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/fa/ - Fashion

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12085772 No.12085772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it even possible to be fashionable if you arent white?

>> No.12085774

Absolutely not

t. Non-white

>> No.12085779

t. Faggot

>> No.12085782


>Hide thread

>> No.12085783

hey asian guy here, no. not in my opinion. white people are just so much more fashionable than everyone else bye

>> No.12085790

Choose one

>> No.12087001

Asians, particularly Japanese and sometimes Korean, are potentially the most /fa/ races. But both are pretty advanced. races that are basically white.

>> No.12087009

>races that are basically white.

it doesn't work that way, chong

>> No.12087017
File: 58 KB, 474x548, 1453495898428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing that fillipinos are the most fashionable, powerful race

>> No.12087086

European white are effay,Americlap '''''''white'''''''''' are not...

>> No.12087097

Rightmost dude is both the darkest and most effay. Coincidence?

>> No.12087225

Like anon said >>12087001 most asian races are probably the most /fa/

>> No.12087831

They all look ugly though and ugly isn't /fa/

>> No.12087833

Agreed, Asians (Koreans, Japanese) and European whites tend to be the must /fa/ due to wealth and high population density that encourages people to dress well.

>> No.12087839

can this same exact thread please die now
racebaiting /pol/ pls leave

>> No.12088443

Slavs do not count.

>> No.12088557

lmao i fucking hate white people

>> No.12088569


>> No.12088580

White people have some kind of inferiority complex where they feel the compulsion that they need to put others down for no reason. So what that you're white, you're a trash human being so it doesn't matter

>> No.12088852

Why do u carry such a burden my colored friend

>> No.12088860

Y-you too

>> No.12088866


>> No.12088902

very not 4chan white of you

>> No.12088905

why does anyone else has to agree with you ? collectivism is so not white

>> No.12088910

asians, white people are basic bitches, not even tricky ricky is white

>> No.12088915

well it is mostly true since black and latinos almost exclusively wear streetwear, which can hardly be considered fashion

there are ofc a few coloured people who don't, and it's really cool then

nobody in this pic is effay btw, lol

>> No.12088923

Shit skins don't understands nuance or context of was fashionable at certain times and not
>inb4 not everyone
of course but its averages not a rule and white people can do it too.

for instance I have seen them wear fucking sneakers to funerals and job interviews or how they seem to only have two seasonal modes puffy winter jacket for winter and or hoodie/long wear in blazing summer heat weather or straight tee shirts. Like you said the sports wear industry did a number on them and now shit skins take the Raines as number one consumer of graphic tees.

>> No.12088924


>> No.12088930

Why do i feel the need to be liked by white people ?

>> No.12088937

>tfw i always try to prove to whites, how not nonwhite i am

Bad. I don't have identity anymore

>> No.12088947

Your living a lifestyle afforded by their culture one way or another if you live in the west.

>> No.12088956

>afforded by their culture
Well if i live there, i should embrace the local culture, whatever my skin is. The fact that i can never be western american just because i'm not white is pretty ridiculous. Culture shouldn't be racial. If another race wants to embrace the culture, they should be forgiven and be seen as on par, as human.

>> No.12088969
File: 27 KB, 452x358, sad airhorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is probably looking for (you)s but I can tell /fa/ as someone who is half South African, it sucks not being fully white. I have some kind of mongel curly hair that is impossible to tame and style in anyway + shit tier brownish eyes + off white skin is really not so easy to match with certain tones.

Sorry to the non whites of /fa/, but whites and maybe far east asians with really sharp features are the only fashionable races right off the bat. If you're not white you better at least be kinda tall like me, it's the only saving grace.

>> No.12088997

You can attempt to co opt that culture but culture is a expression born from race and are inseparable. And absolutely others can still be seen as equal but equal outcome cant be achieved fully. As a example limits need to be in place to preserve a racial element of society to keep the a certain culture dominate and from being watered down to a lesser version of its self in the west for instance it is white culture that without a white majority would slowly be eroded and if not outright replaced with the next majorities it will be watered down version not as equivalent. This applies to all races in their perspective majority founded and populated states for instance Asians being replaced by a white majority however slowly and with how ever much attempts to assimilate would eventually result in a drastic change to said nations and culture. Being seen as equal does not mean we should allow another to overrun the other because they want to be apart of it.

>> No.12089003

you're like every white passing hispanic i know.

why do they pretend to hate whites so much

>> No.12089007

Because if they show their loves towards whites, they would feel cucked. Or like, idk, we always have these prejudice that whites look down on us, so we need to compensate

>> No.12089011

it is very strange behavior
but it's prevalent on here because 4chan is the white mans safe space

>> No.12089016

>god tier
nordic, light-skinned asian
>decent tier
black, non-descript white, slav, hispanic
>shit tier
middle-eastern, indian, dark-skinned asian

>> No.12089022

Well you know, you can do anything that you want, in order to preserve your culture, but by 'equal' i meant 'treating a stupid nonwhite just like you would treat a stupid white'. That race shouldn't be a factor in everything. You can do anything 'peacefully authoritarian' to CONTROL population but it shouldn't limit my movement for racial reason.

>> No.12089027

>implying the rest of the internet is not shit skin safe places because with out PC culture banning you for hurting your feelings we would not of had to ever come here.

Your only hear because its the last place not full of that you get everywhere else cuck

>> No.12089032

here* what*

>> No.12089036

Slav girls are ridiculously pretty though. And middle eastern men are just perfectly masculine and good looking. Can't trust blue eyed women.

I find dark skinned asian men good looking. Idk maybe it's because i'm a dark skinned asian man and i feel good about my face

>> No.12089040

Well setting racial immigration limits and creating government programs to benefit the birthing and MAINTAING Of a white majority in relation to others will require a degree of control m8
up until the 60's we had immigration standards strictly set up to maintain a white majority in the US .

>> No.12089041


>> No.12089050

>inferiority complex
You mean superiority complex?

>> No.12089051

I based this less on looks and more on color and style range

>> No.12089052

Are you a wizard?

>> No.12089054

absolutely not

>> No.12089057


>> No.12089058

>The fact that i can never be western american just because i'm not white is pretty ridiculous
no its true you fucking shit skin. not hard to understand

>> No.12089063

What should fashion be about ?

>> No.12089065

You DON'T want to go back to the 60s.

>> No.12089069

In terms of national prosperity and racial politics and western cultures purity I absolutely do.

>> No.12089072

You've lost me lad...

>> No.12089074

>racial politics
Why should it even exist in a country ? The lesser countries are minimizing it, looking down on it, seeing it as a low tier dogshit for old people, now you want it ? You're supposed to be the most logically superior, rrright ?

>> No.12089075
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>> No.12089085

I wonder if any of you fascists dresses modern

I really wonder how would these fascists interact with nonwhite people in real life. I wonder how they would feel about them. I wonder what kind of jobs and how much money they have right now. I need to know whether fascism is the best way of living or not

>> No.12089094

What are you talking about?

your taking a forced globalization effort and medias engineering of social opinion for it as something to aspire to.

Your logic is pretzel when you realize white are supposed to be superior and obviously would not beholden to the views of others much less "lesser countries"

this is where the conversation is about to go off the rails we are in a discussion based on the context of >>12088930 and>>12088956

If you agree in embracing local culture you cant also hold that its ok for it to be changed to accommodate outsider to the point it does not resemble its original natural state. Globalism and population displacement will lead to a at worse a new culture becoming dominate based on what ever race is the new majority or at best a watered down version that lacks the substance that made the nation originally what it was.

>> No.12089097

You wouldn't know who is "fascist" or not based on any of that because the real in power fascists have made it impossible to express yourself and maintain your career unless its a sterile PC opinion

>> No.12089118

>population displacement
Theres no such thing. They didn't announce that so it's not happening unless you're r/conspiracy.

Nonwhites or whites can go anywhere, they didn't regulate, everyone has the same right and opportunity, no regulation, pure 100% competition. Now, you want the hosting country to ease the way for the home team to """win""" ? I'd say extreme vetting based on culture and values, and if they agree with local culture, let them in. Even if they're white, if they don't hold american values then they shouldn't be let in.

>If you agree in embracing local culture you cant also hold that its ok for it to be changed to accommodate outsider
I didn't say that. I'm just saying that limiting based on race is really not right. Even trump, the sanest right wing person, won't ever do that ever. He even is a fan of black athletes. I bet you yell 'nigger' in your little evangelical town.

The focus should be 'which one leads to least conflicts and deficit'. And the only way is taking away welfare, only letting in those who wouldn't be a burden, and making the competition more fair for everyone. No 'softing' anymore.

>> No.12089133

>Theres no such thing

there is no reason an nation should not be beholden to maintaining enough consumers to maintain a arbitrary never ending progressive market and the government should support a naturally shrinking population in the face of automation which is unavoidable and will create a labor shortage in all first world nation.

Your second point Is confusing free market versus immigration. There is no home team competing to win we already won when we settled the nation and when our majority culture made it what it is and there is no evidence it would be better for anyone for lesser people to bring their culture or at best become watered down versions of white America to the point the prognosticators of said culture become a minority.

your ignoring the fact culture is a expression of race and maintaining that majority is what maintains the purity and continuity of said culture. As I said no matter how slow you replaced Asians in Asia with whites or how well we attempted to assimilate during that process the end result is a drastically different culture and nation forming without a Asian majority to maintain and enforce its values.

I don't give a shit about what trump wants he's a means to a logical end and their is no sane un selfish argument that explained why white settled nations should be made minority white.

I live in Baltimore m8 I seen what happened when whites stop being a majority somewhere and the need to assimilate disappears and these people are all considered "American" to people like you.

Allowing the original founding culture and race to be turned into a minority and turning us into brazil is the most conflicting deficit you could cast upon the nation.

Regardless you seem to work on the premise that a white majority and founded nation is beholden to making others feel comfortable for some reason as if you think other have equal claim to it.

>> No.12089136

there is no reason a nation should be beholden*

>> No.12089137

cmon dont hate yourself like that man! Your curls are nice and you are our lovely pigmented friend. You are just as beautiful as us. I know people on 4chan say mean things about being black but it's only jokes- dont take it serious.

>> No.12089141

Even slavs?

>> No.12089144


>> No.12089152

>Your curls are nice and you are our lovely pigmented friend. You are just as beautiful as us.
if I were a nignog this would probably offend me more than someone saying blacks are ugly

>> No.12089165

this isn't your fault, but can you ever imagine, naturally liking something and now you have to control what to like ? you must never experienced internal conflicts

>> No.12089181

all this racial-immigration thing is so cruel and medieval. you NEED other countries to survive. you don't want to make them cut all contacts with you.

>> No.12089189

You don't need them to immigrate and become permanent citizens to the point they replace the original majority...then you really aren't surviving

lets not confuse free market with immigration.

>> No.12089199

>there is no evidence it would be better for anyone for lesser people to bring their culture
look at america now. it's so much more inviting and attractive and fun and everyone wants to move there. it's better than what it used to be. life expectancy is higher. art and music is much more vibrant. if not because of diversity, then what else ?

i don't feel attached to my local culture and i shouldn't force myself to like anything. i WILL move out to the US and i shouldn't feel bad about it. i don't really even speak my language anymore, i don't read local literature or listen to local music.

>> No.12089211

what. you breed i breed no one's killing anyone. i don't agree with the UN, but both of you now are being unfair. countries should be for everyone, culture is just the natural habit and mannerism of people 800 years ago, nowadays habit will be future's culture so there's no point in preserving something that was created by people that hadn't learned as much as we have now. but every country has different way of life and it needs extreme vetting to make sure you're living with like minded people

>> No.12089248

>muh diversity and entertainment value.

the IQ levels of the nations are going down m8
its less and less resembling a western nation and more like brazil with higher levels of balkanization.

everything else you said is of no consequence.

>> No.12089266

>the IQ levels of the nations are going down
proof ? because education is getting more and more challenging. so productivity is better and skillfulness is also better, which results in better workforce, and ends in better economy. and america's economy is still the best now, better than the more homogeneous countries

>> No.12089290



Asia (the most homogenous) just surpassed us as largest market m8 places like Singapore have better social mobility.

Nordic highly white nations have the highest living standards and it is decreasing as they move to more and more immigration.

>> No.12089296


>> No.12089298


>> No.12089307

how does it matter when your place still looks more promising and exciting and better music etcetc ? how does it matter when the women still prefer to move there and be with a western man ?

my children WILL HAVE TO be brought up with western values. sorry m8 but you won't stop me from moving out to the US, literally the only thing that gives me purpose to earn money now.

stats don't mean shit when more people still prefers you, that's how you really win

>> No.12089338

Again this is where we went from Assimilation to a cultural war m8 and will end in Brazil and globalism you exposed your true self and have no real argument but to repeat that cultural is meaningless formless blob.

>> No.12089343
File: 128 KB, 992x558, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not similar to mine therefore it's not an argument

>> No.12089346

What the fuck are you on about feel free to come the west but if your ideas if to allow whites to become a a minority your slowly moving them into future in Brazil m8 as I have explained and you failed to argue is without a white majority western values will be Windows down generation after generation if not outright replaced by a new majority such as the one you plan on moving out of(running from)

You have made no counter points and in the end are saying Im get mine why I can.

This is why Shit skins will always be following a white culture somewhere and this brings the discussion full circle

>> No.12089359

This is a meaningless post m8 your trying your hardest to make the point culture does not truly exist as a tangible thing but a where the peice lie at any given juncture game based on how fair we are being at letting others effect it which is negating the concept of assimilation.

>> No.12089364

Widowled down*

>> No.12089368

I'ma get mine while I can*

>> No.12089379

> its the last place not full of that you get everywhere else cuck

not even true, but it is the one place that is somewhat active. too bad all the good boards are dying.

>> No.12089395

same thing basically

>"A superiority complex is a psychological defense mechanism that compensates for an inferiority complex."

>> No.12089403

all the fascists on this board are just your average insecure white guy you most likely meet them every day

many of them live the most mediocre life which is why they take so much pride in something they had no part in (being born white) because it's all they have really.

>> No.12089406

>but if your ideas if to allow whites to become a a minority
no one said that my guy. i'm saying that it's not a good virtue to make me feel bad about what's going on with your race. it's always like that, look at your comrades on /pol/. there's only two kinds of people, reddit and /pol/.

>Shit skins
this is why none of us will ever stop replying to you, with more rhetoric

>> No.12089411

If you are incest ridden Arab or Indian ther is no hope for you.
US Niggers are good to go too.

>> No.12089413

sometimes it gets me thinking : "are the positive and kind people here white or not ?"

>> No.12089419

Cool story m8

Countless mainstream fashion forums, video game forums, film and movie forums.

Reddit itself has triple the traffic.

You come here because it is not a safe place for anyone and raw in its natural state, it just results in whip lash for Shit skins and liberals coming in from the complete dominating rain that is PC culture and its enforcement on EVERY SINGLE OTHER FORM OF MEDIA that's how you comments like
>this is a white guy safe place

When in reality a white man gets banned censored or kicked out from everywhere else as it is everyone elses safe place, after saying anything that hurts another race or groups feelings

The literal term safe place is ironic being used by anyone else because it shows they know the insult hurts but they lack self awareness to know it is the verbiage used to suppress non PC views ast up to protect them.

>> No.12089421

Lel you sound like a fucking Refugee

>"I'm disgusting and a leech, pls don't hate"

>> No.12089424

imagine being non-white and having absolutely nothing

>> No.12089430

No one wants to make you feel as but to recognize steps have to be taken to preserver the west or it will become something worse.


>> No.12089433

good thing i'm not. i go to university, i have wealthy parents, promising future. but dead soul unless i move out to be surrounded by like minded people. see, i even speak english better than my own language

>> No.12089435


>> No.12089437

imagine dealing with such crippling insecurity the only thing you have to be proud of is the accomplishments of other great people that was the same color as you.

>> No.12089442

luckily i'm a nonwhite that is having plenty

>> No.12089444

>imagine not being able to be proud of your heritage or genetic lineage because it is inferior to another people's.

>> No.12089446

most likely since they are the majority of the board but it could be anyone desu

>> No.12089449

>race is just skin color

>> No.12089451

how many are you positive hearted humanitarians here that are white ? can't really judge based on english/grammar

>> No.12089452

>buttmad this easy

haha, shitskins

>> No.12089457

are libcucks the easiest to bait?

>> No.12089458

Shit skins can't be humanitarian because they require aid and immigration to white majority nations for a better life themselvs

>> No.12089459

That's because you are an idiot. I'm tired of the constant berating of simply being a while male from the leftists and shitskins they enable.

White Europeans made western civilization successful. Abdul, Tyrone, and any other leech are doing the exact opposite while simultaneously crying about "racism" and "white supremacy".

>> No.12089461

>mediocre white men that have accomplished absolutely nothing significant in their life.

>> No.12089462

well i'm proud of something else, something that i worked on, and it's rewarding as fuck.

stop reading lotr

>> No.12089467

you'll never understand because there are no great non-white people

>> No.12089471

>don't know them personally
>a successful white man better than me in ever way can't attribute it to his race and high tier genetic lineage and average performance of his racial peers

>> No.12089473

i'm doing my masters at a top 10 uni. why don't you tell me about your great accomplishments haha

>> No.12089474

white people look like straight up cucks in shit blacks or asians kill effortlessly

>> No.12089475

Living among other whites is like heaven, while living among Arabs and Indians is like living in Indian Street full of shit.

>> No.12089479

Yea great job you need to work hard so your lineage can be proud to of been spawned by a successful man and of enough of your people do this they to can be proud to be apart of such a successful race on average.

I think your getting it

>> No.12089480

thats not even impressive
and you have to tell us your field of study 1st

>> No.12089485

but i doubt you are, since you must be so ready to lynch nonwhites.

what i meant was the people in this thread that aren't /pol/

and i'm not one of them. i should be one of you but you just pushed me away just because i'm not white.

>> No.12089487

>Literally strongest men and majority top mma fighters
>Literally CONQUERD both races you mentioned and brought them to submition

>> No.12089489

>t-thats not even impressive..

haha ok, buddy. let me know when you graduate high school

>and you have to tell us your field of study 1st
>inb4 stemfag master-race

>> No.12089493

I was buying a jacket yesterday and there was an asian guy in front of me who I'm positive browses this board. I was unsure but then he busted out his oneplus2 with a skin on it and I was sure. He had some massive calves too.

>> No.12089494


light skinned black
_______________________able to be /fa/ cutoff

middle eastern

>> No.12089497
File: 540 KB, 780x1200, 1422379913751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites create literally everything good in history
>mudskins still hate us

don't even care desu

>> No.12089498


what the fuck does this even mean anymore? whites have contributed almost everything of value to modern society

>> No.12089500

Light skin Hispanic way before black

This is coming from a white man m8

>> No.12089502
File: 506 KB, 1920x1200, lineage-015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care about my lineage, i don't feel attached to them, i don't work for anyone i work for myself. i'm not a filthy collectivist/tribalist. i'm an individualist, just like how western culture is all about

>> No.12089504

no wonder you left it out the first time desu

>> No.12089507

you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.12089509

hispanics are usually short, so no.

>> No.12089512

Western culture is built on white nationalism. Remember all the collectivist campaigns we went on against Shit skins.... Can't have it both ways

>> No.12089513

>i'm an individualist


>> No.12089516

That's Mexicans

>> No.12089517

t. mixed guy

you're not fooling anyone tyrell

jap goes way ahead of half nigs

>> No.12089518

you shitskins are all the fucking same

>> No.12089525


Hence the one remarkable major black Super model has Asian in him

>> No.12089527

>"The average height of adult Hispanic males is 5 feet 7.1 inches."

>> No.12089528
File: 435 KB, 2000x1334, dont-tread-on-me-meaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what ? the contributing whites make you as 'contributing' as them ? don't claim other people's achievements, you loser. YOU won't contribute anything to the betterment of everyone, because you have these murderous tendencies of lynching 'niggers'

>> No.12089532

what makes you lol ? i really am, i don't even feel attached to my family and i'm not bothered by it

>> No.12089534

imagine being non-white and coming to the realization that your people have never contributed anything of value to the world. that everything you value is a product of european design and ingenuity. you then come to the conclusion you will always be inferior to whites. as a coping mechanism you project a sense of equality and maybe even false superiority

>> No.12089541

t. insecure white guy that's never done anything important or contributed to society in any way

>> No.12089544

Again m8 you don't know any of us personally see

Your grasping hard for a ad hom but not only is it not there it's irrelevant to the point. Even more ironic countless great white men through history during the literal formation of western civilization m and even this country have all attributed their success from their stock and racial heritage and expected less from other races based on the same

>> No.12089545

when ? doesn't matter, you live short, me too, we'll die changing nothing anyway. we're just irrelevant little civilians. at least i won't be moving to the south.

>> No.12089546

i'm not claiming others achievements but I am proud of the whites that have come before me. It's a natural reaction when you actually have something to be proud of. Who are you to say I won't contribute anything to the betterment of society. If anything my chances of doing so are astronomically higher than yours.

>> No.12089549


This is fun

>> No.12089554

t. disgusting shitskin whose life is worthless

why would i want to better a society in which you reside

>> No.12089565

it wasn't meant to be an ad hom, this isn't a race war. this isn't a ' which race is better?'.

i don't have a problem with you being proud. the original question was me wondering "hmm, there are several positive sounding people here in this thread. are they white ? they can't be, this is 4chan, right ?". why do you people need to turn it into a race war ?

>> No.12089576

Saying someone success at bettering the world for others because your hyperbolic beliefs that they want to kill Niggers is trying to ad hom them. Great men built this nation and literally lynched niggers m8.

>> No.12089582

>"hmm, there are several positive sounding people here in this thread. are they white ? they can't be, this is 4chan, right ?"

that's pretty racist t bh

>why do you people need to turn it into a race war ?

ask somebody else. i've only ever promoted respect for ones own race. i'm not even being bias when i say whites have contributed almost everything of value to modern society because it's an undeniable fact

>> No.12089584

Saying You know someone's*

>> No.12089599

>that's pretty racist t bh
finally. so, how does that feel ? not very significant i suppose, since there's no racial slurs for whites, you people can't be hurt in the feefees, right ?

well i bet you do ! you'd be very lying if you say you don't.
>Great men built this nation and literally lynched niggers m8
how can you cherish on that ? it's not positive to be proud of.
how can you feel so good about being so bad ?

what i was saying is that you want to be seen as the Jesus that feed other people, saces nonwhites lives, etc etc humanitarian stuffs. now i ask you : would you ?

>> No.12089619

>finally. so, how does that feel ? not very significant i suppose, since there's no racial slurs for whites, you people can't be hurt in the feefees, right ?

racial slurs are just words - white people realize this so they don't get buttmad about it. the only problem i have is when people try to put down the achievements of whites. if whites in america should feel guilt for slavery that occurred well before they were born or if germans should feel guilt because of the nazis that existed 70 years ago then surely the opposite should be true that we should feel proud of all the great things we've done throughout history

>> No.12089629


I'm on par with you, as human as you, i can talk i can math i can microeconomics i can cost accounting

And it wasn't because of you, you didn't spoonfeed me, i did it by myself for me only. By my own capacity and capability. You didn't paved the way for me, i paved my own way, no one helped me.

I'm as person as you. No one is supposed to be recognized as sub par helplessly without them being able to change it.

>> No.12089643

Who said I did anything for you? That was never my intent. However, you and I alike can only do math, microeconomics or accounting because someone else paved the way before us. That person was most certainly white.

>I paved my own way

You paved your way under the creations of white men. Again, I don't ask you to praise me but remember why you are where you are today. I don't take it for granted and neither should you.

>> No.12089652

Fuck, this is not fair. Morally, it's not acceptable to not be able to choose to be born as something

>> No.12089661

Life isn't fair, sorry.

>> No.12089671

I can't. If i try to think that way, it hurts my feelings. It's like, why try anymore, if it's only gonna make someone else feel good by looking down on me.

I'm making you feel proud while making myself feel bad. It's just making me not wanting to achieve anything.

This just makes me not want to do good deeds anymore.

>> No.12089732

>I'm making you feel proud while making myself feel bad. It's just making me not wanting to achieve anything.

You shouldn't think of it like that. Try looking at the achievements of others without the racial aspect. Look at the paths those people took and admire that. Eventually, race will become a part but why let that deter you? If you are a good person and wish to do good then you should do so, regardless of your race. Set your own course.

>This just makes me not want to do good deeds anymore.

Life isn't fair but it does have a purpose. You can outweigh the negatives of life if you push yourself. Plenty of great people throughout history did not have anyone's shoulders to stand on but took it upon themselves to create something for the betterment of society. This is the concept plenty of minority groups seem to have trouble grasping. Not everything in life is going to be handed to you and you can't always concern yourself with tragedies of the past. It benefits no one.

>> No.12089778

yes non-white insecurity admitted again , just admit it right away so you don't shit up the thread too shitskin

>> No.12089804

Listen up guys, in tandem with >>12085783, brown guy here, no. not in my opinion. white people are just so much more fashionable than everyone else bye

>> No.12089810

you do realize the guys in OP are white

>> No.12089890

Ignore the fact that it's called tumblr inspo smfh

>> No.12089915

asians are definitely second

the problem is most of the men are manlets and the girls are either caked in makeup or need plastic surgery

>> No.12090612

>Try looking at the achievements of others without the racial aspect.

Well that's how i see it actually, but you /pol/s wanted me to see it racially, right ?

>> No.12090623

You keep acting like a little bitch so I tried another approach.

>> No.12090708

>implying cucks are /fa/

>> No.12090718

The problem is how people clump Europeans together like that. some of the most attractive people I know are white, and some of the least attractive people I know are white.

Most white people I know have no sense of style (but I live in a small town so most people I know don't have a sense of smile)

>> No.12090739

>don't have a sense of smile

>> No.12090782

All the Asian "fashionable" guys I've met just wear shitty hype east brands

>> No.12090925
File: 26 KB, 300x300, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of the least attractive people I know are white.

this is because a lot of shit skins don't even qualify as people and therefore are uglier but you grade them on a curve.

>> No.12090949


>> No.12091056

Ssshhh quiet, you don't like fashion, you just want to spread your thought aids. Back to /pol/

>> No.12091073

Lol is that why most fashion designers are accused of racism yearly

>> No.12091084

Who ? Fashion designers and fashion in general are often tied with drug culture, lgbt culture, black women and men models, nudity, very far from your little evangelical church town culture.

>> No.12091086

I'm okay with drug and gay culture. Why ? Because it's your kryptonite. We learned to like stuffs that you don't.

>> No.12091087
File: 51 KB, 850x400, 1482893621832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site gets more unbearable by the day.

>> No.12091088


Yes but only if you're east asian. if you're not east asian or white you may as well give up on fashion

>> No.12091089


>> No.12091096

If you're not white, stop being politically incorrect. Because you can't roast whites, there's nothing to hurt their feelings. But as a nonwhite, even the smallest thing can hurt our feelings.

>> No.12091101
File: 570 KB, 1280x1631, 1482888852553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, whites will always be the oppressor. Since the beginning of time.

>> No.12091105

How can you say this ? Just think about it, how can anyone really try to give up on something that you like ? I don't want to look plebeian, i want people to see me as patrician and intellectually intimidating. I'm always working on my tastes and attention span. I'm not downgrading myself, i can't. This is the only thing that can make me feel good about myself, /mu/ and /fa/. There's nothing else i have.

>> No.12091111

Each of those sects you listen have their own fashion but high fashion is the most /fa/ and is literally the realm of western/white culture hence shit skins try to co opt traditional wealthy high fashion brand names

>implying all racism is based on religious culture that gives more to nigger charity's than anyone else

I live in Baltimore MD m8

>black women
lol is that why they area minority in the industry


>> No.12091116


>> No.12091117

If you really feel this way please don't be wearing anything avant guarde punk or listen to anyone not white. Stick to prep core and listen to only pro white music.

>> No.12091122


>> No.12091124


>> No.12091127

They do, they don't even like fashion, they're just /pol/ spreading their thought disease

>> No.12091130


well the most successful and wide selling/profitable music genre AROUND the world was invented and dominated by whites that is electronic music which influences all modern music

Also most modern clothing is white in origin m8

look at the cloths shit skins wear in their native lands

>> No.12091138

Why are white people complaining about anything. The whole colored world is beaten down and forced to see whites as the epitome of beauty. Tired of this bullshit. Stop kicking a dead horse.

>> No.12091143

When we aren't allowed to speak our mind if it hurts your feelings without losing our job or without being censored or banned in every form of media your not beaten down yet

>> No.12091150

SO WHAT ? Then go on do your stuffs, doesn't mean they CAN'T enjoy and embrace it. YOU CANT STOP NONWHITES FROM MAKING WESTERN MUSIC. Just keep your beliefs to yourself, stop converting other people.

>> No.12091153

I am not trying to stop anyone from doing anything I am pointing out reality of the situation.

>> No.12091157

I think Indian, mezisto, african and Asian indigenous people all have amazing style that are in tune with nature and their surroundings.

>> No.12091161

True but it is not western fashion and or high fashion. It is ethnic fashion.

>> No.12091163

Lol where the fuck are you working then. I can say anything except shit I know is out of taste and lame. You just wanna scream nigger all day?

>> No.12091166

Time to start ethnic fashion threads then hehehe

>> No.12091167

And yes we all know that deep down, we just don't want to admit it because it's really degrading and shrinking to really verbally admitting it, but everyone KNOWS already. Every one of us knows that it's all whites, that we wish it was our race that did all of that. That's why none of us actually are sincere when we said we're proud of our culture. We just wanted to compensate, because the permanent lackings make us angry.

>> No.12091168

I work at Comcast and if I was to say or post in a email hey this copier is ghetto I would be put in sensitivity training and or fired after a shit skin complains.

simple though crime designed around not possible offending a brown person

>> No.12091174

Could we both agree that each individual race shouldn't put their own culture on a pedastel but rather enjoy our own races/cultures fashion without smuggness?

>> No.12091179

Quit that shit job homie. That one ain't fit for any human.

>> No.12091180

I like your honesty but now is where you will get the secret of most white racists intentions

instead of trying to enjoy and embrace our culture in majority white nations build first world nations and industries in your own and be as protective of them and give us a reason to want to be apart of them and you would gain equality in terms of self worth.

this not to say you cant still embrace and enjoy or shit but I see a complete lack of trying in your own native nations and industry.

>> No.12091183

>enjoy our own races/cultures fashion without smuggness

Except nowadays you can't not pursuing western culture. I'm not proud of my southeast asian culture. I don't want my male kids to be raised in this culture. I can't control what to like, i always see traditional culture as inferior.

>> No.12091185

Yea well the point stands

>> No.12091187

oh yeah, I do it all the time

>> No.12091194
File: 46 KB, 548x487, dees2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree I don't think Europeans should be victimized for enjoying thier heritage. Call me tinfoil but media/porn/televison is rotting minds of culture and culture friendships by the millions. A devided nation is what (they) want. At the end of the day we all want to look fly.

>> No.12091202


say you want tor PRESERVE white culture in anyway and your a Nazi

>> No.12091208

No. i'm not a noble prize winner or anything, i'm just a regular person that uses instagram and doesn't even listen to local music or read local literature. I have a short life, i just want to live for myself, i'm not gonna waste my life working on something that i can't feel the results. I'm not Jesus. I'm not Gandhi.

That kind of changes will happen in like what, 100 years. And just one person like me won't change a thing, i'm just one small irrelevant ant.

Embracing my culture does not make me happy. It's boring. It's unfair. I'm already conditioned to western culture, i feel good when i speak english

Embracing my own culture, being my own culture and showing it on instagram won't make me feel proud of myself. Why should i ? My culture hasn't done anything. But uploading american culture ish meme on instagram and just speaking english makes me feel good and proud a little bit, of my own intelligence or wittiness. I'm not a collectivist person. I'm really not.

>> No.12091212

Well no one in this thread stops you from being proud. They just don't want to be made to feel bad about just following their instincts and liking anything

>> No.12091217

Alright as long as you don't become indignant and anti white (western cultures prognosticators) enjoy it all you like.

>> No.12091220

no one wants that we just want recognition because people are blurring the lines be it intentionally or not to what our culture is while using our culture to solidify and propagate their watered down version.

>> No.12091232

<poster of 1194. Other races don't have to give any recognition but just not bash other races for an ego boost. Why god put multiple races on this earth idk. It's a sick joke. Just show people kindness regardless of anything. Being a human is hard enough.

>> No.12091234

I as a super racist in most eyes belief all races have beauty in themselves and true diversity is preserving them in their own uniqueness so IF god is real he was making a painting and didn't want the colors to turn to shit brown by mixing on the canvas

>> No.12091237

and believe*

>> No.12091239

>safe space
barely, 4chan is an echochamber, just for the alt-right instead of lefties
saying edgy things that sound nice but arent necessarily true isnt "saying it how it is" or inherently true, its just pandering to the lowest common denominator

>> No.12091242

lol there is not such thing as a safe place in 4chan and a echo chamber would not allow free discussion what your struggling with is consensus and being ineffectual in changing it but not being prevented from trying. A echo chamber is closed off to others

do you just use buzzwords because they are there or do they have objective qualifiers an meanings?

>> No.12091246

Things aren't going well in this world currently. Do I wish each country in this world would make the best of themselves. Yes. But I don't decide anything. Hit up the elite 4 or talk or talk to every president. There are good people and bad regardless of race man.

>> No.12091252
File: 23 KB, 355x258, 1482567858701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this board supposed to be about fashion or something?

>> No.12091255

Absolutely but race is also a defining characteristic that has real life and biological effect we must recognize and adjust our attempt of preserving them and expectation based on them.

>> No.12091256

No one's being seriously anti white here, as long as we all speak english. The most anti western people i know, don't speak english don't listen to western music.

>> No.12091257

>a safe space is a completely 100% homogeneous circle
>it either is or isnt
using that logic there basically is no completely pure safe space on the open internet
its barely ever this false dichotomy of a completely homogeneous society vs not a safe space, im sure many would call /pol/ a safe space for alt-righters
there might be antithetical ideas around there but theres really few to none, its just the constant reinforcement of one specific political agenda

>> No.12091267

Why does race matter ? My looks matter, but do i care about race or culture ? Pfh, why should i care about something that is not going to affect my life ? We're all overthinking here now. Work on yourself and you'll stop thinking hard about unnecessary stuffs that won't even happen during your lifetime.

>> No.12091273

a safe place is defined by censoring banning and preventing opinions deemed offensive m8 a echo chamber is also qualified similarly but only that others don't attempt to debate it or change the consensus when obviously people are constantly trying to do through debate.

your really not making sense here the ENTIRITY of the rest of the MSM internet will ban you for posting non pc and offensive ideas that is a safe place the rest of the interne is a SAFE PLACE FOR LIBERALS AND SHIT SKINS

you have no argument m8 there is nothing that compares to 4chan on the internet in terms of free exchange of ideas as ALL other websites including 4chan have consensus regardless but almost none allow dissenting opinions especially ones deemed offensive to PC culture.

you wont get banned censored or identified and fired for your opinions here no matter what side your on.

>> No.12091275

I agree, but being hurtful or carrying around negativity isn't good for your mind or the clooted around you. The best we could do is help those willing to help themselves and their community while preserving our culture/race. But humanity is still is very hateful of each other. Maybe buy some geo baskets and go mad max core for the apocalypse?

>> No.12091277

Or the people around*

>> No.12091279

>alt righters

is that why the majority don't identify as such and would call you cuck for using that term to define them?

>> No.12091295

fucking this holy shit

they want to be the victims so bad
like wow u can't be a dick to people when you feel like it, boo fucking hoo.

>> No.12091301
File: 128 KB, 604x493, 1482799276173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole colored world is beaten down and forced to see whites as the epitome of beauty.

lol but this is wrong

>> No.12091305

>You can't just remind people that race is real and evolution did not stop at the skin level while the media and political culture denies when ever they want.

>> No.12091315

Did you ever feel like your mother or father couldn't ever be victimised by you simply because they made more money and where more intelligent than you, while they supplemented your way of life and you broke their rules and and bad mouthed them

>> No.12091318

Just because you don't remind us doesn't mean we don't believe it already

>> No.12091322

Just like you don't need to constantly reminding blacks about how there were all slaves, like, they know that already but they simply don't like talking about it

>> No.12091397

Well when the government looks at one people after bending over backwards to give them a equal opertunity and does not see equal outcome instead of acknowledging it as natural tendencies they blame it on whites and Racism.

>> No.12091404

No one in this thread supports the government or hillary. But doesn't mean we don't have feelings

>> No.12091459

Smart post.
I'm not even a trumpfag at all, but I'm glad he won because I'm so freaking sick of the PC pandering in every single form of media ever. Art is being watered down for the sake of inclusion and inoffensiveness, which is horribly unhealthy for society.
I'm not racist or homophobic, but I sure can see the logic of those who are and empathize with them. Every day at work I deal with black and hispanic people that act like I owe them the world just for being white and personally enslaving them all those decades ago.
Then I get home and try to relax online and everything I used to get enjoyment from is politicized.
It's actually literally insane.
Liberal whiners can scream about the horrors of >>>2016<<< all they want, but it's not horrific for the reasons they think.
2016 is the year art was lost for the sake of relatability and political safety.

>> No.12091544

I miss the way this place was prior to /pol/. We had the odd political debate here and there on /b/, but the place wasn't constantly getting drowned in political discussion on every board all the time, and the other boards stayed on topic most of the time. I almost want to leave, but there's pretty much nowhere else to go.

>> No.12091564

>Racism and politics didn't become common until /pol/

I am a original user who came with moot after the majority of the original users were banned from SA after my tank is fight for drum roll.... Racism

/fa/ like most modern boards is younger than /nu/ /news/ now /pol/ is only the most recent iteration of a politically centric board

>> No.12091568

whites are just prettier and have better personalities than most other races imo

we just do everything better for the most part. I'm not saying other races shouldn't exist or don't deserve to exist but I do believe the white race is objectively superior to others

>> No.12091576

You mean the countless other boards like reddit with triple the user base that have fashion and all other topic you could want but the only difference is they don't allow free non PC discussion.

The only reason to stay on 4chan or find it useful is because you have a opinion and values you otherwise couldn't post anywhere else which includes discussion of poltics surrounding industries in this example fashion.

>> No.12091621

Subjectively. Ideally, every culture should develop their own beauty standards. But now, with no barrier of information, everyone sets white standard as the universal standard

>> No.12091701

yeah but 4chan is about being insecure so...

>> No.12092072

>t. Chink

>God tier
Movie tier "Viking" Nord, middle eastern

>Decent tier

>Alright tier

Shit tier
>Indians, Asians

>> No.12092088

>middle eastern

>> No.12092106

qt no homo

>> No.12092111

only fa middle easterners are georgians/ossetians, and they arent even arabs

>> No.12092115

>The whole colored world is beaten down and forced to see whites as the epitome of beauty

This is a problem? Sorry no one wants to look at ugly shitskins.

>> No.12092126


>> No.12092144

Arab men aren't /fa/ but they sure are handsome. I wish i was arab sometimes.

i'm not white, so don't shower me with replies ok thx

>> No.12092178

fuck off subhuman Americlap..You are never effay and even Slavs are more white and have high iq than pathetic Americuck shit

>> No.12092196

nice try abdul you will always be low tier no matter what

>> No.12092208

Haha nope not an abdul. I wish though, i don't care what you pigs think

>> No.12092898
File: 304 KB, 768x1024, 1469523310286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I live, all the black guys are more than the white guys for the most part. Most of the white dudes are just dress frat and occassionally some have a nice prep look going, but the black guys seem to care a lot more about how they look.

>> No.12092970

>pic not related

>> No.12093084
File: 23 KB, 570x354, 10556273_602554019860724_3967894289672174825_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamnit yes,
blacks are:
more attractive more physically fit
t. mixed race 6´3 with white qt gf

>> No.12093100


>> No.12093188

ask your crush, if you even have the guts to talk to her if she would prefer a black over you

>> No.12093274

>I have no concept of cultural anthropology or anthropology in general
I'm not sure how to respond to such a shit post.

Having melanin does not offset you from the human race. Your ancestors needed melanin to combat the harsh African sun (we wuz kangz).

I bet you jack of the the ladies on Fox news...

I don't know. I ran out of things to say.
Bleached out saltine cracker mother fucker.

>> No.12093325

There was never any sort of scientific proof for that. Even the "Big Dick" Meme is bullshit. Whites have a larger penis than blacks in the average (and for THAT a scientific proof EXISTS).

>> No.12093356
File: 608 KB, 717x641, fash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not possible

>> No.12093360

projecting this hard

>> No.12093401
File: 80 KB, 688x1434, 1465239164503 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah senpai but lets be real,do you think that anyone outside 4chan /fa/ will find a tiny skinny ultra pale twink fashionable, didnt think so.
chad and the other popular kids with different races will always steal your girl. facts

and that is the reason why youre mad on 4chan

pic related

>> No.12093410


i'm not 12, you stupid nigger

>> No.12093479

>i´m 15

>> No.12093499


>> No.12093745

Hispanics were?

>> No.12093815

What are you talking about? Black people can literally pull off anything, no matter how over-the-top.

>> No.12093856


your literally grading them on a curve their fashion is poverty tier.

>> No.12093862

>niggers are literally a minority in fashion
>niggers in America are the most obese on average

"chad" is literally a white man archetype and just as you subconsciously use it niggers try to emulate it.

>> No.12093879


the most attractive features in the world are white m8 and its problematic because it hurts your feelings


>> No.12093882


I hope to god he is not posting this picture as proof lol

>let me mix my dads stretched out weird ethnic taxi driver shirt with some white boys skinny jeans and skater brand shoes.
>I care

>> No.12094812


>> No.12095038

that was almost unintelligable, but my superior brain was able to comprehend your broken english.

Nice try Ivan.

>> No.12095064

>Scarlett Johansson
>Emilia Clarke
>Natalie Portman
Kek, they're all rooted is Ashkenazi Jews.

All your article has proven is that a Russian jewess's are hot. The problem is most European/white women don't look like that.

>> No.12095067

wow this fit is lit!

you really open my eye!

>> No.12095091

American white woman are trying insanely hard to look black these days. Kylie Jenner is 100% genetically white believe it or not. Every girl wants a fatter ass, thicker lips, and darker skin.

>> No.12095099

>american white women

no such thing anymore. america is an african republic

>> No.12095108
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1456709667081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does /pol/ expand the definition of "white" when arguing about attractiveness
in a thread about anything else /pol/ wouldn't consider anyone in america "white"

>> No.12095125

nice divide and conquer tactics shit skin

>> No.12095129

have you ever thought that maybe people post pol shit on fa because it irrationally triggers people

people will go to great lengths to defend against racism. they've been programmed since birth to do so

not pols fault you weak willed fucks take the b8 everytime

>> No.12095133

lol what are you even talking about? white people invented the one drop rule

>> No.12095136

fuck up shit skin

>> No.12095145
File: 43 KB, 592x364, Br1Hfn1IMAAR8I-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12095151

dont make a funny on this white mans fashion board you gross tar child. you disgusting dark fuck

>> No.12095158

Arabs are caucasian too

>> No.12095166

if arabs are caucasian and egyptians were arab does that mean we wuz?

and we invented allgebra. you sure you wanna give us arabs brah?

without arabs, the poc club has literally 0 achievments

you sure you wanna give us arab?

>> No.12095174

What have YOU accomplished?

>> No.12095178


>> No.12095186

Which is why they don't care. They say they've want to help you by bringing you down to be worthless. Full of hate.

>> No.12095191

Are you that angry?

>> No.12095193

So why are you here? Why cry?

>> No.12095198

>whites created the one drop rule

>> No.12095202
File: 56 KB, 914x689, 1482288578891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant wait till whites reconquer you hyenas

i would have no problem with non whites if they werent so power hungry

but its just become so blatantly obvious over the last couple years how devilish you all are

we give you freedom, 1st world living, respect, a free market and you repay us by attempting to undermine us in our own countries

i have no sympathy for whatever happens to shit skins of the next decade or so. you brought it on yourselves

>> No.12095206

Who is power hungry??? What the flying fuck are you people talking about???? No one else said, "my race/ culture is superior, shitskins die" except /pol/ posters

>> No.12095209
File: 97 KB, 700x451, 1482868949075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you shitskin fucks had to do was just shut the fuck up and we would have let you breed us out of existance

but you couldnt resist projecting your sourness about being inferior. for shitskins it was never about living better it was about validation. shit skins want us to know they can compete

but the truth is you cant and you never will be able to. you've awoken the sleeping white giant . this century will not end well for you

im sorry

>> No.12095211

poast pic please

>> No.12095214

dude I only became a fascist because I started interacting with non-whites

>> No.12095215
File: 267 KB, 868x1920, img_1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one i have saved at the moment

>> No.12095216

...Get some sleep anon, I think you need it.

>> No.12095254

you look angry

>> No.12095256

You don't look fashionable, you look like a serial necrophile. Get a tan, grow your hair, eat a decent meal, and get some clothes that don't look like they've been stolen from £1 rail at a charity shop

>> No.12095257

>get a tan

nice try muhamad

>> No.12095259


its someone baiting you thats pigfuck and he hasnt been here in ages

>> No.12095264

>get a tan

top kek

>grow your hair

maybe he'd look better with longer hair

>eat a decent meal

hes at the perfect weight

>get some clothes that dont like theyve been stolen from £1 rail at a charity shop

you dont even know what jacket that is do you

>you arent fashionable

says the shit skin

>> No.12095274

When people forget that fashion is about being physically attractive.

Being tanned makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. But of course that would detract from your white power trip. I am as white as James Stewart eating a ham and mayonnaise sandwich before being chauffeured to the club to play backgammon with his golfing buddies; that doesn't mean I can't have a nice golden tan (a skin colour which is impossible for any other race to achieve)

>> No.12095280

hahahhahahha i hope this is b8

tanning will never be /fa/

>> No.12095284

wow you sound like a really /fa/ guy. can we get some inspo shots my dude? you're one lit cat

>> No.12095285

>you don't even know what jacket this is lolol what a noob

I don't need to know what brand it is to know that it's ugly! It doesn't fit him, it doesn't have any character, it's clunky and cumbersome and generally as dull as a weekend in Skegness. It looks like the kind of coat your school provides you with at junior school if you can't afford your own.

>he's at the perfect weight

Maybe for you faggots to sit around admiring each other, but not for real women. Women want some meat on their man's bones!

You guys (like all people that are way too into something) have forgotten that fashion is about looking attractive, not looking fashionable

>> No.12095293

kill self

>> No.12095298

Nobody in the real world gives a shit about high end fashion because none of the people involved in it are even vaguely sexually attractive. Tanning, hygiene, hairdressing, facial hair, diet, weight training, skincare, colour coordination, speech: these are all necessary elements of a successful and desirable man's character and to ignore even one of these is to do yourself (as an attractive young man) a massive disservice