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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 332 KB, 617x818, 20170216_064619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12242980 No.12242980 [Reply] [Original]

Grew my hair out for winter, but it's starting to get thick and unruly. So I come to you, /fa/, asking for advice becuase sometimes y'all give legitimately good feedback on this sorta thing.

>> No.12242985

Yayy youre back geese, imyy

>> No.12242992

btw are you single now?

>> No.12242993

Hooooly shit, you remember me? First post too. And here I was assuming no one would recognize my mug if I left that awful trip name off my OP.

>> No.12242996

On paper? Yes. I am technically single now I guess lol. Married to my work now though haha. Need a haircut for dem high-profile job interviews.

>> No.12242997

Yea man, you just really caught my attention in that one thread and I never forgot, the funny thing is I dont even browse here often and just come every few months or so

>> No.12243000

Well damn, that might've just made my day. I don't usually lurk here either, and I haven't posted a thing since that thread. Weird how the cosmos just lines up like that sometimes.

>> No.12243003

Hey angel

>> No.12243006

Ha oh man are you a second anon who was in that thread? Would you happen to have that gabriel drawing someone did? That was really sweet.

Also, does anyone have any idea about what I should do with my hair?

>> No.12243010
File: 306 KB, 700x1000, angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes its me. Can't believe i still have this. Good to see you back. I'll post you a pic i like of your hair

>> No.12243011
File: 236 KB, 2000x2000, angel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair on the right

>> No.12243013

Holy canoli, I love that drawing.

>> No.12243016

Most righteous indeed - I've definitely been considering going that short again.

>> No.12243017
File: 276 KB, 800x1020, angelsuperman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have another

>> No.12243022

Woah I don't think I remember that one! Oh man, I look good as a superhero. Do you hang around /ic/ at all? I love that board

>> No.12243024
File: 325 KB, 965x1709, angel4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this as well. I guess its similar length to the other pic just messy style

>> No.12243039

You know what? I do remember that drawing now. I remember another anon reacted strangely to it for some reason.

Y'all have seriously made my day btw. I was expecting 80% comments of hateful crap, and 20% good advice. Instead I got two people who remembered me from some random-ass thread I made about a year ago. That's an excellent way to start the day in my opinion. Thank you

>> No.12243043

I'll always remember you. You have such a calming and beautiful face. I was actually thinking about you a couple months ago. Hope you are doing well

>> No.12243045



>> No.12243065

Dang man, not even going to give feedback on the OP?
I'm doing pretty well. In good health and working on projects I love so I've got little to complain about. How about you? Any new art?

>> No.12243072

im not the artist. I admire the artwork inspired by you and saved them. I'm a fan of you both

>> No.12243079
File: 273 KB, 1536x2048, 32016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha it's even cooler that you still have those pictures then. Here, have a terrible picture of a picture of me that my photographer friend took for her senior thesis.

>> No.12243081

i'll add it to my collection. Very handsome

>> No.12243214

keep the top slightly longer (about halfway down your nose) and get a low fade on the sides. Will fit you face way better than the long hair you got right now. You're not doing your amazing face justice with that ugly ass long hair.

>> No.12243251

Hell yeah, thank you. Do you have a picture of what that might look like or a name for me to google? I'm pretty sure I can see it in my head, but I like visuals.

>> No.12243259

Give me your jaw please

>> No.12243310

Hm. Haha you don't want it, trust me. I've got tmj/tmd pretty bad, id say a little over half of my life is spent with a migraine lol.

>> No.12243376

make it 3 of us.
nice to hear you are doing fine my man
go for the right one in >>12243011 for sure

>> No.12243432


>> No.12243730

4 people from the last thread!? and only one jerk in this one?!!

Truly I am blessed today. Hope you guys are having a kickass day, and thank you for the vote anon.

>> No.12243774

how to forget the most handsome man on 4chan

>> No.12244053

Ha that's seems EXTREMELY generous but I appreciate the sentiment friend!

>> No.12244072

Humble and virtuous, he truly is the Angel Gabriel sent to earth to cleanse what is evil, and acquire a glorious mane!

>> No.12244126

Do you Still smoke meth?

>> No.12244270

Hm, am I just being made into a meme of some sort?
No becuase meth is illegal, officer

Also, more input on my hair dilemna would be super wicked. Anyone for the long hair? I normally don't cut it until mid-march or so, but it's gotten pretty wild this winter

>> No.12244288
File: 286 KB, 1523x2710, angel6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel Gabriel is back

>> No.12244302

just fuck your shit up dude

>> No.12244308

go short hair my man
not really that extreme, you are definitely more attractive thank pretty much everyone here

>> No.12244368
File: 395 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1802236706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting again
been growing my hair out for alost a year but idk some shit happened and I lost a bunch of hair
alopecia or something
should I buzz and would I look good, don't wanna look JUST

>> No.12244384

you just ruined a perfect thread thanks anon

>> No.12244394


>> No.12244403

kill yourself my man

>> No.12244417

Impregnate me

>> No.12244465

thread ruined boys

>> No.12244651

delete this

>> No.12244663
File: 874 KB, 3264x1836, angel7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take one of these from the savior himself you demon

>> No.12244726
File: 254 KB, 2000x2000, geese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saving this thread. Look how perfect he is

>> No.12244774

Haha quite the strategic shitpost my dude.
Man, I'm just floored at how many pictures people saved. It's flattering as hell, but I'm also a bit flustered by it.

>> No.12244792
File: 696 KB, 957x1455, 20170216_212724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot off the press my family. This is what my long hair normally looks like. The OP is hairdried hair

>> No.12244799

just go for this
Maybe a little shorter on the sides though. You look like a god there

>> No.12244806
File: 786 KB, 1826x2519, angelprofile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting a rare geese profile

>> No.12244817
File: 60 KB, 750x564, l1485592446403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit has it been a year already? time feels like we were in the original thread a week ago

BTW I think short hair works better with your face, like the right side from the first pic you ever posted. The long hair also looks good but it gives you a more "attractive marine biologist who gives tours of coral reefs during the summer to help pay the bills" while the short hair makes you look like a hot-shot professional

personal taste but I'd recommend going for the general Alain Delon aesthetic in hair and fashion

>> No.12244864

Hell yeah that's some high quality advice right there, thank you. I really like that overall look in your picture.

>> No.12244895

oh you motherfucker. handsome handsome (right image is best)

>> No.12244901

Hey mate can you post a picture of your body? Wondering about your bodyfat%. I'm from /fit/ and I wasn't gonna cut much more but I'm interested if it might have a positive effect on my jaw to get even leaner, or if your jaw contouring is mainly thanks to genes

>> No.12245044
File: 828 KB, 2000x2000, 1457062427158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last angel pic before i head out. Bless him

>> No.12245168
File: 433 KB, 2172x3862, 20170217_000515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally had to reactivate my old facebook to find these lol. If you can't tell, I have a decently high metabolism. The jaw is probably 50/50 between bf% and genetics desu, although no one else in my family has a particularly stronk jaw so don't take my word for it.

Good work on your efforts man, I have huge respect for people who make time to discipline and work their bodies.

>> No.12245169

I rly like this style

Do you have more pics of this cut?

>> No.12245193

Do you usually suck your cheeks in for pics or is your bf% really low?
Also, how do you get your skin to look so nice?

>> No.12245197
File: 633 KB, 2896x2896, 20170217_002232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I don't even have that picture anymore. Sorry man. I've gotten a new phone since that last thread and I'm not generally one to save old pictures. These are the best I could find on this phone

>> No.12245218

People ask me about my cheeks all the time haha. I just have naturally gaunt cheeks so in the right lighting they look really intense. I've never been one to suck in my cheeks becuase I've been razzed about looking like I do it since high school. No reason to make it worse.

Skin? Hmm I don't get asked about my skin often. I guess the #1 thing I can think of is that I don't wash my face. Washing it makes me break out real bad now. I also only shower when I've earned it (sweat or dirt), and I use cold water. I eat balanced meals and don't mind exercise though I don't go looking for it on it's own. I'm a high-strung guy but I try to keep cool-headed and stress free when I can which I've heard can help.

Sorry I'm not much help, I usually don't pay attention to skin on myself or other people so I haven't given much thought to how I maintain mine.

>> No.12245234
File: 400 KB, 749x1031, 20170209_074950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another profile

>> No.12245555

Always a treat to see you geese

>> No.12245568

can you smile for us?

>> No.12246241

Like this guy?:

>> No.12246886

It's always bittersweet to see socially retarded guys that look like Chads

>> No.12246942

I think you might be projecting a little bit friend. I think it's weird that you felt compelled to share your negative attitude with strangers on the internet.

>> No.12246950

I'm just saying it's bittersweet to see a really hot guy posting on 4chan is all

>> No.12246964

Oh, well I've been here way before anyone ever considered me attractive. And 4chan isn't all bad, this thread is proof that a bunch of nice people post on this site.

>> No.12248089
File: 528 KB, 947x1175, 1486666005745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love your eyes m8

>> No.12248268

well u are manlet no body cares your face m8 are you something 5.9 - 5.10?

>> No.12248727

you know what you have to do
buzz it

>> No.12248775

You look just fine with the hair you have in this pic

>> No.12249517

I'm 6'2'' my dude.

Woah, that is the first vote for that hairstyle on /fa/ or in real life that I've gotten.

>> No.12249525

Thank you, I actually don't like my eyes usually. Theyre too lazy looking
I've tried buzzing and it looks BAD haha

>> No.12249567

hair looks great as it is imo

>> No.12249688

Two votes. Neato, it's nice to hear I haven't been walking around looking like an idiot

>> No.12249774



>> No.12249828

I've got kinda similar hair, maybe a bit wirier
I take showers in the morning, only ever use conditioner, and leave a towel on my hair to dry it. Never use any product
I find my routine makes it a much more manageable, but that's just me

>> No.12250183

this. Right all the way

>> No.12250667

hahahah women...amirite?

and I said, that's NOT my WIFE!

>> No.12250859

Ill give that a try, thank you sir.
I wish I understood that referrence

>> No.12250917

DON'T keep it long. You want to show off a much of that perfect face and bone structure as possible. Like others have said, go for the right pic >>12243011 you have a gift make the most of it. Longer hair will contour your face and not show its full potential. Don't be afraid to go for the short sides and back army style cut. I encourage it in fact. You seem like a nice person and its refreshing to see a down to earth handsome man. Don't hide your features, exploit them

>> No.12250921

WHY they fuck are you making a seperate thread for your hear when there are generals for this, you insecure narcissistic little faggot cunt? How vapid are you? How utterly bereft of character? My god look at yourself. You're a fucking charicature.

>> No.12250931

this post screams insecurity and jealousy

>> No.12250940

Yes, not at all like posting a literal /soc/ thread for yourself because you are far too important for hair generals.

>> No.12250948

im not him, but he is far and above in the top tier of handsome people here. People know from his thread a year ago where we called him Angel Gabriel. He warrants his own threads

>> No.12251026

Thank you man, I've decided to definitely get it cut now. Not super short, but nothing over the ears or in my face anymore.

Hey man, I see what you're saying. Ill admit my ego loves the attention, but I honestly started this seperate thread purely becuase I knew it would garauntee an answer to my question. I had no idea anyone would remember me, I actually anticipated a lot more negative responses than positive ones.

You might be right though, it's not becoming of a person to use attention as a way to feel good.

>> No.12251029

No one anon warrant their own threads. Head on over to /soc/ if you want to cam whore. This board is about fashion, not faggots.

>> No.12251290

you have to admit this anon is /fa/ as fuck, facial structure alone. You're the insecure faggot m8. pls leave now. Geese is our handsome friend, you can piss off

>> No.12251670


>> No.12251844

what product are you using in these pics, if any?
i would fucking murder to have your hair quality

>> No.12252357

PLEASE be my bf

>> No.12252374

if OP posted this exact same picture and the exact same text, BUT instead his hairline was very receding and he was clearly balding, this entire thread would be way different.

>> No.12252520
File: 17 KB, 527x612, 2UEk3QZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I will never have a bf that looks this good
Why can't I just die in my sleep already

>> No.12252844

In the right side of the second picture I think Im using some sort of medium hold, medium shine wax. Otherwise I just try to not over-shampoo
Youd need to be in GA now or MD in 4 months haha.
I think that might be a very accurate assumption my dude.
I don't date based on looks friend. Well, i do judge ladies on how well they dress and take care of themselves but those are reflections of their personality. Its crazy how attractive someone is just by being a responsible, well mannered and passionate person. Strive to be a better person each day and you'll find yourself surrounded by people who are attractive inside and out.

>> No.12253675

Why did you delete your Instagram, I asked my friend to give it to his agent and they got back telling me there was nothing in the link :-/ I really wanted to help you out dude!

>> No.12253678
File: 304 KB, 1432x1432, pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello this is my face attention pls?

>> No.12253721

I kept it up for a while, like a week or two, but I started getting some seriously weird messages from people who were tracking down my facebook and youtube. Ive got half a mind to start another now since my youtube and facebook are both disabled.
Very handsome man, you're almost as handsome as my father.

>> No.12253741
File: 59 KB, 800x600, whoobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man thanks my dad is pretty hot too imo

>> No.12253811

oh i dont know if my dad is "hot", but i think he's got that classic manly handsome thing going for him. It's a dying look these days to be honest - you know what i mean, that swagger that men had in the 70's and 80's.