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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 120 KB, 463x640, 1446235795073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12323272 No.12323272 [Reply] [Original]

What does the girl you want to approach at the party wear, /fa/?
Is she standing invitingly against a wall by herself? Does she catch your eye anytime she is in your vicinity? Is she dancing? Is she drinking? Is she smiling?

>> No.12323282
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>> No.12323295

I don't go to parties, but she always wears the same thing. A layered green and white skirt, a white blouse, a blue and white cape and a ribbon in her black hair.

>> No.12323298

She sounds cute.

>> No.12323302
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shes on a laptop beating my k/d in m&b but since i am the most powerful m&b player in the world, therefore, she cannot exist

>> No.12323305
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>> No.12323310


>> No.12323311


>> No.12323313
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>> No.12323316

>not even Aryan


>> No.12323321
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>> No.12323331

She smiles and is funny. Her smile is what makes her look beautiful even when her fits are shit.

>> No.12324232


>> No.12324247

This was taken at the Exploratorium wasn't it

>> No.12324250

beanie, tank top, skinny jeans.
she's drinking and dancing. If she's smiling it's cause she's lit.

>> No.12324267


>> No.12324769

i go to a private school. she sits next to me we talk every day and have a ton of shit in common but we've gone out barely ever, and barely ever talk on snapchat, or whatsapp or whatever. she knows all of the gay internet shit i like and i know all of the gay internet shit she likes. but we only ever talk in class. when the teacher(s) miss class and don't attend we talk for that entire class. but that's the only time i get with her. it fucking sucks.

she wears the school uniform. checkered blue, black, and faded cream white skirt with the school polo tucked in. if it's cold she wears a hoodie that doesn't follow school dress code. she wears high thighs sometimes.

i don't think she has a bf but i don't think she likes me. i've catched her looking at me a bunch of times last years and talking to her friends while eyeing me.


>> No.12324776

She has her high heel against the wall, kind of dancing though not at all. She has stockings running up to her thigh and snaps her fingers to keep the time.

She wants to be alone, though. I shouldn't dare.

>> No.12324789

She fucking approaches me if she wants anything instead of just standing there like a dumb cow, that's the main thing.

>> No.12324802

go away chad we are feeling in this thread

>> No.12324809
File: 77 KB, 400x580, SageofStillness-STON-EN-C-1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snapchat is the fastest way to a woman's heart you heard it here first
just keep being friends with her and try to gauge her interest in you
remember the friendzone is a myth invented by ugly people
the best relationships start as friendships
all it takes is "we should get lunch sometime"
of course if youre ugly this is all meaningless
BUT remember your ugliness doesnt matter if shes into you
work smart not hard
a broken clock is right three times a day
then again I could be wrong about all this~~~

>> No.12324812

fuck off underaged

>> No.12324825

thank you for being nice and giving me advice.

most people on 4chan are underage.

>> No.12324871
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something like this

>> No.12324890
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>most people on 4chan are underage.
>genuineley believing this
fuck off nigger get out

>> No.12324910

WHat game ?

>> No.12324920

Not a party.

But there's this girl in college that i really like. If there was a male equivalent of her characters and traits, it would be something that i want to be/have. Skinny, cute, funny, not too intimidating, interesting diction, interesting music taste, and she actually dresses normcore. But the kind of normcore that is not so fashion and obnoxious, you know, the kind of normcore that looks like she has an interesting hobby. And fashion is not one.

I've been stalking her social medias and saying hi to her once in a while, for years, without making any move, until 3 months ago a guy made a move towards her and she said yes.

I'm a loser. I always lose. Well, i still fantasize about fun days together with her.

>> No.12324932

mount & blade homie.

>> No.12324965

>underarm hair

This >>12324809
>she sits next to me
>we talk every day
>we have a tonne of shit in common
>I've caught her looking at me
>talking to her friends while eyeing me

>I don't think she likes me

You're fucking blind. This girl is probably waiting for your move. Initiate something. I know it's easier said than done, but the traditions of guys making a move on the girl hasn't dissipated. You should strike up a conversation with her about something, on Snapchat, on whatsapp, whatever. For the love of god, anon, I know what it's like to be that girl.
Don't be too direct, just keep up that friendliness, and like >>12324809 said, the best relationships start as friendships. 'Friendzone' doesn't fucking exist. You want to be friends to be on good terms, get to know each other well, hang out and see how compatible you are in certain situations. If there is the right connection and chemistry, then by all means it's a go. But going in there with the intent of making her your girlfriend will end in failure.

>> No.12324977

Let this be a lesson. You won't always lose if you learn from this experience.
Someone will come back around eventually. You just have to show your interest. If they show that interest back at you, then great! If not, it's not meant to be. Sometimes great things happen when you least expect it.

>> No.12325024

thanks for the wake up call. anons can be bros sometimes.

>> No.12325203

>falling for jew propaganda
>nazis tought that only blondes were white!!!!11

>> No.12325223

>not knowing facts
That symbol epitomises Nazi party propaganda, dumbass.
It was worn by SS soldiers, all of whom were top tier racially pure Germans (meaning majority were white, blonde, blue eyed).

>> No.12325234

Just straight up ask her out and be clear of your intentions. If you get rejected take it with grace.

You need to learn this sooner than later or you'll be very sad later in life.

>> No.12325237
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I don't want to approach her anymore

>> No.12325242
File: 60 KB, 540x812, c24f56be9346169dc454ad5f33281624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully something like this.

>> No.12325246
File: 47 KB, 398x550, 5791391783d9a76706d891072b68b763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this.

>> No.12325254

I know that feel bro. )-;

>> No.12325258

As an attractive male

the less a woman seems to care about her dress the better.

Most women are naturally beautiful if they're slim - chubby and acne free

Why be redundant

That said, women who drastically don't care about their dress usually suffer from some mental illness.

Which is fun for me

>> No.12325259

>a broken clock is right three times a day

>> No.12325261
File: 548 KB, 602x808, 1346815248282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is.

>> No.12325263

You piece of shit

>> No.12325717

You sound like you have an extremely low iq bra

>> No.12325719

Nothing, because I won't

>> No.12326052
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>> No.12326161

girl i like has an unremarkable style, though it works for her. lots of button downs under sweaters, semi-conservative dresses, etc. nice shoes though. it's classy and i like that
saw her last night at a party, smiling and talking intensely with some guy. got really sad that she wasn't talking like that with me and she probably never would.
she went home by herself later and i'm still mad at myself for not asking if she wanted me to walk her home.
we graduate in a month and i'll probably never get a chance to go out with her or anything because i'm too scared to fucking talk to her.

>> No.12326581
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>> No.12326592
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>> No.12326977

Nice one anon. Seriously, I've been considering going for the Skinhead look. It's so good. And that movie was dope.

>> No.12327034
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shine on you crazy diamond

>> No.12327264
File: 151 KB, 519x600, 1398720532431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me

>> No.12327495

Oi Oi from FL. Its a good look, but it has its downsides. Get alot of strange looks, and people will avoid you. Get past that, you're gold

>> No.12327651


>> No.12327693
File: 44 KB, 225x350, 101963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like Griffith

>> No.12327703

only on /b/ /v/ and /a/ my dude

>> No.12327911

Problem is I look too Jewish to be a skinhead. I'm not Jewish at all, no Jewish descent, as far as I know, I'm just French, and I have crazy dark, thick, curly hair.

>> No.12327926

stay okuute, senpai

>> No.12329069

its called a pair of clippers, and a number 1 guard. U wont look jew. Who goes for the skinhead look without shaving their head?

>> No.12329676

what's the movie's name?

>> No.12329797

Oh so you have an affinity for fucking garbage I see

>> No.12330576

Green Room

>> No.12331039

Man, I'm a girl, I gotta keep some of my hair to get this look >>12326592 >>12326581

>> No.12331649

well shit, can't help u there. Hair iron, and blonde hair dye?