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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 347 KB, 652x1474, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12003039 No.12003039 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I'm interested in purchasing a MAGA hat and was wondering which one's the most /fa/? Also which will be the most fashionable in 4 years for his reelection?

>> No.12003044
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>> No.12003054

memes and trolling aside, advertising for a fascist piece of shit is not /fa/

>> No.12003090

>memes and trolling aside
but anon you've contradicted yourself

>> No.12003091

You just outed yourself as having no understanding of fascism.

>> No.12003099
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>> No.12003101

thanks for correcting the record!

>> No.12003102

you just got memed lads!!! XD

>> No.12003103

Donald is not a fascist, and he is now my president. I will show my support regardless of what you brainwashed liberal cucks want me to do.

>> No.12003106
File: 146 KB, 392x392, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a bit and get a USA 45 one

>> No.12003108

Damn you got /pol/ so far up your ass m8 lmao

>> No.12003110

Diy a hat. Get a blank hat and just sew in MAGA.

>> No.12003113

I don't visit /pol/, they are all Alex Jones loving losers who cant accept the fact that sometimes democratic policies are decent.

>> No.12003118

What are those?

>> No.12003120

Sew? I'm not a woman...

>> No.12003121
File: 678 KB, 1022x1478, trump hat_USA45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not released yet

>> No.12003132

Where can I find out more?

>> No.12003351

Afiliating with Trumps brand signals you are a loser, whether from technological displacement, globalization, loss of status of skin color / gender. You dont want to do that.

>> No.12003365

CTR stopped paying about a month ago. Why are you still shilling?

>> No.12003374

>lol I have no debate so I am going to say he is a shill xD

anyway my president isn't a product, he's my president, so yes associating Trump as/with a brand is retarded

>> No.12003382

>tying your identity to your presidential candidate

how little meaning is there in your life that youre continuing the hero worship despite the fact that the election is well over

was there so little substance to your personality that you let it be so easily subsumed by a real life meme

>> No.12003390
File: 46 KB, 576x390, 120564894651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single president have made themselves a brand. Society enjoys associating themselves with the brands they like. Look how many people associated themselves with Obama "as a brand"

>> No.12003400

Wear it just to piss off the Muslim pissdrinkers like those ITT.

>> No.12003407
File: 25 KB, 1200x878, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure our founding fathers didn't have T-Shirts for sale. Political Advocacy makes you look like a faggot regardless of side.
I don't give a fuck if obama associated with a brand I would call them faggots too, and guess what I did when he was around.

I don't know who would wants to associate their fashion with a 70 year old business man/politician

Stop calling me a libtard and face the facts that wearing a trump/shillary hat will be out of date in fucking 3 months

>> No.12003411

classic red obviously. instantly recognizable. iconic. resale value in 5 years. 10/10 will frame

>> No.12003422

It might be out of date in 3 months, just like every other single article of clothing everyone talks about on this board.
If OP wants a MAGA hat you don't have to cry about it.
You need to "face the facts" that people might enjoy other things that don't agree with your political views.

>> No.12003425

Would you like a helicopter ride?

>> No.12003480

people stopped wearing obama merch the day he got elected

the only thing you see nowadays are bumper stickers people havent been assed to remove yet

>> No.12003862


why do these hats all look like loaves of bread

>> No.12003964

Can I wear one if I am not in the US?

>> No.12003982

Non-white in first world country if that matters

>> No.12004306
File: 17 KB, 200x94, 1475781673170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All made in China.

>> No.12004336

Even outside the cringiness of just wearing a trump hat, they look pretty awful irl

>> No.12004592

None are made in china unless you buy fakes.
No, I've seen them and they go with a lot of fits

>> No.12004660
File: 356 KB, 720x1148, IMG_20160328_034417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late. Once Trump won the nomination the hats decreased in quality a lot, you can see through the fabric in the right light and they crumple way too easily. The fit's a lot tighter too. Donald doesn't wear the second edition hats.

If you can't get ahold of one of the first edition hats then you can kys your dreams goodbye. Should've bought into the campaign when it mattered.

>> No.12004670

You sound like one.

>> No.12004688

If colorful baseball caps go well with your fit maybe it's time to change the way you dress.

>> No.12004763

"baseball" caps
The first edition caps were made in China..

>> No.12004773

They were made in the US, in California, you stupid idiot.

>> No.12004907

I like the camo one but a red hat + black suit combo like on election night has a SS officer vibe which is very /fa/

Not calling him a Nazi.

>> No.12005226

I want a trump hoodie but it's sold out on the site :/

>> No.12005318

2nd edition is fine

>> No.12005347
File: 13 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison, first edition is on the right.

>> No.12006409

The one on the left is fake

>> No.12006421

wait when did he start selling the other colors again?

i was just complaining a few weeks ago that i wanted to buy more since he won, but now the hype is gone

>> No.12007474

I brought one when I went to D.C. earlier this year. It was meant to be an ironic investment for after Hillary slaughtered him in November, but now it just feels like a sad mistake.

I've since put an "I'm With Her" pin on it.

Anyway, classic red is the way to go.

>> No.12007479

kys yourself cuck

>> No.12007486


Fascist confirmed for the new buzzword of the late 10's.

In all seriousness,the MAGA hat is very impressive. It went from an average campaign hat that you see in every serious political campaign and transformed into a solid fashion icon. It's sheer number of impersonators has proven that it's stylish and likeable.Though the red one is going to be the one that goes down in the history books, the camo one has the most relevance to this season of style.

>> No.12007511

meme red is the only way to go

>> No.12007532

There is nothing fashionable about this. This is probably somehow worse than wearing a Che Guevara shirt. Those hats look like shit in person, they don't fit on peoples heads right and also you're advertising a completely unprincipled candidate with no ideology other than status-quo austerity and stoking the flame of xenophobia. Every time I see someone in these, knowing how smug they feel wearing it, I'm always tempted to laugh

>> No.12007539

kys cuck

>> No.12009318


>> No.12009520
File: 1.25 MB, 320x180, maega.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ shit talks political garb
>when they dress like 14 year old Naruto cosplayers

>> No.12009594

>I'm always tempted to laugh

Ironic because those people think that of (You)

>> No.12009667
File: 7 KB, 208x210, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize pol = the entirety of 4chan

Are there no actual sane or some what normal human beings on this website

I know that's a funny question since it's fucking 4vhan but jesus christ

>> No.12010453

i want that hat so much

>> No.12010697
File: 77 KB, 746x960, Red_front_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not getting a new version of MAGA hat.

>> No.12010782

>if -if you don't hate DRUMPF you're crazy/pol/fascist/racist/stupid

He won. Get over it, you faggot.

>> No.12010796

>my sides

>> No.12010853

regardless of politics, 4chan is for non-normies. so no, now pls go back

>> No.12010889

Anyone know when they're opening applications for the secret police?

>> No.12011067

But why would you wanna look like a redneck hick ? That's very unfa

>> No.12011083

>what hat?
red is the obvious choice though

>> No.12011086

>4chan is for non normies

fuck off you edgy little cunt

>> No.12011097

MAGA hat looks better.

>> No.12011101


>Exaggerating this much

>> No.12011108

what are some ironic mock red hats

>> No.12011125

Where are the MAGA caps made?
Are the gen ones actually made in america? (by spics and other unwashed of course, but in america all the same)

>> No.12011226
File: 30 KB, 281x500, b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12011285

>it's another thread where crossboarding band wagoners try to push the meme that it's effay to join their cult of personality and ruin your self image all for a meme president

>> No.12012297


>> No.12012309
File: 33 KB, 538x601, tbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw OG gold maga hat purchased October 2015

>> No.12012312

Hahahahaha tru

>> No.12012916

I'm not being edgy, there has never been a time where 4chan was not run by autistic losers. its a fucking anime forum for fuck's sake! you may see yourself out

>> No.12012963

/fa/ used to have decent posters a few years ago, but they all left since it's become eternal summer in here.

Some might still be on other forums (not naming them cause fuck these kids), but /fa/ has been reduced to a shitfest worse than MFA.

>> No.12012990

Does it normally take forever for these to ship out to you? I ordered a hat on the twelfth of november and only just remember about it because of this thread. Probably should email their asses.

>> No.12013199

>/fa/scists approve

>> No.12013440
File: 49 KB, 557x800, f2b3c6f8f64980718d6d5893355764ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Facism is /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.12013509


The hats you find for sale that are not sold directly from his website are fakes.

The hats sold at rallies are also fakes.

The genuine ones are made in the USA

>> No.12013946

This looks fucking stupid, not even good army dress. Anything looks good on a model. Imagine this on yourself.

>> No.12013952

This is the cumskin version of the Che Guevara shirt or cuban military hat. You all look fucking stupid

>> No.12013958


Where does this money go? He can't actually make money selling shit he hawks as president right, that's illegal.

>> No.12013967

It is for any elected official that isn't the president. It was assumed by the framers that the president would just feel pressured to not have conflicts of interest. It's time for America to go desu

>> No.12013968


Further proof that Donald Trump isn't a fascist

>> No.12013993
File: 157 KB, 1046x719, РОА групповая фото.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/scism is the most /fa/ thing there is.

>> No.12013997

>Where does this money go? He can't actually make money selling shit he hawks as president right, that's illegal.

Probably to his campaign?

BTW trump literally had the cheapest campaign in a long time