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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 333 KB, 1677x1197, ripgrandpa .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12337225 No.12337225 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/, my grandpa was getting rid of a lot of stuff from his garage.
He was a fashion person around the 60's and 70's.
We found a box that he said wasn't open since the mid 80's
We opened and found many mint condition 70's clothing
>all matching my size
He gave me the entire box for being a good grandson's
Now I have all these stuff to try out but don't know where to start.
So you decide /fa/, what should I wear and I'll feature it in the next /waywt/.

>> No.12337237

This two pairs of pants is awesome, looks very great quality lit af

>> No.12337249

cool pants and sunglasses, check if there's a belt

>> No.12337275
File: 292 KB, 2300x2438, File_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they feel super soft and comfy, like the fact that it stills has the tag kek.
found one, it's all black.

>> No.12337289

neat sunglasses

>> No.12337304

Nice cop senpai! Love the ties

>> No.12337306

Well the 70s are coming back this year. The pants look p nice, the jackets are a bit weird though.

>> No.12337313

Yea 1 and 3 are a bit funky, kek that 70's for you, but I dig the small colorful lines and 4 makes you feel toasty.

>> No.12337337

the trousers, top tits. The jackets are too outdated, except for the one at the right. Get rid of ties 2 and 7 (from left to right).

>> No.12337344

wow now you can look like an actual grandpa or actual hipster!

>> No.12337429

thanks for your response, I'm currently in class atm. I'll be back with you all at 10 pm eastern time.
Feel free to leave more suggestions and I'll wear what you choose tomorrow.

>> No.12337451

Hard to tell about the pants from the lighting, but the one on the right looks like a nice black and white houndstooth, and could be something casual. The other one with blue and black may be harder to pair with, but could be done for spring/early summer.

The black tie below the white glasses is definitely a keeper, and if the one beside it is just a slim black tie (again, can't really tell from the lighting) then that's something you could get a LOT of use from. Depending on the others, they're all kind of whatever.

The Suit jacket on the far right (4th) is really nice, and if roughed up a bit, and leather patches attached to the elbows, it could be a real nice casual daily wear. The 2nd one isn't awful, but it isn't great. And 1st and 3rd are kinda awful. You'd look like a gambler in a Fallout New Vegas casino.

>> No.12337463

Bruh 70s was last year, this one is the 80s

>> No.12337519

>eastern time

>> No.12337557

>no ascots

>> No.12338052

Three things about 70s clothes:

(1) For a while in the 70s, it was impossible to find any slacks that weren't slightly flared. Flared pants were never as popular in the 60s, nor in the 70s among the young, as Hollywood would have you believe, but somehow the people marketing clothes for those who wore jackets & ties thought it was a fashion. The young laughed at it.

(2) The jackets often had comically wide lapels.

(3) The ties were often comically wide.

>> No.12338092
File: 258 KB, 1280x1136, Jesus-And-Mary-Chain_6884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on 80s fashion this year

>> No.12338105

Your grandpa is effay, I would walk around and wear this causally

>> No.12338113
File: 28 KB, 640x360, IMG_1455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont lie you just bought everything at a thift store LOL

>> No.12338125

boy there is some trash tier advice in this thread

/fa/ just wants to dress you up as a minimalist streetwear cuck, dont let them do it. wear this shit with pride.

>> No.12338146

Doesn't matter, good shit

>> No.12338272
File: 650 KB, 2667x4000, IMG_0846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd look like a gambler in a Fallout New Vegas casino.
kek I love that. I actually just got back from college and recently went to a diner using that blazer and outfit for the first.
A shit ton of older folks loves that the hell outta of.
Two girls(early 20s) told me I look cute.
How did I look /fa/?

>> No.12338276

like graph paper

>> No.12338277

Like everyone said when you first posted that fit, swap the shirt out for a white/light blue one, maybe with subtle vertical stripes and it'd be 11/10

>> No.12338307

I'll ask my grandpa and see if he has a deadstock shirt matching that color. If not, I'll see if he has a white one.

>> No.12338308

If there's anything you don't want, I'll take it

>> No.12338311

I'll see if some of my cousins would like some of this stuff.
If he is not interested, then I'll inform you anon.

>> No.12338320

Where would you sell them?

>> No.12338325

Are you okay anon?

>> No.12338326

Mostly likely eBay for cheap.

>> No.12338337

Yea I'm fine, went through the whole process of the funeral.
He fulfilled what he wanted in life and I'm happy about that.

>> No.12338345

Sorry for your loss, good on you though for taking it well, I'm glad your grandpa was happy.

>> No.12338584

what possessed you to wear that fucking shirt with those other two articles of clothing i'll never know.

>> No.12338589

you will never be able to wear any of those things together now that i open your image and look more closely, no way.

>> No.12338611

Keep everything except for the jackets, lapel gorges (where the notch is located) are too low, obviously out dated.

>> No.12338617

uhh no, the 80s started back in 2010 with the release of Drive, then we moved to the 90s and now we are doing the 70s revival of the 90s

>> No.12338645

I like the jacket, but not the combination with the pants and shirts. The jacket is def versatile with other shirts and maybe just brown chino´s. But overall you kinda pulled it off

>> No.12338660

Now that's pretty preppy, but I don't like the jackets. Cool knit tie though.

>> No.12338664

tips fedora

>> No.12338710

Wow, nice stuff. I, for one, think that you should get rid of ties 2 and 7. In terms of jackets, 1 and 3 quite hard to pull off, however for Fallout New Vegas cosplay they are perfect. Pants are great, sunglasses are great. If I were you, I would try to go into smth preppy.

>> No.12338743

Walking around with a blazer as everyday wear looks just as shitty as walking around with the latest streetwear trash. Although you won't look like a grown man trying to emulate the look of a person 10 years younger than you if you'd go with grandpa's clothes.

>> No.12339399
File: 344 KB, 2660x3270, howsthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the comment, is this much better?
This is what I'll be wearing while helping a church.

>> No.12339428
File: 332 KB, 1970x3260, foundanotherblazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I manage to find another blazer from his other boxes.
Out of all the others, I think this is the nicest.

>> No.12339429

Pants look dope, specially the blue ones IMO. Shades also look pretty good, not so sure about the rest.

>> No.12339439


>> No.12339442
File: 31 KB, 600x600, Do_it_mario20110724-22047-qhrt48[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fit, op.

>> No.12339450
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 16122897_1214409398677957_8585282077266542592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he already posted 2 you sperglord

>> No.12339522
File: 41 KB, 384x384, IMG_1163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12339588

this is pretty dope ngl

>> No.12339612


>> No.12339683

Nice, now you don't have to steal from the coat rack in the senior center!

>> No.12340046

Too many patterns at once

>> No.12340048


>> No.12340112

they're fine if you know what you're doing. which you obviously don't.
whyd you post the same thing twice

>> No.12340966
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, my clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12340981

1, 2, 3, 8 and 10 are the nicest in the set. Like your style.

>> No.12341156

>tipping intensifies

>> No.12342240

this is sick

>> No.12342333

Too much texture. Use some neutral items.

>> No.12342408

Jacket is much better than expected from first pic t b h, there it looked muddy and a bit typically 70s-drab, but here it's nice and vibrant, the green pops, I like it a lot. I think the pants work with it too but like >>12338277 this guy says, axe the shirt for a solid color white or light blue.

>> No.12342413

O shit, didn't see this, should have read whole thread before replying. But this is GOAT

>> No.12342417

>80s blazer
>no gigantic american football shoulder pads
you won, basically

>> No.12342419

wow that's cool

>> No.12342425


Looks more 80s than 70s this one. I have some 1970s clothing as well, they tend to be over the top so you have to pick your pieces carefully or else it will look like you are playing in a period piece.

>> No.12342990
File: 460 KB, 2667x4000, enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all for your comments, I just tried out the 3rd blazer today with black dress pants that I have and hung with my friends.
They saw my outfit and were amazed at the way it fit me.
We chilled at a Johnny Rocket and older people, few girls, and a waiter all positively comment on my blazer.
The older gentlemen brought him up his old days and chatted that he has seen those around JCPenny around the late 70's.
The girls told me it looks nice on me and that it also looks funky.
The waiter told that I look like a manager for the place, kek.
Love all the comments.
How is this one so far /fa/?

>> No.12343002


>> No.12343102

You look great. You look like you're in a movie.

You are going to get so laid.

>> No.12343111

>How is this one so far /fa/?
Weirdly good considering you just started trying this out, the rumpling in the blazer gives it a nice laidback casual feel that dressing too sharp won't give, and the slim grenadine tie with the tail just a bit longer than the blade is also spot on, again because it looks no-effort, like you just threw this on and it's what you're used to and comfortable in.

In short, top good.

>> No.12343143

Killing it, looks like you came out of a time machine

>> No.12343229
File: 800 KB, 500x500, 1489973189033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is this one so far /fa/?
NewVegas-core is gonna be the next big thing

>> No.12343342

I'm jealous as fuck. Grandpa ties are okay at worst and incredible at best.

>> No.12344000


It works, good combo. Were there any leather jackets as well?

>> No.12344411
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20170325_114836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, didn't see any leather jackets but I did found this hat, though.

>> No.12344686


Sweet hat, you can wear it with that jacket. Provided it's in your size though.

>> No.12344703

when u do your own thing without looking retarded its really good