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/fa/ - Fashion

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12196613 No.12196613 [Reply] [Original]

trying to live a better life anything i can add to this list would help
improving by:
1.making my room cleaner
2.sleeping at 9, waking up at 1, then going back to sleep when i don't want to study/do shit anymore
3.forgo the use of my smartphone and go for a slightly shittier, old blackberry and a zune 120gb for my music
4.get better handwriting
5.reading more/faster(college pretty much forces me to do this anyway)
6.eating one meal alone(have been doing this for a long time, but college made it harder- trying to keep this going though)
7.have better looking(simple) stationary and organize my backpack better
8.eating only one giant meal a day twice a week
9. drinking turkish coffee while relaxing instead of just chugging pots of coffee
10.cutting down from smoking 2 packs a day
11. doing drugs only twice a week, with the exception of alcohol(to unwind) and weed(for sleep)

>> No.12196796


>> No.12196799

killing yourself is pretty effay

>> No.12196840

A totally /fa/ lifestyle is basically
>Sleep all the time or never sleep at all
>Barely eat, mainly survive on black coffee and cigarettes
>Have your job be something creative you can do from home (writing, art, music, etc)
>Don't socialise
>Maybe have a manageable heroin addiction

Whatever gets you closer to that life is good. Any life is /fa/ with the right attitude though. Just be apathetic and self assure

>> No.12197423
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As long as it's an improvement I'll believe in you. I would recommend your end goal to not do any drugs and no alcohol. Get a good sleep cycle going on. 8-9 hours. I see you said weed for sleep, have you tried nyquil or zzzquil? or even meditation? You need to eat , Anon. Drink lots of water and make sure to reach your macros for the day (in a healthy way) at least. Everything else looks good. Maybe if you're strong willed enough you can cut cursing/swearing from your vocabulary. Rally hard but it's possible. Small thing, but I'd also recommend to call your Dad, Mom, Siblings, Grandparents, friends or any one that has a great meaning to your life and just say that you love them. You'll regret it when it's too late, I know I have. Good luck, Anon, I believe in you. Stay strong.

>> No.12197474

Being dysfunctional is not /fa/.
It's just 4chan in general.

>> No.12197475
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>heroin addiction

Top kek, your an idiot. 104 days clean from all mood and mind altering substances (save coffee). Heroin is everything but manageable. If you dont believe me, go grab a bag. Ill see you in NA in a few years and congrats you on your many felonies and pawned rick owens

>> No.12197481

its a meme you dip

>8.eating only one giant meal a day twice a week
the rest are solid but this one will fuck with your bowels

>> No.12198092

Please explain number 6.

>> No.12198100

people who take drugs and are still successful in college fuck me off

>> No.12198196
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If that drug is meth, hell yeah! Either the street or legal variety (adderal). Upper in general. Downers had me passing out in class though and missing classes because i was too busy copping.

>> No.12198625

i like to sit and just eat by myself for one meal instead of having to socialize the entire time
this is p helpful for a better life but i want a more /fa/ life lmfao

also atm i have a pretty manageable ketamine/heroin habit but im only doing them every other week or so. have been using for arnd 1 1/2 yrs. i think the best tip i can give is to just not get tolerance/dependence as this can lead to addiction due to avoidance of withdrawals or a lack of anything to do when not doing drugs

>> No.12198651

my ideal self, i think
start hobbies that are long term and require patience like gardening, music, poetry,
keep a diary and be completely honest even if its delusional or might be uncomfortable
get a dog that requires maintenance, no lap dog that can stay inside for weeks. this should one of you few attachments
stop worrying about others opinions of yourself and do as you please.
be considerate of health and only only break for use of recreational drug use, barring its not addictive
extreme disciple when it comes to work or school
create relationships that are balanced even tho this is nearly impossible
visit place, either countries or museums whatever, in different periods or moods of your life and write how the surrounds come across
see your family as often as possible and again try to balance your relationships
seriously create an art piece or at least some form of expression at least every week. they cant be show to others
swimming but not in pools, only in lakes or oceans, chlorine is bad for hair
no clothing that is not essential and effortless.
sleep whenever you can but try to earn it
read regularly. most be moderately provocative and challenging so as to progress

>> No.12198834

you need to cut the hard drug use all together to be fa buddy

>> No.12198883
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>it's the manageable heroin addiction meme

>> No.12199497


>> No.12199509


>> No.12199511

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.12199968

Drink more water

>> No.12199983

i'd adjust the sleeping a bit. waking up in the mornings can feel really good if you're well rested enough. 9-8/9 would be better

>> No.12200644

So Im gonna be that 'autist'

1. Good rule, take it further tho.
2. 9pm-1pm? or 9pm-1am? Both pretty dumb.
3. Zune???
4. Good rule.
5. Good rule, unless its just so you can say 'ye I read it'
6. Whut?
7. Oh god.
8. Really dumb/unhealthy.
9. Hipster.
10. Gay, what you mean 2 packs? is that 20, 32, 36, or 40 cigs?
11. Jesus, I mean good for you but sounds like a phase anyway.

Its cute that youve reached 18 n all and I dont even care if this is bait but none of this is /fa.
Or maybe it is cos its very try hard and on the verge of hipster to fuck.

Most of what youve said is just growing up anon.

>> No.12200669

>hey dude the best thing to avoid getting addicted is to just not get addicted haha come on lets do another bump of arguably the most highly addictive drug on the planet
>don't worry bro we just have to not get addicted and we'll be fine
off yourself. you're a scourge on the human race.

>> No.12201473

still don't underdtand why 7 is oh god. I use the disposable bic pens and staples brand notebooks. I just want to have cleaner stationary because my shit is always crinkled and fucked with stains and bitemarks.

for number 10 i dont get why smoking is gay. I don't smoke for the looks of it or anything along the sort, but I enjoy going to the balcony and having a smoke for myself. Problem is, I always end up having 4 at a time.

>> No.12201482

you're autistic as shit if you think it's the most addictive drug on the planet. Obviously you've never tried it before. There are lots of people who get addicted because it's an easy substance to get addicted to if you don't think about your usage. Personally I think the most addictive drugs are caffeine and amphetamines but maybe that's just me.

>> No.12201489

Also my sleep schedule is more like waking up at 1, then doing work for 1-2hrs and then going back to sleep and waking up at 9. Personally, it really works because I feel rested and I'm a bit more creative.

>> No.12202358

You sound like a fool. I'm shocked that you didn't add "I can stop using anytime I want to!"

>> No.12202854

You wouldnt. Youre deluded sense of self worth shines.

7. Stationary. Bud, youre in school, after 3 years you wont even use stationary or a trapper keeper anymore. Even then no one gives a flying fuck about your pencils. Dont try and justify this by saying 'no, its for me, I want to be organised' then why are you asking if it is /fa? Why do you need validation your stationary is on point 'fashion' wise??

10. Nope, missed the point, you say 2 packs. You say 2 packs to sound all poetic, state the amount you smoke a day or dont mention amounts and just say 'Cut down smoking'

So were talking, 9pm-1am ye? 4 hours, asleep, awake for 2 then sleep for 6?
Fair enough if you feel refreshed but to me if you are going to bed at 9 you are tired by then so cant be benefiting from 10 hours of interrupted sleep. It is too much.
How can you even wake up at 9 to go to college?
try 10pm-6am if you 'need' lots of sleep. Me personally (as an example, not preaching) I sleep 11pm/12am - 5am/6am. When I was working hard (theatre set builder) and tired, literally falling asleep on the sofa, I would sleep 10/11pm - 7am.
I start work now at 7am, used to be 8am.

Too much sleep is way way way worse than not enough.

>> No.12204409

fuck off

>> No.12204414

man yall lame as fuck i thought you'd be like the cool outgoing dudes in this site, you are some special kind of losers

>> No.12204457

you are THE definition of a fucking wannabe holy shit

>> No.12204546
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Which is more addictive.. Hmm
>fucking heroin

Your an idiot kys