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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, mel8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12160299 No.12160299 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many Sudanese models?

>> No.12160303

Because the Sudanese are some of the purest Africans, and purebred people are beautiful.

>> No.12160308

than how come mixed people usually look good?

>> No.12160315

You just proved his point

>> No.12160357

stop falling for their makeup

they're successfully tricking you

>> No.12160363

Come on m8, she looks nice. Good skin (very obvious when bad skin is hidden with concealer), nice lips, good facial structure. Clearly she's pretty without make up too.

Although I personally prefer west African features.

>> No.12160365

naturally elongated features make for the perfect clothes hangers. At the end of the say models are emphasizing the clothes.

The black skin is also a great canvas, no blemishes and does little to conflict with the clothing

>> No.12160379
File: 19 KB, 420x365, PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has black skin, and white features everywhere else... Tell me exactly why she's attractive... Just say it.

>> No.12160383

cause of that sweet mix buddy ;)

>> No.12160387

She definitely does not have white features.

>> No.12160388

Exacto, amigo.
I'm currently with a half black half Mexican girl and she is my kind of fine, boi

>> No.12160389
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: )

>> No.12160390
File: 49 KB, 400x600, 1433733841346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what >>12160363 and
>>12160365 said, additionally really dark skin allows for some different colorpalettes.
Orange, Yellow, generally bright colors, teracotta colors and certain color combinations look better and more natural on dark skin imo.

>> No.12160393

Her REAL hair is SO CUTE OMG !!! ( :

>> No.12160394

and to prove your point, you post a black and white picture kek

>> No.12160409

there is color pigmentation in this picture though. the stripes look brown to me. and her skin shimmers in blue

>> No.12160449

every time a minority looks decent someone comes out of the woodwork to say its white features or mixing behind it, just face it, ur white culture and supremacy isnt everything

>> No.12160450

i have never seen a white person who looks like this, you guys are deluded and pretentious

>> No.12160465
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She certainly does have. Good jaw, symmetrical face, narrow nose, and no chimp face. Her only black features are the lips and dark skin.

>> No.12160474

>Good jaw, symmetrical face, narrow nose
>there are people who think this is exclusive to white people.
Shiggy diggy doo

>> No.12160480

>good jaw
>symmetrical features
>hurr ive seen 3 black people in my life

even the narrow nose, like yeah its not common for black people but what makes it white? do you think if its not a black person thing then its a white person thing

>> No.12160482

>narrow nose
you fell for the highlighter meme m8
look at your pic and op's pic
bridge and tip of the nose both just happen to have great lighting...

>> No.12160483

Would you really lump them in with other "Black People"? Its like calling a Japanese Girl Chinese or plain Jane Asian.. the Sudanese seem like a unique sect of human.

>> No.12160550
File: 298 KB, 532x336, dgfhgj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm even responding to a complete moron like you.
>Good jaw, symmetrical face, narrow nose
>these are exlusive to whites durr

Anyway. For one, her eyes are not at all like most white people's eyes. Caucasians generally have very *deeply set eyes with prominent eyelids and strong brows* which are further accentuated by a thin, very *high* nose bridge, like the very typical white woman on the left. Note her baggy eyelids, deeply set eyes and deeper brow.

Couple things with this model from the OP. Note how her eyes are not deeply set. Much more like the African woman on the right.

Her nose bridge is narrow, which is certainly unlike most Africans, but it is not at all *high*, which is much more typically Caucasian than just being narrow. Her nose does not look white. It is too shallow to be typically white.

Pants on head retarded to say this girl looks white. She'd be very weird looking if you made her blonde and recolored her white.

>the Sudanese seem like a unique sect of human

They're not. They're just East African. The facial features of East Africans differ from those of West Africans. Though neither have typically white facial features.

>> No.12160555

Because they're incredibly dark but look different to what usual niggers look like (most African Americans originate from the West African coast region - Sudan is in the East).

As such their features seem unusual and unique in contrast, especially since their region of Africa saw a lot of genetic movement and migration from within Africa and from semitic nations around them.

Some Ethiopians are also very aesthetic.

>> No.12160559

>Its like calling a Japanese Girl Chinese or plain Jane Asian

What are you even getting at here?

>> No.12160560

>Because they're incredibly dark but look different to what usual niggers look like

Fuck off m8.

>> No.12160562

Found the West African

>> No.12160564

Seriously man, fuck you. Please go back to /pol/. Bringing this shit onto the fucking fashion board?

>> No.12160566 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 600x753, michelle-obama-slide-3G05-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical black person looks like a chimp.

Pic related and most people even consider her attractive.

>> No.12160568

Bringing what shit?, people from different areas of the world having different genes and appearance?

>> No.12160569

Saying "nigger" casually like a racist piece of shit. Fuck you.

You're such a clueless troglodyte you didn't even understand the obvious thing I was getting at.

>> No.12160581

Your Voldemort-tier fear of "nigger" is retarded and doesn't translate to other regions of the world where people are less afraid of words and black people aren't professional victims, if I was racist I would be saying nigger with intent to hurt so it wouldn't be casual.
Furthermore how many niggers could a nigger nigger if a nigger would nigger niggers

>> No.12160587

>doesn't translate to other regions of the world where people are less afraid of words

Where aren't black people offended by "nigger" (said by a non-black not as "nigga"--I'm talking with an ~er).

Genuine curious.

>Furthermore how many niggers could a nigger nigger if a nigger would nigger niggers

You're not very mature are you, m8?

>> No.12160588

People on 4chan have been saying nigger since it's inception. Before /pol/ fucking existed. Telling everyone that says the n word to fuck off to /pol/ like /pol/ fucking invented it is beyond retarded.
If you don't like it, fuck off back to whatever SJW hole you came from.

>> No.12160589

hurr durr love too bee on fashion board and not understand facial aesthetics and features beyond 'white people rule everyone else drools'

>> No.12160610

>Where aren't black people offended by "nigger"
Everywhere where pants-on-head-retarded-regressive-race-centrist-American-culture-that-has-been-taught-to-recognize-racism-in-everything-as-a-form-of-virtue-signaling isn't dominant.

>(said by a non-black not as "nigga"--I'm talking with an ~er).
If every person that uses the word "nigga" died right now we'd probably be on our way to colonizing the milky way by 2020

>You're not very mature are you, m8?
You're the one throwing a tantrum over me using nigger on 4chan

>> No.12160652

>white guy tells black guy to not let "nigger" bother him

>> No.12160653


>blacks are professional victims

He's obviously a /pol/ poster what do you expect?

>> No.12160660

Fucking newfags, nigger has been common on 4chan since forever. I'm black and literally have never been offended by it because it's literally the same as faggot on here or even just a casual term.

quit whining blm niggers

>> No.12160676
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>> No.12160677


>don't recognize racism in everything bro XD

>> No.12160682


>LARPing as a black person on a Bhutanese pottery website

>> No.12160700

>im black

who is this..

>> No.12160707

Give me one good reason why it should bother him, especially on 4chan of all places.

I've never seen people as offended at faggot, kike, sandnigger, gooks and an entire reservoir of other words that are deeply rooted in 4chan jargon - why the fuck would I be giving blacks a special break on here?, because you faggot American kike niggers think the world revolves around you and your slavery LARPing?

Also, I think I've let you assume for long enough - but I'm not white.

I've been to /pol/ around the election period for the memes, never before and never after.

>> No.12160713

>I'm not white.

You're fooling anyone my guy, this is embarrassing.

>> No.12160724

you must be a self hating black then. i feel bad for u
seek help

>> No.12160756

I'm self hating because I don't ask for special treatment in a place known for being rude to everyone equally and I think any such requests are cringey as fuck?

Go fuck yourself, better yet, travel the world a bit, learn to understand that outside of your twitter feed and college culture there's a world of black people who don't care for American niggers glorifying hood culture, promoting SJW bullshittery and pretending that they have some sort of monopoly over black culture by virtue of being loud.

>> No.12160764
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>being rude to everyone equally

yea youre definitely self hating lol

>> No.12160784

>incapable of making any argument
I'm so sorry for what the Americans have made of you - I'm not sure if it was the welfare or the drugs or both but somewhere along the way I think even the countries you originated from have surpassed you culturally.

>> No.12160796

>not using the special treatment to make extra cash and uplift the people in the struggle

waste yrself

>> No.12160806

How do I monetize not people not calling me mean names on 4chan?

>> No.12160809


>> No.12160813

On it, thanks brah

>> No.12160822

White peopleing at its finest, top lel

>> No.12161434

This little girls who lives next door, she's like 10 years old, and almost 5'7. tall and just beautiful. I wish her dad would guide her into the right direction.

>> No.12161444

Sudanese and Somalis has more world class models than the entire continent combined. I wonder why?

>> No.12161742

She does not look white
She does not have white features
Bleach her skin with photoshop and she'd look weird, retards

>> No.12161794

gross, I can see her shitty nappy nigger hair under the wig. white features makes her some how little attractive tho

>> No.12161852
File: 181 KB, 748x1106, IMG_2947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her features are not white..they're just small rather than bulbous which is an archetype of most black people. Caribbean blacks, biracial blacks, and blacks from East Africa tend to have these features due to race mixing.

>> No.12161860

she has no white features on her

>> No.12161888


Never noticed how pretty Donald Glover is.

>> No.12161914

desu i can't even make out her face

>> No.12161916 [DELETED] 

lol at all the black people in this thread living vicariously through this one beautiful unique looking girl who barely looks human

>> No.12161930

East Africans have West Eurasian DNA, probably from the Arabian Peninsula.

>> No.12161934

The good looking traits you are worshipping in them is in fact a form of white supremacy because they come from Caucasoids.

>> No.12161935


>> No.12162076 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1026x1164, Screen Shot 2017-01-18 at 12.43.02 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much you wanna bet she ends up BLEACHED once she inevitably becomes a super model

>> No.12162090

She already has a white boyfriend.

>> No.12162162

Holy shit, did tumblr come here?

>> No.12162170

>face rating thread deleted
>race baiting bickerfest remains

Hmmm, really gets the old neurons firing...

>> No.12162171
File: 174 KB, 669x429, 1484692479669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when did sjws come to 4chan

>> No.12162174

She doesn't have white features

>> No.12162178

Since when did edgy stormfags come on the blue board for fucking fashion?

>> No.12162189
File: 18 KB, 640x480, 1484653178881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she really thinks this
I'm a tranny and not white but ok :^)

>> No.12162191 [DELETED] 

im not into black girls but id colonize this one

>> No.12162797

Affirmative action.

>> No.12162826

i really like you anon. i wish you the best of luck

seconding this. I feel like im at yet another protest at school

>> No.12162964

also they often have significant non-negroid capoid ancestry

>> No.12163055

>due to race mixing
>woman as dark as midnight is the product of race mixing

>> No.12163059

West Eurasians have East African DNA

>> No.12164392
File: 1.16 MB, 748x922, reptilians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mixed people look like aliens trying to disguise themselves as humans but not quite getting it right.

>> No.12164776


>> No.12164791
File: 179 KB, 723x1048, IMG_3002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? Race mixing throughout different cultures for years shows up on their features generation after generations. I'm talking about their facial features not their skin color you autist.

Also the model I posted is European, West Indian and Brazilian. She is clearly mixed.

>> No.12164861

Lmao had to turn my brightness up to see her face

>> No.12164867

the second one in the second line is handsome as fuck bruh

>> No.12164869

They don't look that bad desu.

>> No.12165731


>> No.12165822
File: 417 KB, 999x925, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i will never look this good

i forget where in Africa this guy from, i want to say Somalia, he isn't even a model either

>> No.12166062

all it took was a simple reverse image search and it tells you he's from ethiopia

>> No.12166075


>Also the model I posted is European, West Indian and Brazilian.

So where's the European?

>> No.12166084
File: 275 KB, 1242x1223, 1480046123120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of this model. does anyone know her name?

>> No.12166089

In her personality

>> No.12166100

Jesus she looks like some waifu Elder Scrolls General would make.

>> No.12166133
File: 165 KB, 750x993, IMG_3007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where's the European

Passed down from her grandmother. You're dense if you don't think she has European features (narrow nose, eyes, hair, body Type).

>> No.12166151
File: 192 KB, 390x304, alt right hook.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all whites in this thread should be embarrassed

all nonwhites in this thread should be similarly embarrassed

>> No.12166175

How old are you 14? Admit you're wrong, and stop being so immature, because I refuse to believe there is someone this mentally incomprehensible.

>> No.12166178

>Symmetrical faces.
>Naturally "model--like" bodies (Thin but still curves; tall etc.)
>Stand out because of their dark skin
>Most are well toned in general
>Look good in a variety of types of outfits

>> No.12166185

>Doesn't understand how pigment works

>> No.12166391

these girls take my breath away, god damn

>> No.12166438


fucking lol
they look like that because of the stupid light setup that's reflected in their eyes

>> No.12166454


Because you are being sold the idea that racemixing is good. The reality is absolutely not confirming that. You see all kinds, sometimes hot, often not

>> No.12166475
File: 24 KB, 426x267, a-ok_mime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt right hook

>> No.12166901

fug off sjw

>> No.12166939

>huge lips
>big round nose
>white features

look at the pic you posted and OP pic you retard.

>> No.12167126

Besides wouldn't it be the opposite? Black people came first so it's white people with the black features no?

>> No.12167603 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12167633

i dont know if this girl is dinka but grace bol is and they are very unique looking people. on average theyre really tall as well.

>> No.12167694

Shes beautiful, but that wig... It's like its too small for her head so she just perches it on top or something.

>> No.12167727


>> No.12167757

Don't kinkshame bro

>> No.12167759

lolita but I cant find he last name

>> No.12167772


Pol is THIS desperate. Jesus fucking christ.


>> No.12167778

found her instagram

>> No.12167790

>pointing out that the guy who blew you the fuck out eats shit
>willingly admitting you got blown the fuck out by a literal shit eater

>> No.12167791
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>> No.12167843
File: 231 KB, 750x929, IMG_3009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alecia Morais.

>> No.12167950

>Being a model means being beautiful

You're a pallate for a faggot to put his art on. They have the right mix of black and arab to look like a good pallate shapewise

>> No.12167957

my sides have escaped me

>> No.12167970

fuck off nigger