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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 122 KB, 599x596, idk what to call this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12311879 No.12311879 [Reply] [Original]

What would you guys call this look?

>> No.12311883


>> No.12311885

Highschool teenager

>> No.12311891
File: 75 KB, 588x392, unsure 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a couple more for more reference

>> No.12311894
File: 96 KB, 592x597, unsure 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12311896

The Pacsun/UO quality garment wearing, Instagram fast-nu-"fashion" high schooler-core

Basically the "I can try to act like I'm into fashion in a photo with cheap ass clothes"-core

>> No.12311899

How would one set up for shots like this? Let's say if I want to make an Instagram. Are there any guides?

>> No.12312002


>> No.12312007

wtf are you talking about? Put clothes on and take a photo

>> No.12312042

the fuck are those bends on the right guy

>> No.12312051

give up now if you have to ask how to take a photo of yourself

>> No.12312054

what the fuck is that cuff-core
shitty taste in beer-core
weird-ass drinking-locations-core

seriously, this is fucking abysmal, it's on the level of that manlet who always wears the oversized flannel and ripped jeans, you know the one

>> No.12312064

Yea but everyone knows you can't be fashionable unless your clothes are expensive right?

>> No.12312065

I know the one.

Sorry for the ignorance but, bends?

>> No.12312068

subtle bieber core

>> No.12312126

I think he ment cuffs

>> No.12312142

Secretly bi core

>> No.12312156

Nah man, cuffs are on shirts. I mean like how they bend their jeans so the inside is showing.

>> No.12312165

I feel like these dudes have tumblrs with shit like chill vibes anime beats vines and depression memes

>> No.12312171


Second half of the decade faggot. Seriously, most of my faggot friends have adapted this style. It's nice if you can pull it off though.

>> No.12312182
File: 893 KB, 3000x4500, cuff inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called cuffing or pinrolling. this guy does it in a really faggy way however
he should really just fold them a few times if he wants them up this high

>> No.12312189

Gay look or nigger look

>> No.12312195

"bro check out my bandcamp LP pls"

>> No.12312196


>> No.12312251

current trend

I wonder what we will call it in the future

>> No.12312523

I'm 18 and don't have a personality core

>> No.12313006

more like I'm normal and get laid core

>> No.12313726


They obviously are edited to some degree. What cameras are used, software, etc.

I think this is more of a /g/ or something question..

>> No.12313748

Nah dude you can take these and edit them with your phone. A smartphone comes with filters and most have good enough cameras.

>> No.12313938

probably just iphone & vsco

>> No.12313942
File: 391 KB, 418x573, semicolon_p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: triggered autists with no asian qt3.14

>> No.12313956

>hmm, what can i say to these anons on /fa/ to justify my yellow fever?
>aha! ill show him the picture of the girl with her face like this ;p
>okay now i have to contribute to the thread
>i know, ill write "/thread/"
>okay now to shoehorn in my fetish

>> No.12313976

why do you analyze the external world so muc?
>he should really just fold them a few times if he wants them up this high
I imagine reading the subtitles of an anime character thinking this about the main character

>> No.12313981

I find it fascinating to think that one day History teachers and kids all over will examine pictures of us during this time, and talk about our clothing style.

>> No.12314007

> being this autistic with rustled jimmies
> xDDD
Here's your (you), retard. heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.12314011


>> No.12314076


Holy fuck

>> No.12314234
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They went to the trouble of looking fly in all Ross and they didn't seal the deal with a Citizen watch?

>> No.12314284

played out in late 2014/early 2015 unless you're some flyover normie

>> No.12314338

>seriously, this is fucking abysmal, it's on the level of that manlet who always wears the oversized flannel and ripped jeans, you know the one
HAHAH, I know the one.

>> No.12315471

getting triggered this hard.
Shit, I guess anon hit the nail on the head with that one didn't he.
It's okay, I'm sure you'll find a girl who's into your twink style someday.

>> No.12315492

fuccboi uniform 2017

>> No.12315500

that person looks more latina than asian

>> No.12315512

|not using @s

>> No.12315680


it's real think about it