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/fa/ - Fashion

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12182392 No.12182392 [Reply] [Original]

There's is a girl in a few of my courses this semester who is absolutely beautiful and dresses immaculately. I know I don't have a shot with her, but I want to know more about her style and inspiration. How can I ask her and remain genuine? Any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.12182398

>How can I ask her and remain genuine?



>> No.12182400

Have you tried taking cocaine to help with your crippling autism?

>> No.12182403

hows she dress

>> No.12182407

"Hey you're cute want to eat lunch sometime?"


bruh that was hard winnit

>> No.12182410

Go up to her and shout 'LONDON'

>> No.12182419


This desu

>> No.12182423

trash her style and invite her to learn from you

(she won't learn anything but she might suck your dick)

Tease her good-naturedly. Stare at her for a minute with obvious mirth on your face and when she catches on, say something like: I'm just trying to figure out how you came up with that outfit.

She'll saying something like what's wrong with it

You say: nothing, it just tells me you're single (she might not be but run with it)

How does it do that?

Because if you had a man he would tell you not to wear that goofy ass shit haha

Once you've thrown her off balance she's easy pickings for your dickings

>> No.12182428

christ. and you're not even kidding.

>> No.12182433


just try it pusslord. you can't compliment your way into a woman's pants

>> No.12182441

>14 year olds on my board

imagine if your child ended up like this guy, lul.

>> No.12182443


>I have never touched a vagina but everyone who disagrees with me must be a virgin

lmaoing at your life pham

keep trying to charm the pants off girls when you have no charm to begin with

>> No.12182469


It amazes me how many underage kids think this kind of thing actually works.

>> No.12182476


lel have you ever tried it?

underage kids get laid all the time. maybe you should learn from them, basement-kun

>> No.12182530

> t. people who have never talked to girls

>> No.12182540

"i have a boyfriend"

>> No.12182547
File: 168 KB, 237x413, trying to kiss extras explanations YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP where did you find that photo?

I swear she is the girl in this video at 0:28
Take a look


>> No.12182551

it's alexis ren you ding a ling

>> No.12182608

Sound gay.

>> No.12182669

actually this. women are like dogs, you can't just give them a treat and a pat on the head. you gotta be a bit of a dick, tell em you don't like what they're wearing

>> No.12182689
File: 806 KB, 750x1220, ugly fatty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related its me

>> No.12182695

there's a difference between being flirty and insulting a girl clearly in jest and being a straight up jerk.

i do pretty well with girls without belittling them. if youre getting girls by doing that then i hope you enjoy your low self-esteem sluts

>> No.12182733

Don't ever post again

>> No.12182769

warning: this line will only work if you're good looking

>> No.12182778

Teasing girls is fine, but 'SJWs' call it negging and most girls see through it by the time they're 21 and have fucked around abit.

It was a good move in high-school (11-16) when there wasn't much to talk to girls about other than pop culture shit.

>> No.12182799

>women are like dogs
oooo love too get my dating advice from edgy shitlords

you dont have to be a SJW to call insulting people to pick them up manipulative and weird and moreover thankfully ineffective on most girls

>> No.12182891

I'm autistic asf but I think you should compliment her style or a clothing article. If you dress well too she will probably take the compliment with even more weight. Legit if you are cool just ask her who her inspiration is or favorite celebrity. It's not hard(irl it's hard asf but I'm 100% sure she would be cool with that)

>> No.12182897

lmao fuck outta here with your dennis-tier pick up artist shit

>> No.12182901

God Alexis Ren looks so vacuous, you JUST KNOW she's borderline retarded.

>> No.12182914

>ay bich leme get dat

>> No.12182918


whether she falls for this or not will tell us how good your school is

>> No.12183010

this made me think

>> No.12183021
File: 19 KB, 456x402, 7ed2029dfdeab59cd39e39d5f912c286724c255395336bceee56184768a0033e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your'e black, arent you?

>> No.12183122

The best way to get a girl is to meet her friends and give them lots of attention. Girls love attention, but don't smother them. Make them work for it.

>> No.12183286

Assuming you're being serious, compliment her on a specific article of clothing by name, bonus points if you know the brand. Then you can go from there, ask where she got it maybe and start up a conversation. Make sure your fit is good because then she'll know you have a mutual appreciation, since she probably gets a lot of compliments from people who are dressed worse than her everyday.

>> No.12183353


>> No.12183387

>1. Wear ALL of your clothes at once. Layer up, pile it on, just somehow put every piece in your entire wardrobe on at the same time.

>2. Walk up to her while she isn't looking. Doesn't matter if there are people around or not.

>3. Start playing a song of your choice, fairly sensual if possible.

>4. Commence stripping slowly and rhythmically. She will immediately be confused as to why you're wearing so many articles of clothing, but her confusion will soon give way to admiration of your good taste. She will ooh and aah over each garment and get gradually more aroused.

>5. Finally, when the last layer comes off, reveal a stomach tattoo that says "T R I C K Y - D I C K Y" and has an arrow pointing down to your junk. Reveal your penis, which should be covered in a small, perfectly-fitting tuxedo. She will have no choice but to marry you on the spot and sex you 3 times a day for the rest of her life.

>> No.12183433
File: 393 KB, 640x360, 1459777790535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic advice coming to you from the tripfag who screams mutilation at anyone with a tattoo or piercing

>> No.12183491

fucking die already

>> No.12183516
File: 72 KB, 604x453, 1469202827612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is good advice

>> No.12183624

You know why nobody likes you? Because you aren't genuine, and are always pretending to be something that you're not.

RY gave some pretty logical and valid advice, but you idiots are too deluded to appreciate its truth.

>> No.12183646

Why is it always L O N D O N?

>> No.12183649

...how dumb do you have to be to think that when the boogiemen you're talking about use the word "negging" that they're just talking about normal teasing

>> No.12183656

If they're not talking about teasing, what are they talking about then?

>> No.12183658

You are making a lot of wrong assumptions about me anon

>you idiots
lol who are you even talking too?

>> No.12183673

Can vouch for this tried and true strategy

>> No.12183680

>I want to genuinely know something without genuinely asking

>> No.12183686

>I know I don't have a shot with her

fucking kys self hating cuck

>> No.12184464

You forgot the trick that makes this shit work is that you always have to aim at least 3 levels below you in terms of appearance, and that it only works on girls with problems.

>> No.12184580

dude i thought of dennis reading that too holy shit

>> No.12184586

>You say: nothing, it just tells me you're single (she might not be but run with it)
Seems autistic
I'm not trusting it

>> No.12185358

embarrassing thread desu

>> No.12185367

Yea. It's not cool to treat woman badly.

B-but woman are all sluts!! The Jews did this to them


>> No.12185373
File: 58 KB, 536x533, 1485393282349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new copypasta?

>> No.12185389

This is the advice, if you have to act a certain way to get a girl interested are you expecting that you'll be able to relax enough around her to be the normal you or are you gonna act for the whole friendship/relationship?
what anime is this from?

>> No.12185400

>start a relationship with someone on false pretenses
>having to maintain said false pretenses in order to maintain relationship

you probably get only one life, why would anyone choose inauthentically?

she doesn't have to be your friend, but if shes mean about it that's what is commonly called a cunt.

>> No.12185431

>been told she's perfect since she was a child
>sexualized since the age of 15

What do you think?

>> No.12185605

all of /fa/ summed up in one thread. beautiful.

>> No.12185861

please stop posting