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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 107 KB, 800x264, waywt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11991269 No.11991269 [Reply] [Original]

constructive criticism edition

>> No.11991323

>constructive criticism edition

dressing from thrift only wont make you look effay outside this echo chamber and people will just assume youre poor.
also stop trying too hard, you arent a fashion model, looking artsy in the distance only makes you look like you have down syndrome

there is it, 80% of waywt is saved

>> No.11991333
File: 250 KB, 720x1280, IMG_1088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was comfy as all hell

>> No.11991336 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 495x977, v_a_p_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what about the other 20%?

>> No.11991349

[worried laughter]

>> No.11991356
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>> No.11991367
File: 53 KB, 372x662, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cap because it's fucking windy outside, so when I get to the center my hair look like chewbacca

>> No.11991528

The worst of the worst, there's nothing to be constructive about. I hate your fits, they both represent insecurity.

>> No.11991532
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why the pants look like that in this pic they're just straight cut in real life

>> No.11991534
File: 125 KB, 811x656, saffasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for bad picture and meme hat (raining today), but do these colors work okay?

I want to stop wearing black

>> No.11991540

The blue looks out of place, it's too dark

>> No.11991550

It was just an outfit I threw together before goofing around in the city at night with friends, if you think it's shit, that's all well and good but it wasn't an insecurity thing at all

>> No.11991555


>> No.11991573
File: 471 KB, 670x1200, DSC00198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11991588

Calm the fuck down

>> No.11991593

Unpop your lapel, button up your shirt, it looks messy

>> No.11991601

anyone say something, I'm afraid I looked like someone from the fucking anime

>> No.11991607

you do.

>> No.11991608

It would be an okay fit if you were taller and skinnier and better looking

idk what else you want to hear senpai, the glasses are stupid I guess, don't wear those

>> No.11991622
File: 821 KB, 1649x2649, IMG_1296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets shoot ;)

>> No.11991631

Thanks, so i think it's ok. Cuz perspective is fuck up on this photo, and my pants drooped a little. I'm 185cm/ 72kg so i'm quite thin. I know the glasses suck, but i like go outside wearing them when it's foggy and gloomy in the city. It's like +10 points to weather.

>> No.11991635

The jacket's silhouette is quite nice and the shoes are great but those pants fit really strangely on you

>> No.11991637


your coats not on properly m8

>> No.11991646



>> No.11991649

Martin, 16 year old, plays Call of Duty in his freetime and steals Nurofen Plus from his grandmother to make a lit night with his friends.

18 year old, started hormone replacement therapy two months ago, already happy with the results.

Romeo, foreign actor in low-budget brazil soap opera, plays guitar in his free-time.

>> No.11991652

Why didn't you give me a name? I want a name

>> No.11991655

looking messy was exactly the point of the fit

>> No.11991656


what about it looking shit, was that part of the point?

>> No.11991663
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1440, 1125161156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Tailored suit
-vintage waist coat, tie & pocket square
-brass turquoise ring
-time piece from local marker
-Shoes can't be seen but freshly polished Cole Haan Cambridge chukkas

>> No.11991666

what camera?

>> No.11991671

I can't see much, but it looks fine

>> No.11991676

You'll always be black

>> No.11991678
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1440, 1125161150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly better pic

>> No.11991682
File: 35 KB, 378x470, 1474741808635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>slightly better pic

>> No.11991683

Correct and I'll always look better than you, go figure.

>> No.11991684

get new glasses

>> No.11991686

nah man, if I'd wanted it to look shit then it would look shit.

>> No.11991688

I like these but i do in fact want some any suggestions?

>> No.11991695

Not him but a more sleek retro style could match well with your look you have

>> No.11991698

how do i get so perfectly slim :(

>> No.11991701


but it looks shit lel

looks like youre in some shitty english indie band circa 2004. is THAT the poin of your fit?

>> No.11991704
File: 452 KB, 1600x1064, Red CDG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing it safe but still being a little adventurous today. Simple and comfortable, also festive with the flannel to embrase the autumnal decay. (Funny how fashion is decaying rapidly in Western civilization and I'm displaying that WITH fashion.)
Shirt: H&M
Long T: Asos
Pants: Skinny Topman track pants with drop crotch
Sneaks: CDG Chucks

Looking for any constructive criticism but not looking for trash opinions by Ricktards.

>> No.11991708

Trying too hard buddy
There are far more subtle ways to get a rise out of people

>> No.11991721

>I exclusively wear Rick

>> No.11991724

grr haha

>> No.11991725

keep hiding behind some innocent dude

we all know your insecurity of posting your own fits is through the roof

>> No.11991741

you are fat and not very good looking

>> No.11991771



>> No.11991817

id on boots?

>> No.11991844


>> No.11991863
File: 330 KB, 271x800, 1463871129525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carhartt hat
wrangler jacket


>> No.11991869


: )

>> No.11991873

howd your shoes get so shiny

>> No.11991883
File: 23 KB, 450x450, kiwi color shine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11991908
File: 140 KB, 247x472, SAUSAGE LEGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this guy serious?

>> No.11991913


>> No.11991931

hate to say it but you look like an anime character.
this could've been a nice fit if you buttoned up your shirt and worn a different jacket.
personally i'm not sure how i feel about the shoes but everything else is mildly decent.

>> No.11991936

...yep, with the magic of photoshop you can transform even my god-tier legs into sausage stumps. Not really sure what prompted you to do that but... nice one?

>> No.11991938


nice fit but why the ratty old shoes ?

>> No.11991950


>> No.11991952

I liked it that way. But maybe you can put off those accessories that you don't need to make it more easy to swallow.

>> No.11991966

haha nice necklace, is that the pendant from your favorite western anime?

>> No.11992011
File: 201 KB, 900x900, IMG_20161123_202310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic today.

>> No.11992024
File: 799 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go swimming

>> No.11992035
File: 94 KB, 543x721, 9902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twinkish but kind of cute, agreed that the pants fit a little strange with that silhouette but honestly think it is pretty alright. I really like the shoes btw are those Shoes Like Pottery?>>11991356
Way too big and just ugly anyways. Camo is shit and supreme is shit. Stop being a billbaord, outside of that logo there is nothing that is acceptable about it.
Anime guy honestly I think you should just get rid of coat and replace it with something more casual.
Looks pretty good, not super effay but it doesnt need to be. If i saw you irl I would probably like to strike up conversation with you.
Colors arent bad but I dont care for the boots much.
If I see you in a fight I'm rooting for the other guy no questions asked. You look like a real tryhard man. Unpop the collar at the least lmao. Nice boots though.
I like this a lot actually

>> No.11992038

Very nice but maybe dont roll your pants so high. Its basic but Im a sucker for black jumper/white shirt combo

>> No.11992039
File: 1.52 MB, 1690x2254, CYMERA_20161125_141209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lose weight, i know

>> No.11992041
File: 137 KB, 529x1413, tmp_16676-IMG_20161125_105542870200296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i dress if i have a thick wide ass? What pants/cuts should i favor?

>> No.11992057

very nice except the cuffing on your pants

>> No.11992060

Yep, they're SLP!

>> No.11992064

someone else tell her

i can't bear it

>> No.11992070

how do they fit? Did you size down at all?

>> No.11992074

-undo whatever in god's name you did to the bottoms of your pant legs
-buy pants that aren't pre-distressed
-get boots that aren't doc martens

>> No.11992081

I sized down a lot. I'm usually a 10.5 but those are 9s. I wouldn't recommend that though, I think it only worked out because my feet are so dainty and narrow. If you're a half size, get the size below it

>> No.11992090

Read the sticky. Figure out what style and designers you like. Start wtih solid basics and build on that. Yes, losing weight is necessary if you want clothes to look good. Don't even bother wasting money on designer brands if your body looks like shit. Nice clothes won't fix it. Don't post again until you know half of a fuck what this board is even for. For the love of fuck. This is for your sake as well.

Thank you hungry skellington.

>> No.11992097

Lose weight
build up your shoulders/back
It's alright to be slightly androgynous, but you look like a fertility godess

>> No.11992109


I know it goes against the general standard of how pants should fit but I've always liked it. Was considering hemming these pants to test if I'll like the cropped look.

What do you two think?

>> No.11992114
File: 3.44 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire ronin hoodie
Thifted boots

>> No.11992117

Im going for twinkmode though. There must be certain pants that are better suited to thicker legs? Jeans dont cut it. Yah im gonna lose weight too

>> No.11992198
File: 1.64 MB, 2432x3286, IMG_20161125_184750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skeltal Core

>> No.11992231
File: 541 KB, 1440x1920, 20161125_112704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get better shoes.

Not sure about that haircut.
Jacket's too big and those shoes don't fit at all.

>> No.11992271
File: 1.14 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20161125-143101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feat. Joey the Boston

>inb4 pro dick sucker necklace pls no bully

>> No.11992278

The shoes don't work here, fit looks whack and that choker seems forced.

>> No.11992389

whatsup pizza boy

>> No.11992403

Lose weight you fat cunt

>> No.11992455
File: 144 KB, 685x1500, 1480109218683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please forgive my dirty mirror haha

>> No.11992475
File: 109 KB, 540x960, andrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992526

w2c jacket?

>> No.11992565

It's a g-III suede jacket. You gotta look online for people selling them

>> No.11992571
File: 421 KB, 438x1118, CYMERA_20161124_153955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanksgiving w the baby mama

>> No.11992586


This board has gone to shit, you fucks all look like shit

>> No.11992589

you're not even fat tf

>> No.11992637

Cock sucker

>> No.11992639

Thank you

>> No.11992697

for slp

>> No.11992702

w2c shoes and sweater?

>> No.11992722
File: 3.04 MB, 2336x4160, IMG_20161126_074815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11992727
File: 193 KB, 562x1000, waywt323232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change the shoes to low boots or sneakers that don't look like shit and youre good
i really don't like the zipper jacket here, p good otherwise
no v-necks pls
lose weight, get fitting pants. i'd also go black shoes here desu

>> No.11992731

Always good, don't stop posting on /fa/ pls

>> No.11992761

cool but lose the hat and the glasses
absolutely terrible
lose the sweater. why do you have painted fingernails
inner jacket doesn't go well
never really like your fits but there's nothing really wrong with them. carry on
pretty nice
change your shirt and this will be literally 100% better
right now you look like you're going to prom and you only had one dress shirt
please refrain from shitposting
lose the mental deficiency hat, rest is ok i guess
simple and clean is the way, etc
that shirt is wayyyyyy too boxy and too short in the arms, do something
basic bitch, holes in your pants, docs aren't laced
simple and boring, hide your face
shoes don't work, those swinging dick pant strings look retarded
lose weight
l o n d o n
please refrain from shitposting
the jeans make your legs look very short, or maybe it's the mirror. everything else is nice tho
"techwear interests me"

>> No.11992767

talk shit, post fit

>> No.11992771

from the back

>> No.11992826

nah im unhappy with my body so i started working out and stuff, i just want to be happy in my own skin you know. thank you though

>> No.11992870

You are qt af

>> No.11992892

Cool GATs, MM?

The colors don't mesh well at all.
Can't really see what colors your pants are, are they light blur or off white or white?
Well not like it matters because every one of those colors don't go good with yellow and black.
At least not the way you have done it.

Very, very basic. But it's not the bad kind of basic. Looks okay but just so boring.
Btw, don't read the sticky like >>11992090 said. The sticky is really shitty.
What you need at this point is find your own style and not buy clothes that the "mainstream" people like.
Buy something that YOU personally like, which will become your own style.
Basically a lot of trial and error.

Very, very average. The bad kind of average.

Shoes clash with fit, and rest is like yeezy + rick, which is not a compliment.
Bad fit even though every piece by itself has potential, excluding the outer piece.

Ugly phones case. Puma 2006 shoes. Bomber has shit silhouette.

Bad angle. Very basic. Don't like the frills, very subjective opinion though.
Not much more to say.

Jacket has bad silhouette, doesn't fit very well.
Pants just looks like black pants, which they are.
Shoes look too clunky.
Get some mono 1461.
Btw, cut your nails bruh.

I don't think your outfit is very good as a whole.
What I mean is that every piece by itself is pretty cool, excluding the shirt, but you're going for too many different styles.

Pants too grey, could be lightning.
Hoodie lacks something, feels a bit too basic.

Man, WAYWT always disappoints me.

>> No.11993006

i know docs are super basic but where i live most peope have never even heard of them and ive had them for like 5 years. before i travelled a lot, i thought i was standing out but then i traveled around and saw every basic bitch is wearing these. im trying not to be a super basic bitch so ive been working to build up a wadrobe but i feel like basics dont work for me because i feel like im wearing the same outfit everyday. any recs for new boots though?

>> No.11993032
File: 139 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup chaps

>> No.11993041

love the fit. w2c the puffy, I love the cuffs
I liek it
that cardigan or coat or whatever it is looks comfy af
Looks good, I always look for that missing piece from the pic lol
really like it t b h. Idk if wallabees are good for the fit, they just look off to me. But then again idk what shoes would look better. also w2c cardigan aand those jeans

>> No.11993180
File: 2.92 MB, 2336x4160, IMG_20161126_101648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11993218

Your fit bores me

>> No.11993255

holy SHIT thats comfy

>> No.11993257

pants are way too far off the rest of the fit. I started scrolling down and I thought it was great but then I saw those pants.

>> No.11993264 [DELETED] 

I actually think docs are nice, and I feel like you actually like them too, which is my point (maybe not anymore as you've already had em for 5 years lol).
But It really comes down why you want to wear cool clothes and how you want to.

Do you wear to show off you know trends? Do you wear to be unique for the sake of unique? Do you wear things you basically just like?
All three of these are actually fine. We all want different things from fashion and I don't push anything on anyone else. But personally, I prefer to just wear what I like. Though this doesn't mean I dress only for myself, cause I don't. I would be lying to myself in that case.

This guy >>11992074 said
>get boots that aren't doc martens
Why though? Why the fuck should you not wear docs?
If you like them wear em. Easy as that.
That's what is means to get your own style, it's what you have yourself chosen.
If someone else choose for you, how is that your own style?

>but i feel like basics dont work for me
I'm entirely sure what you mean, but I'll assume by basics not working is that jeans, tshirts, etc, not working well.
That is because you're building the basics according to what society/mainstream think should be your basic.
Instead, pick basics that YOU like. For example, I have not worn jeans for over a year, why the hell should it be a basic in my wardrobe when I don't even like em?
A basic should be a piece that works with many other of your clothes in during your current style, something like that I guess.

>> No.11993266
File: 78 KB, 735x751, lil-uzi-vert-and-brittany-byrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god please tell me this is bait.

>> No.11993273

I actually think docs are nice, and I feel like you actually like them too, which is my point (maybe not anymore as you've already had em for 5 years lol).
But It really comes down why you want to wear cool clothes and how you want to.

Do you wear to show off you know trends? Do you wear to be unique for the sake of unique? Do you wear things you basically just like?
All three of these are actually fine. We all want different things from fashion and I don't push anything on anyone else.
But personally, I prefer to just wear what I like. Though this doesn't mean I dress only for myself, cause I don't.
I would be lying to myself in that case.

This guy >>11992074 said
>get boots that aren't doc martens
Why though? Why the fuck should you not wear docs?
If you like them wear em. Easy as that.
That's what is means to get your own style, it's what you have yourself chosen.
If someone else choose for you, how is that your own style?

>but i feel like basics dont work for me
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but I'll assume by basics not working is that jeans, tshirts, etc, not working well.
That is because you're building the basics according to what society/mainstream think should be your basic.
Instead, pick basics that YOU like. For example, I have not worn jeans for over a year, why the hell should it be a basic in my wardrobe when I don't even like em that much?
A basic should be a piece that works with many other of your clothes in during your current style, something like that I guess.

>> No.11993274


and you don't know how this pant is comfy af (velour,coton very soft)

>> No.11993281

jesus. chill the fuck out, you wrote this, i'm assuming, to white knight this girl. She doesn't have a good fashion sense and he was giving her some criticism.

>> No.11993288

>If you like them wear em.
Shut down the thread, everyone
Criticism and feedback is no longer needed!
How have we not realized it before?
Wear what YOU FEEL like you want!
Turn off the board, Hiro!

>> No.11993297

also please tell me w2c the wool comfy thing

>> No.11993305


fisherman sweater ? Sandro Paris

>> No.11993316

>implying there is any constructive critism on this board and anyone should take it seriously

>>11993273 is right, the most important thing is to wear clothes you like and feel confident in. insecure fucks like you, who think their opinion is valuable for no reason made this board completely useless.

>> No.11993333

Lol, this is also why WAYWT always disappoints me.
I just want to have some conversation about fashion, that's it.
One time I go and write a bit on WAYWT and then I gotta chill out
This was even the constructive criticism edition, lol.
Whatever, not that it matters.

>white knight this girl
No, though I can't think of any way to have you think that it's not the case
But let me just say that I would have helped anyone that wants help.

>he was giving her some criticism
Yea, and I was criticising what he was saying.
Though I agree I was a bit hard on him if that's what you're implying.

Just because I tell people to wear what they like does not mean I don't want discussion.
>Criticism and feedback is no longer needed!
Clearly trolling. I have not said once or implied that criticism and feedback is not needed.
No idea how you came to that conclusion.

>> No.11993424

Oh my fucking god this isn't a hugbox
Please either take criticism like a strong and stable human being and stop whiteknighting for someone you do not and never will know, or delet ur account

>> No.11993444


go to /fit/ come back later

>> No.11993531

Normally don't wear this much black but management thinks saying "all black for black Friday is fun"

>> No.11993585

are you about to go out and hack Chicago?

>> No.11993587
File: 654 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I wear docs with sweatpants

>> No.11993602
File: 542 KB, 1226x2428, IMG_0210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll your pants down a bit and this is great

Looks really good

If those pants weren't cropped it'd be 10/10

Simple fit today for reading and playing vidya

>> No.11993606

w2c sweater and shirt?

>> No.11993610

not a bad fit

shame you never your house

>> No.11993614

do you own any guidi?
also what is that poster in the background

as for the fit the colors of the upper half are nice together

>> No.11993659

gayest mf on fa, most try hard of tryhards, why u so serious. shit fit w no personality

>> No.11993664

Yeah, I've got a pair of 998s and some 991s
The big wall scroll in the back is hide from X Japan.

>> No.11993905


>> No.11993931

Seems everyone isn't a fan of the high-rolled pants. I guess they gotta go! Thanks for the advice.

Both are from Uniqlo. Nothing expensive.

I never what my house?

>> No.11993950
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x1024, NN_Hoodie_Combo_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man i feel like the hoodie is far from basic >>11993218
why :(

>> No.11993974
File: 3.02 MB, 5312x2988, IMG_20161126_204853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato quality comfycore

>> No.11994026

yer not a very good painter,

>> No.11994034


>> No.11994045

You are completely retarded, partner

>> No.11994141
File: 144 KB, 900x612, 1474164655483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be the pic

>> No.11994187

This is my favorite post on this whole website

>> No.11994196
File: 2.79 MB, 3024x4030, IMG_20161125_154121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11994199

but can u suck dick tho?

>> No.11994223
File: 79 KB, 576x768, Bs82ym3RgtJNhdxtMaKcB9oDwoIvAwTcydTH5srvmw8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11994337
File: 191 KB, 845x1077, cRb5_rkVJvI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it!
Wow, so clean
Yeah, that's not much fashion-related
That's not bad dude, but i dont like cuffs on your jeans and boots
Pants here are off

>> No.11994346

What's the maintenance like on your head?

>> No.11994376

nice backpack

>> No.11994393


>> No.11994407

This is literally the most overdone fit in the history of this board.

I would even go further and say that this fit is the perfect representation of the group mentality that reigns here.

The message it sends is roughly this: "I consider myself to be interested in fashion (and better than you in general) and I want to show it but I'm also too unimaginitive or too lazy to put any actual effort in it. I'm also incredibly insecure and afraid to death to stand out and get weird looks so I'm just going to go with the safest, dullest and most overdone, but "clean, nice and minimalistic" combination so I can still look down upon people."

That's why trash like this always gets the most positive and numerous feedback. Because everyone here is like that.

>> No.11994428


>> No.11994479

Literally the 2013 /fa/ meme fit, also this >>11994407

>> No.11994487

people on /fa/ will dislike when you do these fits because they don't have the confidence to experiment. youre one of the only good long term posters left :')

>> No.11994502

w2c pants?

>> No.11994506


>> No.11994510

>working out and stuff
judging from the way you word it alone:
switch the order of importance.
First start with a lower calorie consumption, then go to the gym.

>> No.11994513

huh, never noticed

>> No.11994532
File: 2.58 MB, 4160x2336, 20161126_074528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11994649

Really good. This and >>11994337 are the ONLY good fits in this thread

>> No.11994651

Shit I love this

>> No.11994755
File: 1.46 MB, 700x1244, 2016-26-11--18-07-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care less about my fits every day

Clean but little cuck-ish
Internet molded
Youre like some weird tryhard art project, fun to bully and laugh at

>> No.11994819
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>> No.11994826
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good but the coat looks cheap





bad fit and the shoes are terrible


good but get better shoes

ugly pants but its ok


>> No.11994834


>> No.11994837

I like the things behind you

>> No.11994845

Notorious N.I.G.

>> No.11994907
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>> No.11994915
File: 662 KB, 1494x2311, IMG_3297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning from


>> No.11994922

i usually like your style laserface but i just can not get behind those drug rug sweaters.
anyway didn't know you lived in nashville

>> No.11994931

My family does

I'm in Orlando most of the time these days

>> No.11994987

your fit will not get any love on here because of suprememe but you need to cut your hair and that hat doesn't work with the top

>> No.11995030
File: 597 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20161126_090900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back at it again

>> No.11995076

I get where you're coming from, but it's comfy. If I was concerned about standing out, I wouldnt own a Cote&Ciel bag. This is by far my most minimalistic outfit (unless I'm just going to Uni) and it is inoffensive. Usually, I'm dressed like a complete edgelord, which isn't much better by my standards. I am into fashion but I don't want to walk around wearing runway pieces to prove some person on the internet that it is a hobby of mine.

You seem to projecting your insecurities. Either that or your parents were killed by an /fa/ browser in 2013.

Regardless, post fit.

>> No.11995083

This is literally the most overdone fit in the history of this board.

I would even go further and say that this fit is the perfect representation of the group mentality that reigns here.

The message it sends is roughly this: "I consider myself to be interested in fashion (and better than you in general) and I want to show it but I'm also too unimaginitive or too lazy to put any actual effort in it. I'm also incredibly insecure and afraid to death to stand out and get weird looks so I'm just going to go with the safest, dullest and most overdone, but "clean, nice and minimalistic" combination so I can still look down upon people."

That's why trash like this always gets the most positive and numerous feedback. Because everyone here is like that.

>> No.11995086

$20 pair from h&m. Last about a year and then you gotta toss them. Alternatively, you can buy a pair of 32" inseam Acne Thin Stays and they fit identical to this on me but feel a bit stronger.

>> No.11995138

Malcolm X, I thought the nation of islam assassinated you lol

>> No.11995144


>> No.11995179
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Should I leave or stay

>> No.11995183
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Oh jeeze

>> No.11995186
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>> No.11995202


>> No.11995206
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Good morning wagie.

>> No.11995211


>> No.11995228
File: 40 KB, 566x820, IMG_20161126_114020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Easy On Me Fellas !

>> No.11995238
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I Don't Want Any Trouble !

>> No.11995245

not brady but an old friend of paul's. hope we're talking about the same paul

>> No.11995283

pretty guud

>> No.11995308

turtlenecks r dum

>> No.11995344

cool af

>> No.11995375

rly cool and keep that wallabees man

>> No.11995426
File: 113 KB, 768x1024, 1684984165168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anything about fits or fashion. Period.

>> No.11995433

i can tell

>> No.11995437
File: 958 KB, 1836x2448, IMG_1144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the see the Chicago bean. Mostly wearing banana republic

>> No.11995441
File: 542 KB, 1104x3606, 321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orlando here, we should meet up (your lower half is nice, just promise not to wear that sweater)

It shows. The pic makes it look like you have tiny stumpy legs with a huge torso.

nice, but i think some different boots/shoes might be better.

you look like an actor - you would need an actor's confidence to pull that off.

wow, tall and thin. really great stacking & scarf draping, but i feel like the coat and your lower half don't quite mesh, either because the coat is too formal or shoulder pads(?)

blurry but i like it.

Definitely catches the eye. idk if good or bad, but it is different!

clean but very average, uninteresting

Nice! the boots look a bit too much though


Nice & clean, I agree with >>11993602 that you should roll the pants down a bit

>> No.11995465

Notchrisv on snap and insta hmu

I stay at ucf but I'm at sandwhich a lot

>> No.11995468
File: 1.07 MB, 1333x2000, mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mac demarco interests me

>> No.11995476

Nice hood, thinking of buying on myself, really love nothing,nowhere!

>> No.11995481

nothing wrong with thrift, better than fast fashion.

>> No.11995486

hi berry
long time no see

>> No.11995488

I like this, its unique in its way!

>> No.11995493

what's your twitter @

>> No.11995496

w3c coat?

>> No.11995559
File: 1.30 MB, 353x960, wrng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last night


>> No.11995565

Hi anon
No twitter :(

>> No.11995578
File: 1.10 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short n stubby is my game

>> No.11995588

nothing special tbqh but i do like it

also stop posting this pic in every thread

>> No.11995601

does your dad know you are gay?

>> No.11995611
File: 2.72 MB, 2637x1483, IMG_20161126_144026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11995708

that parka is cute and so are you

i like you

hi lukas the hair looks good on ya

marry me, doop
i love your puffy silhouette

>> No.11995749

i like that but you should change the shoes tbhbh

>> No.11995800

make a twitter

>> No.11995962
File: 1.37 MB, 2431x3023, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le fukboi!11!!
>what are those ugly shoes XDDDD

>> No.11995972

i like it

>> No.11995979

hoodie is by far the worst, followed by the boot color choice, the shitty distressed pale wash jeans are the most tolerable aspect of this mess

>> No.11995980


fucking godly

>> No.11995981

You are a meme

>> No.11995988

Yo this shit is straight garbage. All of that ali express fake shit is killing me.
Literally everything is fake and none of this outfit goes together.

fuck. get some taste.

>> No.11995989

This is my thrift fit, I aim for the 80's post ww2 aesthetics.
I try my best.

>> No.11996000

Thanks, my friend works at Supreme so he hooked me up with all this stuff thnx

>> No.11996001

You aim to look like a cuck that has bought in to the Kanye ecosystem

>> No.11996005

Isn't Kanye dead?

>> No.11996014
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>> No.11996061
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>> No.11996167
File: 1.14 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk bout the popped collar
otherwise really cool
god i dont think anyone will ever be cooler than u
roll down pants
good as always
oh god please stay

>> No.11996192

cringe af

>> No.11996415
File: 137 KB, 720x960, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah fuck off kid

>> No.11996420

youre such a faggot lmao

>inb4 respect me because im the coolest kid in school meme

nobody cares, you dress like shiet

>> No.11996454

w2c jacket

>> No.11996466


Turn the cap around and it looks pretty good

>> No.11996473

lose the belt and the douchebag hat

nice colors. don't like streetwear but that's my taste

tried to look editorial but couldn't quite pull it off. too much going on.

i can smell the chinese materials from those boots through my screen. clothes are horrible

>> No.11996511

it was my grandma's, I cant find a tag on it :\

>> No.11996521

man... the way qasas bend from the front like that look so weird.

i dig the fit though

>> No.11996554

C h i c a g o
You live here or just visiting?

>> No.11996560
File: 167 KB, 722x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no effay bf to take me out shopping and to teach me how to dress :<

>> No.11996581

i know this isn't you but why is she so qt

>> No.11996589

hey stop i am the real eliza

>> No.11996603


the only WAYWT you have posted since claiming the fake trip ?

>> No.11996668

I like to see old tripfags around. I like the fit. You look a lot like a friend of mine.

>> No.11996670

Tits and small frame. Nice.

>> No.11996676

my name says eliza, bub

>> No.11996715

The only not-embarrassing fit I've seen here in ages. Well done.

>> No.11996716


>> No.11996724

Lmao @ no one replying to birthday

Shit fit btw :^)

>> No.11996734 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 968x1296, FullSizeRender (30)e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make way for an avant garde nigger

>> No.11996740

hey i go to ucf

>> No.11996772

w2c jacket?

>> No.11996811
File: 1.36 MB, 1060x1883, 2016-11-26 18.52.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slowly turning into normie-redneck-core

>> No.11996812

Im amazed any women post in this cesspit. But you look cute ngl

>> No.11996818

But are you a pro dick sucker?

>> No.11996824

Lookin good as usual
Turtleneck works nice here
Sup qt lookin understated and clean af as usual

>> No.11996829

They're really hard to grab. If you're really lucky you can grab them on a surplus store for ~$9 but otherwise people bid a lot of money on them

>> No.11996838

you seem like a cool guy, your fits are humble and lax but nice all the same.
i'd turn the cap around though. you run the risk of people thinking you're a fkboi otherwise.

>> No.11996865

w2c those sweats

>> No.11996992

alibaba asthetics

>> No.11997036
File: 245 KB, 720x960, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know if the threads dead yet.. First time posting in awhile.

>> No.11997058

dogs nearly bigger than you bro.

>> No.11997066
File: 159 KB, 1080x1080, NiceBeardMuhammad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this jacket/top today, I'm pretty basic bitch.
Only 20 dollarydoo's tho.

>> No.11997070


>> No.11997075

St George?

>> No.11997079

>black at it again

>> No.11997094

don't worry he's just white-knighting, you are fucking overweight

>> No.11997098

ahahaha dickass fucking die you couldn't tell a fedora from a trilby

>> No.11997099

quality fascism

>> No.11997130

lol fuck off roland you look like shit

>> No.11997194

fat cunt with rosacea

>> No.11997202

and burn your closet

>> No.11997208

and it looks like shit

>> No.11997222


>> No.11997224

what shoes are those? I think different laces would look less normie.
silhouette is great, though, and I love the synchilla(if that's what it's called).

>> No.11997242


>> No.11997309
File: 2.42 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20161127_112346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering where to buy breakfast. Croissant or bacon?

>> No.11997318

I know you are going to get a bunch of hate comments because /fa/ is full of jelaous autists but I just wanted to tell you that that outfit looks fucking amazing. Good job

>> No.11997662
File: 538 KB, 1506x1978, WP_20161125_15_58_50_Pro (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11997807

Shave fggt

>> No.11997816

Not the guy who posted the fit, but
>I consider myself to be interested in fashion (and better than you in general) and I want to show it but I'm also too unimaginitive or too lazy to put any actual effort in it.
>I'm also incredibly insecure and afraid to death to stand out and get weird looks
>I'm just going to go with the safest, dullest and most overdone, but "clean, nice and minimalistic" combination so I can still look down upon people."
That's the point

>> No.11997827
File: 394 KB, 720x720, 2016-11-27-15-48-53-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows my fit /fa

>> No.11997835



>> No.11997878

>thick wide ass
>Im going for twinkmode
>...better suited to thicker legs

you're fat. don't hide that shit, just lose the weight.

>> No.11997888

which chinese cartoon is this from?

>> No.11997910

cut your nails you demon witch

>> No.11997915

Still shit

>> No.11997928

not the girl you're trying to get nudes from but i have docs that i bought for the sole reason of beating the fuck out of them (or at least having decent looking boots i didnt care about fucking up)
id say docs just aren't what she's looking for, when i want good boots that i wont destroy, i would never go with docs (especially because of their new basic bitch status)

>> No.11997976


>> No.11998041

w2c jacket and pants?
nice fit btw

>> No.11998073

Elliot, where is Tyrell?
I like the green jumper, what does the shirt look like without it? What collar is that?

>> No.11998130


>> No.11998197


> visits fabricxsquare once

>> No.11998257

Im sorry i am genetically shorter than supreme white males :(

>> No.11998297

nice ricegum cosplay

>> No.11998311

this is great

>> No.11998321


get some taste

>> No.11998340


I agree with this nigga your shit is fresh. the jodphurs look dope as fuck

>> No.11998378

I fucks with this

>> No.11998396

Good stuff fellas

>> No.11998456

W2C Jeans? Gracias

>> No.11998525


>> No.11998654


>> No.11998732

gr8 fall fit makes me want some grey wallabees

>> No.11998746
File: 383 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11998751

first decent fit, pants could be looser and still look good

>> No.11998760

what the fuck is this

>> No.11998763

i think this looks good and that the pants actually fit really well. they make your legs look long

>> No.11998773

dogg if you cop some more facial definition i would 100% love your fits

>> No.11998776

>constructive criticism edition
So in honest terms "lets suck each others dicks to feel better about our shit fits"
Saying "I like this" is as constrcutive as "this is shit"

>> No.11998792

absolutely terrible, everything clashes >>11992571
please be bait i have never seen a worse yet so expected beaner "dressy" fit
lift more to look less like an art piece faggot

>> No.11998809

what jeans are they?

>> No.11998816

i really like your fits but you need to wear socks more

>> No.11998823

Ugly people shouldn't care about fashion. Best thing for you is to wish you were born again with a different face.

>> No.11998835

Very nice.

>> No.11998871

Your weight is disgusting.
Your shoes are disgusting.

>> No.11998902

my daddy warned me of boys like you...

>> No.11999374

I disagree i get complements daily and have a 9/10 gf so fuck out my face keyboard worrior

>> No.11999513

Suede boots, leather-ish trousers, whatever that twill-ish material is called jacket.. what is the reasoning behind these? Wouldn't you rather have unity than introducing all these different materials? Or is that the whole point? I dun getit

>> No.11999541

Why the fuck are you all so tiny? Jesus Christ your quads are skinnier than my calves.

>> No.11999546
File: 969 KB, 3276x4096, IMG_6956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My colors are kinda weird

>> No.11999547

This is a fashion board

>> No.11999572

Would Capital-of-England/10

>> No.11999579

I don't really like any of it man

>> No.11999641
File: 648 KB, 1063x1600, 31143301062_4fe6562410_h[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12000084

what is the sweater
im wet

>> No.12001032

your outfit is good. it looks like you had an idea and executed it. keep thinking about clothes.

>> No.12001098

The jeans are just denim, they sometimes look slightly shiny but they aren't coated or anything.

I think dressing in all one texture usually looks worse than contrasting/complementary ones. I don't think this fit is particularly loud or intense or whatever, while something like leather jacket / leather jeans / leather boots would be super aggressive.

I'm not really sure what you would have rather seen here?