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/fa/ - Fashion

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12323407 No.12323407 [Reply] [Original]

>be at my grandma's (my father's mother)
>both my father and my grandma are fat and ugly as hell
>grandma said I'm too thin and I should gain weight
>she even said I'm EMACIATED, even through my BMI is actually at the bottom of normal
>I got angry and left

Fuck them

>> No.12323424

>so handsome that girls are too afraid to be near me
>will die a virgin

>> No.12323425

Thinspo makes me uncomfortable and sad.

I've dealt with weight all my life. I've been picked on to the point where you'd think I would be numb to it. I've been rejected and made to feel bad for even asking.

People instantly assume I'm a gamer or that I collect figurines or something creepy. I'm just a normal human being.

I've done so much to drop it and even though I'm getting close to average size, my face isn't getting any skinnier, I still have a bunch of loose skin and I can't fix that without surgery - a thing I don't have money for.

I don't think I'll ever be beautiful like many of these /fa/ boys and it makes me wanna die

>> No.12323492
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Time to kill your family

>> No.12323500 [DELETED] 
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>be me
>no friends and social life

>> No.12323509

just write ppl you barely know on fb or some shit.
no point in waiting for others to reach out.
just be like hi im blabla what you doin here irl

>> No.12323515

She loves you and worries about you anon. Go apologize.

>> No.12323520

i've struggled with weight issues too, anon, but the only thing you can do is keep going until you start to feel more comfortable in your own skin i guess. i'm proud that you're getting closer to an average size and to your goals, and i'm sure you'll make it and stay there if you're vigilant. if it's any consolation pretty much everyone i know at my uni has like a plethora of body image issues so at least you aren't alone in that

>> No.12323532 [DELETED] 
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actually got a social circle at school. then really got tired of their sjw safe inoffensive sense of humor, not interested in d&d, video games or anime and just became a hermit who kept to myself. doesn't help that one of my only friend, who is also the same got me into this fashion shit, making me more annoyingly elitist and judgmental.

>> No.12323539

Thinspo fucking drove me to anorexia, I actually hate myself more now than when I wasn't underweight
Because I hate gaining weight back but I need to get my health back
(a girl, so losing period & other hormone issues, fuck that)

>> No.12323642

>i got angry and left
Lol fag

>> No.12323662

I've got an /fa/ feel
>>mfw 5"10

>> No.12323669


reminder to focus on natural, healthy foods. if you can stick to lean protein, nuts, veggies, some low carb wraps, eggs, etc....try low impact exercise like swimming or walking.

supplement with vitamins. get adequate fiber

most importantly, improve your habits OVERTIME. small changes are the key if you want them to stick. learn what nutritious foods satisfy you and make that the core diet. cut out high glycemic foods if possible.
these things will enable you to be both slim and healthy

>> No.12323670

Literally 5'11.5" here.

>> No.12323681
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>> No.12323862
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mfw 6'2

>> No.12323908
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>mfw 6'4

>> No.12323966
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>want to be confident like i used to be
>forgot how to talk to people
>only have like 3 friends
>feel like nearly all people are above me
>dont know how to talk to grills without dropping my spaghetti
its been a very slow decline but i seriously dont know how i ended up feeling this way, i wasn't always like this
i want to go back

>> No.12323983

walking is a fucking joke. go run

>> No.12323996

>go running
Running is a fucking joke. Swallow some tapeworm eggs, take up swimming and donate blood every fucking day

>> No.12324006

>strong jaw, dark hair
>ottermode body


Kill me please.

>> No.12325737

>mfw grown ass man and 5"3

>> No.12325746

Fatties just want to take you down with them. Don't listen, live thin and live long.

>> No.12325898

>mfw 5'12

>> No.12325941

Kek I'm just proud that I'm not a manlet

>> No.12325957
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>Somewhat good body (been eating like shit recently though
>Called handsome by female acquaintances

Despite these memes I hate my face, everything about me and have never had a gf. Plus I'm indecisive as fuck and easily swayed.

I jus wanna b /fa/ and have a /fa/ gf mane