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File: 29 KB, 570x456, IMG_3492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12092485 No.12092485 [Reply] [Original]

Should I really shave it off? I'm afraid that I'm gonna look like 10 again and look like a fuccboi. Please help

>> No.12092519

Looking like you're 10 is much better than looking like whatever the fuck you are now.

>> No.12092577

look like a lesbian with a fake beard

>> No.12092580


>> No.12092581

are you wearing makeup?

>> No.12092589

my god, disgusting

>> No.12092603



>> No.12092604
File: 209 KB, 682x600, XDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12092613
File: 492 KB, 176x216, keked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually that was a bit mean. but yeah shave the beard and get rid of the bangs immediately anon.

looks like timmy poured minoxidil on his face what the fuck

>> No.12092622
File: 62 KB, 781x630, little-fuzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try trimming it short like pic related and get a haircut

>> No.12092624

No offence, but you look like a 14 year old who glued pubes on his chin.
Shave it all and do something about that hair.

>> No.12092629

hell yea dude. youre sexy as hell srs.

>> No.12092633

yeah i feel bad for saying what i said because you aren't ugly but the beard is pretty bad. haircut and you could easily be quite good looking

>> No.12092634
File: 24 KB, 400x400, UCe487_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12092636

I think that looks really, really good.

I'm a qt azn thin girl btw and I dress in normcore, and I'm single. I'm rich and really generous, I'm really smart too and have a really really active sex drive

I wish OP were by bf

>> No.12092644
File: 4 KB, 167x160, bantz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12092649

try adding some oil to it, and combing it down so tit's parallel to your jaw line.
if that doesn't work yes shave it.

>> No.12092690


>> No.12092705

If this is really you and not bait take my advice and trim it short, you dont have enough coverage and thickness to grow it and and dont look autistic.
keep it around 1cm in lenght and get a solid neckline

>> No.12092728
File: 22 KB, 426x333, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12092734

i tried to paste this photo here but i forgot name
of this character, thanx desu

>> No.12092741

haircut and lose beard

>> No.12092759

this, its simple. Youd be so much better off. go short sides long top for the haircut

>> No.12092762

yeah dude, shave it off and get a hair cut like pic related >>12092622

also try and lose a bit of weight, you look like you have a decent facial structure so getting rid of the cheek chub would help

>> No.12093059

You look like one of those kids that got so bullied they ran away to join ISIS and ISIS thinks they're so lame they only use them as suicide bombers.

>> No.12093114 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 112x90, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12093121
File: 30 KB, 565x453, kekeke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12093125

Buzz cut and trim beard
Thats it, its like a do over button

>> No.12093130


>> No.12093138

tfw osama bin laden is emo

>> No.12093152

Shave it / trim it down, the biggest issue you have is you've got the same haircut i had when i was 7. Get the back and sides shaved short and add texture to the top. Along with shaven / close trimmed facial hair it should suit your face a lot better and give a hint of maturity.

>> No.12093154

Jesus christ

>> No.12093342

Cut your hair, just go for something short. Not a buzzcut, but definitely a cut of some sort. You don't need too much hair.

Definitely cut the beard. You don't have the face for it. Keep a thin goatee maybe?

>> No.12093368


>> No.12093376

I want to save this so bad

>> No.12093846


Nice pubes dude.

But seriously, if that were my face I would kms.

No really, if that were my beard, I would your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't shave the sides down a touch.

But really, shave the sides down a touch and leave the front longer. Then slick that sad mop back Cuthbert.

>> No.12094033

Do it, I just did

I'll be posting this elsewhere

>> No.12094054


You look ten now but with a ring of pubes on your jaw and a prepubescent moustache. Would help if you didn't have a ten year old's haircut desu.

>> No.12094412
File: 10 KB, 236x245, 92ac4fc9f6441f6ecdc97abcf1998eda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're halfway there, anon. You just need to shave your mustache. Maybe even buy some suspenders. You could probably even sell quilts without much trouble if you wanted to

>> No.12094415
File: 69 KB, 545x430, amish_gallery2_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some more inspo

>> No.12094502
File: 187 KB, 346x406, 1472485973964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at this thread, i now realize i got off lightly when i posted my shit on here. You guys are fucking HARSH.

>> No.12094540

highly underrated comment

>> No.12094604

our pleasure

>> No.12094607

that looks like pure shit

>> No.12094615

God you're fucking ugly. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.12094617

ITT: People who don't know how to reverse image search

>> No.12094627

I only get german shit, tell me your secrets

>> No.12094628

Jesus christ, shave that fucking thing off
the other anons re playing with you, it looks fucking vomit inducing

And get another goddamn hair style

>> No.12094645

it looks like a fucking goosebumps TV show charcter that grows hair fast. Nigga looks 10 yrs old

>> No.12094670

shave everything and get a crew cut medium skinfade
guarantee you'll be able to get laid

>> No.12094756

try getting a neater haircut. the beard is ok.

>> No.12095246
File: 8 KB, 250x250, dj-drewski-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do this.

>> No.12095268

lmfao larp alert

you need a haircut and shave it off entirely. way too fucking long

>> No.12095357

let it grow! you look silly now but once it's 20cm longer you'll be able to say: I told you so!

>> No.12095358

Also, shave your head, it goes well with a beard like that.

>> No.12095365

Also, lose the moustache. It's holding you back.

>> No.12095373

lose the makeup

>> No.12095375

Shave and get a haircut and delete this

Pretend you never looked like this

>> No.12095377


>> No.12095394

I want to reach through the screen and shave that hideous neckbeard off.

>> No.12095419

you look like youre amish

>> No.12095467


>> No.12095515

OP here, thank you for all your nice comments. Just woke up and saw that I have 60 replies on my thread lol, yesterday there was 0. Thanks, I'm definetly gonna rock my beard, thanks for encouraging me to keep it. I'm also 17 years old so that you guys know.

>> No.12095538


>> No.12095543

half of the posts you replied to said to shave the nasty shit off

>> No.12095648

I doubt that's actually op

>> No.12095711

include me in le screenshot pls xD