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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 131 KB, 640x624, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12256956 No.12256956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post some white man fashion styles

Shit skins, sit down and watch

>> No.12256959 [DELETED] 

Only white people can pull off clothing, other races shouldn't breed.

>> No.12256963

The guy on the left looks like a half coon or something like that though

>> No.12256969

And he's the only one not pulling it off

>> No.12256980
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>> No.12256986

w2c jeans like middle right

>> No.12256992

Don't do this please. I'm the lowest tier race but so far this kind of style is the only one that attracts me. Matches my kind of music too.

I don't want to feel like i'm cucking myself, i don't want to feel like i'm sucking whites dick

>> No.12256996



>> No.12257007

Are you the south East Asian guy who listens to red painters

>> No.12257012

You gotta get some old Levis with the heavy denim from a thrift store then tailor and iron

>> No.12257059

Yes omg you remember me ? No one irl remembers me..

>> No.12257067

Get the fuck out of here. Mud people aren't welcome.

>> No.12257074

My taste in everything is probably superior to yours.

>> No.12257079

While I wasn't being sincere the fact you are is a bit sad.

>> No.12257092


Mudskin btfo

>> No.12257101
File: 93 KB, 640x537, IMG_6027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out here guys

>> No.12257128


expensive but subtle cologne

>> No.12257130

dropped charges

>> No.12257135

Vineyard Vines outlet sale

>> No.12257148 [DELETED] 


>> No.12257161


>> No.12257171

wet dog and roofies

>> No.12257178

"whole wheat bread is too spicy for me"

>> No.12257218
File: 2.88 MB, 404x720, white people.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"H-Hey shi-shit skins!!! sit down and w-watch!1"

>> No.12257225


>> No.12257230


>> No.12257235

"well she didn't say no. how was I supposed to know she was passed out"

>> No.12257238


are these mormons or special ed or something?

>> No.12257239

Someone has an inferiority complex.

>> No.12257247


Nice thread though lel

>> No.12257292


>> No.12257295

blacks get mad about being BTFO with crime rates every time they banter, but here you are, extremely buttblasted over a picture

btw non-whites rape more than whites despite being a minority of the population :^)

>> No.12257300

whats the difference

>> No.12257306

>being this indoctrinated with /pol/ology

That anon didn't even mention anything regarding race.

>> No.12257312
File: 151 KB, 779x768, yatriedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay off /pol/ bucko. not good for your health.

>> No.12257315

They look like shit though

>> No.12257321
File: 281 KB, 1600x1200, 1486599951714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guys, not the skanks. Shame they live in a meth house though.

>> No.12257326

Cigarettes and alcoholism. Fun fact: these are also the same people who call the cops on kids smoking weed because they have nothing else better to do with their lives

>> No.12257330
File: 126 KB, 640x1136, Awful.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12257331

/pol/ is a message board of peace

>> No.12257334

>Just like islam xD

>> No.12257335

Fun fact: One of them stole your sister and gf.

>> No.12257337

Fun fact: you never had a girlfriend and your sister dates a black man more successful than you will ever be

>> No.12257338

Wow I hit a nerve lol, you revealed yourself to be a disgusting shitskin lmao. White women almost exclusively go for white men, and white men also pull the most of other race women.


It's okay to be inferior, just make sure to kill yourself cleanly so nobody will have to spend a lot of time cleaning it up.

>> No.12257344

wet nickels

>> No.12257351
File: 112 KB, 1050x764, boy-with-braces-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun fact: One of them stole your sister and gf.

>> No.12257355

>wow I hit a nerve
Says the one that just wrote a paragraph full of autism and projections. I'm white btw, good luck in high school mein bruder

>> No.12257360

oh fuck dude. are you one of the guys in the picture?

>> No.12257362


I stated a statistic lol, and told you to kill yourself, as you should. Fucking kek do I even want to know how young you are?

>> No.12257373

>It's okay to be inferior, just make sure to kill yourself cleanly so nobody will have to spend a lot of time cleaning it up.

Sounds like a projection to me. Listen, I know it's hard living with a retardation but you don't have to call yourself inferior and you definitely don't need need to kill yourself. Yes, you're inferior to most other humans but we're here for you little buddy :)

>> No.12257389

lmfao kill yourself senpai

>> No.12257404

the fact that some races are just born to be inferior, is the reason i can't believe in God.

>> No.12257411

those haven't been tailored at all

>> No.12257448

The final red pill is realising god made black people to be our slaves

>> No.12257453

a real God would never do that. are you a muslim ? you seem to be, seeing from how you believe that God actually do evil shit.

>> No.12257459
File: 58 KB, 685x459, IMG_5005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact

>> No.12257466

god made niggers so america could pick cotton faster than other western countries when the race to a superpower was going on

>> No.12257469

mods? :/

>> No.12257475

not trying to be racist but think about it

>low iq so easy to control
>naturally muscular
>sun lotion naturally built into their skin
>long limbs for reaching deep into cotton plants
>breed like rabbits so you never run out
>need very little food to run at full capacity
>naturally very anti-family so nothing for them to miss

If he didn't want them as slaves he at least wanted them as blue collar workers.

Blacks had a target on their backs from the very beginning. They are the perfect slave breed. I think even if aliens came down to earth looking for slaves they would pick blacks. It's just the logical choice

>> No.12257480
File: 245 KB, 1280x853, 1485642436076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fashion styles only white people can pull off
pic related

>> No.12257481

Why s this board such a useless fucking cesspool?

>> No.12257485

I see you've taken the black pill

>> No.12257486
File: 40 KB, 625x626, shite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking this time as a reminder for anyone reading to love you future kids and give them plenty of attention so they don't wind up on a site like 4chan shitposting like this anon

>> No.12257501

Leather jackets are the ultimate white man fashion accessory. It's the one article of clothing that I can say with 1488% certainty I have never, ever, ever seen a non-white even come close to pulling off.

>> No.12257504

I'm not even trolling I love black people and have plenty of black friends but the truth is subconciously im sizing them up for slave potentiality. All of them

The ultimate red pill is realising that every white person secretly does this. Me and my white friends used to have long conversations on the productivity one of our black friends could make in the fields behind his back

>> No.12257510

I don't think it's fair to say they've got a naturally low iq. All the races of man develop slowly when left alone- the Native American Indian and other Pacific Islander types,the aborigines, and yes Africans. Honestly Europeans and Asians were the smartest groups for a long time and while that isn't necessarily different today per se, the intellectual playing field is a ton more even than in the past. Whatever may have been "intended" for the races doesn't matter now, assuming you're point is true. Nowadays it's big black smart guys versus smart average white guys- in our society brains matter more. Now the black man is not only athletically superior to whites but he's got the opportunity to be even smarter as well.

>> No.12257518

>Nowadays it's big black smart guys

What pill is this lads? I'm OD

>> No.12257521

and that's why God doesn't exist. the only way is to force people to live under equality, tyrannically. so that after hundreds of years, everyone can develop similar traits. races can evolve to be similar and equally strong and intelligent.

>> No.12257524
File: 16 KB, 300x293, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now the black man is not only athletically superior to whites but he's got the opportunity to be even smarter as well.

you can't write comedy this good

>> No.12257526

you don't believe that some races are superior to others ? you must be a nonwhite then

>> No.12257533
File: 67 KB, 720x715, 1487291201536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading what some of you might actually believe

this isn't even a pill, you guys helmet strap is on too tight.

>> No.12257541
File: 1.06 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big black smart guys

now this is my kind of meme

>> No.12257544

does this board even have mods?

>> No.12257550


This is a thread about fashion on the fashion board. What seems to be the problem?

>> No.12257551

Consider this: one black male, one white male. Intellectually the white male may be predisposed to being more intelligent than the black. But, even so, with enough hard work, the black can equal the white or surpass him! But, the white will never have the same survivability in the sun as the black man no matter what he does. Will he be more attractive? Mostly thats an opinion, but probably not. Did he come from people digging in the dirt when Europeans explored their continent? Yes. But, and bare with me, if you live in reality for a moment and consider the innate hardiness and athletic ability of black people, you will realize that almost all of them would be superior to white people in every single way.

>> No.12257552

why ? this is fashion related, right ? i'm not white but i don't want this place to turn reddit.

i accept the fact that i'm inferior to whites. but i refuse to stay that way. humanity has to be forced to live under equality so that in the future, my future generation can be equal to whites' future generations. there will be no races anymore. everyone has one culture, everyone eats the same food, everyone is forced to work with the same work ethic, etc etc so that all races can evolve to be similar

>> No.12257554

Sounds like you want a eugenics program and a world government utopia senpai

>> No.12257556

all non-whites will hang

>> No.12257560

this thread is 99% /pol/ shit

>i don't want this place to turn reddit
i don't want this place to turn into pol

>i accept the fact that i'm inferior to whites
neck yourself for thinking like that.

>> No.12257565

not really. those who aren't fit, physically and ideologically, will not survive. i'm sure i will.

>i don't want this place to turn into pol
4chan IS pol

>neck yourself for thinking like that.
neck yourself for being delusional.

>> No.12257569
File: 3 KB, 101x126, 99yVW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ fetishizes itself this hard

You people are really degenerates. American nigs are fucked because an overabundance of violent culture has placed them in a natural survival mindset, where education cannot permeate, because the brain isn't focused on learning new things, but surviving day to day and escaping hostile environments. The quickest way out has turned out to be being a rap/drill artist and forging a fortune on music, but in order to have "cred", you need to be violent, psychopathic, and a presumed gangster, or nobody takes you seriously. Which then drives more youths into gang culture and violent developing mindsets, leading to more violence, leading to more people being ignorant of their education, and thus prone to finding ways to escape their hostile environment without proper education. The central issue is mostly how the success of rappers and the large fortunes they accumulate legitimize this shitty behavior, but collegiate, scholarly behavior is far too difficult to accomplish when you walk home afraid of every single neighbor you walk across. Podunk snow mutants don't do this because they don't live in environments nearly as violent. It's as simple as that. If you lived in an area full of violent assholes who would kill you in a heartbeat, you'd have a hard time developing a thinking mind yourself.

>> No.12257571

Well hold on pardner, may bee he's onto something.
>>establish the world government or
>>empower UN
>>start putting fats into gulags
>>murders, pedrophiles etc are killed
>>uglies are paid cash money for neuter
>>no uglies, fatties or evils
>>world peace of only beautiful people

>> No.12257575

Wow this really made me think. I'm a slave to blacks now

>> No.12257577

being fat or gay shouldn't matter. if you can keep up with the work, you're fine. work ethic, social values, diets, in the long run, it's what determines stuffs that we call 'genetic' today.

>> No.12257583

>I'm not even trolling I love black people and have plenty of black friends but the truth is subconciously im sizing them up for slave potentiality
Made me laugh and I'm black.

>> No.12257594

whatever being single at 35 smells like

>> No.12257597

it doesn't matter since all of them might have fucked hundreds of chicks, including maybe my future wife. that's why i will never ever be married

>> No.12257604

you have to compare the numbers to the total population fucking retard

black people commit over half of US murders, while only being 13% of the population

>> No.12257609

smells like $20 a g

>> No.12257610

>I accept I'm inferior to whites

Go away red house painter gook. You say this every time I make this thread. We're only joking man stop making me feel bad. You're my brother

>> No.12257616

holy fuck lol I can smell the skoal from here

>> No.12257622
File: 37 KB, 540x360, 1e6d3bf7116ed7c5309e74f0ffee97fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of them might have fucked hundreds of chicks

>> No.12257630

are you fucking blind, look at them, they're white, fit, handsome, and trump supporters. they must be really alpha. at least asian girls are easy catch for them since asian girls are the biggest sluts.

they're way above me because i'm nothing but the opposite of what they are. no matter how hard i 'improve'.

>> No.12257635 [DELETED] 

do you think that's what God wants from the races that He himself created ?

>> No.12257639
File: 147 KB, 982x1024, 1477853980562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average faced, inoffensive, plain, boring manlets
>they must be really alpha
you're joking? i wouldn't fuck these cucks if you paid me

>> No.12257645

>I wouldn't duck these cucks blah blah
Your on 4can. You would probably fuck anything with a pulse.

>> No.12257650

>You would probably fuck anything with a pulse.
and even i wouldn't fuck them, that's really saying something huh

>> No.12257654

how are they manlets ? how do you know how tall they are ? well since i'm a nonwhite manlet dicklet, they're all surely superior to me and those kind of people are many, and everywhere. that's why i shouldn't marry

>> No.12257677

>I have never, ever, ever seen a non-white even come close to pulling off.
literally any country that has cattle. go outside from your single moms basement.

>> No.12257738
File: 46 KB, 492x310, IMG_6319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12257762

>He himself created
More like genetics mutated into what we see as niggers today

>> No.12257773


>> No.12257779
File: 329 KB, 639x519, 1479134968230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we never should have been a part of the slave trade
it wasn't worth it

>> No.12257785

So i'm a failure that shouldn't have happened ? Gives me more reason to stop being kind to people.

>> No.12257797

this looks like shit

>> No.12257812



>> No.12257820

The guy on the left is a wetback Mexican OP he's not masterrace mein negger

>> No.12257832
File: 245 KB, 540x779, cc5cd33173d8f9d2e08723b2820b520b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying hispanics aren't /fa/

>> No.12257864

Mexicans.. never used the broad generalization of Hispanic I was specific.

>> No.12257867

Op wants shitskins to stand aside. Hispanics/Spaniards are white just like the hated Jewish are white even to /pop board

>> No.12258045

So whites commit 42.9% of violent crime while being 60% and blacks commit 22.4% while being 12% of the population.
How does this prove him wrong?

>> No.12258084

Not every environment on earth is Saharan desert you drooling retard
Europeans evolved to survive in cold temperatures in the same way Africans evolved to survive in hot temperatures.

>> No.12258103

Top Lel
They may have some physical hardiness, but any mental stamina their ancestors might have had has completely dissipated in this generation of blacks.
Their school performances are dismal due to low class participation and lack of concentration. They can't sit still for a couple of minutes and just write down some fucking notes without blurting out some retarded "gangsta" shit and going off at the teacher for some stupid bullshit.
Every account of teaching black kids I've heard from teachers has, on a large majority of occasions, been negative.
Even out of school, their "hardiness" is non-existent. Any problem they encounter has to be blamed on an outside party ("da white mayne keepin us down bruh" or something similar). They never sort out their own community's problems, save for a few exceptional cases where a black person might actually make something of themselves, but they'll be outcast from the black community, and labelled "Uncle Tom" or "house-nigger" or something similar.

>> No.12258130


> An examination of data regarding the offenders for whom race was known showed that 53.6 percent were black, 43.9 percent were white, and 2.5 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,112 offenders. (Based onExpanded Homicide Data Table 3.)


>> No.12258147

Doesn't smell like a pack of niggers that's for sure!

>> No.12258152
File: 86 KB, 870x652, 1485920728555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this image

>the fact that it skates over relative distributions of those demographics

>> No.12258164

smells like husband material

>> No.12258233

Not what I'm saying
Gonna hafta disagree. If black people were more susceptible to cold, there would be jokes about it. And I'm white and I've got no resistances to cold as much as the black people I've known. But, I have noticed in my lifetime blacks fairing better in the sun.
>>12258103 you're almost certainly referring to the base level courses. When I was in advanced courses the black people competed on the same level as everyone else.

>> No.12258241

That's not a smell

But I guess we shouldn't have expected you to know how to read

>> No.12258262
File: 44 KB, 407x405, pic related it's you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's really saying something huh

Coming from you, it says about as much as this picture

>> No.12258293

Have you heard about vitamin D deficiency you fuckin mong. It's actually a problem for niggers in Scandinavia

>> No.12258470

>tfw i created pasta

>> No.12258484

No race is superior, and individual person might have more positives than another individual though

And do to other outside factors this means a white person is likely to be superior to a black person, but not in all instances

>> No.12258733

the brown guy has the only decent outfit

>> No.12258737

All of them are brown you blind fuck. look how muddy the skin tone is, they are mulattos

>> No.12258751
File: 1.03 MB, 1366x768, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12258760

Remember to sage and report threads that have nothing to do with fashion folks.

>> No.12258761

how to sage on 4chan?

>> No.12258765

>More like genetics mutated into what we see as niggers today

We evolved from them, left them in the dirt.

>> No.12258771

Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page.

>> No.12259017


>> No.12259022

But can white people do anything about the sun?
>>inb4 sunscreen
>>shit does not work, Jew Plot

>> No.12259023
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>> No.12259030
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>> No.12259061
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>black people competed on the same level as everyone else.
Competing in blunt rolling and lip smacking doesn't hold any real world value.

>> No.12259173
File: 162 KB, 1036x1200, 1487633182508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao i find it always funny when subhuman Americlap consider themselves as white

>> No.12259423

best ones

>> No.12259435

No, every white person does not secretly do this. You secretly do this.

>> No.12259530


You all sound like this. Thanks for helping me realize to never waste my life on here anymore.

>> No.12259536

You're retarded.

>> No.12259576
File: 109 KB, 900x900, 1486479989113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/cucks are the most pathetic people on earth

>> No.12259793

Its not my fault only the faggot white kids try emulate nigger culture

>> No.12259808

While that's funny, and true, those aren't courses you can take in school.
Kek fuck you :^)

>> No.12259821


>> No.12259834
File: 72 KB, 600x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look through whole thread..
>No Seinfeld Core..

>> No.12260006


a mall

>> No.12260047

Gotta love the "white power" written in a graffiti style created by black people

>> No.12260061

Rammstein are vehemently against national socialism so idk what these faggots are doing

>> No.12260113


>> No.12260142


>> No.12260145

what kind of style is it?

>> No.12260151


>> No.12260201

daddys real estate business

>> No.12260433

They made me experience an inward shiver of embarrassment.

>> No.12260464

so the red pill is to be racist? lol

>> No.12260507

Nice my dude

>> No.12260624


>> No.12260635

Is it BBC?

>> No.12260896


>> No.12261367

These kids have actual autism, not a very smart comment from you.

>> No.12261392 [DELETED] 

sage and reported

>> No.12261408

Do people not fuck anymore? I'm not even tall or that good looking and I've had sex with 120+ women. Thank god I grew up in 80/90's before there was pornhub.

>> No.12261436

120 is a lot in any era but apparently its true that young people now are having less sex with fewer partners than at any time since the 60's. Its partly related to the economic stagnation of the last decade and the rise of feminism and the hostility between the sexes.

>> No.12261628

You would think more people would be fucking in a shitty economy since it's free.
I blame social media.

>> No.12262236

its more about young people not having their own places to fuck in

>> No.12262788

This doesn't really prove anything other than the fact that these kids don't get out much

>> No.12263165
File: 53 KB, 625x621, 93ae4baa31e98be52e9f2b325a3e19b3753e7ffdfc5517bcb7264659435119e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost thought you were being serious anon.

>> No.12263371

Eugh fucking disgusting, how could you live in a place like that. Hahahaha fucking bottom of the boot filth.

>> No.12263384
File: 72 KB, 640x512, IMG_1822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you know, stuffs like OPs pic. Coat, cropped jeans, boots. Or stuffs like pic related.

Like if not those styles, what should i dress like ? Streetwear ? Japcore ? Yohjicore ? I don't like any of those

>> No.12263403

a lot of ppl are working longer hours, unstable jobs, highs tress etc, it diminishes your sex drive and your social life

>> No.12263518


>> No.12263533

Children have been getting more and more coddled.

Less "I'll show you mine..." and more Minecraft.

Shit, we only had pokemon and "parenting" books to keep us from healthy deliquency, I don't know what sort of freaks the current gradeschoolers will turn into.

>> No.12263586
File: 896 KB, 446x240, tumblr_inline_ojwi3lDsGd1qfn5kt_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the best r&b singer alive is white

>> No.12263593


>> No.12263605

Any westernwear

>> No.12263628
File: 42 KB, 530x530, sadmex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that's a white man
pic related is mestizo

>> No.12263631


>> No.12263633

the last kid is my spirit animal

>> No.12264649

smells like mid

>> No.12264774

>projecting this hard

>> No.12264784

Why do Americans like to clump all Europeans in to one "White" race like that? You're all just a bunch of mixed descendants of immigrants. In no way are you guys superior, and most white Americans are fucking ugly.

>> No.12264790

What is red painters? Red House Painters?

>> No.12264800
File: 34 KB, 485x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because thats literally their national identity. A mixture of different european nations. Also pretty ironic coming from a euro considering half your population is inbred

>> No.12264807

>referencing okcupid

>> No.12265576

someone looks triggered kek

>> No.12265756

this.no wonder why they are so obsessed with different races

>> No.12265854 [DELETED] 


>> No.12265942

Le blondie has them titties m8

>> No.12265961

Oh yeah

Asian people are also white

>> No.12265986

>graffiti was created by black people

>> No.12265987

racebaiting is a part of why this board is so shit now.

>> No.12266004
File: 32 KB, 692x579, Screenshot_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c this green shirt?

>> No.12266005



>> No.12266441

reading comprehension

>> No.12266448

bowie would look better in this if he was a nig sos bro

>> No.12267050

Why can't they enjoy non-natsoc music?

>> No.12267151

mussolini be effay af

>> No.12267334


>> No.12267576

>half your population is inbred


>> No.12267614

Implying there aren't countless videos of white peogle dancing like shit

>> No.12267676

The inside of a new luxury car

>> No.12267697

F-150 exhaust and American Eagle

>> No.12267726

Nah the morbidly fat can't be trusted to take care of themselves and produce for society, and gays have a mental illness and need to be killed with the other mentally ill

>> No.12267732

Fucking lol white is the mutation you fag. It's the equivalent of cancer to the human race.

>> No.12267754

holy shit underrated post

>> No.12267813

Considering that he's the only cute on in the photo, it doesn't really matter if he pulls it off or not

Looks > Fashion

>> No.12267843


What level of WOKE are these niqqas on

>> No.12268234

i would love to be one of them right now

>> No.12268405

Looks = Fashion > Physique*

>> No.12268449

youe trash taste desu if he's the only one you're attracted to, also don't think he's pulling it off

>> No.12269222

more pathetic than our waywt threads?