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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, howthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12080586 No.12080586 [Reply] [Original]

So my older sister got me this specific patagonia jacket, I'm thankful and it feels nice. I'm just wondering if I should be prepared for humiliation as I go back to campus with this eccentric color scheme?

>> No.12080589

Just wear it with black jeans and some simple sneakers, preferably white but nothing too autistic or flashy.

>> No.12080590

ive seen uglier, nobody will give a shit probably

>> No.12080592


>> No.12080608

Looks fine to me but if you don't like the color scheme ask your sister to give you the receipt so you can exchange it for a different color

>> No.12080615

? it looks fine faggot

>> No.12080619

The best part of random clothing gifts is trying to work them into fits

Unless it doesn't fit you keep that shit, only cunts do returns

>> No.12080650

wear it inside out

>> No.12080674

>eccentric color scheme

>> No.12080678

Looks good imo and pretty versatile stay simple on outfit

>> No.12080690

Give it to me

>> No.12080710

i used to like patagonia jackets until i visited the university of arkansas and saw every greek prep trying and failing miserably to look good in patagonia

>> No.12080719

if you're going to the shit ripped out of you because your fleece is brown with bits of blue, i expect by "campus" you mean "playground"

>> No.12080797

Expect to get lynched by the students at your school when you walk around wearing that

>> No.12080859

Pretty brutal, I recently copped one that is camo green and in all neutral tones

>> No.12080884

just say its not the correct size and pick another one

>> No.12080994
File: 92 KB, 750x750, patagonia synchilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call that eccentric? Pic related is what I wear unironically almost daily during the winter.

Patagonia is quality shit, and honestly the "eccentric colors" are part of the image. Wear it with dark slim pants and you'll look pretty good.

>> No.12081013

man, I hope you don't do this
that dark shade of brown would look horrible with black

rock some forest green or khaki pants and sneakers

you just gotta go for the /out/ look, which is all about bright colors

>> No.12081016

holy shit, where do you fucks live that this is acceptable? probably bumfuck missouri or kansas or something? this legit looks like someone with autism would wear. I can almost see the snot/toothpaste stains on the front

>> No.12081058

Say what you will but I've gotten nothing but compliments on mine. Maybe they make an extra long black one so you can go full goof-ninja too.

>> No.12081065


>> No.12081076
File: 58 KB, 996x996, 1470065952233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Green/khaki does not match with the cyan at all. The brown isnt even that dark of a shade and would look good with black, you fag.

>> No.12081088

u rite tho

>> No.12081122


Or just fucking dye it black.

The cyan will still be there, but at least it'll be black,

>> No.12081165

I honestly think it's rad. I'd wear it. These pullis are so inoffensive you can wear it with anything else and spice it up.

>> No.12081188

If it weren't brown and cyan it would definitely be rad.

>> No.12081206

Nigger the Synchilla is the GOAT pullover

>> No.12081338

Idk I'm personally into using interesting colors in my fits and I especially like slouchy fitting pullovers but that could just be because I'm pretty skinny so it looks good on my frame

>> No.12081346

The cyan is the only interesting colour, and IMO (I'm not OP), not the problem.

The brown isn't a good fit for the cyan.

>> No.12081754

Are you serious it's georgeous you have no taste

>> No.12081863

wear with light grey jeans and white sneakers you fag
thats cool af colourway

>> No.12081877


its mostly brown m8

>> No.12081882
File: 314 KB, 523x536, 1470766126781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steady on m8

>> No.12081888

This really

>> No.12081891
File: 208 KB, 421x367, 1460775800021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it rude to return gifts? I'm probably never going to wear some of the stuff I got

>> No.12081895

I'll give you 20 bucks for it

>> No.12081903

what the fuck is wrong with you? if you're gonna wear fleece you gotta go with eccentric patterns or off-white, otherwise you look like an autist or tourist

>> No.12082290

It's rude to not include a gift receipt so that the recepient can return it if he doesn't like it.

>> No.12082314

You have zero confidence.

>> No.12082529

Just have fun with it and be confident about it

>> No.12082544

slow down.
i want to look like a tourist. pls tell me more

>> No.12082564

That's a really cool jacket, actually. I wish I had someone give me something for Christmas, you ungrateful faggot.

>> No.12082565
File: 27 KB, 241x207, fullsizeoutput_799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fresh af

>> No.12082761

>tfw there are people who have such little fashion sense they can't appreciate the design of some of Patagonia's more fashion-forward items

This years fleeces are actually quite toned down compared to last year's, which had some really trippy patterns.

>> No.12082773

If weren't brown, I'd cop it.

Bit stupid to pay Patagonia prices just to fucking dye it.

>> No.12082776

These are all over in San Francisco, so...I think you need to leave the house once in awhile.

>> No.12082963

its called fratagonia for a reason senpai

>> No.12083767

You're a pleb. I have this >>12080994 exact one and people love it.

>> No.12083780

holy shit, literally olive parka and ugg boots tier. you look like you're wearing a cheap carpet from target. and you plebs have the gall to call my taste bad. hilarious. enjoy your pumpkin spice latte.

>> No.12083791

I never called your tastes bad. I countered your laughable assertion that these are only worn in flyover states. And really, it's pretty clear from your nerdrage here that you're a tragically unhip person wishing with all his might that he were a beautiful, unique /fa/ butterfly. Get over yourself.

>> No.12083801
File: 131 KB, 640x640, Shia-Labeouf-wears-Patagonia-Lightweight-Synchilla-Snap-T-Fleece-Pullover-11-640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT return your gift. And thank your sister, you are lucky to have a family and to receive christmas gifts. I didn't receive anything and i don't have any family left.

>> No.12083805

You sound insecure as fuck. And stupid.

>> No.12083814

:( I hope you are doing okay, anon

>> No.12083825

holy fucking shit dude

>> No.12083949


>> No.12084052


>> No.12085249

id on those leg warmers?

>> No.12085282

Depends on the fit of the jacket; patagonia fleece should be a bit baggy on your frame. its a cool brand and the color isn't bad.

other anon is right, fitting it into your wardrobe tests your coordination skills and makes you not look like a dick

>> No.12085285 [DELETED] 

I only wwar solid dark colored tees because I can't into patterns or color

>> No.12085422

This is a fine jacket. Grow up. Wear it when you go outside to do yard work or when you do some outdoors activity. You don't have to wear it out when you're trying to impress people. If you live in the middle of a city and rarely see nature, use it once or twice a year.

Why are you posting about a functional piece of clothing on a fashion board? You aren't supposed to look good in this. It isn't embarassing. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.12085540

OP back, I'm so proud of myself. Haven't posted on this in 2 days and look at all the commentary! I wore it to NYC recently and no one looked at me funny, so yeah I was being a usual insecure /fa/ggot

>> No.12086033

that's a nice sweater, brown is kinda hard for tops

only wear with khakis or light wash jeans

nobody will find that cringy, it takes a lot for an article of clothing to make people cringe

>> No.12086114

Dude they're like staple pieces. Just wear with some simple shit and stop being an ungrateful prick

>> No.12086119

<3 if you live in the uk I would send you gifts anon

>> No.12086180

why you mad though

>> No.12086233

this looks good, just wear it with some straight jeans and some beaten up shoes or boots

>> No.12086361

Those are a pretty salty pair of boots in that pic.

>> No.12086376
File: 645 KB, 2000x2000, 25450_MGLB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want one of these so bad you cunt, especially pic related colour but they're like £100 and i'm poor

>> No.12086383

yours looks way better then op's.

>> No.12086613

Found your problem

>> No.12086626


>this is the quality of /fa/ in 2016
how pathetic