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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 12 KB, 236x335, a37cb728636964b3ebb17801f8bace7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12245214 No.12245214 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>12241852

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted
>goals, topic discussion and general chat should somehow relate to thinspo, not obese-to-regular weight loss


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.12245222
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>> No.12245223

how does it feel to know that someone could dominate you physically? that someone could overpower you and do what ever they want to you

>> No.12245226
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>> No.12245229

Sexy and exciting :)

>> No.12245236

Relaxing. I'd rather somebody command and dominate me.

>> No.12245258

How does it sound? Do you really want to know? It sounds off-topic.

>> No.12245261

i really want to know

>> No.12245263

How does it feel to know that alpha Black men are doing that to your mom and sisters? It turns me on, senpai.

>> No.12245267

I told you. Off topic. It feels like a stupid off topic post. Boy, you are dumb as a log.

>> No.12245271

Awesome. And lonely. Mostly lonely.

>> No.12245277

wow i am so insecure you really got me

>> No.12245289

Apathetic. I'd probably just lay there thinking about strawberries till you were done.

>> No.12245296

This is one of the many reasons I browse /fa/

>> No.12245307
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exciting if it's the right person. a bit scary if it's the wrong

>> No.12245443
File: 277 KB, 1080x1080, 14717634_1835510530010958_6973549299695091712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna lose weight and find an /fa/ gf, but I'm depressed and can't stop eating. :_:

>> No.12245450

Be strong Anon, I know you can do it, I believe in you! Always try to be your best self

>> No.12245473
File: 1.91 MB, 3120x3408, IMG_20170215_013018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bf

>> No.12245496

Do you think being skinny will make you more attractive to fashionable girls? That's fucking stupid.

>> No.12245528

Creepers always look awful.

>> No.12245534
File: 614 KB, 1536x2560, 20160912_112556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my current shape. I need to lose around 20lbs to feel better in my body. I feel fat and disgust myself but I know I look fatter with oversize clothes so I try to wear "normal" clothes.

I've started to fast for three days and eat a little, then fast for three days again. I am lucky to not feel the hunger so far. Any advice?

Thanks in advance.

>> No.12245536

Not to white-knight but that girl would look so gorgeous if she didn't dress like a 17 year-old boy.

>> No.12245581

what weight is thin for a 6'0 guy?

>> No.12245591

You look normal here. Nothing but a little running and a good diet can't fix.

>> No.12245605

cut junk food, cut soda, do some cardio aka running or just basic exercise in the morning to burn body fat.

>> No.12245622
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Anything in the blue area.

>> No.12245633

after following the diets recommended here do i fart more or less? more sweaty or less hairy?

>> No.12245660
File: 91 KB, 529x560, c4f01a9f25ec091fa4cb03ff62449613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating very little
why do this
if you actually lose weight you'll just look flabby and feel terrible. and high chances of becoming a yo-yo dieter and potentially gaining way more than you weighed to begin with every time you give up and eat loads again. plus you'll likely be bald and have shit skin and nails due to malnutrition.

just eat 500 under whatever your TDEE is, exercise a bit and do some strength training to preserve muscle mass so you don't end up skinnyfat.

>> No.12245728

I have lost a lot of weight before and didn't look flabby. But yeah, I'll work out more.

>> No.12245738

you don't even seem fat, just a bit chubby
don't go full anorexia mode with starving yourself, just stop drinking soda / eating junk food and start doing some exercise daily

>> No.12245740

I don't drink soda or junk food. But I lack exercise obviously. Problem is Ive been anorexic and bulimic for ten years and have been yo-yoing since then.

>> No.12245792
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some fresh lilyspo

>> No.12245796
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she looks ill

>> No.12245824
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Thinspo looks only good when you're a sub 25 y o female. If you're older you shouldn't be just a sack of bones, because it isn't fun to fuck a skeleton. And if you're a men you should be muscular and don't look like a massive faggot.

>> No.12245830

Kek that's literally my style but I'm a man tho.

>> No.12245832

Fuck right off.

>> No.12245835
File: 38 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have been yo-yoing since then
>still trying to do it the disordered way even though it has clearly not worked out for them

>> No.12245864

thanks for that laugh, anon

>> No.12245921 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 271x576, FedoraWafuku01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*unsheates katana*
>*teleports behind you*
>*skins you like a small game*
>*teleports to your home while you scream in pain*
>*licks your sisters feet for hours*
>*teleports back to you*
>*resews your skin*
>*teleports away*

How does it feel to know that now your sister thinks you are creepy?

>> No.12245938
File: 1.79 MB, 200x200, 1475627905042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you fall for the skinny girl meme and fuck a tall bony chick and it isn't good at all

>> No.12245942

>figure out how long you fast naturally
>figure out how long you want to fast
>add 1 hour every day/two to number 1 until you reach number 2

From what I get most people are asymmetrical
Same issue though but without marfan its annoying

Please stop anon I already masturbated twice today

Farting depends mostly on what you eat and personal sensitivity of your stomach, but all things equal eating less = less things to trigger farting = smaller fart volume

>> No.12245960

Bitch, I'm a witch. Messing with me would be a bad idea in the long-run. Also I'm an exercise-aholic so I'm kinda thinny swole.

>> No.12245977

pls be a troll

>> No.12245979

You sound terrible

>> No.12245984

youre a woman you wouldnt be able to do anything. dont kid yourself

>> No.12246041

Witch? That what they calling female neckbeards now?

>> No.12246045
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>Do you think being skinny will make you more attractive to fashionable girls?

>> No.12246047
File: 86 KB, 750x981, IMG_3349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 100 lbs a good goal weight for someone who is 5'3?

>> No.12246048

anon...im so sorry

>> No.12246065
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should be, i'm 5'4 and that's my goal.

>> No.12246073
File: 80 KB, 750x497, IMG_3355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice nice. I'm currently 120 and want to look thin but keep a fair amount of boobs and butt. Good luck anon! We'll make it in no time

>> No.12246077

115 Ibs
Guy tho, I feel like I should weigh a lot more...

>> No.12246081

It's your personal choice but I date a guy who is 5'8. He use to be skelly at 115-120 and it honestly didn't suit him. Now he's 140 and looks loads better while still being lean.

If you think you look great, more power to you! But if you think you should gain more, try gaining 5-10 lbs and see how you feel.

>> No.12246082

You should weigh a lot more...

>> No.12246092

god that horrid face

>> No.12246093

i would never be able to take a man seriously at that weight

>> No.12246096

probably a mudblood too

>> No.12246101

will it work if you're a girl

>> No.12246106
File: 2.00 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12246109

>tfw 17

>> No.12246110

ye i dont see why not.

>> No.12246112

I wish I could do that to someone

>> No.12246117
File: 138 KB, 629x629, 1481684081490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4 here, same goal. I've been stuck at 112 for a few months because of binging but am back on track and currently at 109, let's do this!!

>> No.12246124

a-at least i'm on the right track with one thing

>> No.12246129


>> No.12246133
File: 25 KB, 580x580, 266140d658047affd8220b2b1096b749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinspo gf wants to get into full slavcore

Should I let her?

>> No.12246139

hey, im male 5'11, 140lbs, going to 130 - I feel ok with my lack of physical strength. Perhaps because I have a very large penis? I dunno, never had any desire to prove myself stronger or tougher than anybody.

>> No.12246156

as long as it doesnt devolve into her looking like a trashy skank

>> No.12246167

Thats modern slavcore as you people know it from western trash and your funny memes. What really is slavcore? It is old boots, rough blue jeans, a vintage pullover and a non-flecktarn jacket from the army.

>> No.12246169

mhmm yeh I just don't want to have my ribs showing. Having a hard time gaining weight tho, been told to eat lots of nuts and high carb stuff.

yeh true.

>> No.12246179

I'm 5'3 100 pounds I think it depends on your body
I'm pear shape so I'm already fucked

>> No.12246183

My boyfriend had a hard tim gaining weight too. He use to get full very easy. What helped him bulk up was drinking protein shakes twice a day. It took a while (about a year), but the protein really helped (and according to him, they were very tasty too).

>> No.12246189

Not trolling


I'm a boy.

See above.

Nope. My maternal grandmother was a clairvoyant and my dad is creole root doctor.

>> No.12246190
File: 61 KB, 743x987, IMG_3360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you look gorgeous anon! I would ask you to post a pic but I don't wanna seem pushy ;__;

>tfw also pear shaped

>> No.12246195

Are into girls or guys? If you're gay that weight is GOAT is you don't work out. But for guy...well its good to start working out from a low body fat because you'll get defined really fast with no fat in the way.

>> No.12246196

i legit want to kill you irl you sound like such an insufferable faggot

>> No.12246197
File: 127 KB, 640x640, 11377666_758128727637095_58910874_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how does it feel to know that someone could dominate you physically?

Nobody can dominate me physically

I take my multivitamins

>> No.12246199

How do I sound insufferable? The question was how does it feel to be easily dominated because I'm so skinny? The answer is, not bad because I can take non-physical recourse. I've had plenty of proof that magic is real so I'm telling the truth. Not my fault is materialists get booty bothered because they've never seen magic before.

>> No.12246203
File: 18 KB, 400x400, D_pI5clm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I surely hope you guys aren't forgetting to take you magnesium if you're LCHF.

>> No.12246211

My things are still pretty big but everything else is small and cute

>> No.12246218
File: 59 KB, 436x726, fasfsaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh I've heard, given some before defs not tasty but I guess price and w/e, probably just haven't found the one I like yet.

Bi, I dunno hey isn't having more fat good before working out because you can turn it into muscle?

Pic is me.

>> No.12246230

To the normies here: how does it feel to hug a thin gf?

>> No.12246236
File: 263 KB, 2258x900, jO40JRJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I dunno hey isn't having more fat good before working out because you can turn it into muscle?
Well, dietary fat helps with muscle synthesis and retention. But I don't think body fat does the same thing. I think it's better to be skinny as possible before gaining muscle, if you happen to be skinny anyway, because small changes in musculature will be more dramatic. Look at pic related. The ones with low body fat are the most aesthetic across the bar.

>> No.12246262

ayy nice chart thx

>> No.12246279

You look good anon. if you're under 25 you're fine

>> No.12246291
File: 46 KB, 1280x716, maxresdfault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like hugging a bag of bones

>> No.12246301

i just want to hug all of you skinny qts :3

>> No.12246307

Will IF work if I eat maintenance amount every 24 hours?

>> No.12246312


Yeah as long as you don't get past your maintenance intake

>> No.12246377
File: 144 KB, 469x700, IMG_4780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello lovelies. <3 Just a reminder that Frof would want us to stay hidhratted.
For those who want to, think about doing a 30 day challenge of some kind if you are in a rut or just starting out. ILU.

>> No.12246397
File: 484 KB, 1920x1080, 1472620991073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to post here since you guys know best. I'm black ( not african american ) and I'm looking for clothes more fitting for me.

I'm 7 feet tall, but I weigh shy of 200 pounds, rendering me a walking beanstalk. Looking for comfy, big Japanese styled clothing since I think it fits my monk-like bald tall appearance. Tired of wearing custom fitted suits all the time, even at home, since anything else just looks strange.

Where should I look? Should I make an individual thread about this? Oh, and for those striving towards thinspo status, good luck!

>> No.12246400

Yes. He's sure to stay below your maintenance, whatever you do.

>> No.12246403

Be sure*

>> No.12246419

Idk if Jap clothes will fit you famalam

>> No.12246420
File: 57 KB, 593x793, IMG_5470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider this to be thinspo?

>> No.12246430

How come? I'm rather tall and lanky. I also don't have the atypical dindu facial features, since I also have a bit of asian blood in me (southern chinese).

>> No.12246432

japs are small. you are not small.

>> No.12246441

>I'm 7 feet tall

>> No.12246443

Nope. Just skinny. too fat.

>> No.12246447

I don't want to dox myself, did it before and caused trouble in real life. If you see a young praying mantis lookalike politician then that's me.

>> No.12246450

you are tall, and elevens are generally short

>> No.12246461


>> No.12246473

:c don't say that about snafu

>> No.12246495

No, thinspo guys are skinnier.

You'll need custom made in these kind of clothes too unless you stick to shorts and shorter sleeved shirts/vests. Arm and leg length need to be on point and oversized too, it's part of the look.

>> No.12246500

He's got a good body. Just not thinspo tier.

>> No.12246568

This. I'm not sure why people always think 'not thinspo' = 'they look bad'. He looks fine.
Thinspo is not for everyone, and it's not intended to be. It only fits a few, and the people who like it are also in the minority. Look around almost anywhere you live. It's not common to see someone who fits thinspo criteria just walking down the street. The ideal is artificially concentrated online and in the modeling world.

For me, it's a very personal discipline and set of private goals, not an aesthetic to be generally applied to others.

>> No.12246571

If you do not eat less, you will not lose weight. You can cry about it or you can eat less. It's really as simple as that.

>> No.12246580
File: 33 KB, 564x564, 58aa6acd9352da04d89c36aebb3ebbfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more thinspo, /fa/m.

>> No.12246596
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>> No.12246602
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>> No.12246606
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>> No.12246610
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>> No.12246614
File: 201 KB, 857x1280, tumblr_lr1wu12NPA1qh1kf6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12246624

Hahahaha I listen to teen suicide to XD

>> No.12246626
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>> No.12246630
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>> No.12246634

I want her body, not the legs though

>> No.12246641
File: 29 KB, 564x564, a2050fdc70ed77d5d52c93d64b4e3897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not her legs?

>> No.12246654


I'm going to make this today to eat with veggies until next week.

Fave foods/recipes anyone? I can also recommend Skinny Girl salad dressings. They are my best balance of low carb, low cal, low fat.

>> No.12246661
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>> No.12246662

Seeing /thinspo/ girls eating makes me sad, maybe they're just posing for the photo or a permitted cheat meal, but there are people who can eat whatever they want and don't gain a single gr, that'd be awesome, but it's not my case so I have to make an effort to archive my goals.

>> No.12246667
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>> No.12246672
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>> No.12246673

they don't look good to me, I would exercise mine more. Apart from that she's gorgeous 2bh

>> No.12246674

I'm a fan of sweet things so grapefruit and sweet apples are nice.
Also sauteed lettuce.

been trying to do low carb, but raise protein intake lately ;;

>> No.12246675

I love to see eating photos but if you don't then why not post some photos you do like, exercise, fashion, whatever.

>> No.12246682

sorry anon. I know you can work hard and gain results! that's probably very satisfying.

t. the unable to gain tier

>> No.12246683

Wtf is wrong with you people...

Why do you need to have an emotional reaction to someone else doing something. This entire thread has become /mentalillnessiscool/ not just trying to stay skinny. Holy shit it's literally like a proana board now

>> No.12246702

I don't have an “emotional reaction", I'm not crying bc I saw someone eating, I'm just saying that skinny people eating and not gainimg makes me jealous.
Also I don't have eating disorders.

>> No.12246711
File: 17 KB, 405x405, avatar_1472413464864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I want to be happy with my body. :)
Yes sir.

>> No.12246715

eat desu

>> No.12246744
File: 137 KB, 1052x1080, IMG_5472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is this achieved with body weight exercises? I'm at 129lb at 5''11, it's definitely time to start defining the muscles

>> No.12246819
File: 17 KB, 500x375, 1438934779675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat 500 below some vague number (online calculators won't tell you, just approximate)
>even if you magically manage to do it, your body will adapt and lower your TDEE
>now you feel like shit and have to eat even less

>> No.12246865

Calculating TDEE is not hard, re-calculating it as you lose is normal. Smaller bodies use less energy and need less food, it's not hard to understand.
Tracking is tiresome but it works and works long-term.
But it's much easier and less boring to keep trying impressive and dramatic sounding but impossible to sustain diet methods, keep failing and cry about it, right? Except as you have proven, that doesn't work at all.
But it is easier.

>> No.12246868


>> No.12246871

>even if you magically manage to do it, your body will adapt and lower your TDEE

By losing weight, you mean? That's called weight loss, you mung.

>> No.12246877

what do you think about this boys and girls, disgusting fat women saying they can be effay too

>> No.12246881

Starving at work, what do? Been 6 hours since breakfast.

Should I snack or wait until I am off work to eat something?

>> No.12246896

You should eat in your house a LC/HF lunch, if you can cook in your work, boil one or two eggs.

>> No.12246898

That's not me, she's my gw.

>> No.12246901

A) off topic because not thinspo, B) no opinion because not thinspo, C) not applicable because I'm not fat, D) don't care what others wear, I dress to please myself, so should everyone?

>> No.12246907

Only snack if you can snack healthy, otherwise wait. Plan ahead for this in the future and carry a healthy snack.

>> No.12246908

I ate my last candies tonight. Going to starve for three to four days now.

>> No.12246911

Will do! Thanks for the suggestion.

I think I might buy some boiled eggs at Costco to snack on at work

>> No.12246915

tfw got no V-day, Christmas, or Halloween candies


>> No.12246916

not the same anon, any particular routine suggested?

>> No.12246919

I ate my last chips/crisps today, going to do low carb and track but I'm tempted to do a small fast first just to jump-start myself.

>> No.12246921
File: 48 KB, 490x490, 1474073925459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off topic? really?

>> No.12246925

Troll post? No one cares much what fatties do. People ITT care even less.

>> No.12246928
File: 126 KB, 405x665, P_20170217_175308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thinspo?
I'm exercising at home and eating a lot of soy based protein. Any advice?

>> No.12246932

Hello family, how are you doing today? My day is shit so far, I need advice; I ate ice cream and I throw it up, it wasn't on purpose, I was feeling like vomiting and went to the bathroom, I'm here now and I can't stop puking, I'm bleeding and I'm scared.
Not bulimic, it's the first time this happens to me, is it possible that the cause is that I ate that ice cream after a 16 hours fast? I broke my fast with that shit and now I'm vomiting blood. Pls help.

>> No.12246936

Do you have long fingernails?

>> No.12246938

go to the hospital

>> No.12246940

Seek a hospital, don't wait for medical advice from strangers on the internet.

>> No.12246941

go to the hospital love, it could be serious

>> No.12246946

Go to prompt care or the ER.

>> No.12246948


>> No.12246951

No and I didn't puke on purpose, like, I didn't put my fingers in my mouth, the vomit came by itself.
>>12246938 yes, I should is just that I fear I puke when I get out of my home and also, I'm eating 300 calories a day so idk how my health is, doctors can see if you're starving yourself and I am, really don't want to start eating again.

>> No.12246960

Yes, I think I will, it's the only option I have.

>> No.12246965

I don't know. I was doing TDEE for a while and I think I hit some kind of plateau. I assumed that I was just improperly calculating my TDEE but I'm not sure how to properly amend it. I've been sort of experimenting with how feasible one-meal-a-day living is recently and it's actually surprisingly easy, not much harder than eating below TDEE at all and I'm less worried about if I'm fucking up the measurements (because it seems I'm eating far below TDEE incidentally)

>> No.12246967

maybe you shouldn't fast for 16 hours like a fucking retard

>> No.12246972

B-but isn't If a good thing?

>> No.12246977

you look good, i'm aiming for the same type of body. stats?

>> No.12246987
File: 324 KB, 437x673, 1487019653874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down to 72kg from 96, thanks to the /thinspo/ senpai... (5"11)
But I'm still fat. I've got a really high bf%, manboobs, a belly, and a shit body overall. What do I do? Lose even more? Maybe to 65? Or work out? Stronglifts? Cardio? Please help senpai!

pic unrelated

>> No.12246995
File: 27 KB, 460x532, Adolfo-Domínguez-lança-uma-coleção-para-cães.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'0/183cm and 132lb/60kg, but haven't weighted myself in a while. I do situps, pushups and squats

>> No.12246997

How long did it take and what method did you employ?

>> No.12247003
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>> No.12247007

Just find a workout video that is your speed. I like POPSUGAR's videos because they have a person doing modifications which are easier versions of the workout so I don't feel bad about how out of shape I am atm. tons of routines to be found on youtube.

>> No.12247009

>t. a pussy
I fast for 24 hours every day. I eat one meal a day.

It is. Don't listen to that retard.

>> No.12247012

IF/one meal a day isn't so out there, there's actual science behind it. it's more the 'omg numbers are 2hard just gonna starve 5evar' people. '3day fast, then eat a little' isn't sustainable so it will fail as anything but a short-term jump-start.

>> No.12247013


I employed the method of eating less and it took around 6 months.

>> No.12247018

you didn't fast?

>> No.12247023

Cardio and body weight exercise until the fatty parts are gone then over to /fit/ and build some muscle after (if you want some). Don't try to build muscle before you've lost most of your fat though, you have to eat more to build and if you have fat stores, it will just add more fat.

>> No.12247031


Do I maintain while exercising or eat at a deficit?



>> No.12247032

Most people do calculate incorrectly because they over-estimate their energy expenditure or don't weigh their food correctly. Many people only track half-heartedly. People also do plateau but they will plateau on most diets. There are lots of articles on breaking plateaus. But keep on the 1 meal per day plan if it is working for you, see how the results are over time.
A diet is only good if you can sustain it.

>> No.12247040

>completely hairless chest and belly
>fucking bush under armpits
why do people do this


16 hours is an equivalent of skipping dinner once, this is normal human behavior and shouldn't affect a healthy person

Go to a doctor anon

>> No.12247045
File: 80 KB, 750x581, IMG_3356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I would love to have this body.

>> No.12247047

Take your measurements at this point, that will help track progress a lot because your body will be changing in composition and volume but maybe not as much in weight from here out.

Try maintaining and if that doesn't bring results, use deficit until results are produced.

>> No.12247057


What measurements?

>> No.12247061

you look good tho :3

>> No.12247070
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Reminder to stay hidratted

>> No.12247087

that's quite helpful, thanks dude. do you IF?

>> No.12247097

Neck, chest, waist, high hip(hipbones), low hip(fattest part of the butt), thigh, calf, bicep, forearm. Take them in cm with the tape measure just snug not loose or tight or better, use a myotape, they are cheap and more accurate.

>> No.12247101

I wish that was me :( my thighs are way bigger ugh should I stop doing cardio? I'm afraid my legs are too muscular/toned. What other exercises can I do?

>> No.12247115
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No, I'm actually trying to put on some weight. I've always been like a skeleton because of my metabolism. I guess you could accelerate yours by eating healthy snacks frequently, running and exercising. I've seen a lot of people shitting on diets and fasting for losing weight but I really don't know much about it.

>> No.12247124
File: 1.90 MB, 360x199, This+is+the+kid+from+the+mac+ad+grown+up_27601d_4870333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all right. good luck then

>> No.12247131

i forgot to mention that i'm already at a low weight. this is me >>12246744

>> No.12247175

Shit, you look great. No homo.

>> No.12247216

where can I cop guys like you? all the amerikids aren't thinspo

>> No.12247238

I drink a lot of coke zero. Do I have to stop?

>> No.12247272

i meant to say i was the poster, not the dude in the pic, but i share your sentiments (no homo)

>> No.12247280

Is purging really so bad? I pretty good at high restricting, but I can't be arsed to wait.

>> No.12247326

fucks up your teeth/stomach/esophagus/everything, makes your face puffy, and doesn't get rid of all the calories. purging is a waste of time

>> No.12247360

That's why I'm hopeful, although of course I believed that CICO was flawless the first go around. This time I'm a bit more confident, though, and it's not to say I didn't notice ANY improvement with CICO initially.

I just used an app that was supposed to do it automatically. I measure my food so I was surprised to see myself plateauing at about 10 lbs from my goal. I set my budget even lower, but after I did some research I figured that I ought to at least incorporate some IF: in this sense I am simultaneously eating much below my estimated TDEE and fasting in between meals. I thought I looked much better this morning following my first couple one-day fasts, but that seems to fast to be reasonable. I'll weigh myself tomorrow, I think.

>> No.12247361

>why do people do this
It could just grow that way, man. Some people don't have any hair on their chest. Some people have so much it grows on their back. It's wild out there

>> No.12247367

>Is purging really so bad?
Yes. You won't lose all the weight you purge, you will gain more weight back when you stop, and your teeth, face, and esophagus will be fucked.

>> No.12247408

IF is still bound by CICO, it's just harder to overeat past a days worth of calories in one meal if you are paying attention at all.
The last ten pounds are the hardest no matter what.
Keep us updated, I'll be interested to read your results and best of luck! Stay hydrated.

>> No.12247480


>> No.12247486

>went off the rail after getting the flu
>then got rejected by sororites so felt even worst
>plus they were offering sweets and I couldn't say no
After my period ends gonna weigh in and get back on the horse. Sorry about the blog.

>> No.12247488

what kind of things did you have to do to get in?

>> No.12247518
File: 401 KB, 600x426, 1479419173033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna try to explain this best I can, my school is small and there are no actual houses here.
>meet in the auditorium
>each room was decorated for a sorority
>went in and they would tell you about themselves
>as the week went on, you would eliminate what place you didn't like until you were left with 3 (there are 5 on my campus)
>then bid day was on monday
>didn't get a bid so entered snatch lottery (if someone said no you could get picked up by a random place)
>didn't get that either
My problem is I can't make small talk and I'm terrible at talking to people. My shyness probably lead me to not making it. I'm probably gonna try for it next year though since there won't be any freshman rushing (need to have completed 1 semester to rush)

>> No.12247539

best of luck next year. at least it doesnt sound like you have to go through any hazing shit

>> No.12247542

If I had made it I would have probably been in for that lol. Thanks anon.

>> No.12247696

Look at the biggest loser study. The subjects' TDEE was like 25% lower than a normal person of the same weight. All of them gained their weight back

>impressive and dramatic

just don't eat lel

>> No.12247697

>just ate a huge kalua pig dinner and had desert as well
someone fucking kill me PLS
do i just throw this up or what

>> No.12247705

How many calories you guys think would be in a stuffed bell pepper with primarily black beans & white rice, with more rice than bean?

>> No.12247721

bout 300 id say

>> No.12247722

too many you should purge

>> No.12247726

About 228 in 1/2 a pepper. If you care about calories closer than an estimate, you need a good way to calculate it though, estimates aren't that good to rely on unless once in a while.

>> No.12247735

We discourage purging here. Also we don't ever advise others to do it.

>> No.12247736

Cool thanks. And yeah if I had made it, then I'd have measured stuff out and properly counted.

>> No.12247739

Just guesstimate a little high and cut back on something else tomorrow. In a pinch I look up a similar recipe online which is how I got 228/half a pepper.

>> No.12247741

Fuck off

>> No.12247748

No, just reel yourself back in and restrict for a few days. Why are you stuffing your face though? Need to figure it out and deal with it or you'll just do it again.

>> No.12247774


>> No.12247788


>> No.12247807


>> No.12247890

>Look at the biggest loser study.

That doesn't support your assertion. That study was inconclusive about whether their TDEE was endogenously or exogenously modified, i.e. from genes or starvation.

>> No.12247897
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are 30" waist 32" inseam slim straight levi's on a 6'1" dude too huge for him to possibly be thinspo? what is the threshold for thinspo? 29" waist or less?

>> No.12247915
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>> No.12247916

There have been more than several articles pointing out the flaws in this study.

Oh hey, must be Friday. Thinspo is more about how you look (skinny, slender frame) and your bmi (very low normal or under)

>> No.12247920

Are those your legs?

>> No.12247932

>want to be thin
>already fucked up my body by being fat
>would just have tons of loose skin if I lost all the weight
I'm 5'7" 200 LBS
Can I be thinspo with loose skin?

>> No.12247934
File: 175 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20170217_215433~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feel slightly erotic when they wear skinny jeans?

I'm a guy and I usually wear looser pants, and i have a pretty bad hosiery fetish so whenever I wear skinny jeans just the feeling of all that fabric wrapping around my thighs feels so nice and sort of lewd. Anyone else feel the same?

>> No.12247939

You can get a lot of loose skin removed by a decent doctor for ~$3k. Just start saving up. Make a cash jar for money you would have spent on shit food or w/e.

>> No.12247943

Skinny with loose skin is better than fat and the skin will tighten some too. Just start!!

>> No.12247949
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>> No.12247950

Join our Telegram!!! https://t.me/bogboys

>> No.12247953

I'm 5'7" and am coming back from 206 lbs maximum. How do you figure you'll have loose skin? Is it all concentrated in your belly or something? I don't have any lose skin, just slight stretch marks around my hips and (horrid) stretch marks on my left shoulder. No loose skin.

>> No.12247961

Well, I have major stretch marks everywhere, my fat is mostly in my stomach and thighs

>> No.12247962

Tut mir leid.

>> No.12247964

Most of this whole thread though. Very little actual thinspo topics.

Overweight people, you will get much more help in a weight loss forum for (surprise) overweight people. Ditto for bulimics, best you will get here is 'don't purge'. Guys wanting exercise/body-shaping tips, /fit/.

>> No.12247969

It was in response to the gif. Didn't even read your post, broheem.

>> No.12247975

If by "erotic" you mean "I feel sexy in skinny jeans," then yeah, although I haven't gone as skinny as some of them get. Switching from tighty whities to boxer briefs got me feeling the same way, and so does losing weight. I can actually feel like I could be considered attractive to somebody, which is kind of nice and novel for me, and yeah, it's kind of erotic.

>> No.12247989

these threads are changing me. ive been straight my entire life but the pics of the skinny boys are turning me on and ive gotten a few boners. what is happening to me ):

>> No.12247990
File: 187 KB, 409x187, thinspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For IF fans and fasting friends: what can I do to make going to bed on an easier stomach easier?

I've personally been using chamomile tea because I've heard that helps you sleep and doesn't have caffeine in it. It seems to work pretty well but I was curious to know if anybody else had anything they do.

>> No.12247999

This. I'm straight but I like seeing cute boys in thinspo more often than the girls because I can be attracted to the boys or I can want to look like them or both, while with girls it's (usually) just the first one (but not exclusively). It's not homosexual because I'm not into the masculine guys and I also have a thing for some of the more androgynous girls so it's more like I have a type that happens to transcend sex than that I'm gay or anything.

when you're getting boners it's at least a little gay, though

>> No.12248013
File: 93 KB, 750x740, tumblr_ok8vq1xatx1w2ieq0o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think her bmi/bf% is? This is my goal body.

>> No.12248022

Your insecurity is showing. Just dress however makes you feel good and let other people do the same. No one that's graduated middle school gives a shit

>> No.12248041

indeed they are

>> No.12248132

thinking youre straight isnt the same as actually being straight

>> No.12248156
File: 2.42 MB, 1548x3034, lpkiop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I thinspo

>> No.12248161

no, but you do have the perfect male body.

>> No.12248169

You could change your eating window. I eat one or two hours before I sleep.

>> No.12248320

post boipucci

>> No.12248394
File: 279 KB, 989x1917, IMG_0573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is thinspo just being lucky enough to have a nice skeleton?

>> No.12248399

This body is quite ugly desu

>> No.12248543


how do I cop your body

>> No.12248544

not very low, probably 20 with a low weight. if you have big enough hips should be pretty easy to achieve

>> No.12248547


is this a maale body or female body

>> No.12248549

That is fucking disgusting, how do you have saggy ass tits as a 130lbs boy?

>> No.12248567


>> No.12248591
File: 39 KB, 564x564, f2f9b6e62ae2334a3daef940e7cbbde7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke but I stopped recently because I want to be healthier and it always made my teeth feel bad.

>> No.12248596

They're really really cute.

>> No.12248601

I'd guess 18. She'd be way chubbier at a 20 BMI.

>> No.12248605

meant to say 20% bf sorry

>> No.12248617

tfw too insecure about my station in life to find a gf

>> No.12248649

Just drink water afterwards to balance the pH in your mouth.

>> No.12248676

It absolutely does, and so does this: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2016/07/05/ajcn.116.133561.abstract
, but I'm not going to argue with mealcucks whose brain is oxygen starved

>> No.12248679

How much does having no period affect my TDEE?

>> No.12248693

I'm lucky to have the opposite problem. I can only sleep well with an empty stomach.

>> No.12248752
File: 59 KB, 564x564, 6dc446a42f6e791e332b8163b7781c7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone's interested in being bullied by their calorie counting app: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id912570794

I'd try it but I got a premium Lose It account recently and the calorie estimate Carrot gave me is really low.

>> No.12248754

Why the fuck is 90% of the fat I want to lose located on my stomach, buttocks and thighs?

>> No.12248783

Because you're a woman.

>> No.12248791

I ate fried fish last night.

>> No.12248794

No, that's ottermode. Better for guys, I think.

>> No.12248874

Not a meal cuck. IF + LCHF. You should have started with the study if you had it, retard.

>> No.12248878

You originally said that eating 500 calories under your TDEE will magically modify your TDEE lower. You said absolutely nothing about changing the composition of your calories. Don't move the goalpost now, anon.

>> No.12248881

Because you eat carbs, because you don't exercise, because your hormones are out of wack due to lack of dietary fat which is needed to synthesize them, or shitty genetics. In order of fixability.

>> No.12248986

Fuck off attention whore

>> No.12249070

Did anyone's weight loss seem to slow down when they added exercise to the equation? I know it's probably that I'm gaining muscle but I'd like to hear other people's experiences. How much did it slow down for you?

>> No.12249082

How long will it take to lose 11 pounds by doing IF(23-1) with a deficit of 500? (1500 is maintenance)

>> No.12249088



>> No.12249090
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>> No.12249101

Shit. I'm already below 18. I wish I had bigger hips

>> No.12249103

pls stop posting this ugly girl

>> No.12249194
File: 230 KB, 496x492, rainbow wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to run during a fast? I'm about 23 hours now without eating

>> No.12249197

Please stop being a smelly attention whore.

>> No.12249206

the only thing smelly here is your jealousy

>> No.12249220

Personally I feel better if I wait until after eating. Long walks are much easier when your in ketosis.

>> No.12249243

You're the jealous one criticizing everyone and calling ugly girls and boys while you post shitty pictures in shitty kigus trying to look cute.

>> No.12249258

Gross body and yet I can guarantee he'll still have thirsty guys after him on other boards just for having man boobs and being pale. This site grosses me out sometimes

>> No.12249266

200-300 depending on the size of the bell pepper, probably inbetween

oh my god she's transforming

No they just feel strange
But I don't really like skinny jeans on people, I like long socks and I get the same thing with thigh highs, aroused even

You caught the gay

Looks like me and i'm 20 bmi
I think she just has a wide pelvis

Thinspo = low fat and low muscle

I'm actually pretty jealous
You could turn it into a nice body with some work

Does it sound like a cute girl?

If you feel ok it's ok
It's more about excess in the long run

>> No.12249288

How do I stop being anorexic and bulimic to keep a thin body?

>> No.12249317

Self-control mostly

know your TDEE, monitor your weight every week and adjust consumption for it

>> No.12249350

it doesn't, except to signal that your tdee must be incredibly low

>> No.12249362
File: 1.11 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20170207_133019003_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I work on?

>> No.12249366

I think it's easier to stop being anorexic first and just loose healthily if you regain too much
Otherwise same rules apply as to regular recovery you just don't bother reaching the regular bmi

>> No.12249372

Nothing, you're fine and conventionally attractive
Everything else is a personal preference we can't advice you on

>> No.12249384

you really should shave

>> No.12249418

>achieve skinny
>still constantly worry about how much I'm eating and feel guilty if I go the slightest bit over target calorie intake (even though it's often still lower than TDEE a couple hundred calories)

>> No.12249520

Are you doing OMAD? Then yeah, exercise is not just ok but good. Exercise is good at any time.

>> No.12249685
File: 3.17 MB, 1306x1356, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why are you still here?

honestly piss off, no one gives a shit about tripfags like you who have so much to say about 17 year olds who can land shows and campaigns

you'll always be an anon

>> No.12249700
File: 1.30 MB, 742x988, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we all know you're not Eliza

stop roleplaying

>> No.12249711
File: 1.03 MB, 976x946, 45457634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12249732
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>> No.12249739
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>> No.12249765

What kind of third world shit hole do you live in?

I know its been a while since you've left the computer room but people don't square up with random people in white neighborhoods

>> No.12249782

think i just turned straight

>> No.12249865

wait so you were gay but I am so unattractive that I made you straight again? Unless you are female.

>> No.12249916

what is the verdict on red beans and rice dinners?

is a bowl of that stuff good /thinspo/ eating or is it fat people food

>> No.12249918

I think it was the latter.

>> No.12249936

You decide:
Nutrition information
(Amount per serving)
Calories: 324Cholesterol: 20mg
Sodium: 1073mgProtein: 10g
Total Fat: 8gFiber: 7g
Carbohydrate: 53g

No vitamins or minerals listed.

>> No.12250003

It's a good food on maintenance (better use brown rice tho) but I wouldn't loose on it unless your TDEE is like 2000

If you're vegan better just eat like a bird and stick to just the beans + seeds/nuts

>> No.12250032

How do I stop people laughing at me and calling me a faggot? 25, 6'1/143, long hair, straight. I was thin all my life and now I think I should have start hitting the gym a couple of years ago.

>> No.12250052

are you sure they're laughing at you because youre skinny? and ye gym will fix that, especially if youre 6'1

>> No.12250061


the combination of being a thin, straight dude and having long hair resulted in the faggot-calling and ridicule, i think. i'm not discouraging you from being thin, but if you want to be just that then the long hair might not be so beneficial to you in terms of not looking like a faggot.

i dunno man, those are my two cents

>> No.12250070

Well half a year ago two niggers punched me in the face slightly and yold me to get a haircut, I look like a fag. Not joking. Also I have a good jaw but otherwise more of a femininr face I think and look younger than I am. I'm oj with the latter but you know people don't take you seriously as you getting older.

>> No.12250072

Poor nutrition choice and a big 'no' if you restrict calories and carbs, it's just full of carbs and salt. I can't see anyone on a thinspo plan eating any of this at all.

>> No.12250112

well then ye it sounds like you need to get a haircut then. 25 is pretty old for a man to still have long hair.

>> No.12250119

Okay if you're eating carbs but in the grand scheme shit-tier because of its lack of fat and overabundance of carbs.

>> No.12250120

post a pic that blocks the eyes so we know what you mean

>> No.12250130

>lack of fat
I thought you typically fry some onions to go with it or use fatty broth to cook rice (or both)
Maybe I'm thinking about different kind of beans and rice

>> No.12250163

Eh, I don't post pictures of myself on tibetian porno cartoon image board. Also for what purpose, I gave you my measurment and I know I'm not very masculine looking.

>> No.12250177

Face shape determines whether hair detracts from or adds to the overall aesthetics.

>> No.12250178

just stop looking like a faggot

>> No.12250191

See? See?! I told you! Goddamit!

>> No.12250323

>My bones show specially my hip bones and my spine
>Still have fat thighs, stomach, and chin
Am I skinny fat? is it shitty genetics? I work my thighs a lot and it seems like it's harder for me to get a thigh gap.. and my chin is just disgusting I don't know how to get rid of it

>> No.12250339

Same except the chin
>lose 10kg/22lbs
>still wear the same pant size

>> No.12250342


>> No.12250358

>"that sounds dumb"
>touch my palate
>immediately feel the whole chin tightening up

>> No.12250402

>drink a ton of water
>have to pee nonstop
am i drinking too much?

>> No.12250408

oh you're so funny

>> No.12250412


>> No.12250415

not trying to be funny ;_;
just started and dont know anything
ok ty

>> No.12250428

we can make it anon
thanks for posting the video I'm going to start doing this, I thought it was only a /fa/ or /fit/ meme -I don't remember- but apparently it's not

>> No.12250436

If you're a girl it's cute. If you're a boy it's weird.

>> No.12250476

boy here ):

>> No.12250551

Dude it's like you think 25 is old or something.

>> No.12250615

age is just a number bb

>> No.12250668
File: 46 KB, 960x960, 1449852156714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many hours do you have to fast before your body burns fat?

>> No.12250688

To specifically burn fat your body needs to use all the sugar stored in your liver first. It takes a full day of fasting if you binge/were eating your TDEE.

>> No.12250842

You need salt. You aren't retaining the water properly.

>> No.12250847

Assuming you're not eating LCHF.

>> No.12250848

what is a good food to eat for salt?

>> No.12250852

Add 1/4 tsp of salt to a 8oz/240ml of warm water and drink. It has to be warm or, in my experience, it will taste weird. Boom. Sorted.

>> No.12250855

awesome ty !

>> No.12250930

What if you're doing IF?

>> No.12250957

Or miso soup! Delish <3

>> No.12251072

New thread!
