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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 338 KB, 540x531, 1484857612610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12164632 No.12164632 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>12160505
Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Model Diet Manual:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"
>Lose It!: "/fa/ friends"
removed by mods :o(

>> No.12164644
File: 14 KB, 266x220, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gender are you, /thinspo/?

>> No.12164656

F but ugly so basically a dude

>> No.12164660
File: 1.40 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody gave me shit about my long hair in the previous thread. Would cutting my hair really suit me, or are you just messing around.

>pic related is me

>> No.12164661


>> No.12164669

Stop posting pictures of yourself, whore.

>> No.12164676

You have a cute face, anon. Your hair is pure disgusting tho. That bun is revealing your bad hairline

>> No.12164677

Long hair is gross on 99% of men. Your hair is especially disgusting. Cut it immediately. No I'm not messing around.

Do you ever shower? It's greasy looking as fuck and your skin is terrible.

Hope this helps.

>> No.12164679

How should I cut it? I'm pretty scared of the barber fucking up. Would a buzzcut be /fa/

>> No.12164682

Buzz would be bad in your case because of your hairline
Would make you look like you're balding

>> No.12164686

looks pretty good

>> No.12164688
File: 52 KB, 604x604, 1471204979143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12164691

You could have a landscaper cut your hair and it would be better than you have. Just get it buzzed on the side like a #3 and finger length on the top. Then put some fibre in it just to give it some texture.

>> No.12164695

what does your mum say about that hair? is she not around or what?

>> No.12164699
File: 238 KB, 1153x1125, IMG_6780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get a stomach like this?

>> No.12164701

If you are going to leave it messy like that then cut it immediately

>> No.12164703

Don't see her too often.

>> No.12164705

don't eat

>> No.12164707

I figured. you look like a kid with a shit mum. mine was the same. no sister either, huh?

>> No.12164716

Idk, girls with short hair don't do it for me. Learn to take care of it instead of cutting it all off.

>> No.12164722

same here. F but also ugly with no hips, no ass, almost no boobs. fml.

>> No.12164725

She's a he, senpai

>> No.12164728

don't listen to this, whatever you do

>> No.12164730

i think the problem is not the length, overall your appearance just seems a bit untended, at least from what i can tell in the picture. get a haircut to clean up the mess, not the length. take care of your hair and your skin, and you should be fine.

>> No.12164734

Oh, I see
Cut your hair, it's dirty and your face is too feminine

>> No.12164735

I'm male... Guess I really should get it cut.

Really considering a buzzcut. This guy has a high hair line as well, right?

>> No.12164739
File: 504 KB, 1129x1500, gosha-rubchinskiy-brown-faux-zipped-fleece-jacket-brown-product-2-311942921-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.12164741

i guess this also comes down to a bit of luck but mine looks rather similar when my stomach is empty but not as great due to the rest of my body containing more fat. but to get this you don't even need to work out or anything, just get skinnier is all there is to this.

>> No.12164743

No go longer than that. Don't go super long or super short. Get it short on the sides and finger length on the top.

>> No.12164745
File: 101 KB, 750x1011, IMG_3001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you eat 700-900 calories all week and binge today on 1300.

I'm really praying I still lose. What have I done ;__;

>> No.12164754

don't do this

>> No.12164759

thats okay anon, you'll still lose! you've been doing good all week and that isn't much of an increase- exercise a bit more, drink some more water, etc and you'll be fine!

>> No.12164761
File: 16 KB, 500x558, dafuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you survive eating 700-900 calories???

>> No.12164762

small people

>> No.12164767

Really? No ab workouts?

>> No.12164774

i mean, like, i used to be able to survive on like 200-400 calories but i wouldn't recommend that to anyone here
sure, i felt faint and horrible, but at least i lost weight

>> No.12164777

Depends where you are already. She doesn't look like she has much core strength, though.

>> No.12164779

working out your core will not make it have less fat

>> No.12164780

Thanks anon, definitely gonna up the water intake and get some cardio in.
I eat low calorie foods. I skip breakfast, eat around 3 pm. Then eat one last time around seven. I'm busy during the week so I just focus on other shit. It was tough at first but I've been restricting like this for a while now. Think my body is just use to it

>> No.12164784

true and false, it'll increase muscle and you might look fatter. that girl probably is just naturally skinny and is doing a weird angle.
correct! your body gets used to it. your stomach shrinks and you get fuller faster- just like people who get gastric bypass. except you can do it just by not eating much.
again, please don't eat low calories like that just so you can feel more full on lower portions. you'll end up binging a lot most likely and it'll stretch back.

>> No.12164788

all i was saying was that spot reduction isn't real

>> No.12164789

Every girl has a belly and I'm pretty sure it's because planks/crunches don't get that one spot. Leg raises would probably give you a nice flat stomach.

Then again, I'm in terrible shape and I have a flat stomach at 6'1" 140

>> No.12164790

When I was around the same size as that girl my stomach muscles looked completely flat (ie, no abs), I didn't have any space in the middle but I had almost no fat on my stomach.

>> No.12164796

oh. sorry anon- i must've misread

i used to have a flat tummy in the morning then after i ate it went away- so i fixed that with smaller portions and better food

>> No.12164801

>Losing weight at the price of only eating the equivalent to a twix per day
Seems perfectly healthy to me

Oh that also seems healthy, if you feel that your body has used to it ofc

>> No.12164814

thinspo threads seem to be blowin up lately. i'm not seein much OC in here tho.

there used to be that annoying animelord who made collages of everyone in the threads. it was creepy but it was nice seeing the success of other anons.

>> No.12164831

She has those lines though isn't that through exercise?

>> No.12164834

It's pretty easy. I'm a bigger person and I've been doing it to lose weight. I allow myself one day to kind of go off of that though, maybe hit 1000 or 1200.

>> No.12164837

I do that and it ain't even on fuckin purpose son. Diff people use diff amounts of energy.

>> No.12164842
File: 106 KB, 750x744, IMG_3004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true, but it's all about self control anon. If I fuck up, I just have to get back on my A game and try again.
What are you on about?? 900 calories is plenty to survive on! I just went to the doctors and I'm healthy af. I'm at an average/normal weight and my blood pressure is great. I'm also eating so low for now..I have graduation in May and I'd like to lose twenty pounds. Once I get to my goal weight I plan on maintaining (also not difficult, I've done this before). It's really not as bad as you think it is...

>> No.12164856
File: 539 KB, 860x1157, IMG_20170120_232407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the first commenter, but this is how my stomach looks without working out. as you can see, not particularly that matching, unfortunately. i had dinner recently and i am not as thin as the girl in the picture, but even then. however i am still just a lazy fuck and even though the remaining fat annoys me, it is not enough for me to bother working on the stomach fat itself.

>> No.12164859


>> No.12164863

i eat 500-700 and occasionally do 1000. it's okay because i know it might discourage a plateau from forming

>> No.12164868

Thank you I now see that ab workouts aren't s necessoty
What are your stats?

>> No.12164887

i still think it would make a difference, but honestly i just find it too much work. i don't mind working out but i just hate the ab part, such a pain in the ass imo. i think i will start swimming again though, i love it, and just to improve a bit overall.

f/23 yo/173 cm/53 kg/17.7 bmi

>> No.12164926

i used to play soccer when i was a teen, how the hell do i slim down thick calves?

>> No.12164947
File: 20 KB, 248x318, PDMfl8I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, mine had no definition at my lowest weight (176cm, 49kg)

>> No.12164959

> trying IF for few days
> eating window 6h
is it normal to feel a small pain in the abdomen before going to sleep? it's like having a difficult digestion, but i ate the same kind / quantity of food as always(<800cal)

>> No.12164960

Looks pretty skinnyfat

>> No.12164963

are 'liver detox' pills snakeoil?

>> No.12164968

all you need to know

>> No.12164973

Hence why people do "ab" exercises. I don't know how to build muscle in my core though, I've tried planks, leg raises, crunches, side and cross crunches but nothing. And I can build muscle no problem in places where I don't want it (legs and back)

>> No.12164975


>> No.12164980

yah but the liver actually deals with the bodies toxins

>> No.12164997

just get a better diet.

>> No.12164999

Why would you want to lose 20 pounds?? You seem perfect right now

>> No.12165004

That pic is of camgirl Ashe Maree, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.12165006

I eat under 500 a day, but also I'm only 5'0" so I don't need much.

>> No.12165014
File: 99 KB, 544x732, IMG_3005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking wish I looked that good. I'm normal weight and disgusting af. Anon over here >>12165004 is right. That's my ultimate thinspo Ashe Maree.

>> No.12165021

>I'm a bigger person
If you are a male above six feet 1500 will suffice for weight loss by a margin

>> No.12165024

guess it partly also comes down to your body itself. i have a rather manly build, i have almost no ass, small boobs, not that big hips and a thigh gap even when i weighed 15 kg more.

>> No.12165029

I am a 5'3" female, so nah.

>> No.12165036

Do you think she has an ED?
I remember browsing thru her Insta or something and she said the way she stays so skinny is some medical problem

>> No.12165037

Pretty close with my sister in a superficial way. Anyway, this isn't a feels thread.

>> No.12165041

Your my exact height my goal is 46/50
What is yours?

>> No.12165087

Sounds like a pretty easy excuse to make..

>> No.12165098

probably to keep the fattasses making cheeseburger comments at bay. it irritates me how western countries balk at the idea of not consuming corn oil MSG-laden garbage all day

>> No.12165107

that is hardly a "bigger person"

>> No.12165113

started doing glute bridges. it was nice, i could feel only my ass being targeted and not those disgusting man-thighs women get from squats

>> No.12165124

People are fucking retarded about acceptable eating habits here (America). It comes as no surprise to me that obesity is becoming an issue that surpasses its proponents' waist circumferences in absurdity.

>> No.12165138

bigger == fatter. use context

>> No.12165146

just say you're a fat person then lmao

>> No.12165148

please help me thinspo /fa/m

i'm 6.4 165 lbs. i look pretty good in clothes. i'm thin but incredibly "stretchy" and jiggly. it's so odd because i've never been heavy in my life. but my body is doughy as if i've drastically lost a bunch of weight in a short amount of time.

my bones are visible.. collarbones, bones in my chest, ribs, etc, yet i've got stubborn fat on my belly thighs and ass. like a ridiculous amount. idk what to do

i consider working out to be too high maintenance, as it's way too easy to bust your ass in the gym and then lose everything you've worked hard for by slipping up momentarily (which has happened to me multiple times in the past.) so i kind of gave up on that. i'm so close to my goal fucklfsfj

>> No.12165153

>i consider working out to be too high maintenance
you're fucked then, what you are describing is simply a very low muscle mass

>> No.12165162
File: 1010 KB, 1010x1028, 1484452401533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I be sexy skinny and not numale skinny

>> No.12165165

and to gain muscle you need to eat at a surplus, no?

when i did that i hated the way i looked

>> No.12165168

>Implying there is such thing as sexy skinny
stay dyel

>> No.12165176

you have zero muscle/definition. at least do some pushups/crunches on your bedroom floor or something, fuck.

anyway if you post a pic we can probably give better advice

>> No.12165177

No you can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. You will gain less muscle but you'll still be gaining some. Just eat at maintenance and focus on strength training

>> No.12165183

>weak man child

Stay numale

>> No.12165195

>bulk up
>cut hard
pretty much the only way to be skinny but still look like you wouldn't die from one punch

>> No.12165196
File: 75 KB, 750x750, 1439212986599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me

>> No.12165200

strength training as in? is there anything that can be done at home?

>> No.12165204

numale are fat tho

>> No.12165207
File: 73 KB, 750x750, 1482500449866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably a better photo

>> No.12165208

Find a gym immediately

>> No.12165212

very constructive thanks

>> No.12165213
File: 49 KB, 736x691, 1458750133115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat at maintenance (ie. not paying attention to what i east and not loosing on gaining), constantly feel exhausted
>eat at 1200kcal (for a few months), feel exhausted and start getting actually dizzy whenever i try to do anything
>at at 600 (for a few months), feel good and energetic

google bodyweight exercises
you'll need a pullup bar but it's cheap and you don't need to see any people to use it which is amazing

>> No.12165214

>and you don't need to see any people to use it which is amazing

always a plus. thanks friend

>> No.12165217

I don't know what kind of help you're expecting, we can't lift the damn weights for you

>> No.12165230

fat tummy

>> No.12165241

pretty gross. also yeah why do you have that fat stomach when you're sucking in? sad.

>> No.12165246

i'm pretty sure she does, i vaguely remember watching something (maybe it was a vice video) about cam girls or something and she talked about anorexia a bit

>> No.12165249

we all have insecurities but it's pretty pathetic to project them onto others, especially strangers on the internet. hope you someday become a happier person

>> No.12165265

if you post your gross selfies for the public to to see people are going to comment

>> No.12165310

hey man, you look okay. you have a bit of fat on your tummy but other than that looking fine. i'm not sure why you are in a thinspo thread but ok.

>> No.12165369
File: 684 KB, 1000x2018, horseasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, just in case.

>> No.12165504

you realize that abdominal muscles exist whether or not you work out, right? it just depends on how big you decide to make them.

this is what's stopping her guts from spilling out

>> No.12165515

Thanks for explaining that thin people are thinspo...

>> No.12165562

doing exercise in an area doesn't burn fat in that area
do cardio

>> No.12165596

Every weight loss supplement is snake oil except amphetamines.

>> No.12165661
File: 144 KB, 1027x688, langthin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12165664
File: 75 KB, 640x791, IMG_3997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a good weight for a 5'4 female? i want legs like pic related how much would i have to weigh

>> No.12165666

those are some long legs but that's definitely below 100 lbs

>> No.12165673

yeah i know. i guess 5'4" is short/average but do you think it would be like 90-95 lbs?

>> No.12165677
File: 106 KB, 750x1136, IMG_8151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi thinspo I'm back! How is everyone today? Pic related it was finally not freezing so I didn't have to wear pants!

>> No.12165789

ate an edible on accident and ate panera soup :(

>> No.12165791
File: 86 KB, 720x1280, bo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aayy lads!! its been a while
been on winter bulk to make some gainz but here's and oldie :3

>> No.12165793

all the people roasting you make me want to starve to death.

You honestly look attractive idk why everyone has their panties in a bunch.

>> No.12165802

> it's okay because i know it might discourage a plateau from forming

>> No.12165805

If its thick with muscle, stop using them. You probably twitch them subconsciously if not use them for running and walking often. If its thick with fat, lose weight de gonsu.

>> No.12165816

I'd say 90 the highest. Very little muscle even there at all

>> No.12165827

Perhaps. Perhaps not. There are herbs and fruit/veggie derived compounds that help the liver clear the blood of toxins more efficiently.

>> No.12165828

thanks anon ill work towards 90 then.

>> No.12165833

i guess if you vary your calorie intake your body might be discouraged from getting used to the low intake. not sure if 500-1000 is enough of a variation.

desu i don't know if plateau are real, though. people complaining about them seem to have been waiting 5 days, or are super fat and probably ate too much butter

>> No.12165836

i'd say 75-80 for that

90-95lbs is small asian woman, that pic is failing organs

>> No.12165841

>use context

Use real words. You are not bigger. You are a bit of a fatty. Acceptance is the first step toward reality.

>> No.12165850

I mean, since you brought up that you don't like the amount of fat you have, just eat less food to create a deficit. Honestly though, once you get a lower fat % you've got good insertions for muscles.

>> No.12165861


>> No.12165864

These things happen. How did you eat an edible on accident though?

>> No.12165869

wtf is an edible? as in food?

>> No.12165872

I'm guessing weed edibles

>> No.12165873
File: 969 KB, 1024x701, 1462832932480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4; 123lbs too fat? I've been slacking lately cause of depression + doritos and nutter butters ;-;

>> No.12165874

A weed treat. Usually baked like brownies or chocolate, less often something savory.

>> No.12165876

ah thanks. my innocence is showing

>> No.12165896
File: 885 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I belong here?

>> No.12165905

Yes, unless you want to stay that way.

>> No.12165908

I've been trying not to

>> No.12165915

why does this thread get so many ugly skinnyfat selfies

>> No.12165934
File: 658 KB, 1159x1739, 1483406048898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spread some hummus on bread i was eating and it turned out to be infused with cannabis.

>> No.12165940
File: 90 KB, 600x608, 1484841595618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/thinspo/ on suicide watch

>> No.12165945

Not sure if you're asking that question because you think you're thin or because you think you need to get thin.

>> No.12165952

absolutely disgusting

>> No.12165955

>skinnyfat dyel

>> No.12165958

everyone belongs here boyo, we're all gonna make it

>> No.12165965

I used to be a twig but I've gained 20 pounds, I'm tired of being called thin
Good, glad I'm not skinny
I wanna make it to muscleville

>> No.12165967

>Good, glad I'm not skinny

>feels the need to post a selfie in a thinspo thread for validation

>> No.12165972

What the fuck else is everyone doing here?

>> No.12165974

why are you here if you don't want to be skinny

are you aware of what the term thinspo means?

i want /fit/ and normies to leave

>> No.12165976

/fa/ is arguably the most normie board on here
especially the "instagram baddie" girl

>> No.12165980

I want people who hover around and post selfies for attention from girls to leave

>> No.12165985

What the fuck is happening to the skin on her back bro

>> No.12165986

posting pics of camwhores and instagram models...not shitty mirror selfies of themselves?

>> No.12165991

>/fa/ is arguably the most normie board on here

with your behavior i'm surprised you don't know about /soc/

>> No.12165992

Fair enough, I'm sure you'll get over it eventually

>> No.12166002

not the op, but yeah that too

>> No.12166015

>not just depressed cunts, camwhores and homos spamming their slightly larger than average cocks

>> No.12166029

noice!! just train and lift weights, sheiko program seems to be v effective desu.
lol you can be fit and thin, theres no objective measurement to thin, its all about low bf% and tbqh that suits guys a lot

>> No.12166035

>I'm tired of being called thin
>in the /thinspo/ thread

>> No.12166037

What kind of idiot leave medicated food unlabeled?

>> No.12166040

Elegantly said.

The previous threads had many qts. It's still january so...

>> No.12166063

anything beyond ottermode doesn't count as thinspo. I prefer a bit more muscle but that doesn't mean it belongs here.

also fuck off dumb trip

>> No.12166064

>attentionwhoring trip defending attentionwhoring


>> No.12166170

I don't know but I'm still very high and very angry about it. I purged and have been drinking water excessively to try and fiend off the calories.

>> No.12166189

>i consider working out to be too high maintenance


>as it's way too easy to bust your ass in the gym and then lose everything you've worked hard for by slipping up momentarily

this is completely wrong, you just haven't worked out for longer than a month or two at a time

go to the gym and fill out that skin with lean tissue

>> No.12166207

Still making an extended version that explains why certain fashion like e.g. mini dresses, shorts, hi-thogh socks look approachable on a thin frame. But the same fashion on a regular build makes her look more slutty.

>> No.12166211

Do you have a regular body example similar to this? I need it to update

>> No.12166292

i walk for like 12 km every day, is that bad?

>> No.12166311

I love big butts but hate feet and tan
I don't understand what to feel

>> No.12166668

really? that low? im sad. i want to look like that i really hate how most legs look in thinspo they still seem too fat yet i also hate the girls that are too bony and those legs are perfect to me...but i dont want to put my health at that much risk

>> No.12166770
File: 38 KB, 676x676, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that bad, don't worry. U 'll still lose

>> No.12166773

Hope someone has a slap upside the head in their future.

>> No.12166777
File: 803 KB, 1285x1928, any-memes-lads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a 24 hour fast today for the first time. Any tips?

>> No.12166778

It's good! Unless your primary goal for your body is thin legs, then its bad for the aesthetic you're going for. Good for your health tho.

>> No.12166790

Don't eat until 24 hours have passed.

>> No.12166791
File: 85 KB, 701x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay hidrated :3

>> No.12166799
File: 877 KB, 2312x3024, cara-nervs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers anon.

Yeah I'm drinking lots of water. Got a bit of a headache. Not sure if related since it's before I normally eat anyways (been doing 16:8).

>> No.12166854

i fucking hate this new obsession with having a small waist and a huge ass like what's the appeal in looking like bong pipe?

>> No.12166867
File: 89 KB, 1080x1349, marjanjonkman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan either, but I guess that's how the trends have gone. Sucks because the body types I like are very rare now, and even looked down upon.

>> No.12166886
File: 310 KB, 1366x2048, mLrLOEk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the person you replied to but would a calorie deficit + no walking ensure thin legs/thighs?

>> No.12166897


You might just say "I'm from Ireland".

>> No.12166902

Don't get it tbhwymasfam (to be honest with you my anonymous starving senpai means family)

>> No.12166906
File: 143 KB, 667x1212, IMG_1621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I don't mind curves, but this new trend is near impossible to achieve without photoshop or surgery. It's fucking disgusting to look at too (see: the Kardashians and most Instagram sluts) You can be thin and have a nice butt.

>> No.12166907


>> No.12166910


>> No.12166921
File: 178 KB, 660x1024, 1459126297901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon. i now have a goal in mind

>> No.12166930


Yes I did quote knowyourmeme.

>> No.12166940


>> No.12166952

That's actually very true

>> No.12166958
File: 8 KB, 250x241, 1472562760739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 hours into fast. Tired and hungry.

Well this is fun.

>> No.12166963

Ramadan is not in January, John-Ahmed.

>> No.12166968

Alright so I have been sick for two days with what I assume is a stomach flu and I haven't eaten anything at all, I had a hard time even keeping water down for a while. So my question is whether or not I should increase my caloric intake over the next week to stay at the cutting level I was previously at, or if I should just count my blessings and go back to normal?

>> No.12166969
File: 6 KB, 200x193, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white. Trying to do 24 hour today, but it's fucking up my day.

>> No.12166975

Accidentally replied

>> No.12166977
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzzed myself. Pretty happy with it

>> No.12166978

I'll answer you anyways...

I'd recommend eating around your TDEE with a BRAT diet until you feel better, then going back to whatever restriction you were doing before you got sick.

>> No.12166980
File: 77 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_ofb7wrOEG21ro4v73o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a day of eating at maintenance will help you recover, but if you're basically recovered now I would just count my blessings and enjoy the easier super cut.

>> No.12166982

Looks better, although I think you should now grow it out a bit and have a more normal set of hair.

You need to do something about that skin and find some clothing that fits too you lad.

>> No.12166986

way better. I hate buzz cuts but that is still worlds better than where you started.

>> No.12166996
File: 94 KB, 540x540, tumblr_oiqkfi3GCj1vkg9iuo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not huge on buzzcuts but this is infinitely better than what you had. See how it grows a bit and explore other short hair options if you want, but yes, it's an improvement for sure.

>> No.12167003

>that 90s tv

>> No.12167007

It's to play Super Famicom on.

>> No.12167017

Thanks guys, I'll see how I feel tomorrow and possibly eat a bit more then.

>> No.12167036

Whenever you get hungry distract yourself with something else. If you get hungry do something that engages your mind until the hunger passes. It's like pain, if you do everything you can to not think about it, you'll feel less.

>> No.12167037
File: 450 KB, 500x496, tumblr_ojkofeiScb1w0basyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to weigh myself in a few days to see the scale drop, sick of this PMS water retention and bloating, periods suck but oh well. I don't want to get so ultra thin that I lose my period, and a period is better than a baby.

Speaking of babies, my mother gained 28 lbs during pregnancy, lost 16 immediately post birth (because I was an 8 lb baby and you lose your baby's weight x 2 because of afterbirth) and lost another 10 in the following 2 weeks, AND has no stretch marks from being pregnant. She assured me that having a child does NOT wreck your body, just that a lot of mother's to be get lazy and greedy during pregnancy. It was a relief to hear.

>> No.12167048

I had no fat on my stomach though. My abs were just "flat".

>> No.12167055

Thanks anon. Waiting around for a washer and dryer to get delivered I think has made it harder since kinda stuck waiting for the delivery people.

>> No.12167058

I hope to god you are girls and not grown men.

Anorexia has never ever looked good on men.

>> No.12167064

Maybe also worth noting my bf% was so low I was constantly freezing, circulation went to shit and I didn't get a period for 7 months until I gained weight.

>> No.12167069

It's about 50/50 according to the /thinspo/ gender poll. A lot of people here are just trying to lose weight though, and don't have extreme goals. A lot of people do too though...

>> No.12167072
File: 15 KB, 319x331, 1481143652559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw most attracted to very thin guys

>> No.12167080

This pic is you? >>12164947

>> No.12167090

Listen to music, drink water or better yet black coffee or tea. Stimulants also help tiding off hunger and they're virtually 0 calories.

It's the reason people who kick amphetamines or coke end up gaining a shitton of weight.

>> No.12167100

Is feeling cold normal?

>> No.12167117

Your metabolism is slowing down, which is normal for especially the first time you fast.

>> No.12167122

looks ayylmaoish

>> No.12167129


>> No.12167133
File: 70 KB, 500x332, IMG_0474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a bad thing. I thought the Asian guy in the YouTube videos said fasting speeds the metabolism.

>> No.12167134

if those feet are not sexually attractive to you, you are confirmed homosexual

>> No.12167146

Not that anon but I wish I had a foot fetish. I need a new fetish to fap to, things have gotten boring.

>> No.12167159

She's gonna look so ugly in 20 years when that ass looks like a bowl of cottage cheese and she's had 4 kids

>> No.12167216

Yes, at my lowest weight though. I weigh 5lbs more now.

>> No.12167225

And you lost your period there?

>> No.12167242

Yeah, although it was a combination of being underweight and stopping the birth control pill which can cause post-pill amenorrhea. That wasn't that bad though, the other side effects were worse :(
My bmi in that pic was between 15.5 and 15.8

>> No.12167254
File: 33 KB, 447x599, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the un-cropped picture

>> No.12167263

And you want to go back to that? What do you look like now? I have a suspicion that you might look best like 5-lbs up from your picture there (so..where you are at now)

>> No.12167274

I want to try to see if I'll have any health problems if I lose weight now, since the pictures are from 3 years ago.
Right now I haven't been feeling cold and my circulation is fine. The only problem I have is low blood pressure which is partially a consequence of my migraine meds.

I don't have any good pictures that show my stomach because I'm in the middle of an IBS flare-up :(

>> No.12167289

I'm the anon that is fasting right now. The coldness is concerning me. Is fasting going to fuck up my metabolism? I was trying to get it to do the opposite (help with insulin resistance)?

>> No.12167294

Thank god somebody is.

>> No.12167320

are you a qt thin boy? pics? what kind of girls do you prefer yourself, out of curiosity?

>> No.12167333

you're hot desu. everyone who says you're fat are just teenage girls who didn't make the cheer squad and would call literal auschwitz survivors obese to make themselves feel better.

>> No.12167346

Fasting does help with insulin resistance. I've been told by several doctors that I have ideal fasting blood glucose levels :) Coldness during a fast is normal and temporary, as the other anon has mentioned. Your metabolism should pick back up once you start eating again. (in moderation!)

>> No.12167353

Doctors tell you that?

>> No.12167363

Yeah. I've also had a doctor say "Holy shit I've never seen cholesterol levels this low, you must have the best cholesterol in North America" which is funny because I do enjoy fast food and Kraft Dinner is love, is life.

>> No.12167372

>things have gotten boring
this is why fapping and porn ruin your brain
please stop

>> No.12167383
File: 148 KB, 1280x805, tumblr_o8674gW2Cv1v1mz9xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6" 120 pounds. Don't have any pics saved, and I couldn't tell you how I look 'cause my opinion on that fluctuates constantly. I look younger than I am, so at least there's that, and I dodged the acne bullet which was nice. Most probably think I'm gay 'cause skinny guy with no facial hair and shoulder length emo-ish hair.

As far as my preferences go, I like a lot of different types, ranging from small, thin, and qt to taller than I am with enough muscles to snap me in two. I'm a lot more picky about personality than any specific physical traits (not overweight and not ugly are the main things I guess).

Posting thinspo to apologize for such an autistic post.

>> No.12167387
File: 34 KB, 176x186, snuf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound very qt anon

>> No.12167390

I feel like most doctors would tell me not to fast. Maybe not I guess I've never asked.

The hunger today seems to go in spurts. It's a bit wave like. I'm pretty tired though. I guess I've never done this before so just not used to it.

>> No.12167397

Oh, sorry, a doctor would tell you not to fast. A "fasting blood glucose" blood test is done after a 10 hour fast to see how efficient your body is at processing sugar (at least that's what I think it does). It's not a blood test during an actual fast lol

>> No.12167400

Thanks anon. It feels good to hear that, even from strangers on the internet.

>> No.12167413

Oh kek. That makes sense.

I feel like my metabolism is fucked from low calorie dieting. I lost a bunch of weight. I'm hoping that some fasting might get things fixed up. :/

>> No.12167432

it's all games until you slip up eat junk food and end up going from anorexia to B&P and you gain 25 pounds in a year.

>> No.12167434

What happened?

>> No.12167458

what's BRAT diet?

>> No.12167475

what's google

>> No.12167478

Banana Rice Applesauce Toast. If you have an upset stomach those are easy on it while you get used to food again.

>> No.12167494
File: 100 KB, 500x486, 4458495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this hits close to home. Except I gained 30 lbs in the course of three years.
I lost twenty since then, still have 10 more to go. Fuck ups happen, just have to keep trying.

>> No.12167520

How long until you reach your goal?

>> No.12167536


thought it would be smart to starve myself and eat 2 egg whites and a few saltines everyday for 2 years. mind you i was already skinny before starving myself.

>oh i'll only have a little piece of this pumpkin pie i deserve it right
>i'll have just a little more
>get the most intense hunger pains i've ever had in my life
>in my kitchen for 30 minutes stuffing my face with everything in sight
>hunger pains not going away now i'm in physical pain because i ate so much
>oh i'll just throw it up that will make everything better

the hunger pains never went away i was constantly hungry even after b&ping. for a year it was a constant cycle of stuffing my face to the point were i would throw up have to lay down and try to sleep because my stomach hurt so bad. I went from 90 lbs to in the 120s in a year. Also messed my teeth up from B&P so much. Not fun.

>> No.12167539

Why did the pumpkin pie make you so hungry?

>> No.12167547


That was the first time I had anything other than eggs and crackers in 2 years. I guess I'm weak.

>> No.12167548

My lose it app says around the end of February. I'm shooting for earlier though with some exercise and fast days in addition to my 800-900 calorie diet.

>> No.12167551

Probably some scientific reason.

>> No.12167552

Meant for >>12167520

>> No.12167553

How come you want to be so thin?

>> No.12167567

I've always been thin up until now. I like the way it looks on me. My family is full of thicc (not fat, actual thicc) bitches and I always liked being the petite one. Clothes shopping is easier, clothes fit me better, and I feel better. I'm not trying to get super thin again (I was once 90)..I'm 5'2 and my goal is around 105-110.

>> No.12167579 [DELETED] 
File: 484 KB, 524x426, what1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started a 24 hour fast about 4 hours ago. don't remember the last time I've heard my stomach grumbling this loud

>> No.12167591

How the fuck did you live on eggs and crackers for two years?

Shit I thought I restricted myself on dieting

>> No.12167604

not your fault, almost inevitable for something like that to happen

>> No.12167605

Nice good luck to you.

>> No.12167619

Just get back on track. Everyone fucks up

>> No.12167645

Thanks anon, you too

>> No.12167666

I don't think eating just crackers and eggs for years counts as "on track"

>> No.12167679
File: 45 KB, 461x540, tumblr_m7he3r_Ta6b1qjs5spo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I thinspo? I am the guy

>> No.12167796


>> No.12167829
File: 178 KB, 1080x720, acronym1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was taking a pic while considering selling an acronym jacket and figured why not take some lewd

6' 130

also keep posting moomins

>> No.12167834


>> No.12167850
File: 40 KB, 452x363, 1420942692453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do normies flip off the camera in situations like that? It seems like anytime there is some lewd or just rewd photo getting taken there is some girl flipping the camera off

>> No.12167858

stay jelly

>> No.12168242
File: 452 KB, 709x709, 1458609072910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try IF
>3 hours before I go to sleep
>still 760 calories remaining and I'm fucking stuffed
I need to thank that shitposting asshole frog

>> No.12168390

Because it denotes rebellion, not that hard to figure out.

>> No.12168413
File: 223 KB, 1200x800, street-style-milan-fashion-week-part-2-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you only be thinspo if you're tall?

>> No.12168415


>> No.12168420

You know you're supposed to eat your days calories before those, right?

>> No.12168427

The only normie boards are /fa/ and /sp/ with a decent amount but not total gender division

Everything else is a "childish" hobby

>> No.12168430

Reasonably tall. It's all about the ratio. If you are short can only get so thin.

>> No.12168434


I intermittent fast in 24 hour intervals 1 meal a day

>> No.12168440

I'm starting to do this. (Have to eat dinner for social reasons)

>> No.12168444

None of that's true.

>> No.12168448

>t. womenlet

>> No.12168452
File: 33 KB, 352x480, f822da-1343932285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shelly mulshine is like 5'2 senpai

>> No.12168467

i've seen plenty of thinspo 5'1", 5'3", and etc. the only advantage to being tall is you you be thin at 120lbs vs 95lbs

>> No.12168472

She's moving to Burgerland :3

>> No.12168483 [DELETED] 

>do IF
>eat for lunch and dinner because mornings are easier to deal with
>end up eating a lot for dinner
>try eating a big breakfast and lunch/dinner meal
>it's so much better
>tfw it works
>tfw stay under cal maintenance by a lot and still feel good
>tfw can't do it often because eating large meals for breakfast/brunch terrifies me

Can anyone else relate or am I just retarded

>> No.12168570

Yeah? I'm doing the same as >>12168434

It seemed to come in waves. For a while this afternoon was feeling pretty shitty. Feels good to be so far under my TDEE for the day though.

>> No.12168608
File: 636 KB, 801x1289, IMG_20170122_023822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maintain or continue?

>> No.12168639

Your legs look thin, but really hard to tell without seeing most of someones body. What/who do you want to look like?

>> No.12168694

She's my new idol. Any idea what she weighs? Probably 85 lbs?

>> No.12168711

Looks much better. I adore buzzcuts.

Next work on your complexion. Your tone is great, so you have a good foundation.

>> No.12168741

Post. Yourself. In. Your underwear. if you want comments on your thinspo-ness

>> No.12168757

yes will do once i magically transform into a hot tumblr girl

>> No.12168794

You must have missed the previous 2-3 threads. It's cool for guys to post underwear if they are asking if their body is thinspo. It's practically pointless otherwise.

>> No.12168806

pls no. the guys posting here have the worst bodies

>> No.12168829

maybe i am a girl looking like a boy

>> No.12168860

Trannies are subhuman

Captcha picture Autobahn.

Tranny genocide when?

>> No.12168863

body build is just rather manly. small hips, boobs and ass.

>> No.12168921

pls say your a girl

>> No.12168959

what would you say this boys bmi is? trying to go for something similar

>> No.12168969


>> No.12169002
File: 55 KB, 421x498, 1483392314524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently 5'11 120 trying to get down to 110 pounds. I eat on average 600 cals a day, stay hydrated and do cardio but I stay the same weight? Should i drop my calorie intake to 300 and fast for a while?

>> No.12169053
File: 99 KB, 543x405, 1448162323138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being able to buy cute clothes until I reach my gw
worst feeling desu

>> No.12169062

Don't give me too much shit, I'm trying to get better.

Anyway, I don't know the exact numbers but I'm biologically male and estimate myself to be somewhere around 5'8, I currently weigh a little bit more than 150 pounds.

I have little muscle.

Is it dangerous for me to aim for 120 pounds? Should I aim higher? Lower? How should I go about it?

>> No.12169089

go for 110 if you wanna be /thinspo/ 120 if you wanna be thin. you can do it desu i believe in u

>> No.12169094

120 should be ok, i wouldn't go any lower. you can always see how you feel when you get there.

>> No.12169101

I don't want to be as thin as the people in the pictures here so I'll just go for 120


Thanks to both of you

>> No.12169103

I'd say around 15.5-16. As he's a model, I'd assume his bmi might be even higher as he likely is very tall and toned.

>> No.12169109

> I'm biologically male
kys faggot

>> No.12169120

>biologically male
Then you're a male, stop dressing like a girl

>> No.12169147

I won't dress like a girl until I look like one, fuck both of you

>> No.12169157
File: 344 KB, 609x685, 1484975510157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember 2 stay hiidrated n post progess pix

>> No.12169161

Will do

>> No.12169173

>I won't dress like a girl until I look like one
How about you actually get help, like psycholigical help from a serious psychologist (they exist) who doesn't entertain your delusions of being something you aren't.

Did you know that as a transexual you have a 40% chance of killing yourself, and that your odds don't improve by taking hormones and having surgery.

>> No.12169186

>I won't dress like a girl
You could have just ended it there. No matter how thin you get you're still gonna look like a dude. Ain't nothing wrong with being a feminine dude, but you've got a penis you're a dude.

Just accept that you're a feminine man, you're probably just going through an identity crisis. Talk to a therapist about what is making you feel like you don't belong in the world you are currently in. Wanting to be THAT thin 5'8 120 lbs, says that you have serious body dysphoria and your transition is likely inauthentic driven by a feeling that your body looks differently than it actually does. Don't fall for memes or destroy your body in a way you'll regret. Get thin, but don't become a female identified skeleton whose only body fat IS his penis

>> No.12169187

In the past 2 weeks I have seen police, paramedics, a doctor, a pathologist and psychologist.

If that's not getting help then I don't know what the fuck is. I'm not just trying to entertain delusions, I want to get better whether it's by finding happiness in being male or transitioning.

Also your suicide statistic could do with some work, I already suffer from gender dysphoria which gives me a 40% chance of attempting suicide, I understand that some people regret it but there are things in place now to reduce that risk.

>> No.12169196

>In the past 2 weeks I have seen police, paramedics, a doctor, a pathologist and psychologist.
I did that once too, it was after a complete mental breakdown. If you've seen all those people in the course of two weeks you shouldn't entertain any delusion you have about yourself in your head.

>> No.12169200

Look I'm not big on fucking up my life either. I don't know how reasonable a goal of 120 pounds is which is why I came here and asked about it.

I wish I could say that being a feminine dude was good enough for me but it's just not and I don't see that changing for the foreseeable future. I don't believe that being thinner will make me look female but it's a step in the right direction that I can take without hormones, money or involvement of other people; in other words it's the best I can do for now.

I'd like to think that I don't see my body as anything but what it is but I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, feel free to expand on it.

>> No.12169206

I've felt this way for a long time. I will admit that my mental state is not very good at the moment but like I said, I'm not just entertaining delusions. I want to get better and I'm getting as much help as I can to do so.

>> No.12169208

You need to accept that you may be being influenced by the internet

>> No.12169212

shut the fuck up this is a thinspo thread not a 'evangelist trap rescue' thread jesus

everyone in this thread is fucking bonkers anyway just let the little trap be.

>> No.12169219
File: 84 KB, 519x533, 1458118537716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12169222

1. Are you sure its 600 calories and not more? Are you weighing/measuring or eyeballing it? I don't think you're wrong but covering bases.

2. How long has it been since you last lost weight? Are you eating less calorie dense foods lately meaning you could have a build up of one heavy poo in your future?

>> No.12169228

i count every day maybe one day a week ill go to like 700 or something. you could be very right about the dense foods though, i'll try and work on that.

>> No.12169231
File: 75 KB, 500x495, tumblr_ok5to3NjcH1vgqy9to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to exercise today and it was godawful. i'll just stick with 600 cals a day

>> No.12169234

too little info. for all we know you've been "stuck" at 120lbs for a week hurr

>> No.12169237

>I have seen police, paramedics, a doctor, a pathologist and psychologist.
How many of these people told you to stop entertaining the notion that you're not a guy.

Dude, I can immagine that you've already suffered enormously in your life but this path you're going down is only going to end in tragedy.

Getting of 4chan would be a start

>> No.12169238

Only 5'7" at 115lbs and still have thunderthighs. Don't bullshit on tall being ez mode when going thinspo.

>> No.12169241

It's not bad to eat less calorie dense foods. Just means for a week after it will seem like you are losing less because you'll lose 2 lbs of fat but have an extra 2 lbs of food working its way through you because you've been filling up on veggies. It'll even out the next time you poo.

>> No.12169244

4chan is actually a great thing to have, when you're crazy you're a lot better off shouting off all your insane delusions anonymously as opposed to nuking your friendships and facebook

>> No.12169247

>/thinspo/: the post :)

>> No.12169249

Not all of them knew about it, none of them told me to stop

Also I love 4chan so I probably won't be leaving for quite a while

>> No.12169250

you're not tall you're average. also you might have hormone problems or are doing something gross like deadlifts

>> No.12169253

Get muscle. Squats and shit

>> No.12169269

>my thighs are huge!
>do squats

the fuck lmao. squats make your thighs massive

>> No.12169302

yea ok

>> No.12169316


>> No.12169318
File: 45 KB, 540x960, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only have buttered coffee in the morning (kerrygold, salted) and i eat once a day at 6pm and i keep it keto

>> No.12169320
File: 52 KB, 540x960, thinspoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also been doing body weight exercises to increase muh metabolism or whatever. wanna b fit

>> No.12169324
File: 43 KB, 540x960, thinspooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12169342

I'd just like to point out that gaining extra muscle only very slightly increases your metabolism

>> No.12169354
File: 677 KB, 598x599, compact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh w/e
i'm going for skinny compact muscle like this

>> No.12169361

Fair enough, I didn't mean to tell you not to gain muscle if that's what you want to do, it's just worth knowing the facts

>> No.12169389

how long have you been following that diet? i feel like you should be a lot thinner. maybe not though

>> No.12169406

>paper cup diet
>using three paper cups, eat only those portions 3x per day

dayum. could anyone here do this?

>> No.12169612

I'd guess I eat less than that on average

>> No.12169640

this so much lol

>> No.12169821

New thread:

Bump limit reached.