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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 26 KB, 541x484, IMG_1048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11980293 No.11980293 [Reply] [Original]

Hot meat on the grill edition

If you're going to post, you HAVE TO RATE TOO

>> No.11980300
File: 810 KB, 2231x1973, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /schoolshooter/ here

>> No.11980310
File: 3.12 MB, 1081x1081, how i learned to stop worrying and fall for the dyed flecktarn meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty nippy out, mates

Not a huge fan of the way that jacket fits you, friend. Other than that, interesting

>> No.11980311
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i probably wont remember posting this

>> No.11980338


>> No.11980345

i hope you dont mind i forget this shit fit too

>> No.11980353

love your fit
w2c boots

>> No.11980357

Thanks so much! Palladium baggy leathers, I can't recommend them enough

>> No.11980393

Water those boots, f a m?

>> No.11980423

Bundeswehr pilot boots, if you want to cop ask the boot thread, they always know where to get them outside of Germany

>> No.11980425
File: 1.46 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time posting on this board again in a while

going to walk my dog :^)

>> No.11980429

$10 target shirt, adidas running pants, a shitty asos bomber, a black beanie and yeezys

>> No.11980431

Thanks for sharing!

>> No.11980432


post doggo

>> No.11980434

are you black?

>> No.11980439

nope. i dont usually wear shit fits like this, ive just given up on life recently

>> No.11980456
File: 997 KB, 678x1200, output_LvzaCS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hobocore should i get the pants tapered a lil

>> No.11980459
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>> No.11980464

please kill yourself

>> No.11980467

Horrendous my dude

>> No.11980480


>> No.11980491

Kinda gross looking
Great, actually. I like the sweater
Fits like these are a diamond dozen
Bad bad bad

>> No.11980500

Flexico Burress

>> No.11980552


>> No.11980564
File: 1.83 MB, 2155x1616, bbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digging the pants
nice fit and nice parka. w2c pants?
not sure about the shirt or the tshirt
pretty cool
not feeling the pants

went for a walk in the woods with my new meme parka

>> No.11980571

Parkaboi here. Those are H&M skinnies two sizes up. H&M is horseshit for most of their pieces but I swear by their jeans. I have pairs that have lasted for over two years

>> No.11980584

How much dye did you use on your flecktarn? I need to dye mine but i'm worried about overdoing it

>> No.11980597

First I did one bottle of Rit in a big plastic bin filled with water the hottest my sink could go. After drying it came out pretty much just brown. Then I did it stove-top to keep the water just under boiling and used another full bottle of Rit black, and half a bottle of Navy blue and that came out really well. The blue gave it a slightly cooler tone of black

Don't forget to add salt and detergent!

>> No.11980601

w2c clean light wash jeans?

>> No.11980604

when you say stove top. Do you mean that you boiled the coat in a pot on the stove or that you boiled water and put it in a bin with the coat and rit. Also, how long do you keep it in the bin for?

>> No.11980606
File: 2.15 MB, 1987x1987, 2016-11-22 11.39.09 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mass posting bc op told me to

waddup waddup

tight, what are those boots?

The quintessential generic supreme fit

Fresh af my dude

Really like the bottom but top half looks too sloppy

>> No.11980611

I got the water temp up to just under simmering, then added the dye, detergent, and salt, then added the Jacket

To know how much water to use I put the jacket in the bucket, filled it up, then removed the jacket and put it in a different pot

Kept it in for like an hour and a half

>> No.11980622

Lol, i'm confused still. You put the jacket in the pot while on the stove? wouldn't that like completely overflow the pot? also do you know how much detergent to use?

>> No.11980626

>To know how much water to use I put the jacket in the bucket, filled it up, then removed the jacket and put it in a different pot

>> No.11980639

ohh. But the bucket wouldn't be the same size as the pot?

>> No.11980641
File: 2.62 MB, 2054x3320, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic biker-core

>> No.11980642
File: 255 KB, 400x650, IMG_1759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent by Damir Doma
Damir Doma
Silent by Damir Doma
Rick Owens
Norse Projects

>> No.11980647

Really doesn't matter, it's just a place to hold the wet jacket until you put it back in the pot on the stove

>> No.11980658

so keep it on the stove for an hour n a half?

>> No.11980662
File: 167 KB, 722x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teach me how to dress please

>> No.11980664

w2c that top

>> No.11980665
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Rating because OP asked

Is that a jacket or a long overshirt? Its hard to make out the details, but it looks good and your doggo is cute af.

Your fit looks good, but I don't think I'd like it nearly as much if I could see the palladiums. Cop some milsurp instead.

The overshirt is disgusting

nice jeans

Prefer this w/o the beanie

This would look sick with some chunky high tops.

Love it.
What shoes?

>> No.11980666

Looks clean mate.

>> No.11980670
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>> No.11980676


Shoes are KVA extended zips

>> No.11980678

looks nice man. how tall are you?

>> No.11980681

i'll teach you how to UNdress

>> No.11980706

I personally love all of this. Thanks for introducing me to HI FI FNK too. How's the quality though? I'm assuming it's pretty average considering the prices?

>> No.11980707
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>> No.11980710

got en at urban outfitter bought them a size too short so they would stop at my ankles

>> No.11980723

ur my favorite poster

>> No.11980731
File: 61 KB, 960x640, doggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a lil cutie :3

>> No.11980735

Saved for parka inspo ;)

>> No.11980742

Cheers man, and honestly qualities really good for the price, I've also got a pair of their jeans which are made of great denim

>> No.11980784

Aw thanks anon

>> No.11980785

step 1. get naked

marry me

>> No.11980881
File: 338 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-168583608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you wear a collar under a sweater without looking chunky

>> No.11980945

Wear a thinner shirt...?

>> No.11980949

Ew you wear docs while you ride?

git real boots m8.

>> No.11980958

Shirts should be fitted and sweaters should be thinner and not overly tight. I'm not a fan of cable knits over collared shirts.
You're a qt, though.

>> No.11980964
File: 1.96 MB, 1944x2592, 20161121_191208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore this sweater.

>> No.11980983
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real advice?

>> No.11980985

na. you just reposting past fits.

>> No.11980989

Throw those god awful docs away. That's enough learning for one night

>> No.11981004

what's your height and the size of parka?

>> No.11981048

Getting riding boots in a couple weeks, yeah I need the slimmer outline. It does the job though, they're toed.

>> No.11981062

I'm 5' 11" and the jacket is a GR 12

>> No.11981077

Read the sticky, it has a general guide for women's fashion

>> No.11981133

all of it, w2c?

>> No.11981139

Not the same guy but how much did you pay for the jeans?

>> No.11981143

Thank you. You actually helped.

Not planning on wearing a shirt under this sweater.

Thanks u too

>> No.11981161

Shellac, April 77, guidi

>> No.11981163

Like $20-30, they're dirt cheap and totally worth it if you can handle the bantz once you say they're from H&M

>> No.11981179
File: 20 KB, 303x303, 1473596681330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed anon

>> No.11981186

What are thos shoes?

>> No.11981256

you're too good for /fa/

why do u post here?

>> No.11981326

nike cortez

>> No.11981336
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 1477013903824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eliza is starting to become effay

Dear god help me, all i want is an effay gf

>> No.11981341
File: 1.17 MB, 2500x2344, 1477131045875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow naos guide

>> No.11981343


>> No.11981353

What brand is the sweater underneath your Parka?

>> No.11981367
File: 352 KB, 960x1280, IMG_1049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gap, I believe. I've had it for a few years but rarely find things that go well with it

>> No.11981512

lucky for you girls can look cute in almost anything

>> No.11981524
File: 2.61 MB, 1505x3323, 20161120_085039-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how I feel bout this one desu

>> No.11981566

wtf lol
top and bottom halves clash so much
also that layering is terrible
lurk more and learn how to layer hemlines properly before you try and pull that off

>> No.11981599
File: 949 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11981606


I fucking hate this look that all of you have

>> No.11981620

totally bland and boring
everything fits, which is good
otherwise completely unremarkable
is that what you're going for?

>> No.11981686

How are you guys getting your jeans to stack so well btw?

>> No.11981690

is this actual Ciara or is someone impersonating her again

>> No.11981712
File: 387 KB, 409x591, trussmedanny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is alright
This is pretty good
/fa/ god
yeah nice
yeah i'm starting to like the sandels
yeah i like this

>> No.11981717


>> No.11981882

Would get rid of the beanie and satchel but otherwise looks pre fkn chill my dude

>> No.11981892

hififnk is rebranded yesstyle you realise

>> No.11981906
File: 802 KB, 658x531, today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11981938


>> No.11981939

Wild, love it

>> No.11981942

so the quality one would assume isnt really good for the price and isnt exactly great denim since its chinese made shit thats mass sold on aliexpress
im sure the quality isnt that bad but its not much to write home about even at that pricepoint
also lol $50 hififnk shipping

>> No.11981944
File: 717 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_20161122_002048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty plain. needs more chinese questionability.

>> No.11981959

How are April77s jeans?

>> No.11982269
File: 599 KB, 750x1333, 20161122_095601(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny jeans blow, my cherry bombs feel like theyre gonna go off

>> No.11982325

this is bad on so many levels
why are you tripping

>> No.11982340

>H&M skinnies two sizes up
Like if I'm a size 32 on other brands, I might need to have a 34 on these pants?

>> No.11982357

i like the jeans and shirt fit
not sure about the shirt graphic though and shoes
but good colours
rethink everything big guy

>> No.11982364

holy shit you've gotten thin. congrats man! fit is meh though.

>> No.11982366

boring but everything fits great

>> No.11982403
File: 3.78 MB, 2988x5312, 20161122_171450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love ya'll

>> No.11982404

Ye, Ive swapped everything belt and above the moment I posted.
I look like a damned painter.
Red flannel black shirt now, a bit better
Yup yup
Are the pants ok?
Thanks, yeah it blows

>> No.11982612

What is the quality like? Is it what would be expected when you put the price tag in mind, or is it better than expected?

>> No.11982641

very nice ~~

>> No.11982680
File: 352 KB, 1251x1918, tumblr_o2fju1hJwF1rvhwhbo4_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a labcoat, but i need to lose some weight to properly wear it.
dunno, they are just thrifted jack&jones. they always fit my legs well.

>> No.11982686

the pants are okaayyy, you're still a bit too fat for them at the moment though.

>> No.11982689

They're great if you're a hungry skeleton, but if you don't have issues with filling out most jeans then I'm sure there are better options

>> No.11982696
File: 2.88 MB, 2095x3107, 20161119_194110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11982704

so so awful

stop hiking your low waisted girl jeans up so high

>> No.11982873
File: 213 KB, 1016x1056, tGCqPDTqp_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it
Not bad
I hate those drawstrings used as a belt
Very nice, the knit is really great and fits your style well
I have the same phone lmao

>> No.11982884

I like your style but your jacket is too big

>> No.11982887

wow how neat another rick fit looks exactly like every rick fit ever

why do you memelords think this is any different than some highschooler wearing instagram fashion trends

>> No.11982902

>but your jacket is too big

Not him, but what?

If you think the sleeves are too long, for instance, that's intentionally done by Rick. Almost 100% of his blazers have extended sleeves to achieve his aesthetic.

>> No.11982903


honestly you dont see rick blazers too much and the adisocks are a small change of pace as well. no rick expert but those dont look like typical cotton pods either. practically any full rick outfit in 2016 gets this criticism when the only thing that is really always the same is the proportions

with that said i think the sock runners always look like ass and im not sold on the blazer with pods but you cant really call this another babbys first rick fit

>> No.11982921 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 03-09-2016_redwing_8137heritagework6moctoeboot_allblackchrome_gj_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for probably ~$220 on black friday

>> No.11982941

Great thanks!

I am a hungry skeleton and have issues finding tight enough jeans, womens jeans fit perfectly but often have a bit of a weird shape. XOXO

>> No.11982944

what are those shoes ?? ? ?? ?

>> No.11982955

I like Sock Runners, but I always see them in the same fit, i.e. with Pods or shorts. I think they look best with cropped trousers.

That's me, though.

>> No.11982978

I might be wrong but judging by the sole either Nike air footscape magista or woven. Probably the former.

>> No.11982984
File: 1.69 MB, 3201x3017, slothko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink water from my dehumidifier to avoid ingesting flouride

>> No.11982987
File: 656 KB, 1440x2560, hugefaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls r8

>> No.11982988


>> No.11983055

what the fuck?

>> No.11983066

pic 2 is better
very nice silhouette, but >brown shoes with all black

>> No.11983093

w2c shirt

>> No.11983098

fellow skellington too, a77 is definitely your best bet for cheaper end tight jeans. I can't find 26-27 anywhere that looks good, and a77 goes on sale once in a while for a very good price

>> No.11983099

they're nike sfb canvas

>> No.11983102

uniqlo/alexandre plokhov collab

>> No.11983106


>> No.11983107

cool hat is shit tho. since this looks trendy asf beanies are > dad hats now

>> No.11983155

Beanies are gay as fuck

>> No.11983255
File: 830 KB, 1058x1794, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i step through the fog and i creep through the smog

>> No.11983266

you look like the star of a noir film in which the detective is a rapist

>> No.11983280

9, great
looks much worse here
8.5 or 9

These threads are so embarrassing for the most part. Some gems here though

>> No.11983304

every rick fit looks like a different combination of the same 6 pieces

all babbys first rick

>> No.11983312

Given your ratings, the fact that you call these threads an embarrassment is laughable.

>> No.11983341

Show me your ratings, fuccboi

>> No.11983344

somebody got a bad rating

>> No.11983350

Your highest rating actually has the word meme in the filename. I guess it's popular for good reason.

>> No.11983356


>> No.11983365

holy fuck dude is this shit real. am i having some kind of stroke that is causing my to see the literal worst fit i've ever seen on this shithole of a board

>> No.11983372

This >>11983280 really deserves an 8? >>11982984 a 9?

This looks like Young Thug and Kanye West had a ghetto baby and filled it with all their shitty taste and you give it a 7

>> No.11983374

It's outstanding, isn't it? It's like his shirt is slowly shitting out the rest of his outfit like an alcoholic the morning after a night of binge drinking

>> No.11983375

Perhaps it was an illusion caused by the overwhelming majority of stagnant slackercore/mac demarco dickriding sewage that made me think those were so much better, relatively

I stand by >>11982984 being a damn good fit though

>> No.11983379

this mother fucker spent money on this outfit. he went through the effort of searching for these pieces of clothing, and obtaining the money to buy them, only to put them together and create this fucking abomination

>> No.11983382
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>> No.11983387

this is lil tracy you autist

>> No.11983390
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>> No.11983391

Savage, my man

>> No.11983400

Last word in the filename. Not saying it doesn't look good. I was actually the one giving most of the dyeing advice in the recent flecktarn generals. But yeah it's an /fa/ uniform and a cute cycle I like seeing every winter.

>> No.11983404

Ohh okay I see it now
I mostly like the sweater and jeans+boots combo, it puts the parka to good use

>> No.11983595
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>> No.11983680


>> No.11983691

what do you mean??????

>> No.11983692

boi u got a big dick

>> No.11983799
File: 1.34 MB, 2020x2836, IMG_0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11983822


>> No.11983833

wadup ecco

>> No.11983849


this needs white shoes. how did you start the dreads

>> No.11983895

Even for Rick, this just looks so fucking costumey

>> No.11983899

They literally are girls jeans I got from an op-shop, nice spot anon x

>> No.11983937
File: 397 KB, 1440x1920, IMG_0654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11983990

i kinda like the shoes but everything is terrible
lose weight pls

>> No.11984049
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>> No.11984129
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>> No.11984266
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>> No.11984276

dont worry its not that bad but if you really wanna step up ur game weight loss will make you look a lot better. id on the forest green jacket? i like it

>> No.11984297

I'll try to give only constructive criticism.

Clothes fit nice. I feel like pulling this off relies greatly on being handsome (especially since it's all black). If you have a pimply face and stringy hair I would just laugh if I saw this.

Nice fit overall, I think the jacket should either be tighter/shorter, or the pants slightly looser. Your silhouette here is projecting chicken legs/clown feet.

Completely average, graphic tees are among the least effay things you can wear.

Like the fit. I think it would look good to pull your hat down tighter so your head doesn't looks so big.

Shoes are gross, hat is even worse. Other pieces are nice.

This is alright, definitely lose the graphic tee.

I like what you're going for, but could be done better. I'm not sure what it is about those pants, but they don't seem to sit quite right where they are. They could also bunch up less near the shoes. Keep trying this look though, I like the idea.

Nice. Potentially pants that aren't tapered so narrow at the bottom, so your feet don't look so big.

I actually really really like this. Maybe you could do with one less layer, and perhaps one of the bottom layers could be a darker gray, so as to compliment the color of the sandals. Also I don't really think you need the collar poking out at the top.

This is a really good fit, I especially like the color coordination. Similar to what I've said to other people, get smaller boots if you can fit into them, so your feet don't look as big.

Very nice, it looks like you know what you're doing. ID on shoes?

>> No.11984322

>>11984297 (cont.)

Cool fit, not much to say. Maybe try non-black socks? And also a hair cut.
>How do you wear a collar under a sweater without looking chunky
Just make sure the sweater is a material that forms to your body (think elastic-y), and make sure the shirt doesn't have extra material that bunches up around your waist and wrists.

I don't love the way that sweater fits. It might be better if it was tighter around the waist/forearms, or looser around the shoulders/lats, so your silhouette is closer to a V (assuming your goal is too look more masucline)

Can't tell much from this pic other than that that's a nice shirt. Consider pushing the sleeves up to your elbow to mix it up?

Great infographic, especially about not buying distressed. However, I personally think converse shoe are hideous (any shoe that is dark with white foxing/outer sole).

Very meh, the buttons looks cheap

Wear pants with something (anything) other than a graphic tee.

I love this. It's not very original, but every piece is perfect. ID on that shirt/jacket?

Kind of gross. You just look dirty for some reason. Not a fan of the hat or converse.

Clothes are on point, hair is silly. The sweater would be even better without words.

Can't see much, but nice jacket. As usual, replace the graphic tee.

Pants are too tight and shoes look McDonalds-cashier tier.

This is ok, replace the tee shirt with a plain black one.

autismo/10, see my previous comment to you

Doesn't really work, but don't be discouraged from doing socks + sandals in the future. Rules were made to be broken as they say

Hmmm, most challenging fit in this thread. I want to say I like it, especially the pants tucked into shoes. I suspect this would be a lot better without the jacket.

>> No.11984338

>>11984322 (last one)

Very nice. Consider wearing thick socks, so your feet don' look as large relative to your ankles.

Waste down looks great, if very generic. The hat and sweater look like great pieces, but they don't fit here.

Honestly I think this is pretty good, but you can only pull it off if you're an older person. If you're a silly teenager or 20something like most people here then you probably look a little creepy.

Pretty good fit. While I do like the sandals they aren't the right color. Also, consider cuffing your pants once or twice so you can see the top part of the shoes.

Nick jacket, but shoes and hoodie are bad.

Jacket isn't a nice fit or color, and your pants don't fit very well. Try cuffing the pants.
Alright, I'm done. Not sure why I took the time to do that. Feel free to disagree to your heart's content.

>> No.11984350

although I don't agree with a lot of your critiques, thanks for taking the time to actually write out your justifications and suggestions. Definitely better than just shitting everywhere

>> No.11984380

good going

>> No.11984437
File: 64 KB, 620x412, socks with sandals done right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn you really like the socks+sandals

Me too

>> No.11984510
File: 264 KB, 699x1024, IMG_9490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kinda meat we grilling cause I feel like I'm gonna get roasted soon

>> No.11984574

>I feel like I'm gonna get roasted soon

Those jeans are a fugly color and texture.

>> No.11984585

if you are going for normcore then you nailed it, but yeah the jeans could be a different color. oh and btw i love your ig :)

>> No.11984599


>> No.11984697
File: 1.94 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting right out of boredom, nothinh special about the clothes either
hair is still growing out and it sucks ass it takes so long
Anyway r8 if you like /fa/m

>> No.11984700

w2c bed frame

>> No.11984703

ciara herself posted these fits on here about a month ago, this aint real

>> No.11984756

>This is ok, replace the tee shirt with a plain black one.
but i like electric wizard :(

>> No.11984767

good musical choice but bad clothing choice at least for this fit

pretty high school level, but lose the graphic and itll be substantially better

>> No.11984799

The jacket is a Polo Ralph Lauren classic windbreaker :)

>> No.11984853
File: 2.66 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161123-005711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shittiest Photo I've Ever Taken

>> No.11984857

this is sick

>> No.11984883
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Tips? I'm trying to break away from hype beast. Wanna go for a more militaristic look like >>11984853

>> No.11984936
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>> No.11984949


>> No.11984963

Is this the new /fa/ uniform?
>dyed flecktarn
>grey pullover
>black skinnys
>brown boots

>tfw I have such a fit too but dont want to post it anymore
>everybody will say its copied

>> No.11984974

aight, thanks for actual advice family

>> No.11984976

i thought he sold that to circuitbird

>> No.11984977
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A nice casual proper looking outfit imo

>> No.11984983

IMAO, this entire post...

>> No.11984984
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>> No.11985044


>> No.11985089

wtc bed!!

>> No.11985245
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>> No.11985246

dunno, he likely made more than one.

>> No.11985271

my parka seems to be way longer and i copped tts. did you cop a size or two smaller?

>> No.11985303

you should definitely get other shoes. the pants also look a bit too short. i like your hair.

fuck thupreme

wow you invented a new form of getting

pretty nice. I feel like this can only look good indoors but that's not really problem because jackets exist duh


this is a very aesthetic picture but the fit itself is meh


>> No.11985319
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Soz for black and white.

>> No.11985320

Coles af

>> No.11985349

hey bro ur sweater is inside out

>> No.11985456
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oh hai

>> No.11985569
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I like grey and white.

>> No.11985584

2nd worst flecktarn fit in the thread

>> No.11985616

this is bait?

>> No.11985713


don't wear supreme then

>> No.11985742

No, I don't need it. I'm just curious, nothing more.

>> No.11985752
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I went full fuccboi today please forgive me. Fixedmy hair tho
Luv u but you or whoever saved your pics needs to stop reposting
You look like my brother
Basic but interesting shoes
I would die for you daddy

>> No.11985758

do you customize all your jeans? also I think brown boots would work better.

>> No.11985759
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>> No.11985766
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It's been one of the /fa/ uniforms for the past few years. It gets revived every year.

>no sideburns

>> No.11985794

I customize a lot of my jeans yea but not all.

>> No.11985819

>Fixedmy hair tho

>> No.11985829

senpai noticed me oh my god

>> No.11985831

that looks average at best, and pretty bad.
lurk moar, good luck m8

>> No.11985834

when chairman doesn't

>> No.11985836

*give feedback on your fit :(

>> No.11985843

Which fit is yours ill give you all my thoughts

>> No.11985848


>> No.11985849

2nd in the thread, senpai

>> No.11985870

The styles of the button up and shoes clash but the color matching is so nice i think i like it
You have enough comments you greedy slut

>> No.11985872

why are you pretending to be me

>> No.11985884

but I wanted one from you ;'(

>> No.11985902

I'm going to take your meme away and hide it in the attic, anon.

>> No.11985913
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Rate plz?

>> No.11985924

Well you look cozy but p boring though theres nothing inherently wrong with that

>> No.11985931

lol thx. Just don't have a jacket that quite works with what i'm wearing. What would you recommend?

>> No.11985954

Id reccomend maybe a black coach or anorak but thats up to you

>> No.11985971
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>> No.11985980

good fit. certainly looks better on the right tho.


>brown shoes with all black is a no no. ruins your otherwise good fit.


stand straight. you look fully retarded standing like this.

>> No.11985986
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Whatchu think boyz

>> No.11985995
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For a different perspective.

>> No.11985998

Not bad at all, it's edgy but I'm a fan

>> No.11986001

God I love you so much

>> No.11986003

looks good. I'm guessing you live in a more rural area

>> No.11986004

i'd lose the wizard scarf and the full leather backpack (seriously what the fuck) but other than that it looks cool bruh

>> No.11986010

sell all your clothing that has a huge label on it (supreme, palace, etc). graphics arent necessarily always bad but you dont want to be a walking ad for a clothing company. avoid logos.

get better fitting pants(looking at the fit in your first pic here). try to minimize stacking them, it looks bad.

drop the combat boots.

stop trying to layer. its always going to look bad unless youre decked out in high quality clothing, which you are not.

flannels over a sweater is a nono.

no flashy colors. stick to earth tones, black, white, gray. pastel is okay in the summer but too much of it is corny as fuck.

if you want to achieve a good minimalist style you will have to spend money on higher quality garments. this doesnt mean you have to spend 1k on a pair of SLP pants, but look into higher quality brands such as Acne, Our Legacy, etc.

You will need a pair of white sneakers. Doesnt have to be CPs if thats not in your budget . theres a bunch of alternatives out there that will do the job (Gustin, Kent Wang, etc). avoid buying white sneakers at zara, topman, hm, etc. the quality is shit and youre wasting money there)

good luck im sure you will make it.

>> No.11986013

good, possibly best in thread.

>> No.11986020

Scarf is comfy and warm though. Also, the backpack is a coated polyester. Looks more tech-y in person. Never had it mistaken for leather. Although, Cote&Ciel does sell really nice all-leather bags but thats out of my price range.

>> No.11986095

Best in thread.

>> No.11986123

Well what I do is stick to a specific color pallete when I buy.

I keep it to

Alot of how I make my fits is keeping a steady silhouette, Tight Lower, Slightly Baggy top.

My go to outerwear is pull over hoodies and soft shell jackets, with an occasional bomber.

Pants, I'll normally do Joggers or tapered chinos, I have a couple pair of combat BDU'S, I only wear them with my 12" Boots, but if you get them, make sure you size down a bit and tuck them into your boot for the slim look.

Ditch the Flannels, Never wear a flannel over a hoodie, It looks like you don't know what you're doing.

Try to think of the function of what you're wearing. Hoodie over a long fit sweater, it allows you to keep warm, toss a splash of color, and accentuate your silhouette.

Alot of my inspiration comes from Techwear, which is my favorite style, But im an LA street rat, which inspires alot of my style.

I can help you out if you'd like
Email some time senpai (theholocaustwasalie17@gmail.com)

>> No.11986237

nice. id on jeans?

>> No.11986262

any good recs for black shoe that'll go well with this? mayb ill buy some derbies for black friday/whatever

>> No.11986311

Bought them at h&m for $20 lol

I have nicer pairs but nothing beats the comfort of shitty jeans.

>> No.11986322

>i'd lose the wizard scarf

>> No.11986332

doc martins 1461 would work very well with this. but try them on before buying them if you plan on buying online. theyre not for everyone

>> No.11986343

shia core

>> No.11986428

best itt

I love you no homo

>> No.11986885

Wherd I was thinking about that, what keeps em from fitting most people? My legs r super skinny so I feel like they'd be huge lookin

>> No.11987178

really just matters with what jeans / pants you wear with them. The pants you were wearing in the pic would work perfectly because they are straight fit but skinny jeans would make docs look like clown shoes. Its all about proportions

>> No.11987212

good advice thanks boyo

>> No.11987256
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>> No.11987411

Both look great.

>> No.11987535


>> No.11988348

Waddup lads. Just bought some stretch skinny grey jeans, didn't realise how stretchy they'd be though. Should I return them and get a more rigid pair of jeans for the winter? Stretch skinny seems to be going out a bit.


>> No.11989075
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>> No.11989189
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Please be a boy

>> No.11989209

Bottom half doesn't match top half, the way your pants transition to your shoes looks super weird, that's the most irritating part of your fit.

>> No.11989212

actually pretty nice apart from the sandals

>> No.11989288

I love this, maybe some different trousers though?

>> No.11989394

w2c hoodie chairman?

>> No.11989442

i like it, nice.

are you tall or just skinny? (or both)

>> No.11989447

5'11 and about 140lb. So both-ish.

>> No.11989477
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nice, I was just curious because you seemed to have a very similar build to me (5'11 and 130lb).

Started bulking up recently though, cos I couldn't wear anything except for skinny jeans + a sweater and was getting bored of it

This style suits you though, you pull it off well. If I were a bit more daring I probably would've dressed similarly to you