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/fa/ - Fashion

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12087269 No.12087269 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/ this is a bit of an odd one. I recently started dating this really sweet girl. She's fun, caring, kind, smart, funny and we have a lot of hobbies in common. I really care for her, love her personality and just recently we became official. However, the longer we are together, the more I notice that I find other women more attractive than her. I absolutely hate that feeling and I've been looking for ways to feel more attracted to my girlfriend. I want to look at her and no one else.

To summarize, she's a pretty short girl 5'2", generally wears all black and has fairly thin hair that falls flat. Her body is fairly average, she's neither skinny, nor fat. She has large hips and small breasts and the clothes she wears don't always match her body type. She has a cute round face, beautiful eyes, tall forehead and a small chin. She's a really sweet and adorable girl. But she's shy, a bit awkward and often complains about her looks. I want to change that and help her bring out the beauty, that I know she has and make her feel more confident about herself. She has already told me that she wants to change her hair in a way that better matches her features, but her hairdresser is really shitty.

Whenever, she talks about her hairstyle, I've been making suggestions she'd look great with a fringe. She has similar facial features and glasses to pic related so I think she'd look great with it and it would help balance her large forehead.

Is there any way I can do this without putting the relationship in jeopardy? I know people say you should never change your partner, but I truly feel this would help our relationship immensely. I've got a very good job, so money is not an issue and I care for her enough to buy her an entirely new wardrobe. So how do I approach it and make it fun? I'm very into fashion myself, so taking her shopping wouldn't be something weird for me.

>> No.12087278

if she's opposed to exploring new styles then go for it. otherwise, look for someone who cares a little more about their appearance.

>> No.12087281

if she's comfortable with you helping out her style and chill then go for it. if she takes offense then whatever

>> No.12087284

Well she already wears all black so I guess that's her style. Instead of doing a 180 I'd start in that direction.

As for the hair, she appears to be open to suggestions. You could simply say "hey XYZ I know you told me you thought of changing your hair, I saw this girl in a movie/show with a hairstyle that I think you'd like! What do you think about it? *show her a pic*".

Maybe hint about how hairdressers should be changed every year or so because otherwise they start being bad. Recommend one that is better, though not out of this world expensive. You don't want to make her feel like you're pushing her into a high expense lifestyle.

Keep on complimenting her. Obviously you just started dating her so you must find her attractive. If not... dump her?

Btw you'll never stop looking at other people. It's in our nature. You just need to be happy enough in your relationship (her looks, personality, etc) so that you're just not tempted to go "see what's out there".

>> No.12087389

You could have shorten this post to a paragraph if you left out the backstory shit nobody gives a fuck about

>> No.12087412

You could have shortened your life by a few decades if you killed yourself

>> No.12087414


She cares about her appearance, but she's a nerd at heart and a bit clueless as to what works and does not.


That's a good point. However, she did complain that her wardrobe is all black and could use some more colour so I think she's open to change.

I think I will probably focus on the hair first. Our anniversary is coming up soon, so I could take her to some nice hairdresser.

I definitely feel attracted to her, but what really drove me towards her was her personality. I could probably find a girl who's as much into fashion as myself, but I'm not sure if we'd be such a good match in other areas.

Point taken, didn't seem as long when I was writing in.

>> No.12087420

>I want to improve how my girlfriend dresses in public

Why? So other men can notice her more?

How much do you squat? Get your test levels checked you modern day eunuch.

>> No.12087421

oh my god just take her shopping and to a hairdresser

she's too shy and awkward to question your taste

>> No.12087438


You found me out bro. I want to increase my chances of getting cucked.

>> No.12087448

Your gf isn't a fashion accessory. Stop trying to pretend you are thinking about this because you want her to be "confident" (bad) or help "bring out her beauty" (do you think your life is a film or something? very bad).

Jesus you piss me off

>> No.12087457


>> No.12087517

Step 1 Work out with her
Step 2 Treat her to Uniqlo
Step 3 Give her cummies
Step 4 Profit

>> No.12087521


You're probably right. If my post didn't come off as sincere it's probably because it wasn't. Truth is I've been struggling with physical attraction lately. I love her personality but physically I don't feel entirely fulfilled. At the same time, I'm not ready to let go off this relationship. Not for what I consider to be shallow reasons.
Her insecurity plays a part in that, but to a lesser extent.
I was looking for ways to make it work, but if I'm becoming manipulative or controlling then perhaps I should let it go.

>> No.12087549
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My gf has had me picking her clothes for a few months now. She was never that great of a dresser and she always says that I dress pretty well, so she has me pick most of what she wears. She usually picks the style but I have to make sure all the colours don't conflict with each other.

Don't worry about these other fags OP, you want your gf to look attractive and that's fine. Have a look on some sites for ideas like UniqLo and just get her some basics. If she enjoys black, you could do some nice transition work by combining it with dark greys and lighter greys. Pic semi related.

>> No.12087568

there is seriously nothing wrong with offering your opinion if your girlfriend wants to change her hair and add some colour to her wardrobe .
you want your girlfriend to look cute with you and she'll like that.
helping her choose clothing and a hairstyle that she'll like will make her feel less insecure.

in what world is confidence a bad thing? everybody likes buying new clothes and looking good. helping her feel beautiful is nice. are you seriously under the impression that your girlfriend being insecure/bored with the way she dresses is a good thing?

don't be a pussy. there's nothing manipulative or controlling about helping her improve/discover her own style unless you throw out her clothes without her permission or cut her hair in her sleep.

just take her shopping and help her pick out some nice clothes without being a dick about it.

>> No.12087587

We can't help her if we don't have a picture...

>> No.12087667

post pic

>> No.12087699
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Do it

>> No.12087708

try hard cococore, probably pegs you and screams PC shit in your ear.

>> No.12088388

are you having a bad day or are you simply a natural born savage?

>> No.12088417

Just buy her some stuff.

But this is a long game sorta thing. You aren't going to be able to movie montage her into being more confident and dressing better. If you pace it slowly she can have a real sense of self identity and self love. If you are trying to "fix" her (and you are and that's okay) be cautious to not build some kind of codependency. Sounds like you're the bread winner so that will be easy to do on accident.

>> No.12088532

fucking kek

>> No.12088542

Does she look anything like pic related?

>> No.12088573

pick one

>> No.12088593

>my girlfriends job is to look good and gain her confidence from what she wears

How fucking decadent.

Just give her a few children and she'll be fine sheesh.

>> No.12088631

Don't force her. Love your gf for the right reasons, jerk.

>> No.12088633

Third wave feminism setting our girls free, hey brother? :)

>> No.12088637

no u stupid faggot. How can you love someone and not overlook something so trite.

>> No.12088689

fuck off normo cunt ree

>> No.12088708
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>> No.12088715

Didn't say job, just said wanted to make her more fuckable

>> No.12088765
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>> No.12088907

My ex was super stylish but a huge bitch my new girl is super sweet but has no sense of style...I send her occasional threads or out fit pics and she's slowly catching on. Just be patient and also being stylish costs money and maybe she has other priorities.

>> No.12089844
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>girls that wear tights

>> No.12090108

Asking the same question, but for my bf. He's cute as fuck but his fashion sense is just awful. How can I help him improve?

>> No.12090130
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Find an online store with a good return policy and order a few things for her to try. If she's self-conscious, and wants your opinion, this will be a more comfy environment than having to skulk out of a changing room to show you. Personally I wouldn't go into crazy specifics about why you chose the clothes, what "works" with her body type, just say something basic like you could "picture" her in these outfits and they can all be returned if she doesn't like anything. No pressure. This might sound like walking on eggshells to a lot of people, but if you're happy with your relationship and this is a sensitive issue for her it could be a good way to introduce her to some different looks.

>> No.12090413


Since he's a guy you can be pretty blunt. Most dudes don't really care about what they wear. Tease him that he doesn't know anything about fashion. Then take him shopping with you and make him try on some outfits you like. Once you like something tell him it makes him look hot as fuck and makes you moist.

Unless he's strapped for cash he won't think twice about buying it.

Or if money is not an issue just buy something for him. If it's not something too avantgarde he will appreciate it.

My gf bought me a shirt a while ago and while I generally wear more expensive stuff I absolutely love it and wear it often.

>> No.12090422

what is this wall of text? don't expect me to read that.
anyways, just tell her what hairstyle you would like on her, and when you go to the city just say "i think this would look nice on you" or "i like this piece" and if she likes it she will try it on. if a girl gets angry for you for saying that then get a new one.