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12268363 No.12268363 [Reply] [Original]

Weeb Edition

Last Thread: >>12262265

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.12268375
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>> No.12268378
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dumping comfy thinspos

>> No.12268379
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>> No.12268381
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>> No.12268384
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remember to eat small amounts of food that makes you happy and find a hobby to keep yourself busy

>> No.12268385

Oooh I love her socks!
Hopefully soon my calves won't be so thick and I can wear some similar ones :)

>> No.12268436
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https://discord.gg/SeMWYm9 discord ;3

>> No.12268445

been on a 2 day amphetamine binge and barely ate anything. but its fun and probably lost weight at the same time. lots of dancing at parties too

>> No.12268548
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>> No.12268565

seagull-san, pls post contact info

>> No.12268588
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Posting anime thinspo :3

So I'm in a bit of a predicament friends. My boyfriend wants to go to this Vietnamese restaurant for his birthday...problem is..I am unsure how many calories the food is :( I usually go for this dish called "vegetable rice vermicelli with veggie spring rolls", but I'm terrified it's going to be way more, or too close to my calorie limit of 800 :/ what do?? Should I eat it anyway then fast the rest of the day?

>> No.12268601

It's his birthday, you're allowed fo cut loose

>> No.12268605

Mirin. How do I turn my feet into horse hooves?

>> No.12268645

Aren't like almost all anime girls thinspo?

>> No.12268649

Feels like i've been on a 3 week binge, I have gained around 4kg. How do I break out of this!?

>> No.12268657


what are you eating so much of?

start a fast tomorrow.

or at least stop eating after 5-6pm, or 12 hours before you eat breakfast the next day, that's the least you can do

drink lots of water and tea to make yourself more full

>> No.12268707


>what are you eating so much of?

Mostly bad food like bread and cereal during the day but I eat fish, vegetarian 'meat' or chicken for dinner most of the time though.

>start a fast tomorrow.
I did that last Sunday too and went back to my ~2200 kcal every day binge on Monday.

I was overweight, almost obese last year and somehow lost all motivation when I got down to a healthy bmi that I was happy about.
I just can't get into the /thinspo/ mindset again it feels like :(

I was 22 (23 now) My goal is 20 which isn't really /thinspo/ but it's the weight bracket I wan't to be in.

I should probably just start to plan my meals out and eat consistently 3 meals a day instead of skipping breakfast and then binging on 3 bowls of cereal during lunch.

>> No.12268723
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one thing you should never do is skip breakfast

prep your meals, and fast for at least 12 hours. I usually stop eating after 6 until i wake up the next day at 6 in the morning and have breakfast

here are some suggestions, obviously you can adjust it to your own preferences

>> No.12268728

can i liquid fast for a week

>> No.12268732
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>> No.12268741

How does one "fast" without skipping breakfast, exactly?

>> No.12268745


>> No.12268749

Skip dinner.

>> No.12268758

That puts a ~12 hour limit on your "fasts." Aren't 16 hour fasts supposed to be optimal, or better or something like that?

Fuck. I'm not even the guy posting about being on a 3 week binge but I feel similar. I keep doing shit like fasting for 30+ hours, breaking fast with a decent meal, and then later I'll eat, like, three chocolate bars or whatever. My calorie counting graphs on Lose It are a fucking mess now and I have no idea if I'm losing weight or not because I have no idea how to fast and just eating HFLC doesn't seem to keep me from getting hungry. I'd ask a doctor but they'd probably just tell me that I'm at a normal weight but god dammit I wanna see my abs and I feel like I only have a couple more pounds to lose before I get there.

Has anybody else been in this place?

>> No.12268760

Yeah, I think it's much easier to skip dinner than breakfast to be honest.

>> No.12268764

>celery stick
this shit is nasty af

>> No.12268769

What, really? Falling asleep when you're hungry is hard, though. I've done it a couple of times recently because I was fasting by drinking tea or water but if I get a headache I'll regret not eating/drinking enough the next morning.

>> No.12268773


>> No.12268775

Yeah, I've been doing 16:8 but on the one hand, that eight-hour-window is still pretty big to me and I never ate breakfast anyways so it's easy, but I still manage to eat a lot during that time but I also don't want to start doing 23:1 because I can't deal with my stomach rumbling all day, especially at uni and the library. I should probably figure out a shorter eating window somewhere in the afternoon.

>> No.12268778

I've found that it's usually only the first 6 hours into the fasting part where my stomach rumbles and is annoying

past that, I actually don't want to eat because I don't feel hungry

>> No.12268782

>That puts a ~12 hour limit on your "fasts."
How? Are you eating "lunch" at 8pm?

A breakfast/lunch eating window (8a-1p, 6a-2p) should easily leave you with a 16-20hr fast.

>> No.12268804

Will all of you porkers please stop saying "fasting" it's called in not hungry or a slave cravings

>> No.12268816

>it's called in not hungry or a slave cravings
If you find a better word for "period of designated not-eating," feel free to let us know. In the meantime, it might be a better use of your time to really nail down how to construct a sentence.

>> No.12268823
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Is Cibo the most /thinspo/ character in all Japanese media?

>> No.12268826

She's wearing heels you pleb.

>> No.12268830

"Designated non-eating" is code for "I sure wish I could be eating right now lol"

True thinspo is absolute neutrality and abandonment from pestering cravings. I am free, are you? What's your timer saying?

>> No.12268835
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I've been living the hiki-NEET life for couple of years now and I've become skinny-fat. How do I get back to a flat stomach without leaving my house? 5'7" 120 lbs

>> No.12268840

I'm a bit peckish desu. I'm still working out what "I sure wish I could be eating right now lol's" periods work best for me but I figure I'll get breakfast in a few minutes. Tell me, Anon-sama, how did you achieve true freedom from cravings or whatever nirvana bullshit it is you're going on about?

>> No.12268845

Can you post pics? I'm that tall and that weight is actually my current goal weight so I kind of want to see what it looks like.

>> No.12268863

No breakfast or lunch. One fair sized meal at 6 to 6 30. In that window of time I have a good bowel movement every day at around 7 30 am.

One sugary or caffeine drink in the morning and midday if feeling dehydrated.

I don't go crazy on water just enough to feel okay but bit bloated.

Sometimes a snack around 1 30 pm is fine, something high in fiber or protein.

I avoid cheese completely and rarely eat beef.

It took trial and error and more than a year and a half to find this routine and transition to it and now I can honestly say I'm never feeling uncomfortable or craving food, if anything it's a chore to mildly satisfying when I have dinner.

Works for me but it's not something you just snap into it takes time and to adjust now life is beautiful and I'm always light.

>> No.12268867

*6 to 6 30 pm in the evening I mean

>> No.12268868

Just eat less to get rid of the fat
Bodyweight to build muscle

Why do you care about being skinnyfat when you're a hikki?


>> No.12268875

What kind of snacks do you eat that are high in fiber? I've been looking for some of those myself but, say, bran muffins seem to have carbs in them which I've been avoiding recently. Protein snacks are, I'm assuming, stuff like jerky or nuts?
>I avoid cheese completely and rarely eat beef.
Really? Cheese has a lot of fat in it. As you can tell I've been dipping my toe into LCHF dieting. What about pork? When you eat, what do you eat?

>> No.12268919
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Here you go.

>Why do you care about being skinnyfat when you're a hikki?
I can no longer post lewds online to boost my ego.

>> No.12268944


>> No.12268945


>> No.12268948

my point exactly

>> No.12268952
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>Lost 3kg
>Mostly muscle mass from my chest
>Don't know whether i should be happy or annoyed

I think i'm going to have to set my goal lower

>> No.12268954

For a midday snack I am a big fan of these:


One is enough for me. Most protein bars or energy bars have too much chocolate and other nonsense but the filling on these is nutritious.

If the day is super demanding with physical activity I might grab one of these:


I've used that bar before if I had to eat dinner later than 6 30 so it holds me over but that's pretty rare.

Don't really like lurk unless it's an Indian dish or Chinese, so I don't eat it mostly because I avoid rice. Though I don't lump rice in the same category as cheese I found for me anyway it takes a lot longer to digest and throws me off.

My dinners have variety, I'm not burdened with counting calories or portion control games. Just a smaller to medium sized meal, last night I had a chicken gyro, some nuts and raisins and an orange soda. It's more about not going overboard and keeping away from things that are too greasy or you know will sit in your stomach longer.

>> No.12268955

you should do some trapping lad. whats ur kik

>> No.12268962


>> No.12268968

This is all sounding a bit wild, so I hope you'll forgive my skepticism. Can you post pictures of yourself along with your stats? Also, roughly how many calories is a "smaller to medium sized meal"? I know you said you don't count calories or do portion control but for understanding purposes that's not very precise.

>> No.12268969

Idk you look ok to me, maybe it's the angle making you thinner

Either way same rules apply as for non-hikkis, eat at deficit to loose the fat

For exercise you could probably just dance to kpop songs and still get good results

>> No.12268972


friday: 1500 kcal
today: 2000 kcal

what the fuck is this shit?

>> No.12268975

Is that because you go out or because you eat too much during the day?

I usually fast the whole day before going out to avoid this

>> No.12268984
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>never skip breakfast
Wow, wrong. Where's IF frog when you need him???

>> No.12268986

Going out and yes I will probably need to do the same as you do.

But this is the last ''free'' weekend I will have though, I will work and be away from home 12 hours a day both saturday and sunday every week now. It's awesome cause then I will finally have 100% control over my food and will have a good excuse for not going out with friends.

>> No.12268989

Right now I'm 117 lbs and 6'

I posted a pic once before the guy with the hairy chest if anyone can vouch can't be bothered to do it again right now though, maybe another time.

Plus conquering hunger was just my first goal, I want to develop better definition right now even at this weight height ratio I'm not far from skinny fat.

The benefits have been 70 percent psychological, I have almost no stress ever, and the physical is not having any excess fat weighing you down, being able to greet the morning feeling fantastic and ready to sprint.

I really don't count calories though wish I could be more help I just go by stopping myself from feeling too full or uncomfortable, I guess you can say it's never too much more or less than something the size of a sandwich and a small side.

>> No.12269026
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>> No.12269062
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>> No.12269064
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so anyway i got this marvel t-shirt and dont know where the fuck its socially acceptable to use this

should i sell this stuff or start using say whenever in parties or skateboarding, also what to combine the T-with

>> No.12269087

>went shoping today
>start looking for nuts
>effay af male also looking at nuts
>he goes away
>I go to the peanut butter section
>he's there and takes 100% no sweeteners one
>go to snacks looking for more nuts
>he's there
>I go to next corridor so that it's not weird
>hear his gf complaining that he takes ages looking at nuts more than other things
I had to laugh. If he didn't browse /fa/, he should.

>> No.12269092

there is no way that one dish comes close to 800, especially if it's authentic asian food

you could probably estimate it at around 500 and have a small snack earlier in the day

>> No.12269127

what's so effay about (DEEZ) nuts?

>> No.12269149

Low GI and healthy af.
I actually can't drink normal milk because I get bloated, so since unsalted nuts are so expensive, I bought almond and roasted almond milk to try.

>> No.12269182

can i be thinspo if i have gyno?

>> No.12269184

My areolas are quite big, is it gonna get worse if i lose weight ? I'm at average weight

>> No.12269212

Yes If you're female

>> No.12269247

No they won't. Your areola's will shrink along with your tits to accommodate

>> No.12269253

thank you anon, i was worrying about it for quite a while...

>> No.12269275
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What are some foods to give you energy for a while but not make you feel grossly full or bloated?aside from nuts

>> No.12269305

Not a regular here but struggling with weight loss.
Started 2016, had a few breaks here and there, stopped my exercise completely though and my willpower is gone. Binging on every other day and can't stop myself eating most of the time unless I lock myself in my room.
All things considered, I've lost 14-16kg since June 2016 and I'm 112kg or so now.

Now, problem is that my hunger is almost entirely emotional, but not in the morning. In the morning I can pass off food if I pleased. The longer into the night it goes, the more I have the impulse to get up and head to the kitchen and eat everything in sight. Usually directly after considering tfw no gf and whatever.
On top of that, I tried not eating entirely in January. I did well, until the 4th day when my parents started cooking delicious shit and buying all sorts of sweets all the time, making it impossible for me to go to the kitchen to make a drink and ignore any food. So I caved.
Started again, went 3 days and then i had a blood donation.. Made me fucking DEMAND all the cakes that had been bought for the last week.
Then the last thing, on the 10th of Feb, I binged so hard my body forced me to bed and I was tossing and turning in discomfort, cold sweats, delirious, lost time, worst vomit I've had in a long time.
I guess that kinda turned me away from trying to become anorexic.
But the problem is that I still can't stop binging unless I take food out of the equation completely. I'm unsure what my mindset was in June, something was different and I wasn't thinking about relationships _AT_ALL_..

Ahh, anyway.
So my diet has always been 1200 a day as the goal, and I don't really know what to do.
I'm currently trying IMF with eating once at night (when cravings get SO bad that I can't ignore them) and then going to bed within a few hours.
This was advised to me by a friend and I can see it being successful
But I can't help but feel like I should just stop eating again. If I can get past the first days.
Long post sorry

>> No.12269312
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i´d rec wok or subway that stuff´s pretty vegan
also mineral water with vitamins like E+, you might wanna chat up with some local chef homies for 30min

>> No.12269352

>Mostly muscle mass from my chest
Teach me. I have big chest muscles naturally, so it's almost like perky moobs.

>> No.12269364

bizarre post

>> No.12269384

I stopped lifting and started doing a bodyweight routine, now i have a flat but defined chest

I think it's genetic though, I have always been skinny fat but my chest is flat if i don't exercise

>> No.12269403

Thanks, I'll look into it.

>> No.12269419

i'm so sorry you guys :( i fucked up this weekend

i fucked up big time

i feel so gross

i'm going to fast tomorrow

>> No.12269429

I don't get it how people can't fast. I cut grass as a job, go around with a heavy strimmer and only start eating at 1pm. I usually have dinner at 7:30pm, btw.

>> No.12269433
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>> No.12269445

You can be a thinspo trap

>> No.12269456

It might get worse, there's a limit to how much they can shrink
Generally the bigger your tits the less likely they are to recover without surgery

>> No.12269573


>> No.12269671

You looks just like me
Where your hair on legs? Are you underage?

What's your ideal weight?

>> No.12269739

Just tried the roasted almond milk meme. It's pretty much like water with a burnt after taste...

>> No.12269828

I'm 23, I just hate body hair so I epilate everything. I used to be a bit over 45 kg but right now I'd be happy if I got to 50 kg.

>> No.12269933

I fink ur cute

>> No.12269955
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Reminder that fat = satiety and carbs/protein do not.

>> No.12269968

Unsweetened vanilla cashew milk ftw.

>> No.12270005

So redpill me on ECA stacks. Do they really give energy, suppress appetite, and speed up metabolism? There's no way there's a miracle drug like that right? Big if true...


>> No.12270059

I keep trying to apply this and I still get fucking hungry. Does that mean I'm just not eating enough calories or something?

>> No.12270060

can someone redpill me on chili with no cheese

>> No.12270104

Perhaps, or not enough fat. Are you just adding cheese to bread or on top of a piece of chicken? That won't quite cut it. Gnosh on a stick of butter. Eat a hardy wedge of cheese as a snack/meal. Make sure to weight everything. No eyeballing. You can get a cheap food scale on amazon for $15.

>> No.12270107

It's chilli without the best, most satiating part.

>> No.12270112

Unfortunately I'm trying to lose weight while at college, so unless I carry around my little food weight weighing stuff won't be very helpful. One meal I've been eating a lot is having scrambled eggs with cheese added, or eating a spinach salad with feta and a fried egg, or eating a feta-spinach omlette. I was thinking maybe there's something about the egg that's not doing it, or maybe like 100cal of feta isn't enough fat perhaps.

>> No.12270120

Do you want to be 'regular' or do you want to be skinny? Are you gonna stay fat/skinnyfat all through college, the best years of your life? Don't be a pussy and carry a scale.

>> No.12270121

yeah, so is it a good thing to eat fat free wise

and i beg to differ honestly with salt pepper and onions and hot sauce plus a nice bun i dont miss the cheese

>> No.12270125

> is it a good thing to eat fat free

That is a HARD no, kiddo.

>> No.12270134

looks like a female viktor nikiforov 2bh

>> No.12270135

>My boyfriend wants to go to this Vietnamese restaurant for his birthday...problem is..I am unsure how many calories the food is :( I usually go for this dish called "vegetable rice vermicelli with veggie spring

of all the nice vietnamese food, you choose a pan-asian style dish...

It's his birthday, why restrict yourself on that day?

>> No.12270208
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anyone else looked at khloe kardashians body recently??
look at that thigh gap! THINSPO KWEEN!!!

>> No.12270229


> There's no way there's a miracle drug like that right?
It's not a miracle drug really, the effect is pretty moderate

>chilli with cheese
You disgust me

What the FUCK

>> No.12270324

How do I cope with the fact that I love being skinny but eating is one of the last few things I genuinely enjoy?

>> No.12270336

can someone explain to me anatomically what's happening here

>> No.12270339

I can't manage both so I try to make sure the things I eat are very delicious but I limit the amount. I'm also getting more into music and drawing so I have something else I like. It's hard to cultivate new interests but those 2 help me.

>> No.12270345

this is freaking me out

>> No.12270348

Calculate the largest number of calories you can eat while still getting skinny at a decent rate or maintaining your weight.
Then eat ALL those calories every day. You can still eat nice things, just keep the amount sensible!

>> No.12270354

She's squatting but it looks like she's standing on fucked up legs because brains are silly

>> No.12270394

This is funny but truthfully, she always looks like a potato despite being tall.

>> No.12270673

>Loses a bunch of weight
>Never can maintain it
>Repeat for the tabloids every few months
Yeah, actually sounds about right

>> No.12270817


desu don't worry about this. many guys are into big areolas

>> No.12270891

Can you guys explain why you wanna be skinny so bad that you are willing to fast and shit? I have always been full skelly mode and I hate myself for it. You guys seem like legitimate anorexics.

>> No.12270898

No. If you want to be fat then leave.

>> No.12270909

Some of us do have eating disorders, some of us prefer the aesthetic.
There are ways to gain weight if you want to, just calculate your TDEE and eat a higher calorie level than that.

But yeah, this probably isn't the place for you if you are wanting to gain.

>> No.12270913
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to be fair her body looks kind of trippy regardless
thats what happens when you liposuction all the fat out and then inject it into your ass/hips

>> No.12270949

If you are full skelly mode and looking to gain, why are you even here in a thinspo thread asking us questions? Shouldn't you be busy eating second breakfast or something?

>> No.12270991

just like

get rid of the gyno

>> No.12271033

Yes, but you'll have to invest in an industrial planer first.

>> No.12271040


hahahahahaha whsat the fuck

>> No.12271106

I was just browsing /fa/, being all sad and shit, and then I came upon this thread and thought: "why do these dudes want this?" and so I came in looking to see if there is any way being skelly is actually /fa/. Do you think that being rather tall skelly is worse looking than short skelly? because I think that I could almost look /fa/ with my weight if it weren't for my height.

>> No.12271111

> Do you think that being rather tall skelly is worse looking than short skelly?

being tall anything is better than being short anything pretty much

>> No.12271123

Can I be effay, thinspo?
1.85m (6 feet 0.835 inches)
58.4kg (128.75lbs)
17.1 BMI

>> No.12271173

ok i am 6'2 210lbs
is fasting for 5 days at a time a bad idea? how fast will i lose the weight.

>> No.12271222

Well you won't die from a 5 day fast at that weight (lol) unless you've got some sort of undiagnosed medical condition.
If you find it hard to stick to things however, plain old calorie counting, maybe combined with intermittent fasting might be for you.
Go check out /fit/, this place isn't really for overweight people trying to get to a normal BMI, it's for low normal BMI people to get thinspo level underweight. /fit/ will probably be closer to your goals.

>> No.12271291

how do you finance yourself to live a hiki-NEET lifestyle?

>> No.12271297
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Jesus. Im 1.77m and 66 kg.
I feel so fat

>> No.12271313

what? how?

>> No.12271314

well you are. I'm 194cm and 75 kg and I definitely could lose another 10 kg or so.

>> No.12271315

I live in Finland, so welfare.

>> No.12271340

I am? How bad is it? My bmi is 21.5

>> No.12271354

Same, I have almost the same BMI as you but I am even fatter. I want to dieeeeeee.

>> No.12271424

Well, try doing what I did all my life. Finish dinner by 7:30pm and have breakfast at 7-7:30. I guess I never reached my daily kcal either. It is 2500kcal right now and if I only get normal meals and a snack I reach around 1800 max.

>> No.12271619
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>this is what mealcucks actually believe
>mfw this mealcuck has high insulin levels RIGHT NOW.

I was enjoying all my free time from not having to prepare breakfast, lunch, snacks. I've now picked up the saxaphone with all this new time and have been playing at the local speakeasy every Saturday night. I've become quite the hit and a crowd favorite. Mealcucks will NEVER know this feel.

Just think right now this mealie is spiking insulin just to eat ONE SLICED GREEN PEPPER TOPKEK I have to stand up my sides are hurting too bad.

>> No.12271726

Hitler slowly inserted his penis is Anne's anus. She felt as it went inside her and realized how much bigger it was than the pencils she used to stuff there.
"Oh, ja, babe, that's a real german instrument at work here! Do you feel my german warmachine? Do you feel how it moves?" Hitler inquired.
"Oh, yes, fuck the jews, this penis is the one true god!" Anne responded with her eyes closed as Hitler's penis thrusted in and out of her young, pretty ass.

>> No.12271734


>> No.12271739

>not german

>> No.12271770
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not quite sure on whether to continue and lose an additional 2 to 3 kilos, or maintain instead.

it might not be really clear from this picture as my body type is rather boy-ish, but i am female. currently slightly underweight bmi-wise. my initial goal was a bmi of 16.7, but now i start to wonder what would be the best point to start maintaining instead, as i do not want to obtain the look of an underfed drug addict.

>> No.12271789

You look okay already but it's hard to tell shit through clothes

>> No.12271794

yeah i know it is not optimal, but i do not really feel confident enough at this point yet to only wear underwear.

>> No.12271815
File: 139 KB, 1023x682, keto kitty misses bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start tracking calories
>start eating less fried shit
>go from being cool with veggies to loving them, especially brussel sprouts, broccoli, and spinach
>plateau at 10lbs above my goal weight, clock is ticking before spring
>ask in here, do some more digging into LCHF, IF, think about going full keto, realize that vegetables are carbohydrates
>dietdoctor.com says that onions are right out, but that the ones that grow above ground are "low carb and can be eaten freely"
>brussel sprouts have 5 carbs per 100 grams
If I go in on keto, am I going to have to restrict my vegetable intake, too? At that point, I won't have anything to eat but meat, cheese, and lard. Can I get some help?

>> No.12271837

>If I go in on keto, am I going to have to restrict my vegetable intake, too?

Yes, but fortunately for you the vegetables you prefer are some of the best for people on keto. I eat spinach and brussel sprouts all the time without any issues.

In your shoes I'd try to figure out how many carbs of these foods you're already eating every day. It'll give you an idea of how much you'd have to restrict if you go full keto--though I'd restrict more heavily when first starting out.

>> No.12271843
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Haye Explains His Plan To Brutally End Bellew's Career!

“He has put himself in a dangerous position and I hope that if he does care for his family like he says he does, he does not invite them to the fight and makes sure he doesn’t let them watch the fight on TV. It will be quite sad to witness what I’m going to do to their dad and husband.

>“I’m looking at putting a combination together that really hurts him, a Tommy Morrison-Ray Mercer finish where his brain hasn’t even told his legs to fall down and I’m still hitting him as he’s upright.

>“I’m looking at doing a real number on him before the referee can even stop the fight, landing a few vicious haymakers. “I don’t think he will even defend his WBC cruiserweight title after what I do to him. I would be very surprised if he is granted a boxing licence after this. “It’s a good thing that he’s going to get a big payday for this because his WBC title will be a bit wasted.

>“Maybe as the fight draws closer he will realise that it is curtains for him. “It’s easy to be brave when you’re three or four weeks out but now it’s getting closer. “He won’t be boxing after March 4, no way. Just like John Ruiz didn’t box, just like Mark de Mori, just like Nikolai Valuev.

>“There are a lot of fighters when I fight them they stay hit forever and never fight again. “He has said he is willing to die in the ring – I’m the last person on the planet you want to fight if you’re willing to die in the ring, if you’re willing to keep getting up because I punch so hard.”


>> No.12271849

Nuts, avocados, olive oil for dressings, canola oil for cooking. There are plenty of healthy fats out there.

>> No.12271878

It's just a bit frustrating. When I started, I was all CICO all the time and even told all my friends about it, and I lost a lot of weight, but these days it seems like my metabolism has caught up with me. I'm not really on keto, just a halfhearted LCHF diet where I break and eat a chocolate bar or yogurt with granola every couple of days. I miss bread, and soup, and chocolate. I could eat all of those things at least occasionally on CICO but if it just stops working at a certain point I guess I have to start dieting for real.

I've been using egg yolks as dressing lately. As in, I'll get a spinach salad (spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms), throw a fried over-easy egg on top and chop it up so the yolk runs over everything. It tastes good, but is it healthy? Sometimes I put feta on the salad as well because I know that's good too.

>> No.12271880

I've been eating only at dinner for a few days, just a snack for lunch.
Will it kill me?

>> No.12271884


>> No.12271888

nah, you can basically keep on going fine if you only eat dinner

>> No.12271895

That's nice to know. It's my first time looking for thinspiration. I think I'm already quite thin for my standard (1.88 meters for 70 kg); I'm a former swimmer, should I try cardio? I hate running.

>> No.12271896

>1 week eating a lot of fruit, drinking tons of water and no garbage
>went from 52 to 51kg real fast

>> No.12271898

it took you a whole week to lose a single kilogram? did you put your fruit between a greasy hamburger or something

>> No.12271902
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no, I didn't eat any junk food

>> No.12271909
File: 53 KB, 872x469, 2_Sa-lads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is eating a hot n spicy with no mayo for lunch and dinner /thinspo/ ?

>> No.12271924

oh, okay. guess your metabolism is just slow. i can lose up to 1 kg per day if i eat little during the day or only eat fruits and vegetables.

>> No.12271950

1kg is around 7000 calories. Drinking a litre of water and then pissing it out again doesnt count, Anon.

>> No.12271956

just fucking eat less you cuck

>> No.12271964

she has extremely wide hip bones, so she has a thigh gap while she's thicc. pretty gross looking to me though

>> No.12271977

eating a what?

>> No.12271988

It's a pretty normal rate for that weight assuming anon is an average female
Hard to get a decent deficit when you don't weight much in the first place
I weight the same and I would have to stay under 300kcal with exercise to get 2kg/week

>> No.12272010

Try going to 18.5

>> No.12272012


>> No.12272036
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>21.22 bmi

its over

>> No.12272040


That's weak

You need to get good, m8

>> No.12272042

how long does it take to lose 10kg?
(22 pounds)

>> No.12272051


I'd say 40 days

>> No.12272054

read the pastebin

>> No.12272059
File: 44 KB, 709x765, AAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i eat like 1500 under maintenance i should lose it all by 23rd april

currently 189cm 75kg

>> No.12272068
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how so? I'm a 5'2 female I just don't get that hungry anymore

>> No.12272073


>I'm a 5'2 female

How much you weight?

Do you live near LONDON?

>> No.12272081
File: 565 KB, 1000x800, 1487797331288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /fasting/ here? if my bmr is 1100 can I lose a kg a week by not eating and be a lazy worm?
How can I do a longterm fast? Just drink coffee black and have a multi vitamin per day?

>> No.12272095
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Is this thread serious?

Cute girls don't go for thin guys. They want athletic builds. Thin means nothing if you don't have muscle to give it definition.

>> No.12272098


>How can I do a longterm fast?

It's all about discipline when it comes to fasting you can do a 25 day water fast if you wanna go full Gandhi

Unfortunately fasts are not sustainable and most likely you will end up binging after the fast. Just do intermittent fast or OMAD

>> No.12272100

Half of this thread is wannabe cute girls mate

>How can I do a longterm fast?
What do you mean by long term? If you mean more than a week really don't bother

>> No.12272104

combine it with a trash can

>> No.12272106

>Just do intermittent fast or OMAD


>> No.12272118

Dont think you can take vitamin pills on an empty stomach

>> No.12272124

P1 Objects in the third dimension have height, width, and depth.
P2 Objects in the second dimension have only height and width.
P3 When I become skinnier, I am becoming less wide, or losing width.
P4 If I continue to lose "width," eventually I will not have any more width.
C1 Therefore, if I become skinny enough, I will be able to enter the second dimension and fuck you're waifu.

>> No.12272143

Wait what? You mean GI issues not just poor absorbency right? Other people get this?
All this time I thought I have some kinda ultra pussy stomach for not being able to take a pill without a meal

>> No.12272146


A lot of vitamins are only fat soluble

>> No.12272150

1.5 months

I tend to binge on fruit and veg anyway, so that will be my go to food after. I just need to disappear for a while.

I have no problem with it.

>> No.12272151

Oh so you did mean poor absorption nevermind me and my pussy stomach

>> No.12272161

How to eat guac without chips, though?

>> No.12272169

Depending on whats in your multivitamin, im talking about poor absorbency yes. Different vitamins/minerals will not be absorbed on an empty stomach.
Dont know if it can upset a stomach or not, but it wouldnt surprise me if it did.

>> No.12272197

Use it as a dip for vegetables

If I take a multi with fish oil, does the fish oil help as fat absorption? What if I eat half an avo and and an apple with the supplements?

>> No.12272198

thinspo what jeans should i buy
im a male 5"10 120lbs kind of androgynous

>> No.12272248

Try reading the label on the container. It will probably tell you how to take your supplements.

This is what I know: K, E, D, A are all fat soluble. B and C are water soluble, but that doesnt mean you can take them on an empty stomach with a glass of water. If you do that, your body will flush them out quickly through your urine.

The best time to take them seems to me to be after your dinner. Your stomach wont be empty, so your water solubles wont flush away, and its the meal most likely to contain sufficient fat for the fat solubles too.

>> No.12272291
File: 136 KB, 1270x1300, red-hot-n-spicy-flame-text-logo-icon-19916269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a hot n spicy with no mayo

>> No.12272341

what is a hot n spicy?

>> No.12272354
File: 52 KB, 400x400, hot-text-fire-shape-55875673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a hot n spicy with no mayo my dude

>> No.12272389


Should I maintain at 40kg or drop a little more? What's the ideal /fa/ weight for a girl my height? I just want to reach that level where I look decent in nearly any clothes just because of how skinny I am.

>> No.12272394



You don't need to lose more unless you're trying to not have periods

>> No.12272395

what do you look like now?

>> No.12272428

hey /fa/ does anyone experience chest discomfort? i've been on a 500-800 cal per day for the past month or so, i'm on a permanent adrenaline rush, i feel so light and i fucking love it. the shortness of breath/weird discomfort are freaking me out tho.
is it just anxiety?

>> No.12272439

It could be something like heartburn, muscle pain, or anxiety, but if you are at all worried you should definitely see the doctor about it because it could be your heart (especially if you're underweight).

Could you be low in electrolytes?

>> No.12272453


>i've been on a 500-800 cal per day for the past month or so, i'm on a permanent adrenaline rush

I was like this before I went underweight

Do you have cheat days? They're very important.

>> No.12272481

How do I achieve twinkhood with fashion? I have the body for it. Surely there's a better femboy style than slim fitting pants and an oversized sweatshirt, that's just uncomfortable in summer weather.

>> No.12272491

If you're not exercising, this could be an indicator of heart problems. It would be better to do something low impact for an hour and to eat an extra 200 calories a day.

>> No.12272493

Narrow pants + sweater
Little narrow shorts (cuffed about 9 inches long), low profile sneakers and a button down short sleeved shirt. The twinkness is in the posture.

>> No.12272511


2:21 - 2:42

>> No.12272534
File: 132 KB, 675x1200, Cpw_bXOXgAAXgpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do I find narrow shorts like this man?

>> No.12272537

>lose weight, get down to 16.5 BMI
>still have large hips, muscular thighs, and a huge ribcage so still not a size zero

hahahahahahhaha kill me

>> No.12272558

is sugar from fruits bad or is it just processed sugar?

>> No.12272629
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>tfw lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks

is this good progress guys?

>> No.12272633
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It's impossible to maintain a low bmi

>Reach bmi 15.5 last year. Shit mental health, shit physical health, still not /fa/
>Since gained it back to 18.6 and feel much better

>> No.12272660

MEEEE! got to 14.9bmi when it was really bad and muh fucking ribcage, NOT small waist, thicc thighs :l
plus im gril so my waist:hip ratio is just revolting

>> No.12272744
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I want to be the 5'9" equivalent of my thin inspiration, anzujaamu.

But I'm currently like 200 lbs of T&A. Is there a borderline safe starvation way to lose at least 50 lbs quickly then losing the rest "healthily"? I want to be at least 100 lbs by next year.

According to http://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php I could be 100 lbs by next year if I eat 1000 calories a day with light exercise. Is that manageable for most of you guys? Sounds like a nightmare to me, especially for a year.

>> No.12272754

You're already at least 100lbs so no worries there.

Just stop being a gigantic piece of shit and you'll be there in no time.

1000 calories is easily manageable, but for someone of your girth it might be difficult to do straight away. You'll probably find it too large a jump, and you'll relapse and hate yourself.

Go with IF and 1400 for now, then when you're completely used to that, further reduce calorie intake.

>> No.12272761

at most*

>> No.12272765
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>5'3, 113.5lbs (hit a new lowest weight both these past two mornings)
>down from 185lbs over the course of almost 3 years now
>22nd birthday on wednesday
i'm gonna do i /thinspo/, im gonna have my first planned cheat meal for dinner on my birthday. it feels fucking great to be here, only like 13-15lbs away from my goal

>> No.12272776

>tfw eating stuff you have to estimate when trying to maintain
I don't wanna gain that 5% of a pound if I end up 200cal over, yo.

>> No.12272777
File: 747 KB, 1200x1687, thin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys
I'm back from vacation and i managed to loose 2 kg
Current stats:
>196cm tall
>73 kg

>> No.12272782

you're not from here, are you

>> No.12272788
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>> No.12272795

What makes you say that?

>> No.12272831

I enjoy my 16 hours fasting more than my 8 hours eating.
Food is so overrated sometimes. I mean I understand that it stops me from dying but I don't like how eating it makes my body feel.

>> No.12272858
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>> No.12272871
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120 lbs
I'm trying to get down to 110 but I feel pretty good about how thin I am

>> No.12272880


>> No.12272948

pfff, you will never achieve that, you wont even come close. just accept yourself as the fatso you are

>> No.12272954
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That better be reverse psychology you meanie.

>> No.12272959
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nah, it isn't. ''''she'''' is a girl and 200 lbs. like let's be real here. 'I want to be like anzu, I read that if I eat 1000 kcal for a year i will be her weight hihi'

no. not happening. fucking fatsos, know your place!

>> No.12273078

>>mfw this mealcuck has high insulin levels RIGHT NOW.


>> No.12273103

Hunter-gathers, ones who survived on solely meat and animal products are taller, the men are hairier, the women have bigger breasts, they are more robust with denser bones and they do not get the diseases of civilization like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. These are facts. So cut out the veggies and eat more animal products ESPECIALLY liver and fat. You will need those nutrient dense items. Think of muscle tissue as a treat.

>> No.12273108
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>survived on solely meat and animal products
what the fuck do you think gatherer stands for

>> No.12273111

I couldn't think of the word for them so I used hunter-gatherers and specified what I meant. Please no bully. I'm still right.

>> No.12273119

Who is the guy?

>most likely you will end up binging after the fast.

I wish this meme would end. Git gud, fatty.

>> No.12273123

no thanks senpai

>> No.12273125

why not? :c

>> No.12273126

around what bf do you start getting a really defined jaw line?

>> No.12273129

>i'm on a permanent adrenaline rush, i feel so light and i fucking love it. the shortness of breath/weird discomfort are freaking me out tho.

sustained adrenal elevation is NOT good. You need to do cardio. Exertion will modulate you HPA axis and your adrenaline will come down. Yes, sustained adrenaline will give you worse and worse anxiety unless you EXERCISE.

>> No.12273133

It's alright. Nothing outstanding like 2.5-3+ but nothing to be disappointed with. That's a very normie rate of weight loss.

>> No.12273156

here you go senpai https://www.instagram.com/iblamejordan/

>> No.12273212


>I could be 100 lbs by next year if I eat 1000 calories a day with light exercise

You can do that in 5 months doing IF

>> No.12273219

Could still stand for nuts desu

>> No.12273224

Nuts are not meat or animal products

>> No.12273230
File: 130 KB, 333x278, sudoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me, you're right

>> No.12273254

Yeah I've been at 18.5 for about two years now and feel like it's the best balance of thinspo versus health for me.

>> No.12273324
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Does My Fitness Pal let you plan future meals? I'm kind of sick of having to wait until the morning of each day to plan my meals in Lose It!

>> No.12273329


>> No.12273349
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>mfw Myfitnesspal tells me I'm not eating enough

>> No.12273358


>> No.12273444

Thoughts on bodyweight routines in order to build a little bit of muscle, but not so much that it ruins your fits?

>> No.12273451

Would like thoughts on this too. Considering starting so I don't become a skinnyfat blob

>> No.12273455

It's great

>> No.12273475

You will never ever wake up too swole for your fits. It just doesn't happen like that. You could do Hollywood-tier steroids and lift heavy and stop exactly where you want.

You control where you get the muscle. You will not burst out of your skinny jeans from doing too many bicep curls.

Body weight exercises can deliver results, in theory, but newbs are generally discouraged from them because it takes a greater level of skill, knowledge, discipline, and time to get those results.

You're really better off not being a muscle hipster and just lifting as /fit/ commands you to lift.

>> No.12273483

>tfw only do body weight exercises because gyms are expensive

Are you saying you'd get faster results easier by lifting rather than exercising at home? How does this work? What's harder about body weight exercise exactly?

>> No.12273486

>You will never ever wake up too swole for your fits.
It actually does happen to some people but they usually have mental issues (compulsive exercise, tunnel vision focus etc.)

>What's harder about body weight exercise exactly?
You're limited by your weight mostly

>> No.12273494

> Are you saying you'd get faster results easier by lifting rather than exercising at home?

ofcourse you fucking dolt

in terms of time/effort-spent-to-result-ratio lifting is the best thing you can do. not counting lifting + roids

>> No.12273515
File: 173 KB, 960x640, lachlanmorton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start road cycling as a discipline
>loose 3 kgs
>my goal is to be a proficient climber
>be stuck in 69 kgs for a month,
>Struggle with diet because I cant cut more calories or I would fucking faint on the bike
>I cry everytime because I'll never have his height/weight proportion

>> No.12273547

dont give up anon. no one is perfect :3

>> No.12273550


Dude if you're doing cardio you need them carbs. I would drink two lager beers before every ride.

Also workout your legs more

>> No.12273558
File: 8 KB, 250x244, 1479520828430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I would drink two lager beers before every ride.

>> No.12273567
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Apparently that's what Tour de France fags do before races

I probably got memed

>> No.12273639

I've heard about this, but I get dizzy with a beer lol . I'll give it a try anon. thanks.

>> No.12273641

thanks for the kind words anon

>> No.12273642

Can I get any permanent issues from running/excessive walking with a runners knee or is it only gonna hurt

>> No.12273679

I have a naturally round face with big cheeks and I'm around 130 lbs currently at about 6' tall. If I lost weight would my face thin out too? Or would it just be too little of a change to notice?

>> No.12273684

How to not binge when sick?

I cant workout, im bored, i feel shitty, im kinda irritable and mm yeah the head hurts

so like what would you do? just caffeine it up for a couple days? sounds unpleasant. yes, self control.. but when you feel like shit it wanes and you walk in the kitchen more than ud like

>> No.12273687

stop spoting this keto bullshit. its not 1808 anymore you fuck. we know a lot more about the body than we did and we can use it to our advantage

>> No.12273693


t. fatso mcfatson, 220 lbs

>> No.12273701

This is my goal. How did you achieve it and how do you maintain, if you don't mind sharing?

>> No.12273710


if you're sick of water then move on to sports drinks (powerade/gatorade)

>> No.12273714

On taco salad, on chicken or beef fajita meat/veg, in a meat and lettuce roll up. I'm low carb and I eat it these ways sometimes. Or just salted avocado in slices as a side dish.

>> No.12273716


thank god for you anon
sometimes you forget the basics.

>> No.12273726

She is a good thinspo to admire but better for you to try and be like someone who has your same body type. If you are T&A, you will not ever get her frame/shape even if you are very skinny. Plus there is no healthy way to lose 50+ pounds quick. You are overweight so lose it more slowly or you might get loose skin.
This board has better advice for normal weight going to thinspo, not overweight to normal so it might not be the best advice for you here. You will need lots of exercise in addition to diet if you want to get more lean from a curvy shape. /fit/ calls it 'recombination'.

>> No.12273743

bumping. I have the same issue

>> No.12273886


>> No.12273898

>tfw a 6'2'' guy will never be a 5'6 slim/skinny girl
If I had some chance of looking like my cousins, I'd have had pale skin, green eyes, straight fast-growing hair, and quite possibly big breasts. Kill me, senpai.

>> No.12274225

Yes you can. It can put out out permanently if youre not careful.

>> No.12274252

Not that Anon san. Have my reply:

I initially did IF somewhat involuntarily (all thanks to the Depression meme) and achieved 19 BMI from 20 BMI. At that point I began to watch and discover Dr. Fung's videos and talks and now about a month later I've reached 18.3 BMI by intently, consciously IF.

I'm not quite aware of any maintenance methods at this point though, and I don't plan on stopping IF because of its other benefits, but my guess would be to simply increase caloric intake

>> No.12274297

Dont fajitas have carbs though?

>> No.12274360

>Dude if you're doing cardio you need them carbs.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo. He needs fat. It's a much better and more stable fuel plus when he runs out he'll readily convert body fat to ketones. PLUS when someone is surviving off ketones their oxygen uptake rate goes up double, meaning if he was a swimmer he would be able to hold his breath twice as long on ketones vs glucose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpl2om711cM

>> No.12274366

Do low impact cardio or stop running on the road. Pick up trail running.

>> No.12274367

Yes. And all the evidence points to carbs being the problem. Full stop. Carb reduction for weight loss and improving health has been recommmended since 1797 and it is still the GOLD standard for health. Show my some studies that prove, systematically, otherwise. I'll wait.
>inb4 another emotion-fueled response

>> No.12274371

That's why I said "fajita meat/veg". I'm low carb so I can have peppers/onions. I think keto eaters can have just peppers and maybe green parts of spring onions. Either way, guacamole with beef or chicken fajita meat is good.

>> No.12274378

Thank you anon. Meal cuck here, I need to get my diet under control and then I'm thinking about trying some IF, probably 5:2 at first. I've been below normal BMI before also due to depression but when I got happy again, I gained.

At my most miserable in life I was at my most creative and also at my lowest weight, that just sucks.

>> No.12274390
File: 1.90 MB, 360x199, This+is+the+kid+from+the+mac+ad+grown+up_27601d_4870333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12274394

post more qt boi thinspo

>> No.12274450

what BMI to reach to not have periods ?

>> No.12274452
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>> No.12274454
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>> No.12274455
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>> No.12274460
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>> No.12274465
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>> No.12274470
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>> No.12274475

>want to be /thinspo/
>Receding curly hair

>> No.12274499
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iktf. It hurts to live sometimes

>> No.12274510

stats pls
is this possible if my body type is not completely similar tho ?

>> No.12274521

tfw 50 lberinos over weight

>> No.12274552

Is it true that if for example you're 1,81 your ideal weight is 81kg?

>> No.12274561

I used to think like that too

but the "ideal" weight is 5 kgs less in my opinion.

>> No.12274575

I never thought of it until my doctor mentioned, now I am 8kgs below and still not content with my weight... aiming to lose 9 more.

>> No.12274577


Keto diet is a meme. Even people that have done it say it.

>> No.12274606
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>sick for the second time in 2 months
>fever, coughing, hacking up stuff
>forced to call out of work because you cant be sick when you work in food service
>there goes my paycheck
well ....... at least your metabolism speeds up fractionally when you're sick ....................... at least ............

>> No.12274631

I agree. It's packed with shitty fans. Low Carb/High Fat is better.

>> No.12274647


I'd say a low calorie balanced diet is better. Carbs helped me a lot when doing long runs but if you aren't active I don't recommend them

>> No.12274679

How low should I get my BMI before posting pictures in here? I can't tell if I'm still skinnyfat or not, but I think my BMI (20) is still too high for this thread.

>> No.12274688

If you are getting sick so often you have a bigger problem than your weight. Have your vitamines and a proper diet and you should be sick far less.

>> No.12274692

It is, get it to 18-19 at least

>> No.12274711

What are your plans for next month, lads?

I'm gonna try to stay under 700cals everyday

>> No.12274727

I don't understand why overweight people can suddenly want to be thinspo. It's hard to believe that they would let themselves get so big in the first place if they wanted the opposite.

>> No.12274732

>there goes my paycheck
That's good. No paycheck means no food, which means skinny!

>> No.12274733

Maybe they didn't care until they saw their thinspo.

>> No.12274736

I'm getting back on a running program. Going from C25K, which I did in the fall, to the 10K program. Thinking maybe I'll try running in a 5K during spring break.

I've been plateaued now for at least a month now in terms of weight loss and it's making me a little crazy because I don't want to gain anything back. I'm still (supposedly) eating under my TDEE but I must be calculating it wrong. I've been nominally experimenting with fasting, but I can't figure out what schedule to use: I've tried ODOM for a few days, with the LCHF diet that's supposed to make it easy, but it's not easy, and I'm having trouble avoiding carbs when before I was only restricting based on calories and losing weight throughout.

Hopefully getting back on the track will help the stress, at least.

>> No.12274737

I have a pretty thin upper body like >>12274455
But my ass is still huge. How do I fix this?

>> No.12274738

Try to eat healthier/more and move more to keep the deficit (1000kcal)
No specific plans though i hope to eat about 1000
Hoping to reach my GW late march/early april

>It's hard to believe that they would let themselves get so big in the first place if they wanted the opposite.
It's exactly how it happens in most cases

>> No.12274741

>forced to call out of work because you cant be sick when you work in food service

Wtf? Everyone in food service works sick. If anyone comments tell them it's allergies.

>> No.12274745

what do you mean "fix"? you have achieved the endgame

also post pics

>> No.12274747

Endgame? Maybe if you wanna be a trap.

>> No.12274759
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i used to get sick all the time when i was a fat fatty, then when i started losing weight (almost 3 years ago) i like stopped getting sick entirely. when i got sick last month is was the first time in at least a year
and i do take a multivitamin

i eat and work at a dining hall at school :c its not quite like that

i just had my boss like chew out one chick last week for coming in sick because i guess a student complained. i really am too sick to work (i havent barely gotten out of bed since like 8pm last night), i just feel guilty because moneyyyy

>> No.12274765

>i eat
There's your problem! Close your mouth!

>> No.12274772
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>> No.12274781
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>had a cheat day on Saturday
>I had terrible diarrhea on Sunday

My body doesn't accept shitty food anymore

>> No.12274785

>But my ass is still huge.
I don't think you can make your ass smaller. And it's uncommon for guys to have big asses, so you're SOL. Try working out to make it look more muscle-y, instead of fat.

I've only ever met one guy with a big ass in my life, and it was funny looking, to say the least.

>> No.12274831

every morning (before breakfast), I look so thin without holding my belly, but after breakfast I get a belly bulge. And it only gets worse after lunch. I also don't eat a third meal or snacks during the day.

Wish I could always look like I do during the morning. I'm 108lbs 5'6. Maybe I should shave off some more pounds (get to 100).

>> No.12274848

try to cut down on any foods which worsen bloating

off the top of my head
>anything carbonated

>> No.12274850

I ate pizza for lunch today and I've been in bed ever since because my stomach feels like a fucking rock, I feel nauseous and I have a splitting headache.

i hate my life.

>> No.12274868

I just made the tastiest sallad in my life

>> No.12274887

Lucky bastard, i want some...

>> No.12274895

as an ex amphetamine addict i just wanna say that it's shit for losing weight. The moment you quit you'll binge eat back to your original weight.

>> No.12274900

are you skinnyfat? sit ups helped me with this problem

or this >>12274848

>> No.12274917

holy cow, guys don't fucking do drugs to lose weight

just eat healthy 90% of the time

i did this and now i'm skinny PLUS having nice skin and hair

>> No.12274993


>> No.12275005

Post photo so we can assess the ass.

>> No.12275029

Any /thin/ manlets here?

I'm 5'8 halfway to my goal and starting to question whether it's worth it when my legs are still huge

>> No.12275031

>i used to get sick all the time when i was a fat fatty, then when i started losing weight (almost 3 years ago) i like stopped getting sick entirely. when i got sick last month is was the first time in at least a year
Thats good then, its just a common sign of hvaing a shit diet. Congrats on the weight loss!

>> No.12275040


>i did this and now i'm skinny PLUS having nice skin and hair


>> No.12275072

not sure why the fuck you think your gigantic legs are anything to do with your height.

>> No.12275376

If you can't cut out carbs, don't strain yourself. But if you can, the benefits I've said above are what you can expect.

>> No.12275383

new thread when

>> No.12275386

Post a pic so we have an objective idea of your t h i c c ness

>> No.12275396


I don't need to cut carbs since I'm very active

It would be a problem if I was a NEET though

>> No.12275401

>I don't need to cut carbs since I'm very active

That's not how it works. You will see benefits to weight loss, fat loss, and muscle retention (among other things) whether you're a NEET or a top athlete. Take a breather, meditate, and come back when you've got a handle on what this conversation was about before you got here.

>> No.12275502


>> No.12275547
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Period came back today after a 2 year absence. I'm on the edge of thinspo now. I don't know what to do, /thinspo/ friends

>> No.12275654

New thread:

generally that happens when you make one. it's not that hard