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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 810x483, effay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12126401 No.12126401 [Reply] [Original]

How long have you been coming here?

What brought you here?

For me, it was 2012. I had just graduated high school a year before and moved to Seattle. At the time I was wearing volcom shorts and v neck shirts from Pac Sun with red Vans among other things. That was probably one of my worst fits. Also wore band tees/hoodies.

It wasnt until I saw what people were wearing on the streets every day that I realized my style was shit. I had been browsing /b/ for about a year every day. Realized there was a fashion board so I came here and made a few threads in some of my fits and got laughed off the internet. I told myself I never wanted that to happen again and I've been taking notes ever since.

>> No.12126410

early 2015
followed Japanese brands / emerging trends but none of my friends like this stuff
good friend of mine goes on /v/ and said I could join the fashion board
didn't know shit about the avant garde crap and memes that are popular here, but I found my comfort zone

>> No.12126417
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>> No.12126419

2011 after /v/ died of cancer.
I then went to /tv/ and only come here on the first months of each year.

>> No.12126425

How did you fit a year's worth of browsing /b/ into a single day, let alone every one?

>> No.12126431

made me chuckle.

know how most people boot up youtube or facebook as soon as their browser is up, for me /b/ was one of them.

>> No.12126434

Sometime in 2008, I think. The only board I went to before this one was /b/. I can't really remember what compelled me to look at /fa/. I think it was some kind of naïve youthful desire to "become a hipster".

After 9 years of on-and-off browsing, I'm still not very effay.

>> No.12126441


>> No.12126442

Since 2008. The board opened and I was curious. I "liked" fashion and talking to people online

>> No.12126451

/fit/ still loses

>> No.12126462

got slim, realised my clothes are shit, and mostly bought by my mum
wanted to buy a whole new wardrobe that fit my new physique
did research, found fa, stuck around

>> No.12126468

got some vets in here. How has the style/memes changed over the years? When I first came in 2012 it was all about Rick and oversized pajamas/urban ninjas. Thats how I will always view /fa/

>> No.12126472

Post some of your wardrobe now anon, like to see the change from volcom... I remember the skater and goth kids at my school wearing that.

>> No.12126499
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I try to dress pretty basic/casual most of the time. I dont take many pictures but this might give you an idea.

>> No.12126506
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>> No.12126510
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>> No.12126525

good to have you here friend

>> No.12126533




>> No.12126538

idk you just seem nice :^))

>> No.12126540



>> No.12126543

When I first came to 4chan /fa/ didn't exist yet, then I was off the website completely for about 2-3 years. When I started to lurk again in...2010? I would occasionally browse /fa/ since I already had an interest in clothes/fashion but I didn't really like it. The memes, opinions, general taste people had, etc. At that time I was more entertained by /v/ and /mu/. Sometime in 2012 it became one of my regular boards to lurk idr why

>> No.12126551

I can dig

>> No.12126555

Don't be such a faggot. Take it while you can get it.

>> No.12126556

OP, this color blocking is fucking great. Now I'm jealous.

>> No.12126587

Like maybe 3-4 years ago? My friend introduced me to 4chan a bit before that and we preferred to laugh at it, rather than post etc. He showed me /fa/ because we used to giggle at crusty-ass fits in the WAYWT, but I slowly got more and more into it and started browsing seriously. I don't really enjoy it very more, I find it very toxic and around the end of 2015 it seemed to get flooded with streetwear types which isn't really my vibe. I keep coming back to it though because it's addictive and I can't really be bothered finding a better fashion forum. I generally fire up Facebook, Reddit or /fa/ without thinking when I'm bored.

I'm glad I got to catch the tail-end of Knoch's posting days, but since then the only trip I've really enjoyed is mwwtt.

>> No.12126633

>2011 when /v/ died of cancer
You mean 2007?

>> No.12126670

Came here from /mu/ in 2014 back when I was wearing the minimalist meme capsule wardrobe from mfa's sticky. Learned a lot about proportions and silhouettes here but mostly just stayed for the inspo threads. Rode palewave for a while but realized how dumb it looked without darker colors.

I'm still poor as fuck though so my wardrobe is all thrifted and uniqlo and I feel bad whenever the people on this board call the poorfags scum because its very true.

/fa/ used to be better back when the shitposting was funny and the threads had more content. Now there are a lot more streetwear people and poorfags in general who don't really have anyone to guide them because all the cooler posters left.

Shoutout to the thrift, DIY, and inspo threads though. That's where it's at.

>> No.12126686

I used to go on /b/ and /v/ during my junior years. I was reguarly wearing shirts from hot topic, levi jeans, converse as well as a black Calvin Klein sweater.

After i discovered Bladee during 2014 I thought he looked really cool and I wanted to mimic his style. I found out that 4chan had a fashion board and ive been browsing eversince

>> No.12126723

I think early 2015? I can't really remember exactly.

I was getting really bored/fed up with /fit/, and I was starting to get more conscientious about my style, so this just seemed like a place to go for inspo.

Most of my time spent here is either
>style rate/"draw your life" threads
>interior threads for inspo and comfy pictures

>> No.12127777

thanks buds

>> No.12127817

/fit/ is making fun of you guys btw


>> No.12127848
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For good reason
"Normcore" looks shit
and regular ppl will think you're legitimately on the spectrum, when you think a style that makes you look like a cartoon of a stereotypical nerd or geek is actually cool and aesthetically pleasing you might be delusional..

Like that /fit/ poster said, this basic semi streetwear fit looks much better in comparison to "nerdy awkward "normcore"
and in general being /fit/ will make any clothes you wear look better even just a basic tee and jeans will look better than even the sickest fit on this board.

What I never understood is how most of /fa/ thinks memecore is cool and no one ever bothers being both physically and fashionably aesthetic to the eye..

>> No.12127892

since 2008

It was my freshman year of college and i wanted to improve so i went to /fa/ /fit/ and other "self-improvement" boards

been pretty regular since then, but my stye has changed a lot and I also browse and shitpost more now. When I first came here I just wanted to look "nice," now I buy whatever I think looks cool because I give less fucks/am more confident now I guess. So basically I went from J. Crew and BR to Raf, Thom Browne, Ervell, Lanvin etc.

>> No.12127899
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late 2009. saw my big brother on here once and came on. might leave since fashion is trash now.

baldchan is now here

>> No.12127906

2012 was peak "dadcore" trolling if I remember correctly

>> No.12127920

yeah I remember that too. dad core and ninjas. everyone was posting that one guy who always wore ties and shit. cant remember where hes from.

>> No.12127968

I came here in 2016 from /fit/.

Spent a solid 2 years at fit trying to improve my overall health and mental fitness, the after realizing I was starting to get to big for some of my clothes (and the fact that I handy actually changed my style since senior year if high school).

I decided that the upcoming holiday season would be the perfect time to reinvent myself. So I took advantage of the opportunity and spent time studying the sticky.

Just through out most of my wardrobe and am in the process of building something respectable. I'm still kind of casual though.

>> No.12128126
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About July 2013. My second year in highschool.
I wore flannels, UO print shirts that looked 'funny', skinny blue jeans and weird color shoes. I was interesed in graphic design and ilustration and my life kind of revolved around it (pic related, worked with him). I went to a friend's highschool and noticed a 'cool' girl with pink hair and weird clothes, kind of liked her. She noticed me and weeks later I started going out with her, she was 'interested in fashion' so I wanted to talk with her about that. I thought she was so unique, so i had to go deeper than the average. I browsed /b/ and /fit/ occasionally at the time and I saw /fa/ once.

I came to realize she was pure shit. She wore fedoras, dyed her hair weird colors, wore shitty prints, awful boots and had no actual conception of fashion. She stopped talking to me suddenly before I was actually interested in fashion. Actually, /fa/ changed my life. I did fell in love with fashion and I'm currently applying to some fashion schools (on my second year studying architecture, I think it was a mistake choosing it). This girl now works at petco or something and lives with her girlfriend in our hometown. She now looks like an ugly dude. Tattooed her whole body with a bunch of ugly shit.

>> No.12128376

fuck fuck fuck

>> No.12128384

/fa/ x /cgl/ otp

>> No.12128453

2014 or 15 i cant remember well. Used to browse reddit gaming sub alot before it went to shit. I heard some commotion about 4chan and check out the /v/ page. Then it went to shit and decide to pick up /fa/since i have a slight interest in clothing.

All my clothes are just hand me down and stuff i bought from mall with huge name brand on it which i really dislike. I picked up a lot of stuff on this board and was able to build a presentable and basic wardrobe. Im so glad to have discover this board. Though i dont frequent 4chan as much any more.

>> No.12128480

That's feminine as fuck

>> No.12128517

Came here in early '13. Browsed very casually and lured around, lots of funny shit here. Bettered my own style a lot. Was always pretty big with dressing well as my larents dressed me well as a kid, and I guess it just continues that, but way more expensive now.

>> No.12128528

b-but /x/ nee-chan

>> No.12128664

Came here when I was 17-20 for fashion inspo.

23 y/o now just stopping by...I'll be on my way. This place is shit.

>> No.12128669


to dress better

>> No.12128677

2008. /fa/ was a mistake but atleast I got to see Conan O Brian tripfag get doxx'd

>> No.12128700

Probably came here in 2011-2012 (age 16 or 17-ish) when I re-realized 4chan had other boards besides /b/

I came here at first because I wanted to improve my look, I dressed like every skater ever and wanted to mix it up

Started learning about brands, silhouettes, different fashion "rules" and concepts

Been coming back on and off but I think I'll stay a while this time around

I just recently went from being poorfag to making decent money, I'm not terribly /fa/ but I think I dress well.

>> No.12128730

I think I first starting lurking around 16 so like 2011-12?
I came here (as well as /fit/) because I got on a self improvement kick because girls didn't like me so I decided to do something about it instead of just posting ">tfw no gf"

>> No.12128751

I came here during the reeeeeeeeeeeeee trip shit

>> No.12128754

Was 2011 when I was 15. I had heard of 4chan from some forum, wanted to see what the fuss about /b/ was about and soon got bored of that. Went on /sp/ mostly. I had the Bieber mop and wore glasses. Just wore sweatpants and sweaters all day every day. Then decided it was time for a change, but first fell for the dadcore mean badly. Then fell in love with SLP FW 13 and started mimicking that. Now I'm 20 and have some pretty nice SLP pieces after experimenting with other things as well (had some Rick and Yohji which I sold).

I shit on /fa/ a lot but it literally has helped improve my life and gotten me into some cool things causing me to meet some really cool people in real life.

>> No.12128768

>Junior year of high school
>really into this german foreign exchange girl
>shes into "fashion" and style"
>already becoming a hipster cunt because of /mu/
>go to /fa/ and become enlightened to dadcore, casemods, and rick
>still dress like shit through junior year
>become basic bitch senior year
>frequent /mu/ and /fa/ consistently

Now I try to dress in grunge prep

>> No.12129649

>join the fashion board

>> No.12129655

as a prepster, i'd love to see what grunge prep looks like. do you have any pics?

>> No.12129656

whatever; that's how I got here =(