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/fa/ - Fashion

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12301112 No.12301112 [Reply] [Original]

is being fat /fa/ now?

>> No.12301114

i would still smash her booty

>> No.12301115

She got those breeding hips

>> No.12301121

there are some nude of her?

>> No.12301122

i hope for the sake of my sick and twisted mind it is.

>> No.12301126

send nudes

>> No.12301136

I hate how women have this kind of collective thinking like if they find one fatty and get some guys to agree they'd fuck her: suddenly all fatties can marry Chad.

>> No.12301142

shes not fat

>> No.12301145

shes pretty she can pull off the weight.

>> No.12301220
File: 80 KB, 615x1202, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a better before pic. she used to be legitimately anorexic

>> No.12301237

its because a naturally sensuous woman is sexier than a strict, cold one

women dont fare well with denial of indulgence. they are naturally attuned to pleasure

the sexiest thing is a woman who goes after pleasure like a hyena ;) they know what they want and they'll savor every bite

>> No.12301256

you can stop bumping this, or creating threads like this, or even coming here

>> No.12301338

she went from one extreme and is going to another.
She's just mental, just like those thinspo faggots in the other thread.

>> No.12301362

Ok creepy grandpa

>> No.12301413

She was never fit lmao
Dumb cunt probably starved herself and now thinks she is better off

>> No.12301415

her colored hair gave away how batshit insane she is.

>> No.12301419

>is being fat /fa/ now?
No, just bait.

>> No.12301436
File: 62 KB, 736x981, c12455bb56b1fb919a4aed3d178ab0f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that everything on the internet is so binary. either your some fat acceptance or a Thinspo//fit/-fag it's kind of rediculous if you think about it. Pic related the ideal bodytype kind of muscular, lean but not skinny.
Stay healthy guys.

>> No.12301437

but she was skinnyfat before?

>> No.12301440

Those are abs you autist, she just didn't cut because it looks disgusting on females

Back to thinspo you delusional retard

>> No.12301452

ofc not, the attempt of normalizing mental illness is in right now, but not for long.
Beta uprising incoming.

>> No.12301455

>bitch got fat
>I still wanna fuck
Fuckin' nofap

>> No.12301475

Is this real? Almost seems to me like one of those HAES nutjobs just reversed someone's before and after picture to pretend it's okay to have no self control. I'm not saying it's impossible for this to be the case, but it seems unlikely for someone who claimed to work so hard on their figure just throw it all away on a whim. Going from an eating disorder to binge eating doesn't really compute either...

Anyway, real or not?

>> No.12301480

I'm skinnyfat as fuck and have ""abs"" like that

>> No.12301484

>Young woman goes on tumblr and gets pumped full of liberal propaganda. Doesn't feel good - dyes hair, gets fat, becomes an SJW. Many such cases! Sad!

>> No.12301554

is being a feeder/chubby chaser effay?

>> No.12301562

She's fat but the fat is estrogenic, so it's probably firm and jiggly. That's why it isn't unattractive...

Body positive models are still too attractive, most girls don't have that firm + jiggly fat all over that is actually highly attractive in women, most fat people have the flabby + misshapen fat that is not attractive.

>> No.12301606

Every fat is literally estrogenic.

>> No.12301634

Why do I love the dyed hair so much?

Left wouldnt get my attention but right is delicious

>> No.12301651

Not saying he's skinny, but David's pretty fucking lean. Low bf%.

>> No.12301675

same senpai i just have a thing for dyed hair desu

>> No.12301690

Not the same guy but it's probably just the shapeless fat that are ugly

>> No.12301710

How do you get this size so quickly and not just be eating like shit? No one says you have to be super fit or skinny, just learn to eat normally. These people are just not capable of eating a normal breakfast, lunch and dinner because mommy and daddy never showed them.

>> No.12301778

Women have higher bodyfat percentage asshat

>> No.12301857

>tfw no jiggly tummy gf to caress

>> No.12301859

>shes pretty
oh boy.
no she is disgusting on both pics. fuck off cancer

>> No.12301866

to be fair I've heard it's difficult to restrict eating/exercise if you're getting out of an eating disorder
you have to teach yourself to not starve/over exercise before you get to a normal weight
if they try to count calories or exercise regularly they may fall into obsession again

>> No.12301873
File: 29 KB, 615x267, IMG 271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, being overweight is not attractive. It is only unhealthy. But you know what is attractive? Being progressive. So in her case it is stylish. Only because she can now have a body positive blog because she is fat now.

>> No.12301965

Internet tends to make things much more dramatic, real life is usually a very boring thing

>> No.12301968
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>> No.12301972

disgusting tbqh my guy

>> No.12301980

It's more /fit/

>> No.12301982
File: 2.86 MB, 1067x550, plus_size_model.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12301990


>> No.12301995

>someone does something that makes them happy

>> No.12301996

Someone is jerking off to her as you read this.

>> No.12301999

she looks like dough what the fuck

>> No.12302005

delet this senpai

>> No.12302007

ye fats fine
it's when they get borderline obese where the ugly starts

>> No.12302029


Women hate when other women are doing well or looking well, for them it implies competition for resources. Becoming a fatty gets positive feedback because they are bringing down standards over time and this benefits women as a whole.

>> No.12302140

thinking about her knees makes me want to FUCKING DIE

>> No.12302167

Not real. Nothing could support that weight, not her knees, feet or spine. I refuse to believe it

>> No.12302195

she's only like 300 kg at most. the world's fattest man was about 600

>> No.12302232


>> No.12302274
File: 68 KB, 500x585, udachnie-pozi-dlya-polnih048-barbusak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is thicc the new skinny?

>> No.12302275

clothes look better on thin people, but womens fashion is shit anyway.
instead we should focus on thicc waifus (because sex with thin women is awful)

>> No.12302282

this guy knows what's up

>> No.12302297 [DELETED] 

This is what I mean, if i saw this i would have difficulty not staring. Her fat placement is estrogenic (spread in "right" places") and looks firm, not flabby, and it's jiggly so when she walks it firmly bounces everywhere or you could sleep on srhdibrweuvogiabRDXCGVFIo

>> No.12302360

Fat is gross. Do not condone being fat, not fashionable or healthy.

>> No.12302364

Jesus was a fraud.

>> No.12302375
File: 70 KB, 550x568, Dafuq-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB? Fat will never be good under any circumstances

>> No.12302388

She hasn't really gone to another extreme. Going to an extreme would be for her to be obese. This is alright.

>> No.12302396

brilliant. you didn't need to read ANY medical literature and you know more than someone who's recovered from an eating disorder! amazing, I should just stop getting my college degree and fuck around on 4chan to become a doctor

>> No.12302401

She reminds me of the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters.

>> No.12302414
File: 50 KB, 492x493, Shart In Mart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to an extreme would be for her to be obese. This is alright.
>not obese
>this is alright

Do you know how I know you're an american?

>> No.12302476


So she starts out a skeleton..


Then goes into an athletic stage.

Then goes into a fat stage. And apparently her user is "bodyposipanda" now.

This is just the same mental illness in three different forms in the same woman. She doesn't have a healthy body image in any of these phases. She's apparently making where she currently is into her entire life and part of her identity.

We can already predict her future. She'll balloon up with her newfound religion of "body positivity" and it'll make her more and more depressed until she gets either back into not eating or maybe takes an entirely new form of illness, like bulemia.

Treat the cause, not the symptom.

>> No.12302495

>this is alright

wew lad

>> No.12302782

I wonder what shape her spine is, anyone got some fatty X-rays ?

>> No.12303583

>thinks fat is healthy
please don't try to become a doctor. Just forget about it. For the sake of humanity, don't fucking do it. You probably won't make it past med school anyways if the lord is on our side

t. thoracic surgeon

>> No.12303608

>This is alright.

You're not thinking fourth dimensionally, Marty. (Also you're failing to notice the mental illness hair.)
Women do not get to a weight like this and maintain it: they get to this weight because they're out of control. She'll be fat as fuck very soon.

>> No.12303656
File: 282 KB, 500x476, 1462737244311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X3 this thread is prime autistic screeching beautifully captured

>> No.12303664

Yeah I'd fuck her. After working and wrestling men in Jiu-Jitsu class. I want to put my dick into a warm thick girl with a fat ass I can nut on

>> No.12303668

Like fat is gross but thick curvy girls with child bearing hips is were it's at. I just want to be buried into a woman. No Tumblr whales but if she's chubby, she's getting piped

>> No.12304050

>this is the state of cumskin

>> No.12304634


I want to fuck her more now that she's chubby.

>> No.12304640


>> No.12304707

>this is alright

How do I already know your an amerifat? This is not alright, stop pretending it is.

>> No.12305139
File: 70 KB, 635x552, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse image search

>> No.12305144

In what world is that girl white

>> No.12305187
File: 80 KB, 400x388, 1482591426548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12305189

Put them both in underwear and guaranteed left is hotter

>> No.12305190

>left is hotter

>> No.12305324

>torture my self everyday

It is just weird for me to think that regular exercise and healthy eating is torture. Some people love to up the intensity and love the pain they get from working out. Also the body she had from working out wasn't good. Maybe she was doing the wrong thing. If you do not enjoy the sweat and the pain I do not know what to say to you anymore. It is just sad.

>> No.12305333

why are you typing like a faggot.

>> No.12305388


what constitutes typing like a faggot? Is it him not using contractions or you not knowing what a question mark is?

>> No.12305397


How many other angle shots did they take where they had to throw it out?

you'd need a sextant and a team scoping every angle to get a decent shot without something disgusting hanging out.

The guys who tinker with this shit on photoshop are artists.

>> No.12305413

what is so funny

>> No.12305525
File: 610 KB, 1296x1936, 1436892815862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High test >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "thinspo" queers

>> No.12305604

Me too, I would love to smash that fat sack of potatoes into mush

>> No.12305607

>the hair change
a classic

>> No.12305748

I respect anyone's right to be as fat as they want to be and for people to find these people attractive... but she's obviously STRUGGLING LIKE FUCK to step slightly to the right and back.
Nobody in their right mind can say this is even close to healthy or normal.
Everyone should aspire to be the best they can be... I have no right to say that since I've been skinny my whole life and I've got a beer belly from having a drinking problem for years... but everyone should aspire to have the body of a normal fucking human, not some inflated Stay Puft replica.

>> No.12306039

Smart post

>> No.12306182

le skeleton meme

>> No.12306191

I'd fuck her butt so hard dude

>> No.12306206

No, le ugly she nigger meme.

>> No.12306320

nigga she looks obese

>> No.12306553

jesus christ mate calm down

>> No.12306763

David is skinny and would be catalogued a 'DYEL fag' by fit
Look at his legs, arms. In those times what was beautiful was natural beauty, that included an athletic body because of work and everyday activity, not being a gym faggot who roids.

>> No.12306781

Thought this was that awful unicorn zombi girl

>> No.12306870

Her legs are disgusting, look at those ankles

>> No.12306885


>suicide girls

>> No.12306957
File: 277 KB, 870x790, when you witness but she still suckin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's perfect.
>that ghostly pale skin
>the way the excessive amounts of fat strip her of her human qualities
>her waddling
>the cottage cheese
i'm horny as hell now

>> No.12306977

Agree with this: >>12306870
Tb h I don't even understand how she can have a normal decent looking upper body and then suddenly, those insane gross cankles

>> No.12307418


>This is alright.

And i get called anorexic for being 200lbs at 6'6.
What is going on.

>> No.12307423

I mean, why should we care? We are currently living in the largest humanitarian crisis since 1945 and no one is going "that Yemen kid is too skinny, he should gain some weight".

>> No.12307432

Are you Karl Pilkington?

>> No.12308184

I mean im not a doctor, but it doesn't take more than common knowledge to know that being fat is unhealthy and fucking gross

>> No.12308268

The reason third world countries are in trouble is we gave them aid.
Giving them aid is not actually good. They have limited food production and can only sustain a small amount of people without starving.
Dump aid into their country and they have more kids but the same ability to produce food. Now they NEED the aid and starve if they don't get it.
In fact giving them the aid can decrease their ability to produce food because the farmer in that country now has to compete with free food. How is he going to do that?

You're indirectly advocating we destroy ourselves for the sake of kids in Yemen. Well, that would indirectly solve the problem. If we're all gone we can't give poisonous aid anymore, right?

I don't think I'm speaking out of turn here. Mentally ill and obese young women are a serious problem among white, western populations while we breed under replacement rate. The percentage of fertile white women in the world's population is very tiny: we can't afford to let them destroy themselves.

>> No.12308276

same thought. have absolutely never seen cankles like that on a normal looking body. i swear i've seen 250 lb women with less severe cankles

>> No.12308784

>Those are abs you autist

They're rolls. Her fat distribution cleaves similarly to muscles. The shape of her stomach is the same as before, just bigger.

>> No.12308912
File: 943 KB, 850x1540, David_SM_Maggiore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David is a young man, sometimes even depicted as a boy. Here's old David from the same time period. Notice something?

>> No.12308915

You lost me with the last paragraph.

>> No.12308933

everything is near perfect until right below the calves... what the fuck bro

>> No.12308987
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1488252025387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12309000


tumblr girls

>> No.12309696

How tall was he?

>> No.12310387

>David was a young man/boy
So? That's what makes him beautiful

>> No.12310411

I was on mobile.

>> No.12310414

Lmao you don't even need to workout to stay fit, just don't overeat.

>> No.12311086

Really, that is a good dye job and they're nice colors regardless of whether or not she wants to look like a sharpe under her clothes.

>> No.12311089

This has to be a photoshop, right? What the fuuuuuuuuu

>> No.12311845

lol fuq everyone replying to this, you were being super reasonable anon. she's not thin but she looks fine, only think extreme about it is writing an essay on an instagram post