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File: 46 KB, 640x426, new_balance_996_grey_4_640x426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11975341 No.11975341 [Reply] [Original]

nb inspo pls

>> No.11976628
File: 164 KB, 800x1102, 1478157011195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11976639
File: 726 KB, 800x600, New-Balance-990v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love my 990v3,
but scared to make them dirty : S :S

>> No.11976649

cant rock new balance no more, they support trump

>> No.11976675

Reminder that this is a polcuck laying the groundwork to take this thread in the direction it was always intended to go.

>> No.11976680
File: 94 KB, 500x750, 1459940931261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11976692
File: 368 KB, 846x1024, 1466968726820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hur dur New Blance said that they support drumb!
>drumb is le racist hitler boogeyman! >:^(

i really fucking hate you sjw nu-male pc fgts.
one of the last few companys that produces comfy quality sneakers made in USA and GB and you dumb retards hate on it because of dumb media hype.

here is what nb actually did.
in the context of trumps target of supporting national industry which produces made in USA goods. New Balance’s head of public affairs, Matthew LeBretton commented "frankly, with president-elect Trump, we feel things are going to move in the right direction."

wow wtf, so racist! i hate new balance now, they are literally hitler!

>> No.11976696

Aaaand there's the samefag reply he has lined up.

>> No.11976700


>> No.11976706

They didn't support him, they said they are adamantly against the TPP, which is a smart business idea

>> No.11976714
File: 107 KB, 1590x712, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again fgt. also there is a unique poster counter in the bottom right corner newfag.

>> No.11976721

>what is posting from a phone
You absolute fucking loser faggot, so sad that you try so hard.

>> No.11976724

>company that produces in Murica and Great Britain is somewhat more eveil than companies that let their stuff produce in poor third world countries by some child worker

nice logic

>> No.11976728

>im buying new balance shoes because some guy said it was the official shoe of white people also i have autism

>> No.11976738

more like a company that thinks there better than the others as they produce some of their shoes in a america. They are also salty over not getting a deal with the us government. The tpp only helps us as a country, but boomers are obsessed with muh jobs that pay like shit and will eventually be replaced by robots

>> No.11976773

I wonder if the people who lament a rising china and also oppose tpp realize it's entire reason for existence is to counter a rising china and prevent them from dominating influence over the region.

>> No.11976785
File: 872 KB, 750x725, 1452504661612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these hippies getting so mad lmao

>> No.11976786

nah, it only helps the economies of the countries with stronger industries, mainly companies that are already big in business and act global make money out of it.
normal people get fucked by contracts like tpp because it increases the cost for the nation and therefor the taxpayers due to arbitral courts and shit like that, moving jobs abroad is also easier for companies, so workplace protection and wages get lowered and also lowers standards for goods.

also see...

>> No.11976811

This is how you spent your Sunday? Sad.

>> No.11976813

Hate to take it to /pol/ levels of autism but .. ;c
I admire the people that are emotionally invested in politics on a surface level yet rather than to say something like "Since Trump has no experience in politics he is a weaker opponent" or "Crooked hillary for prison cuz muh T-t-ttrump ss-s-s-aid it!!!" also have amerifats youth always been this cucked ?

>> No.11976819

yeah, it's not like that there have been trading contracts between nations before that showed how fucking shit they are.
like Canada got sued by private companies after nafta because they the companies lost money and blamed it on canadas consumer/ product laws and regulations.
i wonder who has to pay for that.

>> No.11976823

Hint: comment was aimed at gullible niggas

>> No.11976945


Nice I didn't know that. I have 4 pairs btw

>> No.11977051
File: 43 KB, 600x800, 1432577161916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shitposting reatrds

have some japanese meme inspo OP


>> No.11977619
File: 247 KB, 1304x892, 4L_XEjJEse2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11977881
File: 855 KB, 864x1536, i wanttttt.g35n2kR-aoV1igBu8zIhZzgH_c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prolly gonna cop those

>> No.11978318
File: 128 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not signing TPP is going to fuck the US longterm.

>> No.11978360

pls what model are these
reverse image search comes out w/ nothing

>> No.11978760

Where I leave (Paris) NB are for young - middle aged bourgeois with no sense of fashion other than what is available is the trendy shops they encounter in their neighbourhood or on vacation.
Honestly I feel bad for anyone wearing these shoes. Wear any other brand of norm-core sneaker if you have to, but to me NBs are like you've given up on fashion without even realising it.

>> No.11978775

Is it worth to get one from ali

>> No.11979295

/pol/ is literally all up nb's dick now for just those reasons. next thing you'll tell me is that pol isn't actually racist

>> No.11979301

i gotchu bae
300 New Balance
http://www.newbalance.com/pd/300-New-Balance/889969708963.html?gclid=CPSb74GD-s8CFZQvgQodPqQPWw&ECID=ps_pla_channeladvisor&ef_id=WBFx5gAAAKSVv0WO:20161027031758:s#color=Light Grey_with_Blue&size=9&width=D

>> No.11980515
