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/fa/ - Fashion

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12079827 No.12079827 [Reply] [Original]

Wear low Ramones out to social gathering. Mixed crowd.

"What's with those Mickey Mouse shoes? They look kinda like chucks, but they look weird."

"Uh-oh, no-nothing.."

>goes to car, takes old ratty gym shoes from trunk and return wearing those instead.

god fucking dammit /fa/

>> No.12079831

Letting your shoes wear you, hue hue

>> No.12079834

I think they can look nice. They just require an understanding of proportions.

>> No.12079838

those are clearly too big for whoever owns them

>> No.12079842

based on what you wrote you got not business wearing ramones or any rick really
you seem the normie type

>> No.12079846

I was gonna make a separate thread but I'll just comment here.

/fa/ isn't the real world, and the real world isn't /fa/

If you were the kind of person those were for, your friends would be the kind of friends who would know.

I moved to LA recently and everything coveted on the internet looks like a fucking joke in real life.

Yeezys on chubby jew kids at Taco Bell on Beverly Blvd. Geos on squat, out of shape Chinese guys. It's laughable.

I'm sure at some fancy loft party there is someone wearing geos and everyone knows its Rick Owens and goes "Oh look, more expensive clothing on my rich pretentious friends."

The thing is, you just wanted to get in on it, and that's totally fine. But it isn't for most people. I got a load of Homme Plisse and I get roasted by anyone unless I'm around my peers at work (fashion design. not retail)

tl;dr get better friends

>> No.12079983

Is this some kind of meme? Here in Germany I get compliments for Rick all the time. I don't even care about memes, I like it for moody Goth aesthetic.

>> No.12079998

they're just shoes who cares

>> No.12080014

Here people would call them fake converse
Fuck being in a flyover man

>> No.12080022

They def. don't look cheap. Leather and sole stitching alone tell it. It's like saying CPs are fake Stans.
But again you can't impress normies with "obscure" designers. They only know and are impressed by some shit like Gucci, LV or Armani.

>> No.12080037

They're boring for what they are. They're fucking horrid shoes.

>> No.12081352

>going to a social gathering where the people wont recognize ramones
>going to a social gathering where the people wont appreciate the shoes for what they are, even without recognizing them as Ramones by Rick Owens
>changing shoes mid party for no apparent reason other than that someone commented on them so everyone can see how insecure you are
>not simply answering with something along the lines of "yeah theyre kinda big huh thats the point"
>not having the ability to wear clothes that are even less "out there" than rick owens, but having the ability to pay for it

start again. learn how to dress yourself.

>> No.12081474

I've heard the joke with "mickey mouse shoes" too. I still like them though. Just ask "what's wrong with them?", they are just shoes after all, it's not like you're wearing turbobaskets.

>> No.12081538

if this is a real post, it has nothing to do with this board and everything to do with you being insecure. did you purchase the shoes because you liked them? or did you purchase them solely to show off? because not only are ramones not the flashiest ro sneaker for your buck, they just look like kingdom hearts shoes to your standard pedestrian. but they are still interesting and like any other rick item they're a good way to make conversation.

a normal, well-adjusted response might be "oh yeah they're a parody of chucks by this high fashion designer I'm a fan of who likes weird silhouettes"

if I lived in LA I probably wouldn't hype half of the things I see on the internet up to myself as much as I do. walking down melrose and seeing 10 pairs of the same yeezys in a row on some awkward looking chubby teenagers with ripped blue jeans and sunglasses is the weirdest thing ever.

>> No.12081664

Rammone lows look like shit, either get a high top or a different shoe alltogether. The whole idea of them is to look exagerated, but exagerated shoes focus too much on foot length and toe size (Mickey mouse feet). Should return them if you can. Otherwise buy a better pair of Rick shoes/boots. Personally I think his sock boots look nice, you should look into those; Ive seen them on sale for around 500 brand new.

>> No.12081678


>> No.12081704
File: 324 KB, 1423x1665, rick evolved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring what other people think
kill yourself OP

>> No.12081900

This. Your average person doesnt understand Rick or any kind of high fashion style, why would you care what they think? You should dress a certain way because you like it, not because others do. Because when you live according to what others want, you lose yourself just as much.

>> No.12081995

Awkward /fa/ stories are my fav :,)

>> No.12082019

these guys know whats good.

Growing up in LA put me off of the idea of trend hopping. Every trend you can think of is beaten into the ground within a couple months.

Fairfax Village used to be groups of skaters doing dope shit in front of the stores they worked at. Now its 13 year olds struggling to do ollies and carrying chipotle drinks while they go by on penny boards.

Dress for your actual style. Your lifestyle. Kanye can dress like Kanye because he's Kanye. His income comes from fat kids in LA who think they can be like Kanye by wearing Kanye clothes, but they could never look like Kanye in Kanye's clothes because they ain't Kanye.

>> No.12082077

lmfaoo not using that opportunity to flex on people

>> No.12082087

Dress for your actual style. Your lifestyle. Kanye can dress like Kanye because he's Kanye. His income comes from fat kids in LA who think they can be like Kanye by wearing Kanye clothes, but they could never look like Kanye in Kanye's clothes because they ain't Kanye.

this was satisfying to read

>> No.12082122

damn fucking normies
>wearing gosha reeboks
>normie friends starts talking about shoes and his brand new fake chucks, literally fake chucks
>asks me what are my fav shoes
>well, there are many, this is one of them
>how much?
>there are lame converse blows these outta water

real world is cruel my friend, best you can do is laugh at them in your heart and make yourself feel better about yourself for your le patrican taste

>> No.12082129

god i can't imagine being this self conscious. u shoulda defended yourself? like, this is a high fashion item you obviously coveted. u didn't need to go on an all out explanation of fashion and blah blah blah but you coulda just said "...they're rick owens". don't let people walk all over you anon.

>> No.12082147

thats because gosha reeboks look like materialized autism

>> No.12082149
File: 21 KB, 455x384, a5fe46eee0fc41ded2bf06b61d6c3445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He bought low top Ramones
I don't know what you were expecting desu.

>> No.12082153

they are just normal reeboks with gosha written on them, just cooler colourway and thats it
i live in country where zara is top tier fashion, anything above zara is seen as weird or bad

>> No.12082280
File: 16 KB, 415x479, 1481862555683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talk enthusiastically with family and friends I trust with my gay fashion hobby
>Show them some grails
>They see the price
>"Oh come on, Anon. That's a scam, don't fall for that shit. It's so overpriced"

>> No.12082753

yup. seems like most of /fa/ acts like this. Have some fucking confidence in what you fucking wear you beta

>> No.12082755

>they are just normal reeboks with gosha written on them
literally my point.

>> No.12082819

I don't fucking understand the people on here who think you should wear ramones as if they are chucks. I see this shit posted all the time. Ramones aren't fucking chucks, if you wanted to wear something like chucks, buy fucking chucks.

Ramones look goofy as fuck and really need an exaggerated outfit silhouette to be pulled off properly or you WILL look like a clown. Rick shoes aren't for short people either.

>> No.12082831

>Show them some grails
thats where u fucked up

>> No.12082842

lmao fucking loser

mods need to start enforcing bans for all flyover state ip addresses that post here

>> No.12082843

>choosing friends based on their fashion knowledge
what a vapid piece of shit you are

>> No.12082851

>"oh yeah they're a parody of chucks by this high fashion designer I'm a fan of who likes weird silhouettes"
>normal, well-adjusted
out of touch with reality the post

>> No.12082866
File: 87 KB, 640x633, 1428329265027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u implying hi ramones are somehow the better choice?

because all rick footwear is fucking trash

>> No.12082875

clown shoes, str8 ugly, you look like a fool

>> No.12082880

i wish i knew your friends so i could send this to them and show them what a faggot cunt you are

>> No.12082900

They look ugly alone on pictures, but really nice on feet if you wear them right like any designer stuff.
I myself hate niggers and chubby white streetwear kids who nuy Ann D, Raf and Rick shoes to wear them
with their ugly ripped blue jeans.

>> No.12083079
File: 30 KB, 500x356, justin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never succeed, bc your submissive nature holds you back. You let society dictate your future.

>> No.12083081

didnt he die irl?

>> No.12083100

Based on what? Rick makes a few extremely normal looking shoes. So get off your high horse, fag.

t. somebody who doesn't even like rick owens that much but is willing to realize when somebody is an idiot

>> No.12083244

thats not how the t. works u insecure fag

>> No.12083250

they are even more of fags then me
exept few

>> No.12083262

People buy this shit which doesn't suit them, their lifestyle, their personalities, etc ect because someone on the internet told them this was high fashion and will make your taste better than other peoples.
Sneakers like ramones/geos are literally supposed to be functional shoes, in a certain kind of context and lifestyle

It ends up looking ridiculous out of context and the people who wear them are almost always oblivious or uncomfortable

>> No.12083318

He killed himself

>> No.12083469

you don't naturally drift toward people who you share interests with?
i spent a long time with people I didn't share anything with, and it was the most miserable time of my life.
only after i developed completely new relationships in a new city in a new country did I start to feel like myself, and like I belonged.
being with people you can't connect with sucks.

>> No.12083497

Mind if I ask what you do at your job? And does it pay well

>> No.12083514

Not him, but I'm process engineer for logisitics. Wear Uniqlo during work and full Rick in free time. Earn 3000€, but living alone I have nothing else to spend it on.

>> No.12083519

2 Options
>Get some fucking confidence and dont get all depressed because of some twats opinion
>Accept that Ramones are a much uglier and much more expensive version of ine of the most popular normie shoes

>> No.12083540

Cool, thanks man. Sounds complicated

>> No.12083559

Not that complicated, I basically oversee all processes in the warehouse and analyze them trying to find out where to cut costs and where to update to save some time. It's fun and everyday is different. Also everyone, be it management or warehouse plebs, likes you.

>> No.12083580

>implying anyone has ever recommended ramones apart from beta fags that bought them but are too embarrassed to admit how awful they are

>> No.12083808

So, I got quite far with my Rick warderobe. Have all black Geos and Runners, which shoe should I get next? High or low top Ramones?

>> No.12084329
File: 38 KB, 583x494, 1475025522305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying shoes before jackets means u shouldnt be buying rick to begin with

>> No.12084361

It's meh, i don't care most of the time, but it can be lonely

>> No.12084391

pods or prisoners or cargos

>> No.12084412

Yeah I think a better thing to say is more like

"Yeah they're like chucks but chunkier, I like big shoes."

>> No.12084416

Some clothes

>> No.12084441

cargo baskets

>> No.12084603

no offense but this post was dumb as fuck

>> No.12084846

and nice colorways

>> No.12084909

Best ramones is the white one

>> No.12085075
File: 652 KB, 1300x1325, 16-12-26-22-00-27-603_deco-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok anon some people tell me my disruptors are ugly. But remember..
There are always people who will be absolutely obsessed with them

>> No.12085086

Did you read my post? I said I already have enough Rick stuff to wear.
>2 detroit jeans
>3 cotton level tees
>2 silk level tees
>2 longsleeve tees
>Pods, prisoners
>Bauhaus leather jacket
>Denim jacket
What else do I need? Also, what is a good winter Rick fit?

>> No.12085112

>implying people on here understand Rick

wow you guys are a fucking joke

>> No.12085115

How the fuck did you buy all that Rick without knowing how to make a fit out of it? How fucking retarded are you? Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.12085135

What do you do with your life

>> No.12085210

I meant which items are warm enough for winter? I don't own any sweaters of him and all the jackets I tried are more of a fall-type.

>> No.12085228

your more autistic for changing shoes, be confident desu

>> No.12085434

hahah that's my mom when i show her anything i want to buy, she usually likes it but wishes i would save my money instead.

my brother is a hypebeast fuccboi but atleast he understands most higher end fashion and thinks it's cool

>> No.12085655

true I really only hang out/ converse with people with at least a fringe knowledge of fashion, maybe that wouldn't fly with absolute normies

>> No.12086195

Low Ramones give much more of the "Mickey Mouse" look than the highs. it's the combo of the very large toe-cap without any height to it whatsover--they objectively look like clown shoes.

>> No.12086315

Literally clown shoes

>> No.12086344
File: 54 KB, 400x266, Shrugging-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like Rick on other people
>would never wear it myself

Anyone feel the same? It wouldn't suit me at all, but I always appreciate a good Rick fit