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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 909 KB, 3110x2073, fashionistas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12088931 No.12088931 [Reply] [Original]

So wait, wait, wait just a goddamn second.

This is you guys? Really?

I thought we had something going on here, but it's just cookie cutter social recluses and literal faggots.

>> No.12088934

Does anyone have the pic with the real neck length ?

>> No.12088939

it's only the few among us stupid enough to go to a meetup with random people with one vague common interest

>> No.12088960

It's not stupid. But if the fashion enthusiasts were like designers and fashion students, not just hYpEbOiS, then it would be cool

>> No.12088966

3rd from the right epitomizes the bleak fate of manlets
if he were 6'2" he would look really good
but he's not
he's a fucking manlet

>> No.12088973

but the point is, these are the people who are judging our fits in WAYWTs and giving advices, believing they acquired through 1 month on /fa/ an absolute knwoledge and a developped taste

>> No.12088976
File: 1.83 MB, 1716x1859, 1452651352725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you buttmad r/streetwear faggots still here making these threads because you were utterly roasted in that long streetwear thread from a few days back? lmfaooo

>> No.12088980

it's mostly the face really. he's way too chubby

>> No.12088983

Is it just me or does his neck get longer every time it gets reposted.

>> No.12088995


>> No.12089037

Me on the right.

>> No.12089060


what the fuck did you expect you utter mongoloid? a bunch of models? this is still 4chan man, asking for a meetup is too much already, expecting all of them too look like gods is just plain retarded

let us look at you, you might be as laughable as them

>> No.12089073

It's not how they actually look genetically (fugly), but the so called "fashion" these guys practice.

Cookie cutter as fuck, as stated.

>> No.12089078

/Pol/ is bullying you guys

>> No.12089081
File: 2.01 MB, 3110x2073, 1482936181154 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.12089084

Have you seen the WAYWT threads? What were you expecting?

>> No.12089156
File: 1.34 MB, 3504x2336, e956e0c657b54f04dc471eaf624bb873d30fbc9502517d6686238e9f8c7045a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like everytime this image gets posted someone adds a pixel or two of neck to this guy

>> No.12089157

I've always thought 4 looks completely out of place here, wtf is he wearing?

>> No.12089170

Link plz

>> No.12089196

the main issues here are that they are wearing contrasting shit, like guy #2 should have worn a shirt that had less relaxed arms because he was wearing slimmer jeans. like guy #3 should have worn less slim jeans in the same way. guy #5 objectively has the best fit tho

>> No.12089201

These are typical residents of brisbane.

>> No.12089205

hello /pol/

>> No.12089208

there is nothing /pol/ about that OP

>> No.12089216

this image was posted to /pol/ a few minutes before this thread
also, check the person on the right

>> No.12089238

you would know since you apperantly visit /pol/

fuck dylann roof was actually memed about before /pol/. fuck off.

>> No.12089239

Dylan had the best style out of those desu