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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 480x480, fucktrump_burgandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12175361 No.12175361 [Reply] [Original]

This hat just arrived. What do you think about this as a daily hat? I don't want to seem like a tryhard or anything, but I do like the way it looks/fits and I agree with the statement

>> No.12175366

good hat, you could couple it with some sambas and camo pants and go full terrorcore

>> No.12175371

itll go perfectly with your pastel pink tee, light wash denim jacket, rolled up distressed jeans, and your basic ass Adidas.

>> No.12175372

goes perfect with your skinny arms and boytits

>> No.12175374
File: 85 KB, 1024x1024, 1477059221650m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha THIS. So much this. Fuck Drumpf

>> No.12175380


>> No.12175388

>haha guys look my hat says FUCK because i'm ANGERY about TRUMP

i don't think they're gonna let you wear that to high school pal

>> No.12175390

If you live in a liberal city like Portland or something, a lot of people will like it

If you live in Bumfuck Kentucky, I'd be careful about wearing it

>> No.12175400
File: 110 KB, 612x380, john-oliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you can't be /fa/ if you're a liberal weenie

>> No.12175407

Cutting edge political statement.

>> No.12175419

very topical. wear it whenever political anything happens, good hat. goes good with the

>> No.12175421
File: 31 KB, 196x196, 1359496871004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prolly should have gone with this

seriously though, your hat is boring. it's okay if you don't like the president but maybe you should focus more on who you are instead of who you aren't and then buy a hat that expresses that

>> No.12175427

desu you would probably talk to more qts in college with this hat if you live in a liberal enough city. I'd hate you though.

>> No.12175436

this is the definition of tryhard

express your anti trump opinions the regular way man this is just dumb

>> No.12175446
File: 27 KB, 680x496, 1445046106749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i voted trump but if this hat said something like "fat little fingers" or something it would be pretty cool

too bad you're an edgy little faggot

>> No.12175458

that's not even the best anti-trump hat
but you're just here for (you)s anyway so it's not like you care

>> No.12175468

Stop igniting political shit-flinging on 4chan

I'm really tiring of this

>> No.12175493

>that's not even the best anti-trump hat
I dare you to find a better one because you can't

>> No.12175532
File: 295 KB, 537x359, drumpf hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls kys now kthnx

>> No.12175533

it's kitschy and vulgar. it doesn't carry any value or worth, it's not remotely profound or interesting. its message holds no new opinions and will change no minds. all it's going to do is draw attention that you'd rather not have.

if that's the best you can find then don't bother.

>> No.12175543

Kill yourself.

>> No.12175559

To the untrained eye thats just a regular drumpf hat. And its too bright red.

All it says is fuck trump in simple font. Thats what the hat means. It doesnt really draw attention unless you read it

>> No.12175566

your wife's son will love it.

>> No.12175572

>shitty meme from a shitty """"""""""comedian""""""""""

this is objectively the worst anti-trump hat

>> No.12175576
File: 39 KB, 349x356, 1485161343069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mail back for refund and cop clorox

>> No.12175666

except 99% of people that are effay are liberal?


>> No.12175684

effay satanic trips of truth

>> No.12175695
File: 985 KB, 5000x5000, imblyign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12175762

Flannel shirts, skinny jeans, and black rimmed glasses though

>> No.12175798
File: 44 KB, 181x512, dandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every generation has its dandies

>> No.12176068

This. I see political shit every day on the news, on social media, and often in the streets. I come to 4chan to (try to) avoid it. Since 2014, though, it's gotten harder and harder.

>> No.12176072

I miss Stewart and Colbert.

>> No.12176088
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 1474865652041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt want to be a tryhard
>buys hat with edgy political statement

>> No.12176098

Then why aren't there threads dedicated to how many edgy pins people can fit on their acid-washed denim jackets?

>> No.12176142

things that look shit
>anything with political messages on it
>baseball caps
>liberal queers

>> No.12176150
File: 754 KB, 932x592, TqNjZYTb0swWmZHzoLOC-goqd3g6EFsSIfzkuZ3eQYw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Trumpcore effay?

>> No.12176153

you have to go back

>> No.12176159
File: 13 KB, 241x263, 1480552291467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the term liberal to mean left wing

>> No.12176234

So this is what /pol/ looks like irl?

>> No.12176251

Looks like Igor kek

>> No.12176274
File: 99 KB, 600x775, numale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autistic af but lets not pretend nu males are any better

>> No.12176369


>> No.12176371
File: 2.58 MB, 3870x2737, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my fit?

>> No.12176374


>> No.12176396

you are a fag for even thinking it

>> No.12176400
File: 134 KB, 647x684, 1482806241569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaaaaasssss! I'm LITERALLY cheering rn LOL! You go girl, show those fuckboys what's up

>> No.12176416

"why do all these black guys take our women"
"why can't I just get a factory job"
"college is for sheep, I get all my info from Breitbart, SHEEP"
"Akshually, feminism is a disease, that's why women find me disgusting, MGTOW!"
"All of Obama's stats are fake, SHEEP, fake news and fake stats, even though the economy is the best its been in years"
"Fuck democrat cucks and their handouts, when will daddy trump bring back a factory so I can get that factory job he promised"

>> No.12176423

you sound like such a cuck lol , obama worst president ever, and fuck democrats

>> No.12176502

you're probably gonna get socked tf out by libtards who can't read

>> No.12176521
File: 120 KB, 960x960, trumplinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you cant be serious OP.... not even joking just throw it away. Not only is it cringey and not fashionable (and no one hates trump more than me, im definitely the annoying political friend) but its the same kind of "holier than thou" toxic, arrogant rhetoric that got him elected in the first place.. (for example think of a mom seeing that hat on your, her conservative senses tingle because she doesnt want her kid seeing the f word and now she just hates liberals for no reason and of course you shouldnt vote for trump because of reasons like that but people DO use the ballot as an anger management tool, we cant mansplain our way out of it to deeply seeded conservatives)

THAT BEING SAID, I have mentioned to my friends lately that I wish there was some shirt or logo that I could adorn that simply states my intrinsic discontent for the way the US political landscape is shaped right now. Like "Im really concerned with how things are panning out at the moment but am willing to work with other people and do my best to understand perspectives so I can help our society move towards something we both need AND want, democratically" isnt a very catchy slogan. But alternatively a guy shrugging his shoulders or rolling his eyes at a computer screen with pol and other news boards open is too vague...

Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.12176525
File: 91 KB, 447x444, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the kind of attitude that pisses me off about liberals- my own kind if I had to pick a "side"

THIS is the face you should make if you find out someone you know is X-phobic, not disgust, how is that any better than discrimination??

>> No.12176528

4chan irl

>> No.12176529

Do you really think so? The worst anti trump hat? Worse than OP's? are you just saying that because you hate Oliver/Colbert?

Its in the yellow on the edge-o-metere but isnt that actually his real name? And the joke taps into a deeper idea that a lot of the reasons he was elected were based on his almost mystical powers of persuasion and manipulation just being Donald TRUMP and your name's etymology chameleons that of other important words in our language.

>> No.12176542


you clearly want to be against the grain but you align with the grain

quit worrying about being a snowflake and join the group you want to join if you want to

>> No.12176552

ha nah id rather not have a logo represent me if it means i have to adopt a compromised view of my opinion. I just enjoy talking to conservatives as a liberal because i like to first find "what things do we agree on?" and learn why those things are important to us for different reasons. Im a marketing major so it kinda plays into my general interests.

But other than Bernie merch i dont really have something that says "i dont like trump but im no crazy liberal" wait strike that, Bernie merch makes me a crazy liberal too. Fuck.

>> No.12176587


>> No.12176603

You'll fit in with and get fist bumps from all of the normies. Good job.

>> No.12176609

>but isnt that actually his real name?

No it's not. Why do people think this? Everybody who thinks this just sounds like an idiot.

>> No.12176616

Well i feel like an idiot but if it makes it any better i take everything Oliver says with a shot glass of salt, but Donald Trump does sound like a stage name to be fair wouldnt you say?

>> No.12176624
File: 87 KB, 600x800, IMG-295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my mom have that hat OP good choice. very brave statement.

we also have matching t shirts

>> No.12176770

kys you ultrabasic faggot

>> No.12176863


kek, triggered /pol/fags

>> No.12176946


>> No.12176950

used to work on the shillary campaign, make me proud anon

(also w2c?)

>> No.12176969

/pol/tards and nu male faggots are both terrible in their own special ways.

you all suck desu

>> No.12177068


>> No.12177114

I'm still working up the courage to wear this at school. I wore it to the store the other day and it was fine, but class is a little different bc I don't normally wear a hat. We'll see

>> No.12177123

making political statements like this is not /fa/ at all regardless of your political stance

>> No.12177128

You have literal autism its just a hat

Your classmates probably think you're retarded alreast so an anemic "political" statement like this isnt going to affect their opinion of you much

>> No.12177142

Do not wear this. Neither this or the maga hat. If you want to wear these in private go ahead, but when you do so in public it makes you look like a cringe god. Either way you're either going to give off a "muh racism" "muh woomen" "muh cnn is the best" or "muh guns" "fuck spics" allure. I'd say MAGA hat is better than this since it's not trying to offend anyone, but still. And this is coming from a /pol/lack that fucking loves trump. Go find different ways to be a snowflake.

>> No.12177152

Japanese kid who goes to a US college-core. Utter shit.

>> No.12177157
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x687, 1484542011216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12177186

All you angry drumpftards just make me want to wear it more

>> No.12177238
File: 1.22 MB, 600x800, 1482341204535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling us angry when libtards are in the streets rioting and getting arrested
Sorry you'll have to lose your welfare, Daquon

>> No.12177246

i didnt know CTR still existed, wow

>> No.12177284
File: 365 KB, 2048x1536, 1483525980336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a TRUMP A E S T H E T I C thread

>> No.12177315
File: 104 KB, 1024x704, 1485140653831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12177394

yo id suck the shit out of melania som1 pm her on twitter and redirect her here she probably tired of trump limp dick anyway

>> No.12177432

The true masters of /fa

>> No.12177561

Too late ordering that hat already makes you a massive tryhard. I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.12177570

I love that you can tell how he's desperately trying to explain how it's ironic, while simultaneously trying not to use the word "meme".

>> No.12177590

Trump has the worst fucking style. He dresses like a used car salesman that can only afford second-hand suits.

>> No.12177601

second hand suits that cost more than your house

>> No.12177618

A golden turd still looks like a turd.

>> No.12177631

yeah but it's made out of gold and doesn't stink like shit either

>> No.12177637

Would you like to buy a golden turd?

>> No.12177642

You can thank (((them))) for that desu. (((They))) want division and separatism among us.

>> No.12177644

yeah you got one?

>> No.12177656

The surname was changed at Ellis Island.

>> No.12177660

Not yet, I've been eating gold flakes all week though.

>> No.12177663

trump didn't change his name, his grandfather did

he had literally no part in it

>> No.12177664

satan calm down before putin gets here

>> No.12177666

call me when you have a nice sized log for me

>> No.12177669
File: 83 KB, 600x600, c129f42804f5f8392eac02b25219ee30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All liberals are literally retarded.

>> No.12177744

Literally YungLeancore

>> No.12177775

Do you even go outside

>> No.12178078

dope fit hbt

>> No.12178373

>Trump's campaign wasn't entirely based on feelings
fucking kek

>> No.12178455

> implying i'm even from US

>> No.12178506

old man got cucked

>> No.12178554

I'd like to wear a fuck trump hat on head and a make america great again hat on my belt, #HypocrisyCore

>> No.12178581

Buddy even I voted for Hillary but if I saw you wearing that hat I would avoid you like the plague. There's a time and place for political activism and edgy statements, and your daily attire isn't it.

>> No.12178587

Butthurt Leberul Detected

>> No.12178666

fuck off satan

>> No.12178785

I sincerely hope you die

>> No.12178813

Cuck caps.

>> No.12178823
File: 1.99 MB, 500x645, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america was never great is better desu

>> No.12178836

i just sat in front of my computer thinking about this picture for literally 10 minutes, explaining to myself in my mind what is wrong with each of these pieces. i can not understand how any girl could unironically wear this fit, no matter how autistic.

>> No.12178848

too bad it's a blatant lie that only edgy kids believe

>> No.12178863

When did it become acceptable for everyone to use words like "bullshit" openly?

>> No.12178864
File: 21 KB, 706x674, 3f71b838f6c16b8d8a6275c426bed0d99e79f5c282036fd3831c2113efbb30cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get triggered cracker. It looks great as a fashion accessory.

>> No.12178872

>i denounce my country to be fashunable

this board is for 18+

>> No.12178875

I don't get the Drumpf meme at all, so if his name was originally Trump, his ancestors wouldn't have been European immigrants? Clinton isn't a Native American name either.

>> No.12178876
File: 1.83 MB, 600x8321, 1484948589280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12178910

truly subhuman

>> No.12178924
File: 550 KB, 508x663, nationality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my country

you're retarded lmao, indoctrinated by /pol/.

>> No.12178934

5/10 b8

would have probably gotten another response from me if you weren't trying so hard to act like an edgy teen, the stirner meme gave it away desu

>> No.12178938

walking meme

>> No.12178948
File: 68 KB, 600x800, 5e8103e0ceca992a34d71e8618103c74da5d2c4649725886a635987f6680c96f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Sterner correct through? Nation doesn't really exist. Nationalism is the most retarded religion in the modern world, it makes sense it's on your brain.

>> No.12178958

fashion is an inherently conservative art

>> No.12178970

don't waste all your memes in a thread that you've already been found out in

>> No.12178977
File: 662 KB, 1256x1244, spooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It triggers you.

>> No.12178980

Dude you should wear some cargo shorts and a green day tee with that sicc hat.

>> No.12178981

You can only do terrorcore if you are ultra right wing. Otherwise your fucking faggot.

>> No.12178989


>> No.12178997
File: 29 KB, 279x304, 1451327270654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being liberal
>on 4chan
>no arguments

>> No.12179047
File: 18 KB, 400x294, 1169959955_850215_0000000000_sumario_normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the far left have all the cute girls

>> No.12179048


You should have probably posted a photo of a cute girl to prove your point.

>> No.12179058

why are all the best designers flaming fags then?
being liberal is effay as fuck
being annoying and preachy about it is not
also i'll quietly concede that ss uniforms were balla as fuck

>> No.12179063

those were cool back in 2010 before they got played out

>> No.12179067

No they don't.....

>> No.12179069
File: 218 KB, 1400x947, reichstag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being liberal is effay as fuck

then explain why nazi germany was and is the single most effay period of all time

>> No.12179079

post pics of right wing terrorist cuties

>> No.12179165
File: 25 KB, 415x311, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12179176

More than you, without a doubt.

Most lefties either lack any sort of life experience or are incapable of understanding cause and effect.

>> No.12179178

that fight could go either way, coach potato biker fag and homo college student look about the same size

>> No.12179208

>being liberal is effay as fuck

>> No.12179260
File: 278 KB, 1024x819, poltard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not LOL. Not even knoch supports it.

>> No.12179287
File: 44 KB, 1350x759, saint laurent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are all the best designers flaming fags then?
This is true.

>> No.12179557

Hugo Boss isnt gay that I'm aware

>> No.12179613
File: 42 KB, 512x800, 1484479059914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except 99% of people that are effay are liberal?

What's that you're saying lad?

>> No.12179614

>hugo boss
>best designer

>> No.12179645


>> No.12179792

buy a Jeb! hat

>> No.12179821
File: 14 KB, 255x255, 47a4fecb0224c0df63e30bd17de86da69ab12f28980835f12f2cff68aa577374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of dead faggots that got their country fucked in the butt
>in literal black trenchoats

truly the apex of effay lmao

>> No.12179865

>being liberal is effay as fuck
i would have understood if you said like being a commie is effay or something but a milquetoast liberal? not even a little bit.

>> No.12180009
File: 45 KB, 716x717, 1435436442699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh no, the autist who mixes and matches a bunch of peasant wear from a hundred different countries and eras doesn't like something? must not be good then

>> No.12180021

Kill yourself.

>> No.12180025


>> No.12180035

No really, kill yourself. I don't even like knoch and know you're full of shit.

>> No.12180053

kill yourself

>> No.12180061

Aesthetics and alt-right goes hand in hand so stop appropriating our culture, libtard.

>> No.12180078
File: 22 KB, 500x500, Alien_BlackDadHatMock_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12180100

You're delusional

>> No.12180110

Liberal effay people are outside in public
alt right effay people sit at home

>> No.12180116

I, the Avengers, every celebrity, and every newscaster agree that Trump voters are sheep. Why can't they be non-conformists like us normal people?

>> No.12180141

>I don't want to seem like a tryhard or anything

Too late.

>> No.12180158

American opinions only thanks

>> No.12180192

if you start your sentence with "i don't even like..." we all know that you like that thing but you're pretending that you don't to appear more credible

in short: ur gay

>> No.12180194

why, because there are a lot of gay designers? that means nothing

>> No.12180233

Are you gay, OP?

Did the hat come with a free protest sign, too?

>> No.12180240

fuck john oliver
what kind of fucking retard sits there and thinks "i know how i'll defeat trump! i'll start a global MEME where every one starts to call him DRUMPF! lololol DRUMPF! thats a funny sounding german name, like hitler XD my loyal viewers are sure to help HER win :)"

>> No.12180247

Are you autistic?

I appreciate what he's doing in terms of consistency and confidence but I don't like milsurp.

Fucking retard.

>> No.12180275
File: 74 KB, 564x789, f99fff2a27e9bf163bb323fb48a247fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the ultra right wing is sooooo cool.

>Otherwise your fucking faggot.

also a fascist is just a faggot with an axe.

get on our level cum rag

>> No.12180281

are you autistic?

>> No.12180314

underrated post right here, fucking pokefags love shillary

>> No.12180436

pokemon is the fucking worst jesus

like sure it was a fun and maybe i play it once and a while for nostalgia sake but i'll kill myself before i walk around in public with a ds playing the shit

>> No.12180464

That hat Is hate speech. Come on, it's 2017, are you a bigot ot what? Being leftist is so 2015, I can't even huh..

>> No.12180475


May as well just base your whole fucking identity solely around the traits you were born with. Fuck developing as a person, amirite?

>> No.12180521

more like

hat speech

>> No.12180655

find jesus

>> No.12180668

>what is social cohesiveness
>what was the almost unstoppable war machine that was Nazi Germany
>what is societal progress for your people in the name of your state

Oh wait, you're just trying to make your pretty art and get by as a barista. Tell me one thing you've contributed to society thus far.

I'm not even a nationalist and your puerile ignorance is almost infuriating.

>> No.12180687

What have YOU contributed to society thus far. Oh wait, you're just trying to redpill people on the Internet and collect your neet-bucks because of your autism

>> No.12180694


>> No.12180695

>unstoppable war machine
>Nazi germany

>> No.12180701


>> No.12180782

If they just has invaded Russia in the fall...

>> No.12180805

and they all lust after fascist men.


>> No.12180910

i kinda wanna buy this and I voted fro Trump. it is clear that if somebody would want to have a "fuck trump" hat would be more like:"FUCK DRUMPF"

>> No.12180933
File: 55 KB, 477x480, 1485240518867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree with the statement
You want to cuck Melania?

>> No.12180935


>> No.12180974

The one with Russian lettering is clearly the most clever and asshole-triggering version of this idea.

>> No.12181107


>anime picture
>using *current year* maymay
>no arguments
>on 4chan


>> No.12181120

All of those things describe 4chan very well. A site created by a jewish pedophile and designed to destroy dissent from the bad goyim which died and was reborn as a reddit colony half a decade ago.

>> No.12181122

>not including a Casio W59-1V

>> No.12181127

>saint laurent
>best designer

>> No.12181129


yep, it sure is a reddit colony now seeing as its most popular board has a 1-1 correspondence with /r/The_Donald

what's your fucking point?

>> No.12181144

Trump's aesthetic is pretty dismal desu, dude is very overweight but whoever is making his suits is working miracles with their silhouettes.

>> No.12181146

>Hedi Slimane
>best designer

>> No.12181462

>giving a shit about politics in 2017

what a pathetic thread

>> No.12181626

nigga his back is the size of the fuckin dude's whole body lmao

>> No.12182122

Holy fuck if carrell was skinnier and dressed well he would be fucking top tier

Hair + facial aesthetics >>

>> No.12182146

>conservative art
isn't it funny how there are no good conservative artists?

>> No.12182209
File: 2.93 MB, 1900x2850, Belvedere_Apollo_Pio-Clementino_Inv1015_n3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art, particularly contemporary art, is overwhelmingly progressive (though historically, virtually any artist of note would be conservative by modern standards). this is the dichotomy of the dionysian and the apollonian. conservative people are simply going to tend towards more ordered, rational existences. they'll strive towards professions such as trades, medicine, science and engineering.

but more realistically, more ordered, rational people are going to tend to be more conservative in thought.

how can you justify one path of will and self determination as being more valuable than the other?

>> No.12182442

yup like Hermaphroditus or those greek hedonistic paintings. but nope to /pol/ none of that happened, these were painted by jews not real greeks. even through evidence suggest otherwise, they're morons.