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File: 222 KB, 1086x744, bad teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11985744 No.11985744 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK do I do about my crooked teeth and gap?

I look really good except for my crooked teeth that my dentist and parents never let me fix. Now I'm 20 and in uni (Europe) and I don't have much money but I realize my teeth are really holding me back.

I'm considering dropping out and working for a year while wearing braces to fix my teeth.

Is there any other way?

(Pic is not my teeth but they look similar but mine are not quite as bad)

>> No.11985761

you really think youll find some silver bullet solution that you havent been told before?

orthodontics. thats it. you didnt need to make a thread for this op.

>> No.11985768
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x768, kid cudi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, for the love of god, don't try to fix it

>> No.11985773

get braces, people who say you look childish are immature.
what's more important to you, what other people think of you or what you think of you?
Also don't drop out, just finish and by the time you're done you'll not only have a degree but also straight teeth

>> No.11985807

Go to school.
Don't be stupid.

>> No.11985835

Those are veneers and teeth shaping. Chemical whitening and braces are about the only dental procedure needed for good teeth

>> No.11985840

If you're confident and otherwise hot you can definitely pull off moderately crooked teeth

Not like the ones in your pic though. Crowded is easier to pull off than crooked+sparse

>> No.11986076

It's stylish in Japan :^)

>> No.11986191

But I don't have the money right now. I can't pay for it.

>> No.11986194

I would just take a year off and work and then get right back. I wouldn't lose much.

>> No.11986250

Post a pic of your teeth op

>> No.11986256


>> No.11986257
File: 559 KB, 612x415, bad teeth 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of a weird pic because my mouth is in an awkward position and the lens makes my teeth look huge. I can take a new pic if that one is too bad to judge from.

>> No.11986261

Would that be cheaper than braces?

Also, I saw somewhere that you could use rubber bands for hair to do it yourself. It's mainly my front teeth that need fixing. Would this be a really bad idea?

>> No.11986326

Hey I posted a pic pls respond.

>> No.11986522

>Would that be cheaper than braces?
no, but not as visible

>Also, I saw somewhere that you could use rubber bands for hair to do it yourself.
just no. this is definitely one of the things you don't want to do yourself

>> No.11986534

Alright, thanks.

Do you think my teeth are fixable?

>> No.11986557

>Do you think my teeth are fixable?
Depends on what you consider "fixed". With ordinary braces it can definitely be improved to a certain level. You could even get surgery if you want to go further (which could fix issues like under/overbite, or assymetrical jaw).
I had braces for 2,5 years, was definitely worth it, and now my teeth are in nice order. But it also made me a teeth-nazi lol

>> No.11986563
File: 102 KB, 779x779, IMG_1059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a little baby
Watch this


>> No.11986569

What is up with the little one on the right in between your fang and your right front tooth?

>> No.11986574

Honestly I just wanna close the gap and maybe get the upper teeth a bit closer together. Do you think that would be possible?

How old were you when you had braces? I'm 20, but I look young for my age so maybe my bones are young and moldable too. I dunno.

>> No.11986575

Those are sick dude. Can you chew with them?

>> No.11986581

kek, it's actually a little deformed peg tooth, it's not actually hiding behind the other tooth that much
I used to be really insecure about it but I've grown to love it
Interestingly enough, I was born without an adult tooth behind the tooth mirroring that one so that's still a baby tooth

I won the genetic jackpot with these babies. Believe it or not I had braces for two years too

Yeah man, they treat me right like good teeth should

>> No.11986586

def fixable. mine were in a way worse situation than yours and they got straightened up. just please if you do get them wear ur fucking retainer. trust me, they get fucked up just as fast as getting them fixed if you dont

>> No.11986589

w2c actual fangs

>> No.11986590

i was like 19 or 20 or something like that when they put it on, and age wasn't an issue. Yeah, it can definitely be improved.
I had to have my wisdom teeth removed though, but that alone made tremendeous difference btw.

>> No.11986594

One of mine used to stick forward like 30 degrees but these braces are magic

>> No.11986596

That gave me hope. Were your teeth worse than mine?

Do you have to wear a retainer for life?

>> No.11986602 [DELETED] 

you're teeth are pretty straight

I think a retainer could fix the gap

>> No.11986603

your teeth are pretty straight

I think a retainer could fix the gap

>> No.11986608

save money and get braces, here in the US they have payment plans without interest typically

prioritize teeth over anything else (clothes, car etc), it's what I decided to do a few years ago

>> No.11986627

That's good to hear. How long would it take, do you think?

>> No.11986628

Yeah, I don't wanna go my entire life and waste my youth on having bad teeth. It's a high priority for me.

>> No.11986629

my teeth had different issues, i had an overbite, so my upper teeth had to be moved backwards, and my whole lower jaw moved forwards.

i've only had to wear retainers for like 2 years, after that the teeth are pretty much fixed in their new place. But i also had to learn to speak differently(use my tounge a different way for making certain sounds), which relieved pressure from critical areas of my teeth as well

>> No.11986634

>But i also had to learn to speak differently

That sounds annoying, but other than that it sounds pretty great,

>> No.11986689

this looks pretty simple, maybe 6 months to a year 24/7

after you will have to wear it at night for however long it takes for the bone to stabilise

>> No.11986713

Thanks! I guess that will be not so expensive too? This thread was really uplifting. I thought I was a lost cause.

>> No.11986758

Did you have to get teeth removed for the overbite?

>> No.11986783
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>> No.11987049
File: 144 KB, 1080x722, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my fucked up teeth my dudes, drag me pls

>> No.11987061

You can NOT do it yourself l0l just get braces I just got mine off after 2 years.. Time goes quick before you know it you'll have them off

>> No.11987069

you can fix this in 6 months with barely visible braces, after that you'll just have to wear them at night for like a year and it's done

since you're in Europe it's probably not very expensive. In the US it would be around 5k$

>> No.11987071
File: 141 KB, 959x854, IMG_1865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate my teeth

>> No.11987076

can I pls kiss u

>> No.11987077


also yes you can. i never kissed anyone in my life

>> No.11987083

idk your mouth looks kissable it was the first thing I thought when I saw
where are you located so we can arrange kissing session

>> No.11987086

Actually p effay

>> No.11987103
File: 1 KB, 124x125, 1476921021346s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11987111

north west u.s.
i know i'm sorry

>> No.11987146

that is sad i live in toronto i want to kiss you just remember that when life gets u down

>> No.11987192
File: 1.56 MB, 550x550, roar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry my man

>> No.11987381

are you saying i have horse teeth
i will try

>> No.11987466

nah. i just like that gif

>> No.11987904
File: 59 KB, 422x255, IMG_201611328_100113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joining in on the shit teeth train. Can't wait to get rich to get these fixed.

We'll all make it, op

>> No.11988325

whitening your teeth makes you look like a weird doll

>> No.11988776

Not if you're subtle about it. It's not a quick process, so it's easy to stop before that happens

>> No.11988783

More concerned about getting braces at 27. I can afford it (I'm in the UK) but a bit self-conscious. Anybody here got them at an unconventionally old age?

>> No.11988811

Braces look shit but so do bad teeth. Anyone seeing your bad teeth sees
>dude doesn't have his life in order
anyone that sees your braces sees
>dude is finally getting his life in order

Which response would you prefer to invoke?

>> No.11988838
File: 148 KB, 500x700, thomyoteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11988866

Going through this now op and I'm an oldfag.
Not sure whether to say fuck it or walk around with metal mouth for a year. I have a lot of friends that they tell me not to do it because the gaps are endearing but it's hard meeting new people when I don't smile.

I guess if you're going to do it do it asap and get it over with.

>> No.11988872

That's my problem too. I have developed a permanent scowl and awkward laugh. I haven't made a new friend in years.

Are "reverse braces" or invisalign good options?

>> No.11988952


Get famous and make it fashionable? Or just dont be so self conscious

>> No.11988981

I got mine at 27, get them off here in 5 months or so.

Every day/week/month/year you wait is time wasted that could be used powering through having them. That's what kept me from making the leap for years.

At some point I just realized: if I had just done this two years ago, I'd be done.

>> No.11989019

They're alright, pretty good for small adjustments but conventional braces allow the most movement of teeth in a shorter time frame.
Just bite the bullet and go for it if you can afford it.

>> No.11989048

Yeah if you can afford it go for it. I'm a dental student and see increasing numbers of older people with braces so it's really nothing out of the ordinary.
If you take into consideration the fact that you're likely to live to ~100 then doing it now is time well spent. Could also go with the classic 'my occlusion was causing headaches and this is the only way to fix it' excuse.

>> No.11989071


>> No.11989213

I'm getting braces in a few weeks and I'm 25. I was in the same shoes as OP, parents didn't want to pay for it for some reason even though we were pretty well off. It especially sucks since I'm a fucking high school teacher now and I just know all these dipshits will joke about it behind my back. But at the end of the day crooked teeth look unattractive as well, and even even though I'm not as obsessed with my looks as all these faggot teens on /fa/ and I'm able to get laid as well, I admit I'm still pretty self conscious about my fucked up smile to this day. I'm just jelly because if I were girl braces would be considered cute. Being a straight white guy is just pure suffering desu.

>> No.11990017

They said invisalign wouldn't fix my over bite so I need the regular braces. I didn't even know I had an over bite, i was more focused on the gaps.

I'll be honest, I got laid a lot in high school and college even with the gaps so part of me doesn't give a shit but im in a situation now where it will be paid for so im considering it.

>> No.11990650

London look is effay. Don't be fooled by the mainstream media telling you that you need to look like Kim Kardashian

>> No.11990901


Google "Quick Straight Teeth" Might be called something different in your country.

Your teeth aren't that bad, so it would probably only take 6 - 9 months of braces (which are not that obvious) instead of years like other braces. Your dentist can do it, don't need an orthodontist (who will probably try to make you get regular braces anyway.)

>> No.11990913


>> No.11990916
File: 115 KB, 928x546, fullsizeoutput_ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finish school and then get braces when you have an actual job.
I had to have 3 teeth pulled before I got my braces (pic related).
Also, opt for Damond braces. You don't have to wear them for as long or deal with the tiny little rubber bands around each bracket (different from what you see on mine, I have what are called chains right now and are used for pulling the teeth closer together).

>> No.11990923

Not the same anon but i also had an over bite. I got 4 teeth removed

>> No.11990993
File: 26 KB, 192x177, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking crooked.

>> No.11992112


>> No.11992949

i'd let you sugg my benis

>> No.11993016

Is it more important to have straight teeth or a degree that will help you get a career so you can pay to have straight teeth?

You might want to put this on the back burner for a while.

>> No.11993026
File: 33 KB, 538x538, FB_IMG_1472985364498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you almost never brush and probably will get gum disease if you don't already have it