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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 153 KB, 1024x768, download_20161213_185214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12049918 No.12049918 [Reply] [Original]

This is your average reddit user/person who dresses in streetwear.
Pic related, another picture of himself that he posted to prove it was him. Honestly, I'm not even fucking surprised. All reddit users and people who dress in streetwear are fucking autistic.

>> No.12049919

Streetwear is less autistic than people wearing pants 3x their size that still somehow leave your ankle naked with some white no-name sneakers and an over-sized t-shirt like everyone on this board does.

>> No.12049921

>literally picking on an autistic person

get mental help you insecure fuck

>> No.12049993

Dude he browses /fa/, go easy on him.

>> No.12050013

How do you know?

>> No.12050019

dam w2c shews?

>> No.12050032


Even though reddit is cancer, you're pretty much more of a loser OP.

>> No.12050052

i think OP is more of a loser for using reddit than for picking on an autist tbqhwyl

>> No.12050054
File: 616 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_8007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true, every single loser who wears streetwear is autistic. just look at cunts like this

>> No.12050059

chocolate milk/dairy cow core

>> No.12050097

>All I Need Now Is A Farm

This guy is ruining the image of streetwear, I have literally no idea why people hype a 12 year old kid who literally cops this stuff by being able to turn up late to the Supreme drop and then happens to be able to get in before a lot more people, then proceeds to take a fit pic with newly purchased items and then posts them up for resell the following day. People on insta and basement that idolise him are retarded. Just because he's mates with the Supreme staff and Basement admins he gets special treatment, fuck him

He is the epitome of a cunt

>> No.12050106
File: 408 KB, 1533x2003, 666665464654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are autists on this site who would wear their pants like pic related guy.

Thats way worse than this retarded attempt at streatwear.

>> No.12050110

shut the fuck up, /loose/ is the future

>> No.12050121

Eat shit and wear fitting pants you autist.

>> No.12051081
File: 93 KB, 750x828, c61b2c2bb3b84e2290cc85c5f1563e5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12052037
File: 98 KB, 900x1349, 1478063756536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre probably the biggest loser for propagating the "leddit vs 4chan xD" meme
pants dont actually fit that awful desu, just that its hemmed a bit too high and >no socks
slim fit everything is a meme

>> No.12052067

no anon, you're the biggest loser for being a redditor

>> No.12052074

i didnt know browsing a website in which there lies countless communities and niches makes me a pard anon
i dont even browse mfa or god forbid streetwear, no website is perfect and browsing 4chan and reddit arent mutually exclusive
stop being such a sperg if some people use a particular website

>> No.12052081

no. because if you stop caring and don't shame someone for doing a bad thing, then that behavior will become normalized and overall board quality will decrease. look what happened to /b/.

>> No.12052122

you more or less just dodged my question and then reaffirmed your agenda and justified your chimping out, labeling it as beneficial to the board
r/mfa/ in terms of helpfulness and as an information source is infinitely more helpful than /fa/ will ever be due to the structure of the website
am i saying that reddit is better than 4chan? no not at all theyre almost two completely seperate entities and comparing the two is like comparing apples to oranges
this board has perpetually been decreasing in quality and its definitely not primarily because of "reddit crossposters"
outline why browsing a website like reddit in its entirety with its umpteen million subreddits is inherently bad and destroys board agriculture

>> No.12052125

>4chan elitism
stop being such a fucking dilettante and pretending like youre any better than the average reddit poster

>> No.12052143

have you seen some of the shit reddit has produced? there's like always a fat person on the top of their WAYWT threads, it's disgusting

>> No.12052160

Pretty much everything in that picture is slim fit, you blind fucktard. It just looks good on him because he's fucking slim as well.

>> No.12052161

mfa isnt reddits only board
not only is that a huge generalisation
its literally male fashion advice
fashion advice for males
weight is irrelevant because theyre just your average person who just wants to not wear hoodies and dress like absolute shit
if youve ever actually browsed our waywt's before youd be sorely embarassed

>> No.12052167
File: 168 KB, 1366x2048, photos (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this autistic false dichotomy of "if its not slim its baggy"
if you knew anything about lemaires f/w 2015 runway youd know that the pants arent slim fit
lemaire makes slim fit pants and they also make their own custom fit which isnt
how do you explain the excess fabric hanging off his thights knees and arms if this is truly slim fit
nice try you fucking sperg

>> No.12052168

lol theres way too much space at the hem and knee for it to be slim fit
this is more slim fit but still kinda isnt

>> No.12052172

how can they be 'your average person' when they're 150lbs overweight?

>> No.12052176

nice semantics and ignorance of the argument

>> No.12052182

fat people cant be fashionable.

>> No.12052185

not true at all, fat bois got their own style of fashion

>> No.12052187

>i hate reddit anybody that browses this website is stupid i am better than them for browsing 4chan
>reddit doesnt only have one board
how can somebody be this retarded

>> No.12052203

Hit the nail on the head, I've never liked the guy

>> No.12052207

I go on the reddit fashion sub reddits. Illl admit, most of them dress better than the majority of /fa/.

>> No.12052255


reddit is super funny

>> No.12052292

>implying short pants is worse than a fucking cow outfit that says "supreme"

>> No.12052293

"slim fit" which brand's definition of slim fit are you using?

>> No.12052393


>> No.12052402

this..Crossposters are disgusting

>> No.12052409


>> No.12052454

>using reddit makes someone a loser
>using 4chan doesnt

4/10 bait, made me reply

>> No.12053000

Why post when you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.12053106

Holy shit why do you try so hard to be elitist? Let the autists have their subreddit. Stop browsing reddit, and stop browsing this board while you're at it.


>> No.12053979
File: 1.86 MB, 1638x1370, sittingonbagcausesostreetcantgetdirtyfromstreet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12053994
File: 131 KB, 545x560, 1472102267911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pinrolling sweatpants

>> No.12054002

buddy thats the hem of the pants

>> No.12054113


>> No.12054134

w2c budget friendly version

>> No.12054165

why do insecure virgins hate streetwear effay?

>> No.12054356
File: 115 KB, 753x588, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because being a hypebeast who just buys shit because of the brand name isn't /fa/.

>> No.12054530

this is a fashion red pill

Anything a fat person wears can look better on fit people.

>> No.12054545

its not so much as a redpill as a no fucking shit
you dont have to act like you're some glorious human specimen that knows more than everyone else for realising fat people are disgusting
no one even said they can you just ignored his whole argument

>> No.12055607

>dickriding lememe this hard
no wonder you're so butthurt

>> No.12056150

fucking this

>> No.12056364

this, this, this & this

>> No.12056566

Is that remy lacroix there? She is fucking beautiful from every angle.

>> No.12056587


this is my favorite video of all time. it literally sums up hypebeasts

>> No.12056647

dillion bb

>> No.12056655

How thin do I have to be to wear girl jeans