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File: 533 KB, 853x1280, B82X0361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12114408 No.12114408 [Reply] [Original]

is balding the most humiliating thing that can happen to a guy, excluding bad medical conditions and ED?

everytime i look in the mirror i feel like im withering away more, fin doesnt help and a hair transplant would be too expensive for how bad it would look on me (25 and already quite bald).

its just a part of me i cant style anymore or do anything with and i look objectively worse because of my high forehead.

fuck people who think being a manlet is worse than this lol

>> No.12114411

No it's just a meme, people have pulled off the baldo look

>> No.12114413

just shave it you fucking pussy

literally no one care about your lack of hair

>> No.12114415

Normal people with well adjusted lives don't give a shit.

The only reason you care so much is because you either interact with people who pay too much attention to this or because you're a fucking NEET or something.

I'm not bald but I swear all the guys who whine and complain about it are NEETs for some reason.

>> No.12114417
File: 196 KB, 467x691, 20170104_131548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a different anon. How do I look

Pls no bully

>> No.12114422

Pls shave

>> No.12114427


Aside from that what do you think anon

>> No.12114455


>> No.12114456
File: 903 KB, 1352x1200, _DSC0010-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a neet but what the fuck does that have to do with it

>> No.12114471

you look miserable, a bit like a wet dog before it has shaken off the water off its fur. sadly you have no fur to shake

nah you look ok just a bit sad tho

>> No.12114476

it's because his mouth is so small lol and he should smile.

>> No.12114480

just smile and you're good anon

>> No.12114485

Yeah this

You have a nice jaw so you're good. Experiment with facial hair and hats. I'm also balding and it ain't the greatest but we just gotta work with what we have. That's what personal style is all about.

>> No.12114486

What if my smile looks retarded

>> No.12114488

posts like those just make it more depressing lol

>> No.12114494

And all of them are over 50

>> No.12114517

you don't know true pain until you get ed around the girl you've been after for nearly a year

would take a bald head over this situation desu

>> No.12114527

whats ed?

>> No.12114528

erectile dysfunction

>> No.12114533

But that's not an aesthetic problem. No one will ever see it. Sex is not effay anyway.

Balding is worse. Do you know how humiliating it is to go back and see your old friends from high school a few years later, and the look on their faces when they see you're bald now

>> No.12114547

Nigga you need to build some confidence. Your hair isn't coming back either way.

>> No.12114569

Yeah but being into fashion and not getting hard around the girl you supposedly love gives a horrid impression, ie, i she probably thinks im a massive homo

They're both shit really.

>> No.12114571

If you are ugly it doesn't matter if you have hair or not. If you are handsome, it doesn't matter.

Just own it. I started shaving my head and never looked back.

>> No.12114584
File: 13 KB, 600x434, 1482265730962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shave my head too, but I still have dreams sometimes where I have a full head of hair.

>> No.12114710
File: 35 KB, 255x245, 20170103_131609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird because the last time I posted a picture of myself people said I was repulsively ugly.

It was this picture. Is it just the angle or what

>> No.12114734

Handsome Squidward

>> No.12114752

Yeah, this is an awfull angle. In the other pic you look quiet good. Smile.

>> No.12114758

But I look like a retard when I smile

>> No.12114771

You look like a retard anyway

>> No.12114822

Being bald only kills if you let it, just like being short. Just own it and have you style compliment your baldness.

Although I see things differently. I'm black, and based on family history I'm probably not ever going to lose my hair. Even if I did, it sucks a lot less for us black guys

>> No.12114845

You can look good as a bald guy if you dress nicely, but if you have to wear something practical like work clothes or swim trunks at the beach or whatever, you're going to look awful.

>> No.12114869

>haha come on guys the problem isn't that bad. Stop whining lol

>Fortunately I will never have to face that problem myself, and even if I did, I'm better suited to deal with it.

Garbage tier post.

>> No.12114872

do u have it from drug use or just a shitty body?
I binged pretty hard on mdma last year for a few months and I didnt get an erection for like 30 days afterwards, shit sucked

>> No.12114879

You don't know or see real people therefore you don't realize real people don't care

>> No.12114881

I didn't mean to be a dick bro. Just want people to know that balding won't kill them. Look at UK skinheads, they made having (almost) no hair pretty damn /fa/

You can look good in work clothes and trunks but not if you have an egghead. You need a normal sized and shaped head

>> No.12115058


>> No.12115208

How so

>> No.12115238

You look like the fusion of One Punch Man and a Pufferfish

>> No.12115248

doesn't matter if you're attractive

- women know that men go bald
- hair is like 5th place behind money, power, charisma, and facial attractiveness
- baldness looks good with height and muscle
- I'm bald (though admittedly attractive and with good head shape) and I got dates all the time before settling down with my current girlfriend

>> No.12115293

>women know that men go bald

But not usually at a young age.

Guys who go bald in their late teens or early 20s are fucked

>> No.12115301

You look like a normal dude.

That's a shit camera and angle. They're not doing you any favors.

Accept you are bald and move past it.

>> No.12115307


yeah true, for that period of their life at least. But then they hit 25 and it seems more normal and women start judging you based on your accomplishments and your ability to provide rather than on your hair

>> No.12115312

shaved = /fa/

balding = not /fa/

women can always be dykes if what they want is nice hair

>> No.12115357

Balding + Fat/chubby = Basement dweller or slobby
Balding + Skinny = Boy in striped pyjamas/Neo-Nazi

Just hit the gym and you'll be fine, unless you've already got decent facial aesthetics that actually suit being bald.

>> No.12115367

Doesn't help if you're like me and your facial attractiveness goes down without hair.

>> No.12115750
File: 179 KB, 561x419, 12312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bite the bullet. Looking like you're balding is 100% way worse than beeing actually bald.

My gf's reaction when I told her my hair was receeding was "thank god". We met when I was still in the rangers so she was used to me being buzzed.

>> No.12115771
File: 201 KB, 2048x1152, TomWallisch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like pro skier Tom Wallish. He also went bald

>> No.12115798

balding + gym = compensating

you cant win

>> No.12115804

I don't get the compensating meme. What's wrong in trying hard to improve yourself? As long as you're not a faggot about it, who the fuck would shame you for that?

>> No.12115806


>> No.12115862

no win situation..I have to admit seeing a 5'8'' buff dude with a shaved head walking around with his chest puffed out is funny looking

>> No.12115895

Are you saying that I look like Jesse or that I look like Walter

>> No.12115901

nothing wrong with improving yourself but nobody wants to be associated with the legion of obnoxious short, balding idiots with fake tans that infest every gym.

>> No.12116258

I don't see the resemblance and I'm not a manlet either.

>> No.12116529

You look like you have at least one Swastika tattoo somewhere on your body.

>> No.12117258

Im black and I had a bad hairline but I actually look a lot better when I shave my head. ty to my mom for the good jawline. feelsgoodman

>> No.12117260

This r9k tier thread

>> No.12117593

Do you just assume that any young bald guy is a neo nazi

>> No.12117645

nah they gotta be white too

>> No.12117670

Why would you assume this

>> No.12117677

You realize that white people tend to go bald at a younger age than any other race don't you

>> No.12117705

nah thats blacks by far
native american men least likely to go bald, genetically

>> No.12117713

Anglos/Nordics/Germanic races, basically Northern European subtypes in general, have it worst when it comes to balding. We often start losing our hair in our teens.

>> No.12117963

>nah thats blacks by far

I hardly ever see young black guys going bald. They almost always have a perfect hairline.

A white guy, on the other hand, is very lucky if he can make it to 25 without his hairline receding.

>> No.12118185

False, they have either terrible or fantastic hair genes. They go full buzzcut or crewcut fade most of the time because they tend to not like the fro.
You think that they never go bald because they shave their hair anyway.

>> No.12118195

watch more interracial porn then, buddy

>> No.12118225

I don't watch porn

>> No.12118355
File: 11 KB, 350x263, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visual aid

>> No.12118367

Testicular torsion is probably the worst thing. Having no hair and not being able to get it up is one thing, but literally not having any balls is suicide tier.

>> No.12118371
File: 119 KB, 300x300, 1393106255065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118374

>If you are handsome, it doesn't matter
Yes it does. A bald head is enough to turn a 9 into a 5.

>> No.12118379

>I l-look just as g-good as men with hair!
Posts like yours are a great demonstration of how balding has a destructive effect on a man's body and self esteem.

>> No.12118382

99% of the people you'll meet in your life will never notice.

>> No.12118407

True it's a meme
Balding actually make you look more mature wich is a thing most of girl like. But trying to hide it make you look hideous that's for sure.

>> No.12118483

Is that a good thing to look like handsome squidward

>> No.12118500

>HANDSOME squidward

>implying you wouldn't give everything you own to look like sexy squidward

>> No.12118514

>Balding actually make you look more mature wich is a thing most of girl like.

Then why don't guys with a full head of hair shave their head

>> No.12118582

Can you still grow a beard? A beard looks beast while bald

>> No.12118589

Ever seen a nazi nignog/chinaguy?

>> No.12118777

I definitely don't look just as good but if I was an 8 then now I'm a 7. People still treat me like I'm attractive anyhow, but again - that's due to other factors besides just my hair (eg. face, body, height, charisma, etc.) Balding sucks and it takes a toll on everyone it happens to, but if you have other things going for you then you can live nearly identically to how you did before. If the only thing interesting about you is your hair then you're fucked obviously

>> No.12119655
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, 20170106_180939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed this on the back of my head recently. Is this a bald spot or just a natural hair part? 19 years old

>> No.12119662

Left side of pic is top of head

>> No.12119899

Time to shave it boyo

>> No.12119922

Jesse with Walter's skull

>> No.12119944

the only thing humiliating about balding is using minoxidil and shit

have some fucking dignity you bald fucks, you're wasting your time and money for no reason

>> No.12119951

Did you mean back of head?

>> No.12119953
File: 173 KB, 1200x800, OscarIsaacExMachina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just started balding, bald spot in the back. Front seems fine so far. Can I go with something like this and not look terrible or do I need to go full shave?

>> No.12120020

Nope the pic got rotated, the top of my head is fine. Pic is of the back of my head, so the top is on the left. You can see my ears for reference

>> No.12120023

That movie was p effay desu

>> No.12120028
File: 2.43 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170106-203820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the top of my head, no baldness which is why I was hoping that patch in the back was normal