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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 148 KB, 910x570, 1479655197623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11976505 No.11976505 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how you dress the right guy he will always look like fucking garbage. Any outfit would look like tryharding or compensating. Anything the guy could think of wearing would go straight to /cringe/ general. The one on the left could wear a cumrag tee that hasn't been washed for a year and would still look better in every way imaginable. So what is the point in trying to play the dressing game if your face and build determines whether you can pull anything off.

>inb4 looking presentable
no such thing besides formal environment
>inb4 he should just shower and get a haircut

>> No.11976515

you're totally right, if you wanna be effay, you gotta be good-looking

>> No.11976520

Right would look pretty good with a beard though

>> No.11976537

What's your point?

Nobody is pretending that ugly people are more fashionable than attractive ones.

If you are ugly you need to leave this board.

>> No.11976545

The point I am making is that ugly people trying to chase fashion look just as ugly as the ones who do not. It makes absolutely 0 difference what the fuck you are wearing when you are ugly. And 95% of the people on face rate threads and waywt are fucking ugly, just in denial. They are not doing themselves any favors throwing cash into brands which are supposed to make good looking people stand out from the crowd even more. Uggos are just drawing more attention or prove something for no gain at all, just ridicule.


>> No.11976549
File: 147 KB, 800x400, cara meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the guy on the left?

>> No.11976557

i must have seen over a hundred threads exactly like this in the past year or two

is it the same person making them every time? or just a bunch of shameless newfags?

>> No.11976559

I don't know what anon is talking about. If the guy on the right would lose a good bit of weight, grow a beard, bite the bullet by shaving his head, and get his eyebrows taken care of, then he'd look decent.

He has a good jaw covered up by neck fat.

>> No.11976568

being ugly and dressing well>being ugly and dressing poorly

how about that

>> No.11976576

jordan barrett


>being this delusional

his face has 0 bone mass. It looks like it's melting off. Narrow palate, upturned and wide nose, bags under eyes, horrid upper eyelid exposure, long philtrum, small and narrow chin, egg shaped head, non existent zygomatic arches, no under eye support, narrow and small lips. There is literally nothing the guy can do to become even average without extremely invasive and expensive surgeries.

>> No.11976581


>right would look good if his face is covered by a shitload of hair

>> No.11976584

how about it makes literally no difference if you are ugly. Look at that disgusting curry that is being posted here and being laughed at for being a manlet and ugly as fuck while trying to pull "sikk fits".

>> No.11976588
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>> No.11976590
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You can still keep things interesting tho

>> No.11976593

>Presents extreme examples on opposite ends of the spectrum
>Overlooks the fact that most people fall directly in the middle between the two

>> No.11976596
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>> No.11976607

His smile is nice. Makes him more attractive than you bitter fuck.

No piece of clothing will make him sexy though, that's right.

>> No.11976621
File: 492 KB, 1600x669, vlcsnap-2012-05-13-20h33m08s138[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wat m8, even the Elephant Man looks better in a good suit

>> No.11976624

even his smile is garbage. Chipped yellow teeth, a narrow palate and a small mouth. This isn't reddit you do not get points for defending strangers

>> No.11976629

The guy on the right actually seems pretty charismatic, so he's got that going for him.

He needs a better haircut and a beard, maybe lose some weight, then his only problem would be thin lips, but yeah nothing's going to turn him into a model, so hopefully he's into women.

>> No.11976631
File: 202 KB, 1024x1252, 1477219149695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the basic idea of fashion 2bh

It isn't about looking good, obviously better looking people will always look better than others, it's a matter of presentation

>> No.11976632

Nice that you mentioned reddit, would you please.

>> No.11976633

Just lol at all these dogshit looksmaxing tips.

>Hit the gym
>Shave your head
>Get a tan
>Grow a beard

The only thing that really works if you're ugly is surgery. No botox, no fillers, no peeling creams. Surgery.

>> No.11976644

what a pathetic response. It's an anonymous image board I can be as nice or as rude as I want. Flush yourself desu

>> No.11976652

>his only problem would be his lips

You should look more in-depth as to what makes a face attractive. see >>11976576 for some things

>> No.11976653
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You may think that, but no

you ain't invincible kid

>> No.11976662

Woah you're saying attractive people are more attractive than ugly people? Holy shit that's a hot fresh take

>> No.11976669

>zygomatic arches
>eyelid exposure
>canthal tilt
You're PUA-tier retarded, you should leave 4chan and the internet for a couple of years.

>> No.11976670

uggo detected

>> No.11976674

is it really such a bad thing to understand what makes a face attractive though?

>> No.11976679


how wrong can you get?

>canthal tilt

not a single mention of canthal tilt in the whole thread.

You should stop embarrassing yourself and stop posting please.

>> No.11976681

Going that indepth just makes you seem insecure, though.

>> No.11976688

You can say autistic or whatever but why would that be insecure

>> No.11976697

this is an anonymous japanese imageboard, not facebook

>> No.11976703

I can't really explain it, but why would someone know all that shit unless they're either unhappy with their looks, or they're a plastic surgeon?

This whole thread screams insecurity. Why would a handsome person post all this shit?

>> No.11976705

kys, you are retarded

>> No.11976708

And? I don't know what point you're trying to make.

>> No.11976709

That's a really well-crafted argument. Next you should tell me that I'm ugly and that I should stay off /fa/.

>> No.11976711

because I have an interest in what makes humans attractive. Just saying the eyes is not enough for me so I sought more in-depth information. How does that make me insecure?

>> No.11976713

but wouldnt having an objective view of attractiveness give you a better understanding of your own? what about that makes it seem someone is unhappy with their looks?

>> No.11976719

Then you're just autistic.

Attractiveness isn't objective, though.

>> No.11976723

The point I make is that people don't know shit about what you really think or that I post on 4chan or lookism about being a manlet and what makes people attractive, female friends have said repeatedly and numerous times how I am a funny and nice person. Most people don't act the same when they are anonymous on the internet as they do IRL.

You were the one that brought up insecurity and
>Why would a handsome person post all this shit?

>> No.11976727

What? PUA is the antithesis of looks theory.

>> No.11976729

attractiveness is not entirely objective but most people generally find the same things attractive

most guys like victoria secret models, a few like obese women

>> No.11976741

There are facial features which are objectively more attractive than the others. You can say you like horsefaces yourself but it means jack shit in the grand scheme of things when the majority of population can clearly differentiate between levels of attractiveness. Look at the OP pic. If attractiveness is subjective then there would be a big enough pool of people who would choose the right guy over the left one but we both know that overwhelming majority would do the opposite the remaining being irrelevant outliers

>> No.11976742

And there are people out there who prefer the guy on the right to the guy on the left.

And? All of your emotions and thoughts don't just go away as soon as you come to this website. You can still be insecure and use 4chan.

I'm saying that caring this much about handsome people being more /fa/ or whatever than ugly people just makes you seem like you care way too much about how people look, and I don't know how you'd be able to do that in a positive way and make a thread like this.

>> No.11976745

That doesn't make it objective, though. Just because more people prefer the guy on the left doesn't mean that there aren't still a minority who prefer the guy on the right.

>> No.11976750

I am not constantly insecure, sometimes I get sad about my height but it isn't something I think about all the time. Also I didn't make this thread.

>And there are people out there who prefer the guy on the right to the guy on the left.
I don't even understand what you mean by this I said that people often find the same things attractive

>> No.11976753

Dude on the right literally looks like a heavier version of the ugly fuck on the left

>> No.11976754


alright, out of 1000 people. How many would HONESTLY think that the right guy is more attractive. IMO noone would.

>> No.11976756

let's not get hung up on words, I think you understand what he means

>> No.11976758

Yeah I bet you think you're hot shit when looking at the mirror, right? lmao

>> No.11976761

That's not something you can have an opinion about. That may be your prediction, but at the end of the day it's just chance.

That doesn't make attractiveness any more objective, anyway.

I know what he meant, and as I said, my point still stands.

>> No.11976781

in the end the point you are trying to make is not there. You can disagree all you want but the left guy has way more attractive features which in turn makes him a more attractive mate. There is not a single thing you can tell about the right one that would actually make people choose him over the opposite. Why can't you admit it?

I can agree that when the looks are on relatively similar level then it comes down to preference if you like a short nose or a longer face, wide lips or hooded eyes. But there is no comparison in this example.

>> No.11976817

>Why can't you admit it?
Admit what? The guy on the left is by far more attractive (to me), but "admitting" that doesn't make my point any less valid.

Attractiveness isn't objective, even if you're comparing two people who are polar opposites in terms of looks.

>> No.11976833

You're wrong but so are most autists so it's fine

>> No.11976843

The body matters too I believe. If you're a fat sack you can't pull off anything because it would look like someone's tryna decorate a potato sack with some fabric. Not saying you have to be deadly skinny

>> No.11976871

Look at the guy on the right: narrow face, flat brow ridge, negative canthal tilt, absence of jaw definition, goofy ears are all features that generally aren't changeable and are more or less predetermined (you could say genetic) and will not signal any females of genetic fitness (symmetry) or prenatal testosterone exposure (masculine craniofacial structure)

>> No.11976874

actually not bad

>> No.11976890
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>> No.11976893

>Weak undefined nose
>Instead of having eyebrows like eagles wings with the curve on left /// the right dude has them looking like trash
> Op hairline/10
> Hair texture is shit
> Weird teeth
> dat dere shit beard genetics
> Probably hasn't touched a dumbell in his life
> Weird smile
And to top it all off
> His lips and enthusiasm GONE!

>> No.11976923

how to get Jordan's hair texture? and please don't be no poo, I can't last more then 5 days with the acne and itch

>> No.11976934

funny how the guy on the left looks like fucking shit. use a better example next time fuccboi

>> No.11976935

you should realise that attractiveness is still an opinion, even if it is influenced by other factors.

>> No.11976946

>none of them will get drafted cause their are 1000 better blacks at their position

>> No.11976951

this, if you're a 5/10 you can clean up to a 6 or 7 with clothes and fitness, Barret's a 10 and the other dudes like a 2-3, no shit he'llnever look as good

>> No.11976976

heil my nigga

>> No.11976986

I'd rather be around a well dressed ugly person, than one dressed in cargo pants with sandals.

>> No.11976991

i'm gonna try clay or some shit. I have been trying to get the same texture he has for weeks now.

>> No.11977000
File: 13 KB, 174x182, 1345698766089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11977006

Because most normal and secure people don't obsess over terminology to shit talk some Joe six-pack who's just born the way he is and wants to live his life the way he wants.

Projection is an easy thing to do, acceptance is harder.

>> No.11977038

>knowing what normal and secure people do
>posting on 4chan

damn, you were right. Projection is pretty easy

>> No.11977039

you need to get out jesus christ
this board is worse than tumblr and r9k together

>> No.11977055

>No matter how you dress the right guy he will always look like fucking garbage.

There are many ways to improve overall appearance. Dressing better is just one of them. In this case, the guy should not start with that. In general, no one should start with that. Losing weight and getting a better haircut is usually the first things you should do.
And what is the point of this thread? That some people are more attractive than others? Is this something you recently discovered? You could say the same about IQ and many other things that makes us different.
This whole post screams autism mixed with depression and insecurity.

>> No.11977092
File: 100 KB, 960x904, 1479329969878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>being this bitter

>> No.11977098

You are precisely the kind of faggot that would know every stat of a new ferrari but will never own one.

>> No.11977112

>posting on 4chan

Not the guy you were responding to but can we stop doing this?
Yes we're all posting on 4chan. That doesn't mean we're basement dwelling social rejects that are totally cut off from mainstream society. There are plenty of "normal" people on this website. The whole social outcast thing might have been true when 4chan was exclusively for anime nerds but that characterization doesn't work anymore.

>> No.11977122

>obsess over terminology to shit talk some Joe six-pack
people learn about this shit to better assess themselves moreso than others you retard

>> No.11977145

This. Just because the majority of board is some underage insecure kid, you shouldn't assume that everyone is like that. although this is the worst board on the entire site and seriously not worth even just browsing it

>> No.11977150
File: 87 KB, 800x662, 1479043954613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11977193


>> No.11977194

I didn't realize people this autistic actually existed in any medium outside of depressed ranting in r9k

>> No.11977209

/fa/ is just a sub /r9k/ board

>> No.11977220

It really combines the worst quality among all boards, so far I've seen

>> No.11977249

Muh special club meme

Captcha: Stop sign

>> No.11977251

fuck off back to ribbit nigger

>> No.11977262

your point being?

>more projections

>> No.11977265
File: 63 KB, 482x462, erwf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being obviously utterly autistic
>someone mentions it
>calls projecting

>> No.11977275

>gets called out for projecting
>keeps projecting
whatever floats your boat I guess

>> No.11977279

one on the right has an ok face and master race genes, if he changed his hairstyle and lost weight he'd be 9/10

>> No.11977281

the fact you don't even realize youre autistic makes it even better and more true

>> No.11977289

i think you're looking for /r9k/ or sluthate perhaps? this board is about fashion bud

>> No.11977290

>and he continues to project
are you angry that the negative traits I listed all apply to you or something? No need to be so angry. Life is unfair, I know

>> No.11977301

>calls out for projecting
>starts projecting himself

the word autistic is definitely overused but youre actually one

>> No.11977305

>not recognizing this as a joke
The left guy does have a greasy, autistic, punchable face though.

>> No.11977316

how can a question be a projection? I want to know why are you so angry? I mean get your shit together, anon. You're not impressing anybody with your sperging here.

>> No.11977324

I look like a slightly lower test version of the guy on the right. Damn I really need to hit the gym. Thanks for making me realize my potential anon.

>> No.11977330

talk shit post pic nigga

>> No.11977333

no one is angry. i just stated the obvious fact that youre autistic. and why would i wanna impress anyone on an anonymous imageboard?

>> No.11977429

i feel the same but for in the middle
problem is middle is just average on a literal aids body like mine

>> No.11977437

The only Time I browse that fgt Board and the first Thing I see is a Brother form /r9k/.
Hi Anon <3

>> No.11977500

maybe if the guy on the right would CUT HIS FUCKING HAIR

>> No.11977588
File: 366 KB, 800x1160, 0_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an autist. At least have the self awareness to admit it like I do, faggot. Go cry some more about zygomatic arches or whatever other sperg shit you jack yourself off to

>> No.11977607

>zygomatic arches

you can say cheekbones

>> No.11977617

weaponized autism

>> No.11977656

holy fuck sometimes i wish i was straight

>> No.11977728

lookism pls go .

>> No.11977740

those two are different
eat shit and die

>> No.11978087
File: 2.59 MB, 2403x3600, BFA_11536_1409521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy's hairline is fucked

>> No.11978145

Good points actually.

>> No.11978233

OP where is your face?

>> No.11978237

kid's just mad he's not white, let him have his whine

>> No.11978306

>taking the saying "dress to impress" literally and dressing only for other people
>any outfit would look like tryharding or compensating
youre projecting my man

>> No.11978448
File: 487 KB, 1406x1406, 4L_Sf6faqhG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT butthurt, insecure faggots ragging on someone because they're not 10/10 Chad material
>tfw rounded Finnish face will always be pudgy no matter how fit I am

I'm not insecure on how I look. Say all you want but at least I don't waste time arguing and twiddling my nipples on /fa/.


>> No.11978456

fuck that, give the guy on the right a linen shirt, some khakis and some top siders, he'll be slayin bitches in no time.

>> No.11978486

I'm not good looking objectively. I really don't think anyone gives a fuck what i'm dressed in since i'm basically non existence in their eyes. So with that mentality, i buy and wear clothes that i think will looks good and fit well on my body

>> No.11978498
File: 48 KB, 503x640, 7162443_watch-the-new-king-krule-short-film-a-new_d76029f5_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not really about being good looking. its more about looking like you have a story. if you look like a sheltered millennial you'll never be /fa/

the most /fa/ people are usually ugly and bone skinny

>> No.11978623

As human beings there is very little we can't overcome. If we are fat we can lose weight, if we want to be fit we can work out, if we are ugly we have plastic surgery, if we are stupid we can study.. and the list goes on.

I think currently, aside from being a manlet we can basically overcome almost anything. So what's your point really?

>> No.11978765

i literally tell this to everyone who tries to get into it. I don't think these peolle understand that fashion doesn't solve their problems.

>> No.11978770
File: 753 KB, 806x763, 1466454009706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zygomatic arches

>> No.11978779

Anybody can look good if they lose weight and work out. The amount of people that truly look deformed no matter what they do is incredibly small. Sure, some people will always look better than others, but you can close the gap by not being fat. There are only so many 11/10s molded by god himself, not enough for every good looking female. You can easily get rid of the gap to the others through personality, interesting hobbies, clothes, intellect etc. Just dont be fat.

>> No.11978781

>if we are ugly we have plastic surgery
>aside from being a manlet
Height lengthening surgery has been a thing for more than a decade. You can probably gain like 10cms from it.

>> No.11978790


I wonder how does op looks like...

>> No.11978800

>involves both of your legs being broken and slowly stretched
>potential for massive complications
>costs about $40,000

all the manlets out there would do better by seeing a therapist

>> No.11978804

Point is that if he considers plastic surgery to be an option (shit ton of procedures are probably as bad as that) then this needs to be considered as well. I agree that height is worthless, though. Unless youre literally a midget. Just dress properly, exploit perspective, stop being a slop who wears sneakers all day and you'll look taller by default. There are also more tall manlet on this board than short ones. All they seem to have is their height, they seem even more insecure about it than the 5'5 posters.

>> No.11979054


looking at the stubble he has no hair growth on his cheeks just his sideburns and neck and mouth

he'd be a neckbeard guy

>> No.11979077

am i the only one who thinks the left one's face (while of course more attractive than the guy on the right) is way too short? like literally misproportioned (not really related to the post but it's bothering me)

>> No.11979111
File: 30 KB, 512x432, 1466177075278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this thread feel like it was made by my ex

>> No.11979213

are you ugly?

>> No.11979311

For example when you draw or paint. You draw someone whom you want to look attractive, but then you fuck up the face and ask yourself what you did wrong. It's also relevant if you're interessted in evolutionary biology.

>not sikh fits

>> No.11979331

Yeah, i thought the same.

>> No.11979598

expect op is some /r9k/ faggot who read two articles on wikipedia and pretends to be interested in evolutionary biology by using specific words

>> No.11979610



>> No.11979622

lmao this is a drastic improvement

>> No.11979624


Go back to Lookism.com (degenerate kike website), you incel numale cuck.

>> No.11980472

what are these non-arguments and butthurt. are you an uggo who fell for the "just shower" meme? lmao

>> No.11980572


>> No.11980582


Exercise, diet, low bodyfat, good social skills, a good haircut can get you far on the attractivness scale. You don't need to resort to numale tier face cuckoldry surgery in order to be more attractive, you degenerate Jew.

>> No.11980589

>Tryin this hard to defend a guy who looks like he had a few birth defects