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12005066 No.12005066 [Reply] [Original]

Do you shower at morning or at night?

Why is night showering objectively so much better?
>wash off accumulated filth of day, sleep clean in clean bed
>cuts down time needed to prepare in morning
>can accommodate almost any schedule, unlike morning shower heathens who still end up showering twice anyways

>> No.12005076

>can accommodate almost any schedule, unlike morning shower heathens who still end up showering twice anyways
also I shower in the morning because I'm not a faggot who cant wake up an hour or two early

>> No.12005081

Morning shower

>> No.12005087

If you work out after work or class, do you really just work up a sweat and fucking sleep in your own filth? Even if you don't, you're still sleeping in your own filth.

>> No.12005094

idk what's better but i always do at night because i have no time in the morning

>> No.12005097

>wake up

>maybe take a second shower if It's one of those days

>> No.12005099

Morning, because I feel really gross when waking up, and don't feel presentable enough to go to work like that.

>> No.12005102

I exercise before I shower in the morning.

>> No.12005107

In the morning.
If I lift that day I shower again but only body not my face, otherwise my face dries out like a sumbitch.

>> No.12005130

Who the fuck doesn't shower after working out? I shower in the morning because it makes me feel ready for the day but I take a second shower after doing some sport.

>> No.12005142

>Do you shower with cold or hot water?
>Why is cold showering objectively so much better?

>> No.12005145

this is appropriate. Especially for folks like me who get sweaty during sleep.

>> No.12005149

>morning shower
>work out
>night shower


>> No.12005250

Mostly at night, unless i have weird shifts at work like at 6AM. Then ill just shower to wake myself up a bit.

>> No.12005259

Morning shower better
>wakes you up
>fresh and clean for the day rather than already having 8 hours of oil erode away the cleaning you did the night before
>better for your mind and skin

>> No.12005283

Does anyone else just sometimes shower in the dark? Just me. Ight I'll just see myself out

>> No.12005332

A few times but it was more impratical than it was cool.

>> No.12005345

my ideal schedule would be:
>morning shower with cold water for waking up more easily
>night shower with warm water for relaxing muscles and going to bed more easily
However, most of the time I shower at night and very rarely in the morning

>> No.12005370

>Not just changing/washing your sheets every other day like a normal person

>> No.12005437

Night shower better
>relaxes you so you don't need coffee and a shower and Monster to wake you up in the morning
>fresh and clean sleep rather than sleeping in your own accumulated filth
>no proof

Also, what's the point of getting your cleanest at the beginning of the day, just to dirty yourself up throughout the day and repeat? Do you also wipe your ass clean before shitting?

>> No.12005480

>needing coffee and a monster + shower to wake up
what the fuck is wrong with you dude, I can be awake with just cold water and a little bit of exercise, I bet you're incredibly unhealthy

>> No.12005485

>When you're retarded and can't comprehend text

>> No.12005495

Explain, you literally wrote
>so you don't need a coffee and a shower and monster to wake you up in the morning

>> No.12005515


>> No.12005529

>not showering every 2-3 days

It's like you want to have dry skin

>> No.12005614

there's a reason lotion exists, filthy pig

>> No.12005630

>what is this filthy oil my body makes
>better wash it off and smother myself in chemical laden products that mimic it.

>> No.12005642

do your thing, just not near me cause you stank

>> No.12005645

my bed head is unmanageable
I have to shower in the morning

>> No.12005659
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Wash cock/pussy, ass and armpits every morning but leave the rest. Only wash full body once every 3 days or whenever you have worked out. Now you're always fuckable and not drying up and getting premature wrinkles.

>> No.12005670

No, I don't. Confirmed by multiple people. If you eat healthy and avoid smelly food you won't stink unless you have some sort of health issue.

>> No.12005681

I feel weird going out of the house without showering for the day so I mostly do mornings, but a nice hot night shower is a great luxury (especially in the middle of winter).

>> No.12005706

As in, a night shower helps you sleep better at night, so you don't need something to wake up in the morning. A shower can't replace poor sleeping habits and a caffeine depndency

>> No.12005848

Whats the point of being dirty all day, only cleaning yourself at night when you're going to be interacting with far fewer if not no people at all?

>> No.12005857

>showering two times a day

Why do you guys want to destroy your skin

>> No.12005955

Are you sleeping in a bed of mud? Oh wait, no, you're sleeping in a clean bed that isn't a shrine of accumulated filth

>> No.12005989

I used to be a night shower person and I would fight with hairbrush and comb to get rid of my bedhead and wash my face every morning so I just decided it's easier to shower at night and morning.

>> No.12006009

Every other day? What a waste of time/water/detergent.

>> No.12006686

I work out every day for a couple hours but honestly I sweat so little that it makes no difference.

>> No.12006958

How does this harm your skin? I take morning showers then usually just rinse off with a warm one (no product just water before bed)

>> No.12006969

wtf do people seriously not shower twice a day?

i shower in the morning to wake me up and shampoo hair, and shower at night to cleanse myself

>> No.12007116

My long wavy hair gets flat after sleeping on it so morning showers for me.

>> No.12007121

yeah, once a week should be enough. pillowcase should be changed more frequently though

>> No.12007122

this. it also looks really greasy when I first wake up and doesn't really improve throughout the day

>> No.12007184

Are you autistic? It's hyperbole, he's exaggerated from his core point of needing Stims to become alert. Ffs I know with text its hard to convey shit like sarcasm but this is child level reading comprehension. I'm stunned and mad

>> No.12007187

Probably cause ur not actually working.

>> No.12007212

night showers are pure bliss, but I always shower in the morning cause I have a high metabolism which makes me sweat at night

>> No.12007430

People who think showering twice a day makes you age faster should stop reading fuccboi-science and other bro-science type of studies.

People in hot/humid countries all over asia africa or south america shower a lot more than europeans and don't look older in general.
Middle class (and over) people from brazil shower A LOT and they aren't full of wrinkles.

The only thing besides bad diet and not enough water and fatigue that makes you skin objectively look worse is too much sun if you have pale skin/northern european genetics.

I shower every morning and take a hot bath every night after my work out.

I moisterize and put UV protection in summer in the mornings.

Once every two days is okay if you don't sweat.
I work out, walk a lot, go motorcycle riding, and have an active lifestyle. I shower in consequence.

>> No.12007438

Yes dark shower is the best. Another bonus for the night shower.

>> No.12007446

Just so you know, that's pretty unhealthy for your skin and hair.

>> No.12007466

Hold the fuck up. You people dont shower twice a day? One in the morning and one at night? DISGUSTANG

>> No.12007471

twice a day, what a waste of time...

>> No.12007979

because night is when most people fuck

>> No.12009269

night shower because my hair needs to settle after a shower or it looks like shit, so in the morning it's the perfect amount of moldable and also clean
i can't stand morning showers cause i get cold

>> No.12009387

Shower twice a day you dirty fucking sloth

>> No.12009467

>sleeping in your own accumulated filth

>> No.12011192

Once when I wake up and once in the afternoon (because I run in the afternoon)

>> No.12011199

>didn't shower for a week
feels good
I kinda like natural smells except for a mild aroma of shit

>> No.12011203

I also wipe before shitting, because I believe in getting clean before I get dirty

>> No.12011211

that's not even close to the same fucking thing

>> No.12011218

Same principle, you're showering when it makes the least sense to

>> No.12011526

Min 3, max like 6. But I have OCD though.

>> No.12011562


>> No.12011785

sorry, i just like feeling clean to start off my day over how much i admire my fucking bedsheets

>> No.12011835

>showering at night
>sweat in bed
>sweat remains in bed
>sleep in sweat
>hear gets slightly greasy overnight
>need to wash again in morning
>face needs washing due to grease
>shower is easiest way to do all these things

>> No.12011839

I need to rinse my hair thoroughly in the morning otherwise it looks too messy, so I take them in the morning.

>> No.12011840

Especially in winter because it gets you ready for the cold weather, can wear less layers and be less sweaty

feels good

>> No.12011853

>implying at what time of day you shower is relevant to fashion

>at morning
what are you, retarded?

>> No.12011872


if i shower before bed it makes me get sinusitis

>> No.12011910

Question? how long does your ''clean bed'' stay clean?

>> No.12011949

is this really fashion related?

>> No.12012046
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>mfw this is the fastest moving thread we have had in months

>> No.12013117

>I also never fold my clothes or make my bed because they'll just get messed up after I use them
Literally using the logic of a 10 year old.

>> No.12013125

after work
after gym/night

fucking disgusting plebs

>> No.12013154

>bed head
>skin cells die and accumulate while you sleep
>start your day refreshed

>> No.12013161

this is only reason to shower at night

>> No.12013183

>second shower
Dehydrated skin 4 dayz

>> No.12013664

you just made me remember that dude who stood in the shower with the lights out pretending to be a rhino in the rain

>> No.12014094

I have a normal sex life so my bed sheets are washed at least twice a week.

>> No.12014306

can i skip wetting hair for a day?

>> No.12014363

>shower in morning
>cleanest point is right before you engage with others
>shower at night
>cleanest point can be 8+ hours before seeing someone

>> No.12014382

I always had a question about showering at night.
Do you put on deodorant after the shower before sleeping?
When I shower in the evening, I just sleep and in the morning I wash my armpits and put on deodorant then.

>> No.12014658

I shower before bed
and in the morning


>> No.12014759

But what about showering in the AFTERNOON?

>> No.12015036

i shower at night because I'm active in the day and I don't being in my bed with the feel of dirt and grime on my skin, accumulating on my sheets. night-showers are better in my opinion, but taking 2 showers a day is incredibly bad for your skin and hair and if anything, at least try to shower every other day.

>> No.12015283
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I shower every day, but i only wash my body once a week, shampoo once a week. You must condition every day, otherwise, you lost

>> No.12015286

fucking neets

>> No.12015297

shower at night because youre going to be rolling around in all the crap accumulated through the day in your bed

i shower in the morning but for like 3 minutes to wake myself up

>> No.12015882

um whats going on in the webm

>> No.12015886

>not coating yourself in moisturizer like a pig rolling in mud