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File: 2.91 MB, 4166x2767, Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12248358 No.12248358 [Reply] [Original]

How many coffees do you drink daily and how many cigarettes do you smoke?

>> No.12248359

I drink tea not coffee, so usually 6-8. I don't smoke.

>> No.12248362

4-6 coffees a day
no smoking
also drink double the amount of water than coffee

>> No.12248364

Drinking too much tea, especially green tea, weakens your immune system.

>> No.12248369

tea has more caffeine lb/lb

>> No.12248380

I drink 5 to 8 coffee a day and smoke around 20 cigarettes that I roll.

>> No.12248392

Said nobody -ever.

>> No.12248405

Denial is comfortable.

>> No.12248408

I just drink black tea, I don't really have an issue with that though. Thanks anyway.

>> No.12248423

0 and 0, I like my white teeth white

>> No.12248432

At most 3 cups of coffee and 2-5 cigarettes. Mostly a tea drinker tho.
My willpower is pretty bad.

>> No.12248433

[citation needed]
Usually 2-3 cups of coffee a day. No smoking

>> No.12248436

I smoke a couple cigarettes a day, I drink an innumerable amount of coffee and I do a lot of speed.

>> No.12248439

2-3 cups

I don't smoke, I'm not a degenerate.

>> No.12248462

don't drink any coffee a day. Smoke anywhere from 1 and a half to 2+ packs a day.

>> No.12248483

2-3 cups usually
Been off smoking and drinking for close to 2 months now.

>> No.12248564

Two cups of black tea and something herbal or white throughout the day. I don't smoke.

>> No.12248869

No coffee, 20 well packed roll ups a day.

>> No.12249161

2 or 3 cups of coffee and no cigs

>> No.12249697
File: 13 KB, 640x712, 1485040612377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two double shot espressos and half a pack of dunhills

>> No.12249705



>> No.12249707

Cigs are for nigs.

I usually drink one ore two coffee plus several teas (oolong nor green) and maybe a kombucha.

>> No.12249708

jfc rei isn't that bad for your heart

>> No.12249714

it made me laugh how high energy is this post

>> No.12249715



>> No.12249719


>> No.12249723

About 1,5 liters of coffee and 10 cigs (lately like pack a day though).

>> No.12249770

No coffee but I take 200 mg of caffeine every morning and maybe an extra 100 in the afternoon if I'm feeling sluggish
Smoke maybe 1-3 cigarettes a day average

>> No.12249956
File: 112 KB, 1095x540, 1486244823627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking too much flavoured water weakens your immune system
Do you also do coffee enemas? You know, to detox and cleanse your body of impurities?

Seriously though commit suicide.

>> No.12249961

large and yellowed but healthy teeth are the most effay
stay plebeian

>> No.12249964

>dirty muslim
>doesn't smoke
Sounds about right. How many kids do you diddle a day tho?

>> No.12250137

6 cups
2 packs

>> No.12250148

1-2 cups of joe.
stopped smoking bc gf isnt into it and its healthier this way anyway

>> No.12250193

A mug is ~ 250 ml = x

You drink 4-6, let's make it 5 mugs PLUS double that amount in water.
That's 5x + 2 (5x) = 15x
15 × 250ml = 3 3/4 liters of liquid every day.

Can you fuck off mate?

>> No.12250209
File: 12 KB, 242x242, pepep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that are supposedly above 18 still smoke in 2017
>people still drink the caffeine jew
>inb4 le pol boogeyman

>> No.12250453


>> No.12250463

2 cafe breve per day but I've quit smoking for a while now.

>> No.12250467

3 cups of coffee, half a pack of camels, 4 ounces of jamesons

>> No.12250492

>Cigs are for nigs.

You're thinking of weed, Anon.

>> No.12250501

>people still do things that they enjoy in 2017
>people don't succumb to social pressure

It's almost like you people have free will or something.

>> No.12250508

like 3-4 cigs and no coffee

>> No.12250559

1 red eye in the morning then 1 cup of reg after dinner

between 5-10 cigs depending on the day

>> No.12250564

people still fucking smoke cigarettes in 2017?

>> No.12250589

lol how is that outrageous?
i use 6 oz cups, so it'd be 2.67 liters total
when i was drinking less coffee and running more, i was drinking 3 liters of water a day

>> No.12250648

Three to four doubleshot Espressi.
No cigarettes.

>> No.12250717

are yellowed teeth from excessive green tea consumption effay?

>> No.12250740

12 cups of coffee, 2 packs of cigs

>> No.12250741

more than ever

>> No.12250850

40-80 cigarettes, really depends how stressed I am.
Coffee intake varies, if I am starving myself and really want to suppress appetite anywhere between 20-30 cups a day.

>> No.12251156

1-2 cups of coffee, 1-3 cigs, a lot of hash

>> No.12251160

how do you function lol

>> No.12251162
File: 20 KB, 349x356, CL4uTorWUAARXEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people don't succumb to social pressure

the worst part is that this is the very same marketing tactic cigarette brands use to give a flair of non conformance and rebellion to impressionable teens that buy their products nowadays. youre a fucking naive idiot dude.


>> No.12251163

by smoking cigs

>> No.12251164

2 cups of coffee a day, and no cigarettes.

I drink coffee with well over 350mg of caffeine, so it's definitely a lot more caffeine than the average person.

>> No.12251189

1ciggie a day on weekdays
1cofee a day on weekdays
more ciggies if high or wasted

>> No.12251192


Oh, cool, show me an ad that utilizes this tactic.

>> No.12251203

about 64 oz. of black unsweetened coffee/day

I don't smoke much in the winter, but usually at least 1 corona on the weekdays, and 1 full size cigar on weekends.

>> No.12251217

10 cups per work day
I quit smoking a month and a half ago

>> No.12251223

come on now. rebellious flare has always been a part of the marketing strategy for cigarettes towards younger people. you think they would suddenly drop that shit when they need it the most?

whenever I see a tumblr looking girl/guy smoking *yawn* holy fuck thats so lame.

>> No.12251235

If you mix these two together your breath smells like straight up dookie.
Prove me wrong, faggots.

>> No.12251256

0-2 depending how bad the day is going
both for coffee and cigs

>> No.12251259

>smokes cigars
Unless you are middle aged and at least somewhat brown you're a poser

>> No.12251277

im italian

>> No.12251283

1-3 cups of coffee, always black, often for whole meals with maybe a slice of toast (never jam or jelly because that's sugar and gelatin and more importantly money but maybe I'll have margarine if I'm feeling up for it)
No cigs

>> No.12251286

confirmed wants to die a slow painful death.

>> No.12251420

About a 12 cup pot a day and roughly 4-5 cigarettes.

Depends on work, sometimes more or less coffee but usually about a pot.

>> No.12251605

3 - 8 coffees, smoke 4 - 8 cigarettes per day

>> No.12251664

either 2 shots of espresso in the morning or a cup made with my v60

also I don't smoke because I don't want to smell like shit and get cancer

>> No.12251665

>gf isn't into it
Lmao what a cuck.
She's gonna start dressing you & telling you how to behave soon too just watch.

>> No.12251751

I never smoked (don't want to anyway), but how many cigs per day to be able to kill yourself in a short time ? I just want to hurt myself.

>> No.12252252

Even with 100 cigs/day you won't die in less than 20 years

>> No.12252304

shittones of coffee would probably do the trick better than cigys

>> No.12252312

>I just want to hurt myself.
cigarettes are kinda shit for that as you don't get any kinda rush from them as far as 'hurting' yourself goes, you just feel like total shit if you smoke all day

>> No.12252371

I like coffee but will usually only drink it if I'm super tired. or slightly drunk and trying to sober up to drive.

probably smoke 2 or 3 cigs a day but it varies wildly. sometimes I'll go days without wanting to smoke, but if Im at a bar I might smoke half a pack in a single night.

>> No.12252441

5 cups, 5 cigs

>> No.12252491

don`t smoke; 6 cups daily of coffee

>> No.12252562

one cup of coffee on weekends, black or with milk
otherwise about ten infusions of yerba mate in the morning (almost 1 litre) since it keeps me going much longer than coffee
lots of pure tea too, usually black and green, recently pu-erh

>> No.12252590

6-8 cups of coffee
4-5 cups of tea
0-1 cigarettes

>> No.12252621

I've never counted how many coffees I drink but I guess around 10, I smoke like 20 a day

>> No.12252769

i disdain this tripfag a lots desune

>> No.12253183

2 cigs
1 tea

>> No.12253276

6 cups 12 swedish snus

>> No.12253324

4-6 espresso shots a day and 4-8 cigarettes. Used to drink more coffee, it's hard to have the self control not to drink double when I work at an espresso machine.

>> No.12253361

Wait, do teens that smoke cigarettes in 2017 UNIRONICALLY think they're "nonconformists" for doing it?


>> No.12253370

not that guy, but I drink like 4 liters of water a day

>> No.12253490

like 3 large cups of coffee and at least 5 cigarettes.

>> No.12253617

>anno domini mmxi + vi

>> No.12253628

>2-5 cigarettes

what a faggot are you 13?

>> No.12253763


>> No.12253812


I'm >>12251203
not >>12251277
but whys is it so funny that I'm also Italian?

also go fuck yourself, who even calls stranger's on the internet posers? you sound like a fucking loser.

>> No.12253827

I don't drink coffee and I haven't smoked a boge since I was at this AA event on NYE where I chiefed like 35 cigarettes in 2 days

getting another pack soon but I keep blowing it off

I'm not even an alcohol I just went to the thing to support a friend but hey I love cigarettes

>> No.12253830

err *alcoholic

>> No.12253841


I'm in kind of the same boat. I love cigarettes, and I bought a pack, but I've been putting off opening it and smoking any for months now. I imagine that they're stale at this point. I just haven't found the right time.

>> No.12253864

I don't drink coffee but I like herbal tea and hot chocolate, no cigs or anything but I'm a girl idk if that affects it

>> No.12254029

About 2-3 cups of coffee, with whole milk (no sugar).

No cigarettes.

>> No.12254161

I drink 300fl oz of water a day....

>> No.12254182

really ? i drink coffee everyday. how can it kill me ?

>> No.12254197

I snort caffeine and drink nicotine
so usually none

>> No.12254392

Jesus Christ lmao

>> No.12254398

2-3 cups of coffee a day

I don't any cigs but usually smoke a spliff in the evening

>> No.12254478

Tea twice a day and no cigarettes

>> No.12254480

No they don't

>> No.12254703

caffeine overdose, no magnesium whatsoever, permanently rised blood pressure
cofee is a stimulant. drinking like 10 cups a day really isn't a good idea.