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/fa/ - Fashion

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12076997 No.12076997 [Reply] [Original]

In 3.. 2.. 1..

>no one's being sincere when they say they like flip phones better than smartphones

>rick owens is never good

>streetwear is okay

>mallcore is good

>overly fashionable is as creepy as being a neet sperg

>fat people can be effay

>> No.12077007

well, I can agree, but
>fat people can be effay
No. Stop

>> No.12077015
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>> No.12077026
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>> No.12077047

Agree on everything except fat people being effay

>> No.12077073
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Investing yourself on improving yourself physically will consume your personality.

Fashion should just be about dressing good. What's underneath shouldn't matter because you're not gonna get naked in public anyway. You should invest yourself on something that isn't leading to narcissism and histrionism. "Getting in shape" will get you a worse personality. Fashion should just be a fun game, you shouldn't think too much about how you look.

Instead, put your whole focus on getting everything that you have to work harmoniously. The wellbeingness of your wife and kids, etc

>> No.12077080

>stop muh fatphobia

>> No.12077087

You're damn right. But stop being fat. Fat people have empirically lower happiness quotient over a lifetime.

>> No.12077112

>inb4 OP turns out to be fat

>> No.12077116
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>rick owens is never good

Some of drkshdw actually looks akin to something normal people would wear.

Parts of pretty much every line he does includes very wearable items like socks and what not

Low top ramones CAN look decent if you're not ugly and have everything else down

Some of his accessories can look okay, albeit a little bit strange like his wallets, keychains, chargers, phone cases, etc.

The Rickster can make some actually good looking stuff, you're just so pulled into the polarizing sides of those who wank him non-stop and those who view him only for his gay work on the exposed dick and other shit

And despite all that, you don't ever have to like him or his work. And that's okay, you've got your own tastes m80

>> No.12077125

>In 3.. 2.. 1..
>no one's being sincere when they say they like flip phones better than smartphones
some are alright
>rick owens is never good
some of his jackets are cool
>streetwear is okay
eh maybe if you're a kid
>mallcore is good
depends on what kind
>overly fashionable is as creepy as being a neet sperg
I guess
>fat people can be effay
There are literally no cases of a fat person being fashionable. If you can find one I'll PayPal you $2k

>> No.12077202
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rick owens is good tho

but not if ur a flyover state teenager wearing flavour of the month getups from 2009 ie pods geobaskets and a t shirt that looks like a dress

>> No.12077309

flip phones serve a purpose. They're burners, good for cheating on your gf or doing dirty deeds.

rick has some good stuff, little to nobody can pull it off, and most people wear it to flex. It's gotta be worn in the right context too or you'll look like a sperg.

streetwear is hit or miss.

mallcore can be good if you know what you're doing.

being "overly fashionable" usually means having an eccentric style. It'll be creepy unless you're good looking.

>> No.12077915

Caring about clothes is for girls and 90% of /fa/ males look like they have AIDs

>> No.12077926

Pinrolling your jeans makes you look like the gayest gay in gaytown. Doesnt look good either.

>> No.12077935

I agree with the creepiness aspect, you can easily put people off you instantly by dressing like a serial narcissist

>> No.12079021

Being fat makes everything worse though.

>> No.12079029

fit on the left is dope

>> No.12079045

>who is walter van beirendonck

i mean other than him i can't think of anyone but it is possible!

>little to no people can pull it off

yeah dude welcome to fashion 99% of people don't care about fashion
and of the 1% who do maybe 1% can actually dress well

>> No.12079115

what the fuck

>> No.12079742


>> No.12079748
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I buy most of my clothes at Boscov's.


>> No.12079761

ideally someone shouldn't be fat because they're supposed to be working. and ideally you shouldn't eat until you feel full and you shouldn't eat when you don't actually need it. so without working out, you're supposed to be able to keep your body in the ideal form

>> No.12080293

If you can, do, but being /fa/ overweight is a necessarily uphill battle. Fashionable clothing is not generally designed for the overweight and overweight people are visually less attractive than fit people (to the modern eye at least, if you wanna play that card).

There is nothing fashion should be. Like art, it only ever is.

>> No.12080330

what's Boscov's senpai ? we don't have that here

>> No.12080340

Woah dude im so triggered i cant handle myself

>> No.12080520

Let me handle you then :3

>> No.12080591
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Let's start.
>Full rick on an average /fa/ poster looks bad because of the lack of proper body build.
>Cerativity of matching individual (even cheaper pieces) > overly expensive mismatched clothing.
>/fa/ meme clothing isn't bad it's just pretty boring and overposted here but in reality you can look really good when you know how to wear them (ie. Stans).
>Full black clothing is laid back and good looking if you know how to style yourself.

And the most important thing
>You don't need to be loaded with cash like a Christmas turkey to look good.

You can call me a poorfag but deep inside you all know that a lot of the designer pieces are just to boost your self worth. Of course there are clothes that are worth spending a lot more but it depends on various other things associated with them. Overall. Knowledge beats money in a long run.

Merry Christmas y'all

>> No.12080596

good post

>> No.12080663

reeeeallly cheaply made clothing that old people wear

>> No.12080677

Designer pieces arent expensive if you arent a retard who doesnt know how to shop

>> No.12080689

ya smartphones r better
rick varies greatly
yeah street is good sometimes
mallcore is terrible except for basic tees
nah stay up on ur fashion to max extent
nah fat people can't

>90% of ur adidas/nikes/asics/nbs looks like shit and you shouldn't wear them with any outfit
>you probably aren't the 10%

>skinny doesn't look good. You look malnourished

>fashion is expensive unfortunately. poorfags are fashion's handicapped. they have a different olympics

>if you watch tv you are objectively not /fa/

>browsing online will never equate to browsing through actual stores, sorry flyover-states/countries

>race is irrelevant, height is mostly irrelevant, most important is looks and proportion

>> No.12080696
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Not every piece gets on sale. Even after it goes then they are still expensive like Saint Laurent leather jackets. Of course if you want to buy them new. Used clothing is a different story.
I just don't see the reason for buying a designer 50$+ basic tee. More complicated and unique goods are fine. Things like parkas, jackets, coats, shoes and sometimes jeans when they are clearly different and unique.

>> No.12080698

Yep comfirmed for retard who doesn't know how to shop



>> No.12080702

In regards to browsing instore vs online

I have only been to maybe three or four stores i would go back to

Most stores are pretty garbage and devoid of personality

Online is a lot more impersonal but the selection is unlimited so idk my dude

>> No.12080713

Trying to be fashionable will make you look worse if you're not a natural 7/10+ face and 6'1+ height because you'll look like you're trying to compensate instead of just being naturally effay

>> No.12080715

>90% of ur adidas/nikes/asics/nbs looks like shit and you shouldn't wear them with any outfit
>you probably aren't the 10%

>skinny doesn't look good. You look malnourished

>browsing online will never equate to browsing through actual stores, sorry flyover-states/countries

Please touch more on these points. What shoes to wear? Doesn't skinniness just go into the category of proportion? Is online shopping and getting inspo from brand lookbooks fucked??

>> No.12080722

Buying aesthetically pleasing practical things instead of ones that are better at their job will never not be stupid

>> No.12080757

Being a pure utilitarian is boring and shows a lack of taste and personality

Might as well just buy work pants and denim and goretex shells for the rest of my life

>> No.12080937

i think you should try to keep your shoes neutral for the most part and eventually add in some stand out pieces. Ideally for sneakers you could get cps or mm replicas and you can move up from there but even plain chucks look better. I always see such goofy childish looking running shoes on all the shoe threads. it just looks improper. What's worse is when they have two shit ugly shoes that cost as much as one really nice pair.
Other than sneakers just get some normal ass shoes. derbies, brogues, loafers whatever

i meant proportion like length of legs compared to torso , shoulders to waist , neck length and etc

online shopping isn't bad and i think brand lookbooks are great for inspo but sometimes you really need to go into the shop. Get a real feel of the material, try it on and see how it fits on you. like last week i saw the margiela black music hoodie irl and the black is just so dark. I haven't seen any pictures online that do it justice. so yeah i think in-store is always preferable when possible.

That's such a stupid thing to say. Rather buy a Porsche GT3 or Jeep Wrangler?

I realize it isn't the case for most people but i get to travel a lot and visit and revisit a bunch of major cities so there's always the unique stores in every country and it's genuinely enjoyable to walk around exploring them. like there's literally everything in paris and it's way more fun to move through the city browsing through every boutique than sitting at your desk looking through ssense.

umm. I sort of agree on the basic tee thing but keep in mind that there are wealthy people that really don't mind the costs, so rather buy it from a designer you like than not. Plus they are inarguably better materials and quality. (obviously not making up for the price but that's besides the point)

>> No.12081169

I agree with this post

also agree with this
I have a collection of really valuable designer pieces and I haven't spent more than $300 on any piece except for a leather jacket, which cost me $400
also if $300 seems like a lot to you you're probably a jobless high schooler

for all of his faults, Poet was an admirably thrifty shopper
I remember he had a rule that he wouldn't spend more than $200 on a piece and he owned plenty of nice clothing
helps if you live in a big city though

>> No.12081176

find cooler stores
I live in a decent sized but not huge city (Seattle) and I can think of at least five cool clothing stores off the top of my head

also the main advantage of stores is that you can handle things, try them on, and gauge the quality and fit

I know plenty of online retailers offer free returns and stuff but it's still a hassle of buying something, waiting for it to arrive, realizing it doesn't fit/look right, sending it back, and possibly getting another one

>> No.12081193

i want to believe you
pls post pics of "some actually good looking stuff"

>> No.12081264
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>> No.12081376

Living in poorland makes it kinda hard to acquire better clothing. Expensive stuff is pretty rare here. For a 300$ jacket here I would need to work for ≈ 80-90 hours on a a bit above minimum wage.

>> No.12081393

you mean after living expenses or that all 90 hours of pay would equal $300?
where do you live?

>> No.12081407

Without living expenses. Like I've said I'm living in poorland (Poland). The exchange rate is about 4.21zł for a dollar. The minimum wage is around 1900zł a month.

>> No.12081410

I didn't realize wages were so low there
basic cost of living is pretty cheap though, right?
it's just luxury goods that are out of reach?

>> No.12081439
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>Getting in shape will get you a worse personality

>> No.12081456

Let's say that you're living alone in a one room flat on a minimum wage.
1200-1300zł in a bigger city (Wrocław)
It's pretty cheap here. Around 350zł.
If you're taking the tram/bus then it's around 45-50zł.

>> No.12081459

> posts a pic of an asian

triggers someone everytime 10/10

>> No.12081500

On the plus side.
Food is healthy here.
Most of the universities are free (and sometimes the government or companies are paying you for studying on some profiles)
Healthcare is mostly free but there are long lines.