burn. There are many factors involved.

>We know straight 5% ACV sold in supermarkets burns your skin.

No, we don't. Source?

>Do you want to experiment at which concentration ACV burns your skin with your face?

It could possibly be beneficial by starting at the low end, but I don't have access to good measuring equipment right here.

>> No.12351226


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4735895/ (for at least one study on topical ACV)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479370/ (to establish an upper level)

>> No.12351472


I second this. Vitamin C and exfoliate. It has done wonders for me. There is hope anon.

>> No.12351760

Alright guys hope you can help me.
Gave my head a buzz recently, and then I was looking at my beard and it looked quite patch so I shaved that completely as well.
I wanna go without facial hair/shadow for awhile, but my issue is that hair coming back always irritates the fuck out of my face, thus why I usually just keep a beard.

So, What can I do to keep my face clear? Shave with an electric shave everyday?
I eat relatively healthy and the only dairy is some cheese. I exercise regularly sans a week here and there bc of too much schoolwork coinciding with my job. I use clearasil benzoyl and clindamycin at night. I wash with Oxy wash and sometimes epsom salt daily. During the day occasionally use this tea trea oil blemish stick thing.

Any other tips/suggestions?

>> No.12352038

Is it?
Is it good for dry/sensitive skin?

>> No.12352163

styptic pencil

>> No.12352432

I know it will to an extent, but by how much I want to find out.

>> No.12352435

Been looking to by a Dermaroller, will a cheap $10 one do the job?

>> No.12352489

Extremely late reply but yes it's worth trying

You're ugly but that doesn't mean you have to give up on everything anon, you can still do some things to mask your ugliness

By the way there's a 90% chance you think you're uglier then you actually are

>> No.12352507

Absolutely. That's why I started using it. I have very dry sensitive skin, so I can hardly use any products on my face without breaking out. This makes it soft and moisturized, without causing a breakout.

>> No.12352513

What's a good hypoallergenic detergent? I've noticed my chest and shoulders breaking out which hasn't happened for me in years, and I think it's laundry related.
Also, I've got serious bags under my eyes. Since I'm balding I want to take better care of my face. Does the whole, cold teabag thing work?
>if so how do I get someone to put their balls in the fridge in order to apply the teabag. And then get 2.

>> No.12352805

Are there any good Lush products for the skin? Or are you just buying the chic look of it?

>> No.12353314


>> No.12353827

did you even read my post or did your dumb fucking brain stop once you read Lush? I was asking if there's any quality to it at all or is it just a lame ass product for 17 year old girls

>> No.12353881

Oh I assure you, I read your post. The answer to your question should be obvious.

>> No.12353936

Well, obviously that's not obvious to all.

What is bad about the products, specifically?

>> No.12353955

The only Lush I've used for my skin is the "Rosy Cheeks" fresh face mask. It's wonderful desu.

>> No.12353961

They're not bad. /fa/ hates anything that's mainstream or remotely popular

>> No.12354175

I have not noticed any significant change. Been using this routine for about a month. I must confess the first weeks I was on the clock doing the routine day and night but two weeks in I was not seeing any results. I don't know what to do, I still get acne.

My skin type I guess is normal, with some oiliness around the nose area

Current routine: AM Cerave Foaming Cleanser, Stridex Pads, Cerave Moisturizing Lotion, sunscreen. Same PM except sunscreen.

My shit is so fucked up I just want to give up.

>> No.12354207

Thanks anon.

>> No.12354277

It's a hit or miss, some of their stuff is nice and some of it is terrible. For me it's that the scents are super powerful and irritate my skin (on my body, never tried their face products). I enjoy their foot soak and massage bars, though the latter can be greasy. The shower jellies are really fun too, and smell great.

>> No.12354285

What supplements do you take?
>Iron (Floradix) - goodbye shitty panda eyes
>Marine Collagen, hydrolysed a shit

>> No.12354312
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Okay, so I know you said not to say dove, but The dove sensitive skin works for me in the ways you described

>> No.12355110


>> No.12355149


>> No.12355319

What do you you guys use to get rid of hyperpigmentation on dark skin?

Vitamin c serums, right?

>> No.12356538

get out of here STALKER

to everyone else in the thread
don't forget, your environment is also probably contributing to the health of your skin. I lived in a place where I was allergic to a lot of the shit in the air, and it was heavily population dense/smoggy, and I broke out heavily every day, to the point where there was no clear skin left on my face at all. I then moved to a location where I wasn't allergic to anything at all, the population density was much lower, and there was little pollution thanks to less places for the smog to get caught on, and overnight, my face clears up. No changes to hygienic routine, no changes to exercise routine, no changes to bedding, or anything else, just the environment, and in a week I only have 3 or 4 active acne heads at any given time.

>> No.12356544

I have two warts on my right hand, one on my index finger, and the other on my knuckle.. I've tried freezing it off, apple cider vinegar, and currently duct tape but to no avail.

Is there any other way to remedy these two horrendous shits, because it fucks up my confidence and style.

>> No.12356560

Apple Cider Vinegar is the secret melanated folks dont share with the outside world. Astringents are typically alcohol-based and dry out your acne, but also your skin. Vinegar cleans the dirt out but also moisturizes. You can feel your face tighten after you rub a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar on your face.

>> No.12357049

On Accutane right now, it'll do that for months but in the end your skin won't be fucked anymore
You just gotta man up anon, you wanna be effay or not?

>> No.12357361

I cut mine off and burned it with a recently put out match for a week. Never came back after that. Healed just fine.

>> No.12357364

You can also just burn it off without cutting it. Use the match method.

>> No.12357505

can animal allergies cause skin problems in the face area and elsewhere? I get constantly greasy flaky skin. in the shower I can literally scrub off grey pieces of dead skin.

>> No.12357523

>immediate skin tighten = good

That's of the same ethos as "if it burns, it's working". Your skin feeling tight immediately after using a product means that you just stripped away surface oils and moisture and should moisturize asap. The fact that your skin feels tight after means that it ISNT moisturizing.

Apple cider vinegar is, obviously, an acid, so it will have some chemical exfoliating properties, but if you're gonna go that route, there are effective, cosmetically safe formulations that you're probably better off using. Or, at least if you're gonna use ACV anyway, get some pH testing strips to make sure it's not below a pH of 3 or something.

>> No.12357532

Same thing you would use on light skin. Arbutin, niacinamide, and licorice root are the first 3 that spring to my mind aside from vit c.

psa: dont use niacinamide and vitamin c together, as it may cause temporary redness and flushing

>> No.12357720
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Do I have clean skin?

>> No.12357922

Pine tar soap

Thank me later