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12225273 No.12225273 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /mews/ and have you noticed a difference? I've been trying to keep my tongue on the roof of my mouth but I forget to a lot of the time. I don't know if I should keep trying or just stop. Is it pointless?

>> No.12225344

It's pointless if you're an adult.

>> No.12225353

Its not it just takes a bit longer, watch some of mews videos at conferences and stuff

>> No.12225433

Don't get you hope up if you are over 15

>> No.12225442

I'm 19 but my face looks super young and i doubt I'm done growing
Is there hope?
My jaw is already above average, but i really want to ascend to chad mode
Also is swallowing so your tongue is suctioned to the roof of your mouth cheating?

>> No.12225461

I've been mewing for about 6 months, my jaw kinda grew and got better (even tho I'm chubby so you can't see a big difference)
I also chew a lot of hard gum and that helped
My facial structure was already good so I can't say anything about that

>> No.12225494
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>> No.12225510

Pretty sure Ive done this all my life and Im ugly AF.
Bet I have a great jawline though . . . .
26 years old never once had my tongue not on the roof its just natural.
Deff dint know it was 'a thing' so thanks for that little bit of knowledge.

>> No.12225521

No that's the whole point of Mike jewing

>> No.12225537

i have been doing this for about three years now, im so used to it that I don't know anything else. this is good because my tongue stays in place even when I sleep.

I have definitely noticed some effects, though it probably also has to do with age as I was 17 when I started.

>> No.12225540

I started when I was 17 and I can say that it does work but its a very slow process.

As long as you are continuing to do it and even buying some falim gum to further shape your jaw, you'll see progress

We'll make it brahs

>> No.12225565
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>Pretty sure Ive done this all my life and Im ugly AF.

>> No.12225591

>jawlets actually believe there is anything they can do

This is pretty pathetic guys

>> No.12225618

I’ve been mewing for about 3 weeks now and it’s drastically changed my life. I recently overcame a year long depression mewing was one of the first things I started doing. I’ve also been strictly breathing through my nose and work on moving my bottom teeth past my front teeth for moments at a time. I can breathe through my nose without thinking about it now. As I lay in bed before I fall asleep I shift my jaw forward, adjust my tongue and strictly breathe through my nose; I also use just one pillow. This opens up your airways, slack jaw and poor tongue placement significantly constricts your breathing. It’s improved my sleep so much that I can actually power nap now without feeling tired. As far as aesthetic differences I haven’t noticed much as I have a full beard that I plan on shaving soon. But I can tell you not being a mouth breather is probably more effay than having a nice jawline. Which prior to my life spiraling out of control I had an above average jaw so yeah

>> No.12225989

Started at 16~

Am currently 18 and a half

Got some significant progress. Unsure if it was due to mewing or what not. One of these days I'll post a collage of pics from when I was 14-18 to show differences.

>> No.12226016

nobody claims you'll be a hollywood actor. the point is that essentially every aspect of your appearance exists on a spectrum that can be improved.

if your hair is greasy and thin you can wash it and eat vitamins. eat the right things for good skin. wash and cleanse your skin. run 3 miles a day. don't load up on carbs, get lean by eating fish poultry vegetables. drink water

mewing is similar, keeping good posture, chewing enough hard foods, its a maintenance thing.

>> No.12226029

Find me peer reviewed journals supporting this

>> No.12226087

>One of these days I'll post a collage of pics from when I was 14-18 to show differences

do it anon, im really curious to see

>> No.12226100

How does falim gum help? I see everyone mentioning it but I'm unsure of how it would work.

>> No.12226193

It won't help a lot but it will make your muscles stronger
The masseter is the muscle you see on the sides of your face that "sticks out" making you look good
Eating falim or mastic gum will exercise the muscle, making it grow and well, giving you a better facial structure

>> No.12226268
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I just chew mastic gum everyday, helped alot

>> No.12226276

I have definitely seen improvement, It has pushed me to fix my other posture problems too.

>> No.12226278

u got aids buddy?

>> No.12226290

I had a palatal expander cause my roof was too small
Now I can slide my jaw forward to a much more comfortable position and my jaw is also a lot more prominent
And putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth helps a lot.

Some advice though. When I first started off, I thought the emphasis was the tip of my tongue, that it needed to be behind my front teeth, that's all. But that's wrong. My Ortho said that to make everything work properly, the middle of your tongue should be at the roof of your mouth. Like, the middle part should be resting against the part that feels like two butt cheeks.

>> No.12226294


>> No.12226344

lips chapped homie
we look fairly similar from the bottom half

>> No.12226361

What the fuck exactly do you do? After googling around this literally sounds like some pointless meme created by an autist and it only caught on because people are desperate to change their looks.

>> No.12226385

it basically involves using upward forces to gradually bring the maxilla forward. maxilla, cheek bones, masseter muscle, head and spine posture, eating habits, mouth breathing etc all these factors contribute to appearance and/or development of the face

>> No.12226393

>using upward forces

>> No.12226396

Is this how all the people on /fa/ facial threads get strong jawlines and sunken cheeks? Through mewing? I gotta try this shit. Granted im 18.

>> No.12226402
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soon 20yrs, am I too late?

>> No.12226404

>As I lay in bed before I fall asleep I shift my jaw forward, adjust my tongue and strictly breathe through my nose
Chances are this doesn't do muchc since once you fall asleep your jaw slides back down into its old position.

You're going to need a biobloc, pistons, or a double sided mouth guard/impression to keep your jaw in the spot that you want it to be in while you sleep.

>> No.12226406
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>mfw I realize I was 18 three years ago

>> No.12226431


I feel bad for you. Uhm get braces and jaw implants/chin implants or jaw surgery. if not, try mewing idk?

>> No.12226510


yes so in mew's case its the tongue. tongue is powerful muscle capable of exerting a lot of force on the roof of mouth. devices also for this purpose can be worn but may cost in the thousands of dollars

>> No.12226566

Wanna know how I know you have a vagina?

>> No.12226901

>What the fuck exactly do you do?

Close your mouth you dumb shit.

>> No.12226907

i kept my mouth shut all the time because i was an autistic anti social child.

now im 18 with chad face.

>> No.12226911


no u ra cuck

>> No.12227230

I know I know
Surprisingly my jaw sorta stays in position and as far as I can tell I'm breathing through my nose. But you're right anon I need a mouth guard

>> No.12227281

Why are you feeling bad for him? He doesn't have a superman jawline that's true, but he doesn't look lie a mouthbreather jawlet either. He seems ok but definitely could use improvement

>> No.12227588

this looks like the result of a herbst device
weak chins are usually the result of poor facial posture, and after a certain age it can't be changed without surgery

>> No.12228760

Doesn't do much if you're fat, lose weight also exercise your jaw everyday