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/fa/ - Fashion

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12162606 No.12162606 [Reply] [Original]

People mirin your fits stories

>happened about an hour ago
>was walkin back to my house from the library. I have to walk past several bars on my way home, so people are everywhere
>notice a girl in a Rick skirt, so I glance at her and turn my head to the side as she walks past me.
>her boyfriend who's about 5'5" 195 /r/streetwear beta tries to act all hard and calls me out, says "What are you starin at bud?"
>this caught me off guard. pissed me off that this punk is trying to start something, i say "I was jus legit checkin out the girl, is that a problem?"
>replys "yeah it is, keep walking bro, shes mine"
>tell him "i don't like roasties anyway"
>he runs over and gets in myface
>I say "do u honestly think you can intimidate anyone u brown nerd"

keep in mind I am only 6' 155 lbs. however, Ive been studying designers and I post my fits on /fa/. he has nothing better to do with his night than try to fight akid who looks at his gf. talk about being insecure. I am so sick of people thinking they are dressing better calling others out for no reason especially streetwear normcore and palewave fags

>i snap him into a front headlock down to the ground so hes sittin on both his knees
>his knees got split from his H&M black ripped jeans
>i squeeze tight and talk to him while i I hold him there
> "aint so cool anymore huh, cant protect ur girl now can ya, ya need to learn to remain humble, id be happy to have a gf and would never try and fight people if they looked at her, you dont fuking deserve a girl you fukin normie, Ive never had a gf, you dont understand my pain, you should feel my pain"
>snap his face down into the concrete sidewalk n do a spin behind him
>give him a tap on the ass to show dominance
>"btw stacey got nice Margielas"
>let him go and start bcakin off, he just lays there embarrassed
>his gf and 2 friends stand there in shock screaming shit saying theyre going to call the police
>after hearing the word police i take off running towards Taco Bell

>> No.12162617


>> No.12162618

it's sad that you put this much effort into this post and it still ended up not even remotely funny

>> No.12162621

Why did you put so much effort into making up and posting such an obviously fake story

>> No.12162624


>> No.12162628
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>ppl will come here to post about how this is fake

>> No.12162637


>> No.12162680

This. Fuck off OP

>> No.12162711

huh? guessing you a streetwear fag too?

>> No.12162905
File: 23 KB, 349x356, 1482092113009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job op, I had a similar experience just the other day at uni
>Walking across campus to the uni gym
>spot a pack of 5'0 twinks coming out of the library
>make an audible smug comment about their fake nike trainers and louis vuitton bags
>they start babbling at me in their native gook speak
>start trying to intimidate me by circling around
>when will they learn?
>make a casual step forward to the leader while flexing my biceps
>he starts to tear up and stumbles back, dropping a chop stick out of his sleeve
>wink at his gf, present my arm to her so she can feel my muscles
>twinks run away crying and farting with every step
>gf gives me her number, fucked her while twink was in the same room playing league of legends

>> No.12162929

this thread is pretty autistic so far.

>a girl told me i dress well the other day.
>my friend tried on my jacket and said "it just looks better on you"
>i get compliments on my shoes a lot.

>> No.12162934 [DELETED] 
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well done op, r/asianmasculinity will be furious.

>> No.12162970 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 419x292, 1480217955289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, nj anon

>paki/indian/poo in loo shitskin at gym
>hes wearing a polo and sweatpants, its 40 degrees celsius
>hes using the leg press, drenched in sweat and quarter reping one plate on each side
>his sweat smells like some foul mixture of feces and bad breath
>literally farts on the last rep
>audible gurgling sound
>he has shit himself
>without missing a beat(filthy cunt does this all the time apparently) he stands up, reaches into his sweatpants and pulls out a fully formed turd
>nods knowingly to himself and puts it down on the gym floor and walks over to the smith machine to do curls
>walk over to him and inform him this is a white mans country as per terra nullius, and that he must take his shit and leave immediately
>gets sassy with me "vhart are you to be doing aboot it vhite boy" in his shitskin store clerk accent
>immediately respond to his threat to my person and kick him repeatedly in the shins with my steel capped work boots that i exercise in
>he falls to the ground in agony, farting and shitting
>continuously kick him in the temple until he goes limp
>gym owner saw the whole thing, comes over and tells him he has to leave and is banned for life
>cunt just lies there

cant stand nonwhites

>> No.12163151

woah pigfuck. when's you get unbanned? also can I see that Raf collection if you still have it? I think Felstalk might have you beat. you two are both Aussies right? or kiwis?

>> No.12163178

god i hate this board

>> No.12163192

nice fake story
no 5'5 dude would walk up to a 6' and get in his face
like he couldnt even reach the face

>> No.12163214 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nlcjhl0uhd1sit95lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything good that fellstalk posts of raf is usually mine, this is an old pic, ive sold most of this besides the hoodie.

>> No.12163238

>astro in white

fucked up m8

>> No.12163239

ayy hows mash

>> No.12163871

projecting,the thread

>> No.12163953
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>be me
>unsure of my fit at a family party
>gamgam compliments my fit and style
>soon after more follow from friends and family
>thanks babushka

>> No.12163961
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Thats the joke
>this thread

>> No.12164022

No effort involved, it's slightly altered pasta from /fit/

>> No.12164032
File: 117 KB, 650x650, pizzaplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a 5'7 twink and one time a black dude came up and said I looked fly
I think it was my AF1s
or maybe he was gay

>> No.12164041

You mean chinks, right? Saying twinks just makes you sound gay.