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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 52 KB, 640x490, 13722215_1720552614870731_500536724_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12029803 No.12029803 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a lingerie thread?

>> No.12029805
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>> No.12029809
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>> No.12029824
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>> No.12029908
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>> No.12029920

Nigga real men don't wear that shit

>> No.12029933
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>> No.12030087
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>> No.12030095
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>> No.12030156
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>> No.12030194

whats that weird thing on this person's leg???

>> No.12030200
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x720, i am edgy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emo marks

>> No.12030204

omg nooo : ( whyyyy
that person did that on purpose?

>> No.12030207

ask her, she posts here >>12029754

>> No.12030220

that is so confusing, i thought the only ppl that did that were like literally hardened criminal schizophrenics while in prison and so forth, who have seen some real shit happen/abuse. maybe im just naive?

i dont really want to ask them that kinda personal thing

>> No.12030221

>i thought the only ppl that did that were like literally hardened criminal schizophrenics while in prison and so forth
that's exactly what they want you to think. That they're going through some really hard shit and that they deserve your respect and/or compassion for doing it to themselves

they're just pussies looking for attention

>> No.12030227

but i mean, i literally couldnt do it to myself. i guess im not able to give myself needles either and blood makes me dizzy, so maybe it is just too extreme for me

>> No.12030230


you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.12030232

t, edgy emo

go to bed eugenia

>> No.12030240

im i closer, saying how these people have a very serious problem they need to solve and are basically in a crisis?

>> No.12030241

Oh honey, you are naive.
I have a bunch of scars like that all on my forearm (though all my scars heal white/light pink, not red, and they're neatly arranged).
To be really honest, mine weren't from being an emo edgelord but because I have a fucked up blood/pain fetish. Regular BDSM doesn't do it for me, I need to see blood.

However, I've noticed that if I had a cutting session while feeling down/sad, it quickly helped me feel better. Besides the obvious autodestructive appeal, the pain releases endorphin and adrenaline, effectively cancelling out the sadness. So people suffering of depression/ennui feel "magically" better when they do it, so they start doing it more often. Add in the attention factor and you're set.

We should find the one from /b/ where the girl regularly cut down to bone/fat tissue, THAT was a fucked up person.

>> No.12030242


>le edgy opinion about self-harm
>if u dnt think so too ur an emo!!!!


>> No.12030247



>> No.12030253


it really varies. some are actively in crisis, some are in post-trauma or dealing with serious long-term mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder. many have experienced verbal, physical, and/or sexual abuse.

it's like you said, you can't even imagine doing that to yourself, right? so, generally, yes, folks who do that are going through some shit.

maybe a handful are into some sort of blood fetish like >>12030241 and maybe a small amount are just doing it for attention. but on the whole, people don't just repeatedly cut (especially deep) for shits and gigs.

>> No.12030261

Yes they do. A shitload of teenagers do it.
What they're going through is just called puberty.

>verbal/physical abuse
big fucking deal, who hasn't been bullied at some point in their life?

>> No.12030265


>"I got called gay once in gym class so I know what it's like to be abused"

fuck off m8. you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.12030267

so the girl in that picture with the scars was/is basically in a severe mental crisis?

is anyone helping them?

>> No.12030272


one can't say for sure without knowing the details, but it's likely that she was/is.

>is anyone helping them

idk m8. i hope so.

>> No.12030273

Yeah I do. I got beaten up on the regular, got called gay on a daily basis and a dude tried to strangle me on my first week in high school.
So I cut myself a bit, and then decided to stop being a pussy, and I got better. That's all it takes.

I'm sure a bunch of people are showering her with attention, unfortunately.

>> No.12030278


that's great that you overcame that and i'm glad that you did. but you should know that even as bad and unacceptable the behavior you were subjected to was, people have it a lot worse. and you don't know their situations, so you should not assume that just because you've been roughed up a dozen times in your life that you know what it's like at the bottom.

>> No.12030281

Bloodfag here. Just to share my 2 cents, 90% of the fellow cutters I've met were "play diagnosed" with imagined disorders, fooled their doctors by mimicking symptoms they saw on google, etc. My ex was one of them and he developed real psychosis after pretending to be borderline for 1 year so he could brag about his issues online. Turned out the meds were real and as a side effect they fucked his brain chemistry, he turned into a paranoid husk, started doing cocaine daily to numb the pain, then eventually offed himself in a motel.

My point is: many of those people romanticize the idea of mental disorders to the point where they actually develop one. I tried to cure my blood kink by doing selfharm group therapy for a couple months, and maybe 2-3 people out of 50 had previous trauma.
Not saying these people aren't fucked in the head, but their fuckery is way less than people with actual serious fuckeries.

Have you ever watched a paranoid schizo or borderliner hurt themselves? Police is called when they do. They don't do it while listening to Lana del Rey and livestreaming.

>> No.12030284

what if the girl with those cuts had much happen to her : S im pretty upset now

>> No.12030294

>you know what it's like at the bottom
bitch get over your tumblrspeak. Seriously, let's stop pretending verbal bullying and homophobia (or even light aggression) is the end of the line, there's thousands of kids out there who get beaten to sleep every single night and don't cut.
>inb4 I don't know pain, I'm gay and the son of a colonel lieutenant, solve the equation and you'll figure out how sweet my early teens were

>> No.12030297

I was a giant pussy, I got what I deserve and if that's what it took to make me less of a fag then I don't regret it.

In fact if bullying doesn't make people man up, they aren't being bullied hard enough.

>what it's like at the bottom
even if you get beat up by your dad every week you still aren't anywhere near the bottom. Cause you still live in comfort, you aren't living off trash in a third-world hellhole full of malaria.

And I never hear about kids from Botswana cutting themselves because their life sucks

You've got it good

>> No.12030301

You're too sweet for the internet, I wish I could take you by the hand and gently destroy your ideal of humankind.

>> No.12030305

Stop that cringeworthy RP you cunts

>> No.12030307

this is like identicaly to S&M or something, like you should get on your knees and thank the bullies for giving you the beating you deserved, or ask for more if you need it.

creepy af, and soo many bullied ppl have this attitude.

>> No.12030311

I tend to nicer parts of the internet and like to read and listen to interesting new things, but sometimes come across this kinda thing

>> No.12030312

Wut mate, I just made a metaphor. Go yell at the girl who swears cutters are the holocaust victims of today.

>> No.12030313


>Have you ever watched a paranoid schizo or borderliner hurt themselves? Police is called when they do.

been there a bunch m8. dated a girl with bpd in college for a few years. she had to go on a psych hold maybe 30 or 40 times during that period. also been committed to the psych ward myself. i'm doing better now, as is she.

2 or 3 people from your support group admitted that they had trauma. many folks don't advertise that sort of information even in "safe spaces".

you never really know what people have gone through or are going through. you should reserve judgment.

>> No.12030318

Be glad 4chan is much tamer today than it was, say, 6 years ago.

>> No.12030319

Nah, it was like S&M when they were still too gentle for me to fight back and I was still convinced that it was okay for me to be a pussy.

I thank the asshole who tried to strangle me because that's when I started figuring that maybe being a soft cunt wasn't the best thing I could be.

>> No.12030326


yes, someone always has it worse. that's the point.

you think because you were able to overcome your troubles that everyone should be able to overcome theirs, but what you fail to see is that not everyone has gone through the same things you have gone through, and that many have gone through worse.

this is actually a psychological phenomenon among people who better their lives in some way--they lose empathy. they can no longer see beyond their achievement or fortitude, they loathe their former selves, and thus project that loathing onto anyone else who is struggling.

take a look in the mirror m8.

>> No.12030333

ive heard it called 'negative solidarity'

>> No.12030335

What you call "a psychological phenomenon" is actually called "common fucking sense".

>take a look in the mirror m8.
Are you trying to make me ashamed of not being nice with the poor first-world emo cunts who were diddled by daddy?

fuck off m8, they don't have it so bad that they won't grow out of it themselves.

>> No.12030337

Psych ward in the US (or any 1st world country) is open to even the lightest of symptoms. I'm talking as an eurofag that lives in a tropical 3rd world hellhole (for partying and cheap drugs, buts still), over here the police doesn't come unless you specify there's blood everywhere already.

I'm not judging anyone, but let's be honest, in this day and age of the internet and attwhoring, there's way more medium class tumblr-instagram-snapchat schizos than 10 years ago. It's even funny that the number of people actively suffering of something greatly decreased after the emo movement faded and pop music won. Just like recreational drug users after heroin chic was out due to Gisele.
>inb4 talking outta my ass, I'm a trend analyst/hunter

>> No.12030338


exemplar of >>12030333

>> No.12030345

I'm gonna take that as a compliment then. Solidarity is usually pretty disgusting.

>> No.12030346


cool m8 here's your (you)

>> No.12030350
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thx lad

I'll always cherish it

here's a rare Hunter for you

>> No.12030374
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>> No.12030514

wow, i posted one eliza pic, it got one reply, and somehow it managed to derail the ENTIRE thread

no one man should have all that power

>> No.12030530
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>tfw Chinese gf is flat chested with the body curvature of a skateboard
At least she's thin and impressed my my cock being thicker than her wrist ;~;

I'm getting her something like this in order to appropriate and fettishize her culture

>> No.12030932
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>> No.12030969

underated post

>> No.12031094

Can all of you fucking tumblr cross posters fuck off please

>> No.12031096

Rember kids, verticaly, not horizontaly.

>> No.12031112
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>> No.12031187
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tfw no qt has ever put on lingerie to make me happy : (

>> No.12031193


>> No.12031244


>> No.12031802

That's just autistic, if a girl ever wear that shit I'll just laugh and leave the room

>> No.12033062

I'm like 90% sure this is one of those plastic dolls

>> No.12033067


>> No.12033150
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>> No.12033155
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>> No.12033157
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>> No.12033165
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>> No.12033167
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>> No.12033231
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>> No.12033251


>> No.12033293
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>> No.12034004
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You won't be sweet so kys please.

>> No.12034889

this one? obv nsfw

>> No.12034932
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>> No.12035609

caught me off guard

>> No.12035620

what kind of fucking savage land do you live in where cutting is considered part of puberty

>> No.12036160

oh shit... spat my beer out.

>> No.12036191

muh fucking dick: the thread

>> No.12036287
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these are hawt

>> No.12036315

Where to cop? I love this look so much.

>> No.12036320

Some of those look like my gf's arms.

>> No.12037102


>> No.12037106

holy fuck

>> No.12037118


>> No.12037420
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>> No.12037424
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>> No.12037432
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>> No.12037436
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>> No.12037489

w2c a curvy gf to model lingerie for me?

>> No.12037534
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>> No.12037573

>Tfw qt gf just bought some garter straps because I was begging her to
>Tfw she dumps me before I could see her wear them

>> No.12037640
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>> No.12037641

She's going to wear them with her new fucktoy, and fuck him harder than she ever did you. Have fun thinking about that.

>> No.12037670
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>> No.12037752
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iktf family
>buy ex gf some sheer lace & babydoll silk to wear around the house
>leaves me a week later because "your expectations of me are too high, and you deserve better"
>mfw she kept the lingerie

>> No.12039131
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>> No.12039140

Wake me from insideee

>> No.12039148

why do women ruin their perfect bodies/skin with this self harm crap?

>> No.12039445

i dont conform to your standards of masculinity!

>> No.12039453


>> No.12039472

fucking retard

>> No.12039476
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>> No.12039488

so bigger than like 3cm

>> No.12039516


>> No.12039526

Because their inner self is advertising to outwardly that she is damaged goods.

Plenty of women out there who are nonfucked in the head, just ignore the others.

>> No.12039858


>b-be my hentai sexw-wife and fulfill my lifestyle f-fantasies by wearing this slutty out-f-fit

also if you give a gift, you give it. that's it. transaction over. when you give something to someone, that's the entire transaction. they don't owe you anything, and you no longer have any claim to the property. if this upsets you about a particular item, then you shouldn't give that item away.

>> No.12039873

it's not that she owed them anything, it's just that it's nice to see a girl that you're attracted to and love wear something that's sexy like lingere. that's why guys gift it to girls, so that the girls could feel sexy and the guys get a little eyecandy.

>> No.12039878



>> No.12039885

trust me, i think about that, and i damn well wasn't her first before i met her. she's been fucking around her entire life, and will continue to do so

i'm over that part really, but i just want another petite qt gf to dress lingere in

something about petite girls wearing lingere is just hng to me

>> No.12039905

Word homie

>> No.12039907

you mean

>> No.12039909


>> No.12039916

Fuck off you absolute gimp cunt, no one's clearly ever loved you before (probs including your mother)

>> No.12039934

top kek

>> No.12040613
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>> No.12040637

>Plenty of women out there who are nonfucked in the head
And they're not fun to fuck.

>> No.12041755
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>> No.12041759

I am honestly really embarrassed for you
Feel free to log off

>> No.12042179
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You could find this by reverse image search.

>> No.12042383
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>> No.12043065

ITT: Armchair psychologists who know someone's entire life story from a mirror selfie

>> No.12043114

whoa re you talkin to desu?

>> No.12043119
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>being this new

>> No.12043120

spoken like a true neckbeard virgin, durr crazy girls are so fun lol. yeh if we define mental illness as the willingness to touch a 4chan neckbeard thats more fun than the open revulsion most women show you

>> No.12043125

>psychology that isn't armchair

>> No.12043130

Wow, all the lingerie in these photos are really complex. Lingerie like this is nice but from my understanding guys don't care a whole lot as long as it's not like cheap ass wal-mart underwear, is this true?

>> No.12043137

kinda true but I really really like lace

>> No.12043140

Well, lace is pretty common on girls underwear.

>> No.12043145

okay let me rephrase that. I care about my gfs underwear but I don't have to worry that she'll buy something ugly because she also likes lace and nice lingerie in general so I've got that front covered.
can't speak for other guys but it's nice to see your girlfriend dressed in something nice and sexy before you undress her.

>> No.12043149

Well this is /fa/ so most people on here want their partner to dress well, even if it's lingerie.

>> No.12043155
File: 12 KB, 211x212, tumblr_nzdxhuYdzY1tfexo8o6_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it really? I've only seen one irl girl who wasn't related to me in underwear so I wouldn't know.

>> No.12043157

u RETARD, this is for EFFAY WOMEN you VIRGIN

>> No.12043162

You've never walked past a Victoria's Secret? Or seen a movie with a woman in her underwear?

>> No.12043180

yeah I don't exactly gather my knowledge of life from commercials and movies. I knew lace was easy to buy but didn't know that many people actually wear it.

>> No.12043186

ok if you are going to act like that, then just think of it like this

If it's easy to buy (i.e. common) then it's probably pretty, well, common. You don't use your brain much for someone who doesn't watch commercials and movies.

>> No.12043197

Jesus, I just thought it was uncomfortable to wear often, like on a daily basis because it sure looks like it is. you don't have to be rude.

>> No.12043206
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All plebeians
Make way for true extravagance

>> No.12043262

Please just end your existence

>> No.12043407
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>> No.12043413

extravagance is pleb as fuck

>> No.12043423

literally nothing about this is attractive

>> No.12043791
File: 49 KB, 960x673, 1481072838939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pls show me the qt that hurts herself to LDR

>> No.12045053

how does this happen

>> No.12045221
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>> No.12045243

so are you gonna post any links to this shit for sale or is this just a pornography thread

>> No.12045260

as one of the kids who used to get beaten to sleep and didn't cut: fuck you, fuck everything you said, shove your hands in a goddamn woodchipper and never ever write anything for someone to read on the internet again. i'm still here for my trauma victims who act out in ways different from how i chose/choose to. except you, please kys

>> No.12045264

>25 GBP or 25 CAD
>britbongs getting shafted this hard
feels good to be free

>> No.12045393

need this pinned

>> No.12046501

what even is the point of this

>> No.12046532
File: 1.57 MB, 1390x1474, 1480942240217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any buying guides for men? Asking for a friend

>> No.12046577

right?! God Damn it!

>> No.12046759
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>> No.12046786
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>> No.12046967
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>> No.12046973

Can you please stop with the pseudogoth light-bondage slutwear for girls who got no abs?

>> No.12046999

Slutwear? For something that's meant to be under clothing? lol

>> No.12047015

this is not a fetish board, serious fashion discussion only please

>> No.12047076

>girls with no abs
the musclefag's here

>> No.12047684

Oh boy

>> No.12048416

I have lace in most of my underwear and it is a little itchy but I mean it's cute so why not

>> No.12048863

thanks for this, i barfed

>> No.12048908

these threads just depress me since I know I'll never see this irl

please kill me

>> No.12048926

why do asians look so retareded in lingeareie

>> No.12048947
File: 190 KB, 800x1041, 76ca91a9b540c13e3f3ae0f3b185e70c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say "light-bondage slutwear for girls who got no abs?"

>> No.12048950
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>> No.12048952
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Lara Stone in Zana Bayne

And this is Bordelle

>> No.12048961
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>> No.12048965
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do shoes count as lingerie?

>> No.12048968
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Natalia by Sorrenti again, different ed this time

>> No.12048970
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>> No.12048973
File: 588 KB, 1280x998, tumblr_npha4j2srV1qc2ixgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Kate Upton?????

>> No.12048982
File: 376 KB, 1200x1800, Bordelle-luxury-voyeur-harness-linger-body-harness-with-shoulders-leather-nipplets-bondage-waspie-skirt_13914743-d8db-4c77-bad4-9ac2d4cff3fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more Bordelle

>> No.12048983

Lad, that is completely unnecessary.

>> No.12048991
File: 47 KB, 800x509, 2016-044_Pic020_1934_F2-800x509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12048994
File: 178 KB, 598x800, Luxury-bondage-lingerie-asobi-open-bra-and-kimono-598x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12048997
File: 67 KB, 629x800, 2016-044_Pic017_1707_F2-629x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12048999
File: 242 KB, 1280x765, tumblr_mkwddfw5vm1qc2ixgo1_1280-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is latex /fa/?

>> No.12049002
File: 77 KB, 500x661, tumblr_lk04o1nsOC1qbssxco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fleet Ilya

>> No.12049005
File: 317 KB, 1150x1600, tumblr_np8h499dCx1qc2ixgo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VPL has some pretty colorways

>> No.12049007
File: 402 KB, 1147x1600, tumblr_np8h2ce5hL1qc2ixgo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light sheer bralettes can be cute on smaller girls

>> No.12049009
File: 345 KB, 1147x1600, tumblr_np8gv32PV71qc2ixgo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one has posted this La Perla Gaultier set yet so here you go

>> No.12049013
File: 245 KB, 1123x1113, P1317318729893375_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Lara in Zana

>> No.12049016
File: 402 KB, 1122x1124, P1317318729893375_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049018
File: 312 KB, 1240x1386, P1317318729893375_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one

>> No.12049055
File: 46 KB, 500x356, tumblr_m9514kJz5b1rdzz4io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Fleet Ilya

>> No.12049057
File: 26 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lj8h0rKzgr1qa47g7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049059
File: 385 KB, 500x372, tumblr_m4ec3pfcwz1r0i678o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049062
File: 89 KB, 500x690, tumblr_lm99vmN0pi1qbi9l9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049063
File: 54 KB, 500x600, tumblr_og4jeuX8FW1rf0g2io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049068
File: 80 KB, 500x666, tumblr_oawk77PqjP1qznlffo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049078
File: 74 KB, 1191x842, HOLE_issue225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agent Provocateur

>> No.12049084
File: 90 KB, 600x834, jessica-gomes-lingerie6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049092
File: 116 KB, 800x580, Agent-Provocateur-Fall-Winter-2016-Campaign05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049097
File: 104 KB, 500x733, agent_provocateur_editorial_pop_magazine_fall2008_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049100
File: 177 KB, 550x800, 862-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimi Holliday

>> No.12049103
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x2880, mimi-holliday-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049105
File: 2.12 MB, 1884x2826, mimi-holliday-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049106
File: 2.60 MB, 1920x2880, e19e7da15e739791bc572a8ac0476bc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049108
File: 141 KB, 640x931, dfe1a9206453e275fd29b1eec41dcde8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049110
File: 143 KB, 550x800, 862-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049130

post OC you brown slut

>> No.12049145

She's better w/o her undies

>> No.12049148

Tripsk has dirty pics and I didn't know?

>> No.12049161

kill yourself

>> No.12049203

>complaining about this

>> No.12049339


holy keke, nipplets :DDDDD

>> No.12049368

yeah we get it youre 16 youll get over it

>> No.12049700
File: 240 KB, 764x1680, 1288548440433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that reminds me

>> No.12050284
File: 144 KB, 760x1024, G2v3zNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12051420
File: 217 KB, 500x794, tumblr_mojugc12ft1s0aou1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12051422

>wearing panties under the garter

>> No.12052190

What's with you guys posting old hags in lingerie, they look disgusting.

>> No.12052354

Not like any of you guys are gonna buy your gfs some lingerie anyway

>> No.12053576


oh my god

>> No.12053676
File: 63 KB, 288x386, Stefan_Molyneux_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when he posts the perfect argument

>> No.12053692

>buying guide

>> No.12053702

>looks like
vampire cosplay

>> No.12054126

based dump
thanks for making this thread not shit

>> No.12054146
File: 5 KB, 219x250, 1481467524983s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12054328
File: 69 KB, 1024x679, red1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12054958
