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File: 103 KB, 498x750, IMG_0347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12055472 No.12055472 [Reply] [Original]

what are you getting your girlfriend for Christmas this year?

>> No.12055482



what language?

>> No.12055496

I think he speaks Normies.

>> No.12055500

That's normie tier shit
Get a lot of casual fuck friends

>> No.12055516

Literally my current style except I'm a guy and don't wear skirts and chinos instead of leggings also a sweater underneath

>> No.12055520

I don't know

>> No.12055526

A noose

>> No.12055583


>> No.12055616

a pair of boots i thik

>> No.12055621

She just found out I cheated on her. So getting her nothing.

>> No.12055624

Top fucking kek

>> No.12055638

Rectal bleeding

>> No.12055671

my dick in her mouth

>> No.12055674

god i cant stand that mustard yellow trend that every art student has been wearing for the past 5 years

>> No.12055675

A mechanical keyboard, a pair of wool pajama pants, a Kiki's Delivery Service patch, and a hardcover copy of the untranslated Canterbury Tales

How effay are my gifts

>> No.12055725

Why do chicks always want hardcover books?

I give my books to people I know when I finish them because I'm not a hoarding asshole.

>> No.12055731

I fucking dig it. That and forest green

>> No.12055787

She usually likes paperback like me but I want to get her a nice luxury edition

>> No.12055792

It ain't a trend if it lasts two decades.

>> No.12055795

In fucking Middle English? Can she read Middle English?

>> No.12055800
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Not my girlfriend per se for now. Still I hope she likes it.

>> No.12055801

What's actually having a long relationship like? I can't imagine buying a chick something. I only have 2-6 month relationships. I bought myself a new mechanical keyboard and Machiavellis The Prince though. The Prince is a good read so far.

>> No.12055802

m'lady must like it as you profess your everlasting live for her

t'will burn forever more

when the sun doth take his last gasp,
your love for the maiden shall live on and wax ever strongly

a pulling force that gives hope everlasting as the universe expands and cools

one point shall burn on, smoldering...

>> No.12055806

>mechanical keyboard
she a nerd or something?
>wool pyjamas
have you stopped having sex?
oh she's a Medievalist. So she is a nerd

>> No.12055809

expensive and unfulfilling

>> No.12055812


Perfume, fountain pen, and some nice ink.

Things she wants but wouldn't buy herself

>> No.12055813

>two separate anons thought of buying their gf "mechanical keyboards" for christmas

is really what people of the internet age do

>> No.12055814

I bought my mechanical keyboard so I can type even faster. Plus I like how loud it is.

It's like having a moleskin notebook for your computer. It makes everything you type seem more important.

>> No.12055820

Kys. Why would you do that?

>> No.12055821
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1440, Resized_20161216_112309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like typing fast on it.

>> No.12055828
File: 187 KB, 284x631, snapshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this cool or absolutely not ?

>> No.12055829

The idea is cool, that print is not.

>> No.12055832


If this isn't bait... I'm leaving. Good luck everybody.

>> No.12055835

my roommate freshman year had a mechanical keyboard. he also had afternoon classes, while I had a 8 am class three days a week.

fuck mechanical keyboards

>> No.12055836

We don't have g(i)f(t)s for christmas here

>> No.12055839

per se per se
>per se

per se
por que
per se

per se per se

>> No.12055841
File: 60 KB, 750x750, 6360922661888166792074179209_arthoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting one a book on water management in California.

The other one I'm buying an Italian graphic novel about living in Kurdistan.

>> No.12055843
File: 50 KB, 469x704, 1469660291129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still don't know what I should get her. I hate this holiday but I go along with it every year.

I wanted to get her some enamel pins for her jackets but each one is $10 and then an additional $6 for S & H. So I can get her maybe four pins before I max out her $60 gift limit.

Anyone have gift recs? She likes cutesy lolita and schoolgirl stuff but occasionally goes punk with combat boots and shit, I was thinking patches for a jacket might be good for that. Pic related is kind of her average day to day outfit.

>> No.12055845


I gave her up once I figured that I could live without her, I'd rather be single and date and have sex with as many women as I can before I fully commit to another person. I still haven't found a person I genuinely love since High School.

>> No.12055847

One of my room mates also has one.

I'm in the downstairs master and his office is in the loft.

His has never bothered me at all.

>> No.12055854
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>when you get trust issues after the first chick dumped you

>> No.12055856

you sound like my ex. he hasn't dated anyone in six years

>> No.12055868

So you're being a degenerate.
>muh so much living to do meme
The more bitches you fuck, less likely are you going to find someone you'll genuinely love. And if you by a miracle do
she'll probably be a used up slut.
Don't take this too seriously, I'm not r9k reeing at you but I've been there and found out I want a family one day.

>> No.12055885

Bitch what if my boy doesn't want to live a fucking cookie cutter life like a fucking 50s sitcom

why does a chick deserve his love?

I ask chicks this and they never have a fucking answer. Like what do you bring to the table?

Patrice O'neal called it hard in one of his specials. He asked chicks gow they would keep their man if they didn't have a pussy. The girls called out that they'd do anal or give blowjobs. One even said she'd get a pussy transplant. None of them said they'd watch his shows or do things he liked to do. They just defined themselves as a series of holes.

>> No.12055886

I'm getting my right hand some ointment for the fungal infection it developed

>> No.12055903


>> No.12055920

Perfume, Cute Socks, Courage the Cowardly Dog Plush Toy

>> No.12055948

Sneakers, clothes, and some fake jewlery from canal st cuz i'm a hypebeast and want my bitch to look good

>> No.12055954

Italian graphic novel about living in Kurdistan.
kobane calling?

>> No.12056003
File: 193 KB, 301x307, tumblr_nm00kkjrqm1qlcs39o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the process of making a nice little gift basket for her. Stuffed with her favorite candies and similar things like fuzzy socks.

Working off a $0.00 budget here, but managing pretty well. feels good to have someone to give gifts to senpai

>> No.12056030

I got my GF a rare model sega saturn for her birthday in November, and for xmas I'm getting her a couple rare saturn games (about $200 each) as well as an arcade stick for the system.

She doesn't want me or anyone else buying her anything /fa/ related.

>> No.12056042

sounds chubby

>> No.12056045

So you own one similar article of clothing and you are >'literally' the same?

>> No.12056061

>Muh degeneracy

>> No.12056076

Drawings. We give each other drawings on occasions. we don't like when one spends money on the other so it's a nice idea.

>> No.12056100


sounds poor

>> No.12056102

we are

>> No.12056105


me too. you guys sound like decent people.

>> No.12056108


>> No.12056111


>> No.12056132
File: 32 KB, 370x350, 1442564569864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought gifts for my boyfriend, but he said he doesn't know what to get me, and I don't know what to wish for.
I hate having to make wishlists, like, I just want people to give me small little things that they a) think I'll enjoy or b) would enjoy seeing on me or c) makes them think of me

Useless rant, I know, I just always get really stressed out about Christmas because I put in so much time and effort into getting people gifts and then I have to put in a bunch of extra time and effort for my own gifts because everyone hates buying gifts for me

>> No.12056138

I know how you feel but there are things I'd like to be gifted sometimes. Last year I showed my boyfriend like 20 things I wanted and he was just kind of like "uh I don't know, that's not very sentimental" to all of them and then I felt frustrated and not sure what to ask for and then on Christmas morning he had gotten me everything I asked for, what a sweetie.

>> No.12056142

thanks man
iktfb. but my stupid sister INSISTS on everyone in the family making wishlists AND she makes everyone buy her shit from her wishlist to make sure she gets what she wants but doesn't want to spend her own money on. like, shut up and enjoy christmas you vapid cunt.

fuck this shit I just want an electric kettle for my dorm. My family already spends so much on my upkeep.

>> No.12056161

A shirt that says "pussy whipped"
She wished for it for the double takes (also she's the nicest little sub so it fits)

>> No.12056182

This looks like the background to a 1940s Disney cartoon tbqh

>> No.12056184

Hah, I wish my boyfriend was like that. He got me nothing on my birthday this year, even when I spent all my leftover money on his birthday, and spent like a whole day making the cake he wanted.

The problem is that I have a shit ton of things I want (I think I have like 500+ links of things I've saved from all around the internet, makeup, clothes, shoes etc etc) but I can't really send someone a list of all that junk and expect them to go through it.

Well, does she buy people gifts? Because in that case she spends money as well, so I guess it kinda evens it out?
Otherwise she's just a cunt

>> No.12056188

why the fuck not, im sure he won't mind. if he didnt buy anything for your bday, if he's any kind of person with a heart he'll want to get you something for christmas instead! so give him a huge list or like, i dunno, chop off the first ten and give him those.

>> No.12056193

>Well, does she buy people gifts? Because in that case she spends money as well, so I guess it kinda evens it out?
she does but it's really annoying when you water it all down to buying stuff off everyone's wishlists, without putting thought into it. idk maybe I'm just nitpicking but this is a level of consumerism that I can't tolerate.

>> No.12056194

This, but I'd love a gf to play old games with
>Tfw no gf to play super Metroid with

>> No.12056203

Yes that's the one. Have you read it?

>> No.12056233

>she a nerd or something?
No, she's a writer
>have you stopped having sex?
>he doesn't put on pajamas after sex
>oh she's a Medievalist. So she is a nerd
No, we just both love literature

>> No.12056236

>not sleeping naked
you're missing out but I guess it makes sense on cold nights

>> No.12056241

It's really not that hard to read, mate. It just takes some thought
Our one year anniversary is a few days away and it still feels like what people call "the honeymoon phase." We're still always excited and nervous to see each other and I'm still amazed that I get to be dating my best friend

>> No.12056243

>he only has sex at night

>> No.12056246

the fuck you put on pajamas during the day for

>> No.12056253

We're alone and it's cozy as all hell. You've never watched a movie in your pajamas post-sex before?

>> No.12056256

>We're still always excited and nervous to see each other and I'm still amazed that I get to be dating my best friend
this actually made me happy to read, that's really sweet anon

>> No.12056258
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I've already got it wrapped; hopefully she won't take it the wrong way.

>> No.12056261
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>> No.12056265

well yeah but not in the middle of the day I guess
or maybe. we usually watch movies in the evening. besides my girlfriend hates clothes so at home she just runs around in her underwear

>> No.12056270

Why wouldn't you get a nice pink silicone one? Not v effay

>> No.12056318

I like buying people hardcover books for their birthday or Christmas. It just generally looks nicer. My friends that inhale books are just going to get a bunch of worn paperbacks from a second hand shop, but that's a bit more based on the individual. While I give books I've already finished to people too, I wouldn't qualify that as a gift.

On topic, I bought my gf a bunch of baking books and stuff for cake decorating, since she's been trying to get into that recently. Might as well humour her. I also bought her a wool toque since she keeps stealing mine. And some stupid little things I think she might find amusing. I make batches of jam and preserves too, but that's usually for other people. We always share whatever I decide to keep.

>> No.12056382
File: 588 KB, 2675x2942, fw16-dwell-brave-black-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ Women by Charles Bukowski

>> No.12056386

>muh hedonism

>> No.12056396
File: 59 KB, 590x613, some dude with funny mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12056397

Everything is hedonism, retard

Humans only ever act on hedonistic impulses and nothing more

>> No.12056400


I always go for the "use this card to make me do x thing" because I am a stubborn fuck and it usually makes someone happy to get to boss me around

but ive only had one actual gf, so not sure if it helps. Also she turned out to be a bitch

>> No.12056408
File: 43 KB, 339x350, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have anything to back up that strong claim or is it just your ass talking?

>> No.12056417

There are no examples of true altruism in nature anywhere. Every animal is acting in perceived self interest at all times, even if it is in their best interest to help others.

Find me a single example of someone acting completely selflessly, with no goal of gaining pleasure or preventing pain

>> No.12056424

I'm also almost 100% sure which example you're going to bring up

>> No.12056430

what do you mean "selflessly"? does the feeling of satisfaction count towards "gaining pleasure" or "acting in perceived self interest"?

>> No.12056434

Yes, feelings of satisfaction and self-betterment count

>> No.12056439

well that goes beyond the common understanding of hedonism and I have to admit your point.

>> No.12056445

I appreciate the understanding, anon. Cheers!

>> No.12056449

I like a civil conversation every once in a while.

>> No.12056503

i bought my bf some vinyl, mm gats, apc denim indigo washed and jil sander wool trousers since all he has is black denim

i just feel really guilty about cheating on him over the summer. he doesn't know but still...feels bad man

>> No.12056512

>leftover money

>> No.12056515

Bad show, man :( cheating's no good

I've only cheated once and it was on my abusive and manipulative gf. She tried to rape me in a movie theater the next week so I never saw her again. She never found out, and she was awful to me on every level, yet I still feel guilty about cheating

>> No.12056519
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You mean mother, right? I'm getting her this bracelet and some framed photos of our pets

>> No.12056524

she sounds crazy i don't blame you

i only did it cause atm it was long distance so i knew he wouldn't find out

>> No.12056534
File: 12 KB, 475x313, 1014252894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i only did it cause atm it was long distance so i knew he wouldn't find out
bruh what kind of twisted reasoning is this

>> No.12056535

there clearly was none i was just bored

>> No.12056628

Isn't Machiavellianism just political hedonism?

>> No.12056639

women are whores anon, that's all you need to know

>> No.12056690

I don't have a gf, but I'm buying a bottle of wine for a bro's mum and a milsurp shirt from my country for his little fatass brother

>> No.12056693

An abortion

>> No.12057459

but muh anxieties

>> No.12057603

Some glasses, a portable record player, and a big hug and kiss

>> No.12057635


>untranslated Canterbury Tales

Why did you think that was worth mentioning?

>current year
>not being able to read Middle English

shiggy, my man

>> No.12057636

>learning how to read dead languages

>> No.12057640


I do want a family one day. Just not in my 20s. Same goes for having children.

>> No.12057646

Mmmmm, forest green

>> No.12057648


>not just understanding """""dead""""" languages as a result of having a superior intellect

>> No.12057658

I had to read and quote untranslated Canterbury tales in high school, it really isn't that difficult after focusing ont he first few pages and reading it out loud in your head. It is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it!

>> No.12057659

a black breeder bull

>> No.12057669
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Ok my dudes, help me out. My gf is Parisian, and I have to see her on Dec. 26th, and haven't gotten her anything yet. I'm meeting her in Paris, do I wait until I'm there to look for something, or get something here? I arrive in Paris the 25th at night

>> No.12057675

Buy her something at the airport you're departing from

>> No.12057680

How serious?

I bought my gf a bunch of eco stuff because she's into that

>> No.12057681

lmao, I probably could just buy her wine

>> No.12057688

We're two years as of rn. I was thinking maybe getting her a jacket or maybe some shoes

>> No.12057864

>hey guy how do you think you would type if you had no hands
>dunno would probably use some kind of text to sp--

>> No.12058020

Break up with him.

>> No.12058021

>portable record player
Best not be a fucking crosley

>> No.12058024

my who hahaa

>> No.12058079

Normos get out


>> No.12058096
File: 40 KB, 960x674, 1477065452685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please OP do you not feel empathy

>> No.12058175

not after i just bought him that for christmas.

if i break up with him im going to return the stuff i bought

>> No.12058177

Pussy my nigga

>> No.12058203
File: 46 KB, 634x401, snl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna get you a diamond ring
That sort of gift don't mean anything
Not gonna get you a fancy car
Girl ya gotta know you're my shining star
Not gonna get you a house in the hills
A girl like you needs somethin' real
Wanna get you somethin' from the heart
Somethin' special girl

>> No.12058277

Forest Green is so fucking comfy.

>> No.12058292
File: 15 KB, 327x303, 1481380569776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parisian huh. Well get her a nice pocket lighter.

>> No.12058302
File: 1.33 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making her a dress. It still needs sleeves, some darts, a couple princess seams, a zip, a press, hems, etc but we're getting there. It's actually flannel, I thought it would be a little cozier for winter. Faced but not lined, we'll see

Also made/making a matched set of black moonstone jewelry on sterling clasps and wire to go with it and I got some blank brown gift boxes so I can wrap them in twine and embellish with some of my ink art

>> No.12058318

Well look at you mister fucking fancy pants

>> No.12058337

-A new backpack
-Wool socks
-Some patches
-Giant raccoon plush

>> No.12058355

One day another man will spray his cum on the back of that dress

>> No.12058509

Two Heattech turtlenecks, chocolate, wine, and a nicely written card.

>> No.12058521

>not all black
>holes so she can breathe
fucking casual scum

>> No.12058535
File: 295 KB, 1280x854, 1480845450596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen buddy, you can fuck someone with all of your might but in that sexual encounter could lie absolutely no emotion or love at all

you can also caress one's hair with the most delicate touch, and in that caress would be all the love that person could ever want in the world

if you can't satisfy a person with small gifts that contain personal meaning, I don't think that person deserves any gifts

>> No.12058539

That's actually my desktop background. It was weird seeing it here again

>> No.12058546

samurai champloo is love, my man

(these christmas mystery boxes aren't giving me SHIT)

>> No.12058794

I'm getting her earrings with her favorite crystals on them and a scarf in her favorite color with elephants on it (she likes elephants)!

>> No.12058814

>Lush hand cream
>A PRL plaid skirt
>glitter socks
We have a special kind of relationship

>> No.12058826

Im not straight

>> No.12058830

I know, you just said that

>> No.12058838
File: 41 KB, 503x646, female bowl cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a school shooter haircut

>> No.12058908

This is cute. I don't know, just something about your post. Good on you m8, happy holidays to both of you.

>> No.12058932

I don't have a girlfriend. I broke up with my last one three years ago, soon after Christmas. She demanded all of this gifts she gave me back.

>> No.12059038

dutch oven and cast iron skillet, cause i want to use them

>> No.12059082

Coach bag, some really tall Uggs. Other random shit. She's been sucking my cock for almost ten years now.

Thx babe.

>> No.12059092

Some cream and a box of tissues.

>> No.12059102

Black rick Owens wool sweater and black common projects slip on sneakers.

>> No.12059185

how do you not realize how much of a cunt you are?

>> No.12059241

That's still fairly honeymoon though. I felt the same one year into my relationship. Didn't start feeling a chore until 5 years in.

>> No.12059334

You sound like a degenerate hedonist desu

>> No.12059342

Are you no more than a pig, eating, fucking and rolling in mud all day? Or do you believe in heroic acts?

>> No.12059345

The only difference between you and I is that I know I'm a hedonist

>> No.12059349

By your 30s yo'll only have a chance with leftover thirsty sloots

>> No.12059353

I weigh everything against the benefit it will bring me, including heroic acts

>> No.12059354
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, 1473898449804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must feel nice having friends and family to spend christmas and new years with

>> No.12059356
File: 29 KB, 411x555, 10668327_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and a cute Sailor Moon hat, because she likes Saolor Moon. Can't wait until it comes in.

>> No.12059358

but did you also know that you sound like a retardist?

>> No.12059359

I haven't tried all the pussies but i think they all feel pretty similar, sex without love is like a meal without any taste

>> No.12059365
File: 64 KB, 678x678, TB107YUGVXXXXcoaXXXXXXXXXXX__0-item_pic_1024x1024_63b36c1d-de0a-4ae8-b3e2-f381033ecd7c_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I got her this instead though.

>> No.12059367

I appreciate what you're doing

>> No.12059369
File: 10 KB, 279x305, Stirner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you aware that you sound like you're choking on your own spooks

>> No.12059372

yeah you fucked up a bit tbqh

>> No.12059378

Probably still gonna buy it desu. Looks too good not to get.

>> No.12059386

>muh spook
It's funny how you use that philosopher unironically

>> No.12059390


You stress out about Christmas gifts? Jesus, your life must be unfulfilling.

>> No.12059391

Oh, I'm sure you know even some other stuff that I don't. As for hedonism, sure I am a hedonist. Most people are. But some fight it and some just go along with it.
What about that monk who burned himself. Shit religious people do?

>> No.12059399


>> No.12059402


>> No.12059404

I was well aware of how ridiculous that was, I thought it'd get some laughs

Quang Duc was protesting the South Vietnamese government's persecution of Buddhists, a persecution that was destroying the lives of Buddhists, including himself. Not only was he sacrificing himself for a cause that personally benefited him and the people he wanted to see happy, but he was also removing himself from a pained way of living. He clearly decided that to die for this cause would ultimately bring him less pain than accepting the alternative

>> No.12059476

people seem to think its natural to be an asshole all the time for no reason, but can't fathom just being nice for no reason?
have you really never witnessed someone compliment another or cover the next guy's coffee and just be on their way?
does the thought to be a nice person cross your mind occasionally and you proceed to do the opposite just to maintain some ridiculous philosophy you've adopted?

>> No.12059478

Some books on yoga.

>> No.12059485

I need some recommendations to get a good friend of mine. We always get each other gifts but she's hard to shop for because she's a pretty basic white girl.

Was thinking go generic and get a scarf cuz winter but I have no idea what type of scarves girls like

>> No.12059488

I try to be nice to others whenever I can! But there is ALWAYS a reason to be nice. The most common one is that it feels good to be nice. It makes you happy. You can also be nice because religion tells you you will be rewarded for it. You can also be trying to get on someone's good side or make a friend.

>> No.12059504

Being overly nice comes off as fake and makes you feel uneasy because the person is doing it for ulterior motives. Just like when someone offers you candy or anything for free in prison

>> No.12059507

thats nice anon, good for you.

>> No.12059511

...correct, which is why I find a middle ground. Being overly nice isn't in your best interest, so if you recognize that you are being overly nice you try to stop, unless you have some ulterior motive. That's called being a socially intelligent person

>> No.12059531

i dont think acts of kindness inherently lead to feeling good. it can be as impersonal as making a rude comment.
the good feeling you get is when your kindness is reciprocated with a smile or perhaps if the person seemed down, then you get the good feeling from patting yourself on the back

>> No.12059543

It doesn't matter if it actually ends up leading to feeling good, that's like saying that buying a lottery ticket isn't actually a selfish act because it doesn't inherently lead to winning the lottery. You act nice in the HOPE that it will be reciprocated in whatever way you like.

>> No.12059545
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>>hardcover copy of the untranslated Canterbury Tales

>> No.12059550

Please tell me in detail what your problem with that is

>> No.12059553

my point is that you seem to be projecting this "hope". that you can act nice without caring how it'll make you feel

>> No.12059560

Give me an example of a good deed that in no way begets pleasure or prevents pain

>> No.12059576

you have this weird idea that i'm talking about some specific deed that's an exception to your rule. i actually mean that you can perform any good deed without caring about the outcome.
now you probably wouldn't donate a kidney to someone and not care, but you might return someone's lost wallet just because

>> No.12059581 [DELETED] 

His problem is he doesn't have a gf.

>> No.12059583 [DELETED] 

Was meant for

>> No.12059588

I am asking for an example not because I think you have one in mind, I just want to hear what you think doesn't quality as a self-centered act and why.

When you find a lost wallet with cash in it, you weigh the pleasure of keeping the money in it against the guilt of doing what you consider to be a bad thing. You either keep it because you decide that will ultimately make you happier, or you return it because you decide that will ultimately make you happier.

>> No.12059590

Just some chloroform. It's going to be one heck of a surprise when she finds out shes my girlfriend. Wish me luck guys.

>> No.12059592

His problem is he doesnt have a gf

>> No.12059613
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Kekd. Ty.

>> No.12059623

im not sure if we're talking about the same thing anymore. what i'm trying to say is that these scenarios are possible (not neccisarily likely):

a) you might keep the wallet and not give a second thought about the other schmuck

b) you return the wallet thinking that keeping someones pocket change is no more appealing than saving them the trouble of cancelling cards and getting a new license

>> No.12059632

But my grudge is against that second scenario. If you truly were neutral to the situation, you would leave the wallet where you found it. To take it upon yourself to return the wallet you need motivation, and motivation is the product of NEED. I am posing that NEED comes from the desire of pleasure and/or the fear of pain.

>> No.12059650

is the first scenario not just the inverse of the second?
i guess i am trying to argue that you can feel indifferent to leaving the wallet there, stealing it, or returning it. that you can just do something without caring how the wallet-less person feels, and in fact, without internal debate as to how you'll feel in the end.
certainly this is not the case for yourself, but there's a whole world full of people out there anon

>> No.12059657

We clearly know that keeping the wallet is fueled by the desire to have. You are trying to say that returning the wallet can be fueled by indifference, but I am saying it has to be fueled by either the guilt of keeping it or the pleasure of doing a "good thing" and returning it

I'm also not claiming that you have to actively work through this debate in your head. It can be a completely instantaneous or instinctual process, it's just how we've evolved to think.

>> No.12059681

this seems to be going through the same cycle of retorts.

perhaps the example of returning a wallet has complicated things too much. imagine i'm at a cafe, and for absolutely no reason whatsoever, i hand the cashier 20 dollars to cover whatever the next customer will order, and walk out with my drink. you'll likely say that i want to feel good about myself for making this guy's day, but maybe the guy is a jerk that will harass the cashier. knowing this possibility, i still paid for his drink

>> No.12059782

real nice senpai

>> No.12059815

You guys are fucking retards.
One of you think being selfish ai inherently normal (not negative nor positive) and the other one of you think being selfish is more negative. Then you keep arguing about this shit without realizing you guys have different definitions what selfish means (in moral terms moraly)

Bought my gf instax camera, bitches love gifts that makes them look creative or proactive

>> No.12059823

Acne boots

>> No.12059868

insects in a display case.

>> No.12059921

Looks like you're the retard for not realizing what the conversation was about

>> No.12059926

what brand did you get? I got a Numark for my gf that had fairly good reviews, but I'm nervous about it instantly breaking since the last one I tried to get for her (another brand) did that.

>> No.12059955

record player ( >>12059926 ), a vinyl, and a book of art from her favorite movie. I asked her what kind of clothes she likes and she just said "comfy", so I'm still working on that.

especially good shit, this entire thread has been nice though

>> No.12060500

If it's that reasonable to burn yourself, why isn't it practiced more?

>> No.12060513

what if someone lives by a selfless morality? Sure he thinks about benefits of anything he does, but what if he does something completely irrational, like burn the wallet? He then thinks fuck why did I do that and feels either really bad or somehow feels really good. We are in some way self-destructive and do all sorts of things, not just the ones that benefit us. Some people choose to be miserable. And many do that so others can be happier. Society functions when people do both, self centered and selfless acts.

>> No.12061097

Camo MAGA hat, Vineyard Vines GOP shirt, and the "College" John Belushi sweatshirt

>tfw your gf's family is close with Mike Pence and his family

>> No.12062062

aw, that's really sweet anon

>> No.12062107


>> No.12062461

I'm gonna tell her I know she was cheating and ever since I found out I've been sleeping with tinder bitches even and I wasn't able to comfort her when she and her best friend got in a big fight because I was fucking someone hotter
I wouldve just broken up with her but this is the third time I've been cheated on and I'm getting fucking pissed over it so I'm gonna drop the bomb as a complete surprise when she's expecting me to be happy
I hate women now

>> No.12062477

grey adidas samoas, angst child t-shirt, a broken heart patch that says fragile and a pin of a stegosaurus with a knot in its neck

>> No.12062566


>> No.12063183


>> No.12063252

puma fenty slippers along with the socks released for it
handmade teddy bear made out of my underwear

>> No.12063291

dumped my gf a month ago so i wouldnt have to buy anything

>> No.12063322

>She hurt me so i want to shock and hurt her back!

Grow up, my guy.

>> No.12063485

I'm gonna do it in front of all our friends and her family

>> No.12063489

Graphics tablet, maybe a cardigan, a maroon jacket

>> No.12063493


now this is /fa/

nice work anon, your gf is lucky

>> No.12063516

hopefully the swedish government can subsidize a gf this christmas

>> No.12063538

inb4 u were wrong

>> No.12063542 [DELETED] 

I know for sure tho
I went through her phone to make sure
And I decided to talk to.the guy

>> No.12063563

I fucking died mane

>> No.12063887

I remember when I was 19, reading Nietzsche, discovering Nihilism, reading edgy philosophy and subscribing to the same smug philosophy you do.
You'll grow out of it one day.

If you want an example of pure altruism: My parents are Orthodox Serbs living in Bosnia. During the war they helped random ass Muslim soldiers and civilians, by giving them food and shelter at the risk of their own lives.
They got nothing in return. Quite the opposite, they endangered our whole family to help human beings in need.
Sure, you could say they did it to feel good, but endangering your kids is never a good feeling.

But go ahead, tell me why my parents were on a hedonistic pursuit. I know you will, because when I was an edgy teen, I'd have done the same.

>> No.12063912

I'd buy that pattern on a table cloth teebz

>> No.12063939

Really wish I could get my girlfriend into fashion.
I mean, I love her. More then any girlfriend before and far more then the last one who was totally into fashion.
But sometimes I just wish she would dress less...boring.

>> No.12063958

Got her some new sneakers and a Barbour jacket

>> No.12064075

Well, he said "same style", so i guess the colours are an important factor etc. Fuck you, lel

>> No.12064098

Get her comdoms for that Parisian dick she's getting

>> No.12064121

You're a cunt. Plain and simple.

>> No.12064137

Would stab the bitch if I were him, Jesus.

>> No.12064146

> are Orthodox Serbs

You just ruined your own example. There is nothing wrong religious, but it'd be stupid to pretend that it isn't hedonistic. The entire premise of Christianity is that if you act good and saint-like in life you will be rewarded with eternal bliss in the afterlife, and I directly addressed that before.

I am not trying to say that what your parents did wasn't great and that they shouldn't take pride in it. Not at all. Humans just do not act in any interest other than their own, even if it appears to be a wholly selfless act

Also if you ever actually read Nietzsche you would know he is completely anti-nihilism.

>> No.12064157

>maybe if i read into it enough i can pull the opinion out of my ass that nietzsche was actually anti-nihilist to show what a neat contrarian i am lol

>> No.12064164

Fella. Nietzsche spent most of his writing career defining nihilism and how to overcome it, because he saw it as a threat to his society. This is not contrarianism, this is truth. Anyone who calls themselves a "nihilist" and claims to worship Nietzsche is horribly misinformed

>> No.12064257

Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist, you >>12064157
But that doesn't make >>12064146
him right because his parents didn't do it because the religion taught them to. You could argue they did it because they would want to be protected if they were in their situation. But when they were helping them, the hope that the good deed might reciprocate doesn't weigh out the risk. People sometimes do what may seem like irrational things. And it's not just rooted in the christian belief of justice.

>> No.12064262

But that's what I've been trying to say. it isn't about the ACTUAL risk and/or chance of reciprocation—it's about the PERCEIVED risk. That is where inherent notions of karma, or religious reward, or any sort of "what goes around comes around" thinking comes into play. Humans think in that way quite often. Even the most ridiculous of chances could be perceived as worth it.

>> No.12064294

I don't care if you tell her in private, but coming out and saying you've been cheating (even though she cheated first) while surrounded by people that are definitely going to side with her is just going to end badly for you

>> No.12064314 [DELETED] 

My friends know and support me and think they're it's badass
If her parents and her friends hate me than good

>> No.12064318 [DELETED] 


>> No.12064485

>claim that since people have become dirty decadent nihilists, one must create a purpose, a meaning for life
>100 years later some asshat on a Nepali basket weaving irc channel calls you a nihilist

>> No.12064504

She's Jewish.

>> No.12064514

Aren't jewish girls the best?

>> No.12064568

i smell graft in your future!

>> No.12064573

She wished for adidas superstars, basic but meh could be worse

>> No.12064873
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She loves bluegrass and she's going to have lots of free time the next couple weeks, she's always said she wants one so I got her a banjo. Also one of these, because it's one of the only times this year she said the words "I really want this"

>> No.12065103

A mint 1963 copy of The Velvet Underground by Michael Leigh

>> No.12065110

1 anon bought his gf a keyboard.
the other bought a keyboard for himself.

>> No.12065319

You are a terrible person.

>> No.12065487

i'm not getting her shit

she's 13000 miles away until feb

>> No.12065566

help where can i get her cute pastel colored shirts and sweaters and have it sent to her by xmas

>> No.12065571
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what should i get for my bf??

was thinking about a cologne but not sure

>> No.12065573

disgusting whore, you dont deserve him i hope he finds out and leaves your used pussy

>> No.12065615
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Mite get my female friend I am sorta dating some edibles, as she hinted that she wanted some last time we went out.
>she told me she loves me as I was dropping her off
>so surprised that I literally muttered "t-t-thanks, you too" like a supreme autist from /fit/

>> No.12065641


>> No.12065675
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>> No.12065684

this board fucking sucks

>> No.12065711

aw man that's rough it probably wasn't that bad tho

>> No.12066023


two pairs of boots, a flight jacket, two handmade accessories by me, and her pick of my old shirts that i don't wear anymore. she likes wearing my old shirts.

feels good to spoil somebody you care about

>> No.12066102

I got my bf a hardcover copy of Dante's Inferno, an electric shaver, Metal Gear Solid and Zone of Ender's HD collections

>> No.12066106

season my pussy anon

>> No.12066130


>> No.12066171

i have never loved a girl

>> No.12066178


>> No.12066204


>getting your gf anything

t. cuck

>> No.12066209
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I want a gf for christmas.

>> No.12066220

>tfw might break up with my gf just before christmas

How do I save it?

>> No.12066226


>> No.12066343
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Tickets to the Alvin Ailey show at the Fox Theatre.
She used dance with a company in her hometown, so she absolutely loves it as a performing art.

>> No.12066379

I asked what she got me for Christmas and she said a watch. I asked what colour it was and I said "it's not black?" in a joking way but she took it seriously. She then accidentally lost a glove she got from her friend for Christmas and blames me.

>> No.12066606

you sound like teenagers
that or your relationship was doomed to crash anyways, bursts of supressed tension.

>> No.12066619

a ring :)))))))))))))

>> No.12066694

Aaawww fuck anon I really wish you the very best! But remember taking life and happiness with a grain of salt!

>> No.12066718

I wouldn't care if you cheated if you bought me expensive clothes

>> No.12066727

not gettin that bitch shit im already a gift in that womans life

>> No.12066734

Considering buying the girl Im seeing adouble quilt, as the last time she slept at my place, she expressed how she loved mine.

>> No.12066915

wew lad

>> No.12066989

Im 24. I said I didn't mean it but she kept bringing it up. She keeps storming off when we argue and I have to chase after her.

>> No.12067006

time for a new gf

>> No.12067171
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must be nice.

Enjoy your Christmases anoms while I rot away in loneliness and sadness as usual. I dislike Christmas season

>> No.12067199

i know that feel, the first time my current gf (also my first gf) told me she loved me i responded with thanks without even thinking about it, i somehow managed to turn it into a joke so im fine.

>> No.12067204

you honesty arent missing much, just jerk off, watch movies, and play videogames

>> No.12067695

I feel this way but after 6 months- man's gotta eat.

>> No.12067709
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>when you premeditate your eventual breakup during the entire relationship so that it can't hit hard but you can't feel anhthing
>when every girl you ever get with tells you you're impossible to read and send mixed signals

>> No.12067767

Are we sociopaths or is it just a /haven't-met-the-right-one-yet/ thing

>> No.12067832

A veil and a ring (not an engagement ring).

>> No.12067837

Are you performing a death ritual with her? What the fuck

She'll hate it

>> No.12068372

I've never jerked off in my life. I wanna experience >tfw gf

>> No.12068508

Chrome hearts I think

>> No.12068783

Bioshock 2 artbook
Lady wallet thing
Smelly lady washy kit
Stone Guages
Kaiju knifehead figure

And a knuckle sandwich for that fuckin nerd

>> No.12068791

>Stone Guages
>Bioshock 2 artbook
>Kaiju knifehead figure

I hope you one of you is killed in a grisly accident and the other has to cope with the loss

>> No.12068795

we've only been seeing each other for about a month now, so a mixtape

thoughtful gifts are best gifts

>> No.12068899
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>Find me a single example of someone acting completely selflessly, with no goal of gaining pleasure or preventing pain

evolutionary psych is a spook senpai

>> No.12068945

I just finished that yesterday, I really enjoyed it.

>> No.12068999

No she won't. We're both catholic, she already has a veil that she wears to church, and the ring is because I couldn't figure out what she would like they isn't something she already has. I tried getting some earrings for her, but returned them after finding out she gets allergic reactions from different types of metal that aren't silver or some shit.

>> No.12069017


>> No.12069127

You guys just need to use that "rock bottom" image to free yourself from any pressure so you can love fully knowing it can backfire big time but be ok with that

>> No.12069140

>she already has a veil that she wears to church

what are you maronite lmoa

>> No.12069236

This is actually a real good gift, you smart.
Maybe its just because i had to throw mine out due to animal feces and now im stuck with a summer single

>> No.12069245

Don't know if i should.
She back in her home country till the 9th and we don't call eachother girlfriend and boyfriend yet.

Exclusive but barely being dating a 2 months and neither of us are that christmas oriented.

Don't want to be the only one with a gift when I meet her at the airport.

>> No.12069417

a super soft infinity scarf, or plaid with a fringe bro it's not that hard

>> No.12069436
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Some expensive sheet masks she likes, perfume, a nail polish in her favourite colour, a cute patch and some turkish delight, oh and some colour correcting concealer she had in her sephora loves
I know she's getting me a nice kitchen knife so I'm hoping she likes her gifts!

>> No.12069494

having a girlfriend is NOT effay

>> No.12070078

No doubt she's gonna have a gift for you. girls just randomly do that sort of thing

>> No.12070142

What about having a work squeeze

>> No.12071433

maybe they were doing it because their morals wouldnt let them not do it without feeling bad and therefore they were acting out of self interest, dont you see how fundamentally altruism cant exist

>> No.12071449
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I made her a woolen cloak with a plaid flannel lining, plus a brass pin to keep it shut.
This thing's comfy as fuck.

>> No.12071572


>> No.12071604

>water management in california
Wew lad

>> No.12071615

>Our one year anniversary is a few days away and it still feels like what people call "the honeymoon phase." We're still always excited and nervous to see each other and I'm still amazed that I get to be dating my best friend

It's nice to read something about relationships that isn't cheap cynicism. I've been with someone for a while (3 years) and it still feels "honeymoon phase". Sure, things were a little more magical and mysterious when everything was new and there were family/friends to meet, and things to learn about her, but I still feel nervous and excited to every time we meet as you describe it.

>> No.12071970

We were just having a really nice conversation today about how we don't want to do all of those dumb relationship exercises to try to know the other person as well as possible. We both want to keep the other person mysterious. Once you know everything about a person there's not much more to do

>> No.12071977


>> No.12071996

my penis is growing soft hearing about your boring lives

>> No.12072000

Yeah bro how many chicks you boffing on the daily? I'm feening six or seven every 24 sex-hours (that's what I call hours)

>> No.12072069
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oh god

>> No.12072073

You are so wrong it's not even funny.

>> No.12072467
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a t shirt and a record i bought off this guy

>> No.12072928
File: 163 KB, 1300x1670, 6947141040_2_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not my gf yet so im just getting her a cheap pair of shoes

>> No.12073309

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>casual fick friends
That's degenerate tier shit